/KDG/ Kingdom Death General

Get the Normies Out Edition

Old thread:
>wtf is kingdom death
A game by a company of the same name, released a few years ago. It has 12 expansions, and the core game is getting a reprint. It is on kickstarter now. kickstarter.com/projects/poots/kingdom-death-monster-15/description

>how does shipping work
Game will ship out in waves, starting in 2017, and ending in 2020. Each wave will have its own pledge manager, and you will pay shipping for it once they are ready to ship that wave.

>how do addons work
Just increase the amount you are pledging by the cost of the add on. For example, if you are backing at the $50 level, and would like the First Hero expansion ($35), you would leave your pledge LEVEL the same, but change the pledge AMOUNT to $85.

>do I need both the core game and the update pack?
The Kickstarter is to fund a new edition of the game. If you get the game through the Kickstarter, it will have the update pack already included. If you already own the core game, you need to by the update pack to make everything compatible.

>do I need the update pack to use new expansions?
We don't know yet, but that may be the case. Other way, there are no levels you can back at that don't include either the update pack, or the updated core game, so any base pledge you get will be compatible with the new expansions either way.

>FAQ from BGG

Other questions? lurk moar, ask if it hasn't been asked a million times before.

Have complaints about the minis being THICC?
Fuck off..

Other urls found in this thread:



0. Retail Lantern
-who are you???
1. Black Friday Gambler's lantern (me)
-We backed last time, we backed this time quickly. Truly the chosen ones.
2. Satan's Lantern
-We either didn't back last time, or we backed but missed out on several expansions or promos. However, we backed quickly this time around so that can be forgiven.
3. Black Friday Silver Lantern
-You backed last time, but are a coward and do not trust in the poots. At least you backed quickly.
4. Black Friday Gold Lantern/Gambler's second face
-Same as above but didn't back last time.
5. Silver Lantern
6. Gold Lantern/Ancient Gold
7. People who ask questions about VAT and Shipping
8. People who complain if there were less tiddies they would pledge
9. People who ask if they have to assemble models
10. People who talk in the theatre
N-1. Child Molesters
N. Twinplebs
-Bandwagoners to the core. Abominations that should not exist and must be shunned.

N+1. Forced memers.

So basically just pick up whatever new expansions I want as well as the most popular current ones

No, you should read through the posts and see what people say about them. Some add more content than others, and it isn't all the same kind of content.

Consensus on the tree, for example, send to be that it looks cool but is mostly a landmark

From what I understand highest priority should be Dragon King, Flower Knight, dung Beetle, and Gorm, as well as possibly Sunstalker

>what is the gamblers chest
A box that is basically a grab-bag of minis and variant rules. Adds classes and a new mechanic tied to a 5th player character. The contents of the box are already decided, Poots is just revealing a random item from it each day. We didn't get a reveal last time because he made a gamble that some people cheated on and STILL lost, and now a few of the spaces are "penalties". The rolls are not tied to the amount of money raised in any way.

>what are the penalties
We don't know yet, but will find out today. Most likely it's "No roll for today" and then that penalty is removed, or it will be "Reroll, won't show this result today". They will still be shown by the end of the campaign.

>what is the changelog
The change log is a list of changes in 1.5 to make the game better. They are NOT stretch goals. Poots originally planned to be secretive about them, and was going to reveal them at major milestones of the campaign. We hit every single one of those milestones in 19 minutes of the campaigns launch, and so he is just revealing one per day.

>are there any stretch goals
Kinda? There WERE, but the funding is so massively above what Adam had planned that he isn't posting them as stretch goals, because it would be absurd. Instead they are just addons. He seems to be revealing one per day, just like the changelog and gamblers rolls. It's a mix of pinups and expansions.

I love my beautiful laser wife

Manhunter seems to be very rare as well, only like 6 copies left in Australia.

Manhunter seems like guns Butcher how far off am I

Will it be a one time fight? The description kinda make it sound like one.

The node giving you 5 years to get his armor set makes me think no

I think it replaces the Watcher, so yeah.
Watcher has gone from being the final boss, to being "Shit has hit the fan, we endgame now. Prepare as quickly as possible and get moving." Screaming God fills the same role. The Parasite Queen might be a GSM replacement?

Description sounded like a Quarry to me. You wouldn't be angling to build armor sets from a one-time fight.

Might only get to battle Parasite Queen once though.

Why does everyone mention lasers in relation to the Screaming God? Did I miss something?

Is there a lore summary of this game?


Best archive there is, has a little more than Vibrant Lantern.

