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Punished Tzeenych: A Demon Deprived of His 'Ology edition

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The Dark Eldar strike first once again!

I just bought the tau start collecting box and I'm at a loss for what to equip my crisis suits with.

What's a good bread and butter build for the suits?

I'd rather not have to fuck around magnetising each weapon

You are a good Kabalite, I like you. I will grind you up to make combat drugs last.


I proclaim this to be the Misspelled Words Sub Edition

When in doubt, always take more missiles.

You're lying, I've seen Commando.

Just as planned.

Reposting for new thread feedback:

>Grand Coven Detachment
>War Cabal
Thousand Sons (5)- Rhino- 185
Thousand Sons (5)- Rhino- 185
Scarab Occult Terminators (5)- Spell Familiar- 265
Sorcerer- Additional Mastery Level, Spell Familiar- 115
Sorcerer- Additional Mastery Level, Spell Familiar- 115
>Legion Armoury
Chaos Vindicator- Daemonic Possession- 135

Huh. Only eight Mastery Level, four of which are wrapped up in Discipline of Change. I don't think it has the magical cojones to make up for the severe lack of models or special/heavy weapons. Maybe I could drop the extraneous Thousand Sons squad to add another battle tank and additional Mastery Levels for the Sorcerers?

Maybe 1000 is just too low of a points level for such an elite, expensive army.

Also on a side note, I used a Grotesquerie for the first time to surprising effectiveness(got +1 toughness) on Thursday, really liked it, but I STILL can't find a "role" for my Dark Artisan. They just end up deep striking, taking a quick pot shot at something and then awkwardly stand there waiting to die. Anyone care to add some input?

Reminder that pink, blue and brimstone horrors cannot roll on maleific daemonology, no amount of autistic rage will change this.

xth for I'll always be a kissless virgin, but at least I have my little plastic army men to keep me company

Digits of truth, but also, please leave this crap in the last thread. I don't want to listen to anymore whining from WAAC Chaosfags.

Let's talk about how to make 1ksons good without Daemons.

No more than one flier/flying monster
No riptide wing, free anything (including summoning), skyhammer or anything that allows charges out of deepstrike.

Stuff like that.

You fucking faggot leave that goddamn argument in the last thread FUCK YOU

Just summon a unit of Splitting Horrors :^)

Don't worry, GW will probably FAQ it eventually in their favor.

Insults aside I agree

Just for you, I hope Fires of Cyraxus introduces wings for the flying riptides.

Not having a harem of multiple polyamorous bisexual grillfriends who think your little plastic army men are cute and like to help you paint them while listening to the stories you made up about them

The inevitable FAQ will settle it, until then don't bring it up, 'friend'.

Is Deathwatch Overkill the best way to start a GSC army?

tzeentch equivalent of the lord of khorne on juggernaught with axe of blind fury. however he is a bit cheaper (but he can take way much more damage aswell)

exhalted sorceror, ML3, disc, homunculus. the AP2 force daemonweapon, aura of dark glory (allready in profile on him thankfully)
as "base" statline he got :
WS 5 BS 5 S4 T5 W3 I5 A3 LD10 SV3+/4++ Jetbike
can cast 4 powers a turn. activating force weapon gives him a 3++
rolling for the traitors hate equivalent of librarium disciple. going for:
-WC1 blessing +2 S,T,I,A
-WC2 blessing reroll saving throws
-WC 2 malefication -2 on enemys invulnerable saves
getting either one of the 2 above powers i a incredible powerboost.
baseline on the charge: 3 attacks base +1(2CCW) weapons, +1 (disc) +d6 + assault
gives him 7-12 attacks on the charge at S10 (LD10) against enemys LD (so you wound on 4+ at worst) dont forget its a force weapon.
thats without any blessings.
if he gets any of the 3 powers he can become a mix of smashfucker and the juggerlord while beeing faster. i love it

he will cost around 240 points though (close to smashfucker but can fuck up a wraithknight on the charge)

Man, someone has a lot of faith in new GW.

needs to burn one power for Tzeentch power, unless they change the rules

>Lying on the internet

This thread is off to a great start btw I foresee at 300 posts of people getting along with each other just fine.

This is disappointing, I was hoping to run exactly 1000 points of TSons. What if you dropped the Vindicator and 1 unit of Sons in favor of some Tzaangors and more mindbullets guys? Would that even fit?

You could have at least memed the dialogue.

the new discipline does not mention it. so i am quiet confident :)


Yes, especially if you can find a buddy who wants to start a Deathwatch army to split the box with.

>tfw I probably have the only copy of Prospero burns that's left to be uploaded, and it's on a flashdrive at my house.

Why'd I have to get stuck at a friends place.

Does anyone have a fresh prospero burns torrent or audiobook to upload to mega

>>Lying on the internet
I know there's absolutely no way I can convince you otherwise, but life is good, user. Some of us live the dream.

Okay guys, just heard the stupidest rumour.

>Next primarch release is Guiliman in a sort of dreadnight suit. Following him will be Ferrus! In short, his spirit lived on in the machine, so somehow he was cloned and is genetically reborn on Mars. Following those two is demon mortation.


Of all Primarchs.

What worries me is it's so stupid and so out of nowhere, it might be true.

People usually make up more believable bullshit.

Are horrors the ultimate tarpit now? What are the specifics of them splitting
Pinks charge in, some likely survive. Those that die turn into blues who wait their turn. When all the pinks die, blues go in.

Let it go and just accept that Sanguinus is gonna be the last one, guy. They'll finish all of the other primarchs, and then do like four or five more bullshit non-primarch characters in the primarch series, before they ever do Sanguinis.

It'll probably be Magus, Fulgrim, Mortarion, and Angron vs Corvus, Vulkan, Dorn, and Lion

headless horseman ferrus when

I'm gonna be kind of mad if we don't get to see Daemonlorgar.

Why is it that the imperium uses such old tech? or apparently old tech?

How is it that the lasgun that the imperial guard uses CANNOT be upgraded because no one knows how? What the fuck are tech priests doing all day?

I have just found it strange that technology is depicted as having stalled. Why has it stalled and why can't improvements be made?

i want to get into wh40k. So far i am interested in the Skitarii.
Are they a good choice?

I'm sure we will

Emps summoned him as a ghost in BL's latest novel. Ferrus is now his papa's stand.

It's literally heresy to fucking upgrade weapons in 40k. Everything has pieces of rampant ai in it, from boltguns, to laspistols. Just small enough to not fire when you want it to, fire to shoot in your foot if it doesn't like you, or explode if it really doesn't like you.

So no, you can't "upgrade" your lasgun, soldier, because then I'd have to wonder if it's going to shoot me while I turn my back doubly, and I'm going to have to kill you for making me consider that.

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

They're all confirmed to be around, but if they'll get models is another thing.

pic related.

Gotcha. Thanks.

>How is it that the lasgun that the imperial guard uses CANNOT be upgraded because no one knows how? What the fuck are tech priests doing all day?
>I have just found it strange that technology is depicted as having stalled. Why has it stalled and why can't improvements be made?
How much lore do you know? If you don't let me give you a brief run down. See #16 and #17? It's these edgelords' fault. They ruined so much of everything that the tech support of the Imperium got worse. There's these things called Machine Spirits, and brother, let me tell you that those things got to be revered. They're suffering from ptsd(well the tanks are), and you better be nice to the war vet that will snap and run you over with his treads. Also old tech tends to be better than new stuff.

>How is it that the lasgun that the imperial guard uses CANNOT be upgraded because no one knows how?

Nigga there are literally thousands of variants of Lasgun with different strengths and weaknesses. Some are little more than laser muskets, while others are fully automatic death-dealers built to withstand incredible punishment and are modular with dozens of attachments and upgrades like optics, grips, targeters, underslung grenade launchers, etc.

The reason the "base" lasgun has stayed where it is for the last few thousand years is because it works pretty damn well as is, and it's a quartermasters wet dream when it comes to repair, reloading, and maintenance, and they're produced in such massive quantities that even the smallest change in design can create massive overhead costs for the Forge World in question (an IRL example of this is the sugar industry - in theory, sugar should realistically cost about ~$.04 per pound more than it does, but that tiny four cent change creates millions of dollars in expenses for the sugar conglomerates). Even the smallest perceived changes have big repercussions at the macro level.

Is Peanut butter an approved paint for nids?

I don't see why not

I do want to know how to get stained glass windows like that.