Update 9. Screaming God can scream lasers. or at least beams of destructive sound/light/parasites (I imagine that, much like the Dragon King being a walking nuke/microwave, this will be less silly in production)

Read update 9

It might not be crafted. While the lantern festival was still a thing, the Twilight Cloak made from the Watcher was going to come from a story event after killing it. Which still might be a thing actually.

Am I still stronk if I buy the core game off a buddy and am getting the update pack this time around?

>>use GW minis in KoD


cool by me

Can we actively discourage more pledges please?

When people ask stupid questions, be your usual charming self.

More money will actively make this KS worse at this point.

I have a question, is it hard to paint the models to look like stone figures? or something similar to the stile they show in the kickstarter page?

I have 0% experience painting models, but I´m a quick learner and stubborn as a rock.

They there, spiky haired person. Did you, by any chance, forgot to apply Principle from your first Intimacy roll on the second Intimacy roll (and thus killing the woman needlessly)?

Not even close.

>getting more stuff even if it's bad actively makes the old good stuff bad

Depends. You can always paint them grey then just dip in an ink of your choice.

You may find the tutorial from the person that painted the models on the Campaign Page useful.


It's a relatively simple process, the hardest part are the cracks, and if you're not sure you can pull that off, you can skip that step.

If you're quick learner as you say chances are you can learn to paint them proper before the kickstarter ships.

>No Armor Kit
>Instead we get "Narrative" sculpts
Why? A lot of the appeal of the game was the super customizable figures that could accurately portray a survivor with every single item. I get that the poses are nicer, but that is it.

>>No Armor Kit
>>Instead we get "Narrative" sculpts
Doesn't Screaming God update say you get armor kit?

I imagine Adam is getting spammed with the question, so a clarification will come at some point.

Poots has clarified in comments that armor kits will be made.

It's suspected that the switch to dynamic sculpts by default is because the quality of the minis is one of the big selling points as well, and you can get a WAY more interesting piece out of monopose than kits.


OH SHIT, Dude you just made my day.

I really want to pledge to this looks fun and interesting, how important are the expansions? Putting 750$ down right away to get all the old expansions is a bit pricey.

Happy to help user, good luck painting them.

As for your other question:
A successful campaign lasts 30 Lantern Years in version 1.5, each Lantern Year takes about 90-120 minutes to complete.
So you're looking at 45 to 60 hours for a successful campaign, not counting campaign failures along the way, as the game can be quite brutal.

There's a fair bit of replayability in the Core game itself already, and most expansions add choice onto or replace sections of the base campaign. There's a few that offer new starting conditions.
None of these are "essential", so yes pledging for the base game is a perfectly legit thing to do.

Expansions will be available at a later date, but at a higher price-point (they're at about 50% MSRP for the kickstarter).

They aren't necessary, but some that add on to the main campaign (Like the Dung Beetle Knight) can add variety and be fun.

>Illuminated Man
Does that mean we will get another dick to look at?

I've heard DBK is one of the best expansions out of curiosity is it the amount of options it adds or the narrative that makes it so great?

Core Game+Gamblers is 350 of that 750, the expansions represent $400 in the Ancient Gold.

You can have a ton of fun with just the core game but you might want some variety for replay. Ask yourself: What's that going to cost if you wait until retail? The Dragon God is 150 on his lonesome, the Sunstalker is another 100. Those give you alternate campaigns, which is awesome, and could provide alternate lategame hunts (more important now with post-Watcher content). The Gorm is 75 and everyone recommends it because you can fight it effectively from day 1 meaning you aren't locked into lions, making the early game more interesting. That's 325/400 in just the three top gameplay-improving expansions. Though they're also three of the more expensive, Ancient Gold Lantern gets you nine more xpacks for that last $75.

KS prices are a good deal.


No complaints here

You're assuming all MSRP, it seems likely that all the expansions will be available as addons at 50% off

This is true, at which point you save money versus Ancient Gold if you leave out both Lonely Tree and Lion God (Or equivalent value, but those are two of the three most forgettable, the last being Green Knight Armor) and add the rest to the lower pledge.


New Expansion hopes?

>Flower Witch
>Ringtail Fox with Campaign
>That thing from the KS Video
>Black Knights

>I know we're getting Frogdog odds-on but unless the pitch is REALLY great about what it brings mechanically, no thank you. It took forever and black friday to talk me into Gorm and Frogdog is a worse model.

If I'm only interested in core, box, all old expansions but lion god and wojack tree, and all new expansions, I'm probably best off keeping me Black Friday core + box pledge and adding the rest, aren't I

IIRC Flower Witch is not happening this KS.