Grey Knight player - using the Nemesis Strike Force detachment, are Land Raiders worth their points or should I just focus on spending those points on more marines and using Deep Strike and gate of infinity to get around the table?


it's an old oop terrain piece, maybe 3.5 to 4th?

I still read the whole thing every time.

Clear plastic cut to shape with an ink/wash/glaze over it. Have fun.

I don't know if the manager at our store put it together or if it was made by someone else. I'll ask and see next time I'm in. And please note the Flying Hive Tyrant being a cunt and spoiling my shots from my Russes.

>Peanut butter jelly time nids

The Imperium doesn't know shit about technology. It's built on the decaying body of the once-great human empire.

Everything went to shit during the Age of Strife, and humanity pretty much forgot all about how technology works.

We were starting to get a leg up when the Emperor was around, and shit was going good for a while.

But then that faggot Horus fucked everything up and now we're fighting and endless war 24/7 against xenos and chaos.

>What the fuck are tech priests doing all day

Singing hymns to the Omnissiah, which are more or less operating manual instructions made gospel.

Tech-Priests aren't engineers, or scientists. They're ITs. They know JUST ENOUGH to fix your Land Raider, or power armor, or whatever, into working condition. They can also follow instructions from the few blueprints that humanity still has from the Golden Age of Technology to create more vehicles, arms, and armor. That's it.

And I know you might be thinking..

>well, why don't they try and re-learn the old technology? or build new inventions

Because they're busy fueling an endless war effort, struggling desperately to survive. There's literally no time to put towards trying to research machines that might get pissed that you're poking around in them and decide to kill you (machine spirit is literally just rogue AI left over from the Age of Strife, which was a time when AI-driven machines rose up against the humans Terminator-style).

The only quest for knowledge left in the universe is the quest to find intact STCs. The Admech has a raging hardon for finding them some STCs.

Any new rumors for the Traitor Legions supplement?
The book I'm guessing I should have bought instead of Traitor's Hate?

You buy Traitors hate for its formations, Traitor Legions will include updated rules for much more, including the new Kharn (which was updated in Traitors Hate)

>Any new rumors for the Traitor Legions supplement?
Probably next week. It's released on the 10th.

>The book I'm guessing I should have bought instead of Traitor's Hate?

They're playable. Not as EZ mode as space marines or as broken as Tau but playable. At higher points costs they start to lose their viability because they don't have strong but expensive units that can be fielded like Ripitides or fleets of Land Raiders. You'll want to take allies at higher points.

Is there any character in 40k lore greater than pre-retcon-faggotry Ollanius Pious?

>He's spent months fighting a grueling war in which his enemies are demigods allied with daemons, and now he's found himself in the closest thing to Hell he's ever known. He probably wasn't even supposed to get teleported up to the arch-traitor's battle barge in the first place, and just ended up in the wrong place at the worst possible time.

>Somehow he's survived horrors beyond comprehension to make his way to the very bridge of Horus' flagship. He saw a veritable angel call upon Horus to answer for his crimes, and he saw that angel die as messily as any guardsman. His Emperor - who he fervently believes is a god incarnate, even if he's not supposed to - lies mortally wounded, and Horus, perhaps, has taken a moment to gloat before he strikes the killing blow.

>His armor is slightly more effective than tissue paper, his weapon slightly more powerful than a flashlight. A single electrified claw from Horus' weapon is bigger than his entire body. He stands before a being infused by the dark gods' with incalculable power, that can and will obliterate his soul with no more effort than it would take him to swat a gnat. Nothing he can do could possibly make a difference.

>He could run. He could turn his weapon on himself. He could give in to the insidious whispers that echo from the ship's corridors into his mind.

>Ollanius Pius does the duty his Emperor requires of him. He dies standing and holds the fucking line.

Well Imperial Knights are about as fluffy of big stompy allies for AdMech as you could possibly get.

Pius is a boring meme and I'm glad he was retconned into being just a mythological figure for Guardsmen to look up to

I just find it a bit of a stretch that a lone guardsman would be in the emperor's boarding party, and survive the bogs of plague flies that were inside Horus's ship.

>Why has it stalled and why can't improvements be made?

Except for a very few select groups (Deathwatch and Inquisition, maybe some others), innovation is proscribed as heresy.

the psycker rule is under marks i think, so if it refers to CSM codex, you'll be out of luck

I'm the lad who had the shit tau list yesterday.