>If I'm only interested in core, box, all old expansions but lion god and wojack tree, and all new expansions, I'm probably best off keeping me Black Friday core + box pledge and adding the rest, aren't I
sounds like it, yes.

Yeah sounds like you want BF Gold + Addons.

don't pledge, go away

Yeah, if we pass 10m, Poots will def take the $ and run.

....there is literally no way to know that at this point unless you are poots

There's been natter both ways. Poots has said that having Flower Witch and a bunch of disciples all in combat with separate AI decks would be unmanageable, but IIRC has also hinted that Flower Witch might be on the radar in some form.

So what exactly is people's problems with the Lion God? Everyone here is always down on it, but in reviews I find it tends to be fairly well liked. Most reviews say it is one the best fights in the game, just one that is super late game and ridonkulously hard. So it's basically a challenge fight for people who feel they're really good at the game and want something even harder than normal. At least, that's what I gather about it.

Manhunter reprint in this Kickstarter?

Sure, but just treat disciples like baby spiders, or have 1 deck for all of them.

Is this fun? I can't remember hearing anything other than pretty models

Too much money for one dight

Quite likely.
You can pretty much count on all old expansions getting a reprint if they're sold out.
They just haven't been revealed as potential add-ons.

>people who feel they're really good at the game
I never got that mind set. How can you be "good" at a highly luck and dice roll dependant game?
Sure you can take some precautions, but at the end all of it won´t help you if you just roll bad and draw Trap card after Trap card.

Just to make sure I get this right, Lantern level pledge is the 1.5 version of the game? So $70 gets me the base game?

You do not get this right; the Update Pack only contains the materials necessary to turn an existing core game into a 1.5 core game. You'll need to pledge at least at the $250 "Lantern" level to get the core game.

No, 250$ is base game

No, core is silver lantern and above, less then that is upgrades when you already have base

>It costs more money than a standard expansion
>The rewards suck, so you have little incentive to fight it
>Some folks REALLY dislike that model.

The fight is really cool and different... which is true of the Lonely Tree too. But like the Tree, it's got some serious problems at the metagame level. If Lion God came with an armor set that was competitive with Phoenix/Lantern it would be a good expansion poised to become great with +5-10 Lantern Years worth of endgame hunting. If it came with a campaign mode like the other two lategamers, Dragon and Sunstalker (which both ALSO had armor kits) it would be pretty great. I could really dig "people of the ruins" living in the dusty remnants of the slumbering Lion God's Silver City, insulated from much of the world but threatening to awaken the tormented creature, struggling to piece together the 'time before time' before they have to face its legacy.

But it's not and it doesn't. Honestly, it makes me sad, because I don't mind the model (The face/trunk thing going on is cool and the pose and scenic base is amazing) and love the lore/theme... but if I inserted it into a campaign playing to win it would just be left unhunted. The risk/reward is too bad.

Something like that could work. Simplify and abstract them. Maybe they could all share a pool of 20 or so HP and every 5 a disciple dies so you don't have to keep track of individual life. Then give them a shared ai deck and have them all take the same action each turn.

Also there's no $70 pledge level, there's 60 and then 185.

The Uprgrade Pack is just the changelog. the dollar value makes it worth it on its own, but it's like buying an expansion pack and not the bad game needed to run it.

Email poots he'll fix it

>It costs more money than a standard expansion
But that's wrong. It's $60 MSRP, so presumably $30 at the half-off price we're seeing (if it gets reprinted). It's actually one of the cheapest expansions of the lot.

Silver Lantern is Upgrade + Gambler's. "Lantern" (no modifiers) is Base Game. Everything above that with the exception of 777 Gambler's Lantern has base game.

Luck doesn't negate tactics; tactics mitigate luck. I bet you think Tetris is all luck because the Kill Sequence exists.

Hm, thought it was a $75 like Gorm. Serves me for replying without fact checking.

Honestly for $30 I might get lion god just to be xompletionist

Interestingly enough, of the $60 MSRP expansions the only one with armor sets is the Dung Beetle Knight. Flower Knight, Lion God, Lion Knight, Manhunter and Slenderman all lack armor sets.

Of the >$60 MSRP expansions, the only one that does not have armor sets is the Lonely Tree. Gorm, Spidicules, Sunstalker and Dragon King all have armor sets.

So really in terms of value, the outliers here are Dung Beetle Knight which has absurdly good value at $60 MSRP (Poots' favorite, so that should surprise nobody) and the Lonely Tree which has really bad value at $75 MSRP.

Lol, as much as I'd like to see an awesome Lion God I'm not that arrogant.

is there a hi res compilation of all the art cards that come with the pin ups, expansions ect?

anyone got a link to anything like that?


Lion god can be added to KS?

Which one?

go away

Yeah, could be a cool and unique fight IMO.

Persistent settlement events just last until the end of the current settlement or are they permanent

>not wanting Poots to put Exploding Kittens in its place.
What the hell is wrong you?

Another option is centering a whole campaign around it where you hunt individual Disciples first and deal with Witch as the final Nemesis.
Disciples could use common deck of moves /hit locations that will be extended by couple unique cards for each individual.

Attach a screenshot of your divine quads when you contact Poots, user.

Jesus Christ can you imagine the shitstorm if there is a Triplet Satan level???

We purepledges will be hunting them in the street.

fuck off. I want Poots to finish, and giving a lunatic way more money than he needs is a terrible idea.

Plus I hate all you retards and your retard questions.

>I could really dig "people of the ruins" living in the dusty remnants of the slumbering Lion God's Silver City, insulated from much of the world but threatening to awaken the tormented creature, struggling to piece together the 'time before time' before they have to face its legacy.

You know, this would only take 2-3 story events and a unique settlement location to make work. Even if Poots never did it himself, we could pretty easily put something together on our own.

That sounds rad.

I'd be down.

Someone should send these ideas to Poots. I would but don't want to admit I lurk Veeky Forums.

Mostly because it's a waste of a showdown. The gear you get from it is far worse than the gear you get from monsters of a similar level, and is riskier to get because of needing the sinkhole event. Your time is better spent fighting other things to prepare for endgame.

Had the expansion been a replacement for the Watcher, with the worm offered from an event earlier in the game and unlocking the ability to make the gear, instead of finding it, the expansion would have been much higher praised.

>Replaced Day 1/Lantern Hoard
>Customary 5LY Awakening Timer
>Endboss-level fight
>A couple intervening cool things, maybe to do with Pictographs (or some replacement/unique consequence thereof like "Hieroglyphics" for deciphering the past of the Silver City)
>Alternate timeline with these events and maybe the nemesis and nemesis-related events mixed up a bit

>4 twinplebs left

Could fight a powered down version of the Lion God (perhaps using mostly White Lion cards?) at around year 10ish, and tweak the rules for the worm for a bit. Have the final boss be two different Legendary Lion Gods, where the version you fight, and the ending you receive, is based on if a survivor is currently possessed by the worm.

Sounds pretty cool. I mean, in true KDM fashion the settlement would be hosed after defeating the True Lion God in any case, but it would be neat to have the difference between falling prey to the Necromancer Worm and sharing the Lion God's torment or escaping the crumbling ruins into the darkness beyond and an uncertain future (To become veteran survivors for First Hero?)

Kinda feel bad for those twitch people, Adam just threw those stakes on them without them knowing and now all the kickstarter commenters want their heads.

So here is how I would imagine it would work:

The survivors live in a relatively safe part of the ruins of the silver city, perhaps on its outskirts. They can often see or hear the lion god rampaging around, but by and large you are good at avoiding it.

You can leave the city to go and hunt quarry as normal. Other changes are as follows:

Your starting settlement location is the Silver City. You can 'Search the City' to gain scrap, a Silver strange resource, or trigger the Necropolis story event. For the purposes of Necropolis, the level of the lion god is whatever the highest version of the Lion God the settlement has beaten is.

You have two kinds of Nemesis fights. The first are 'Outsiders', which are people that come to the silver city seeking treasure or to fight the Lion God. You just happen to be in their way. Kingsmen coming to fight the Lion God work, I suppose the Butcher and the Hand are not terrible. Manhunter would be appropriate.

The other is to Challenge the God. Here you are required to fight and face the Lion God. Due to his immortality, he rarely stays dead for long. Beating the Lion God means you have control over more areas of the Silver City (represented as being able to go deeper on your Necropolis searches/getting a +X to your rolls to Search the City).

The game ends when you Take the City. Doing this requires enough gathered Silver from Search the City that you can make some kind of weapon that will kill the Lion God for real, and then fighting a special fight against the Lion God. If you win, your settlement takes control of the Silver City and now owns it and its secrets... knowing that unless they can keep it eventually others will come to take it from them once they learn of the Lion God's passing. So a note of major victory, but with uncertain future.

Ideally there would also be some settlement events where the Lion God barrels into your settlement or chases down a survivor. Just to be a nuisance.

Don't. Cheaters deserve no sympathy.

It wasn't exactly a fair challenge, but they spent their time capering about in onesies and self-promoting so don't feel TOO sorry for them.