How is this? (1998 pts)

Hunter Contingent

Commander Shadowsun (1) - 145pts
1 Commander Shadowsun

XV8 Crisis Bodyguards (2) - 124pts
2 Crisis Bodyguard: 2 Fusion blasters

Hunter Cadre

Commander (1) - 120pts
1 Commander: Crisis battlesuit,Command and Control Node,Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite

Strike Team (5) - 45pts
5 Fire Warrior: Pulse rifle

Strike Team (5) - 45pts
5 Fire Warrior: Pulse rifle

Strike Team (5) - 45pts
5 Fire Warrior: Pulse rifle

XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (3) - 156pts
3 Crisis Shas'ui: 2 Plasma rifles

Drones (4) - 56pts
4 MV7 Marker Drone: Markerlight

Drones (4) - 56pts
4 MV7 Marker Drone: Markerlight

Drones (4) - 56pts
4 MV7 Marker Drone: Markerlight

XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (3) - 195pts
3 Broadside Shas'ui: Twin-linked high yield missile pod,Twin-linked smart missile system

Optimised Stealth Cadre

XV25 Stealth Battlesuits (3) - 90pts
3 XV25 Stealth Shas'ui: Burst cannon

XV25 Stealth Battlesuits (3) - 90pts
3 XV25 Stealth Shas'ui: Burst cannon

XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuits (1) - 165pts
1 XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit: Two MV5 Stealth Drones,Cyclic ion raker,Twin-linked fusion blaster,Early warning override,Velocity tracker

Armoured Interdiction Cadre

TX7 Hammerhead Gunship (3) - 480pts
1 TX7 Hammerhead Gunship: Railgun with submunition rounds,Twin-linked smart missile system,Longstrike,Disruption pod
2 TX7 Hammerhead Gunship: Railgun with submunition rounds,Twin-linked smart missile system,Disruption pod

TX78 Sky Ray Gunship (1) - 130pts
1 TX78 Sky Ray Gunship: Twin-linked smart missile system,Disruption pod

When all the TSons stuff I ordered gets here what army should I start with the money i'll get for returning all of it?

>powergaming faggot mad that tsons are mid tier instead of OP

Eldar or Tau would be more to your liking

>ordering shit just to return it immediately
why do you exist

If the 1KSons went to Slaanesh instead of Tzeench would they have become Lubricae instead of Rubricae?

You could try buying a pair of balls instead you powergaming faggot.

>mid tier
More like mid-low tier with GK and BA

This update only served to make Tzeentch daemons fucking insane, and they were already the most viable daemons

>Just spend $500 on an army and spend hundreds of hours painting it to just loose all the time


Why are there so many people on Veeky Forums who only care about tournaments and meta?

This hobby is about hanging out with friends, assembling, painting, converting models, playing fun games.

You should play Thousand Sons because you like their models, play style, and story - not because of tournaments.

Sup Veeky Forums, I just got back from a whole day of Apocalypse at the local geedubs. Their event today was called "Tanksgiving", in which everyone just brought every last one of their tanks/walkers in their collection, and we all put them on the table along with some vague semblance of balance. Nobody gave a fuck about the points cost, so long as the tables were plastered in models apparently. My own team had 6 people to the other team's 8, while I brought only a measly 7 dreadnoughts, along with a whole bunch of other tanks(mostly razorbacks) to function as chaff. I also brought a Stormlord that I bought off second-hand a few weeks ago. My buddy brought easily 10k worth of SPESS WOLVES tanks/walkers/imperial knights, so he loaned me a Baronial Court to use for my side of the board.

Pic related, it's the board at the start of turn 1. Not shown: All ~50 of the Leman Russ's and Deldar Raiders sitting in reserves. We had two whole tables put together, and had roughly 15 superheavies.

Why the flying fuck cant magnus just draw from all psychic disciplines?

They're not even close to that bad, holy shit.

This army will shit on plenty of mid-tier ones with a good list.

you know, you get to decide if you want to play a game and you can ask your opponent not to be a dickhead.

Tournaments are full of assholes who bring terrible lists and can only get games because you're basically forced to play them or concede.

Don't forget that 8th edition is coming and is expected to change a lot about the game. You'd be a fool to pick an army based on the state of the game now.

Not even friendly games arent fun if one side just gets destroyed with no contest at all

Starting to collect an army for the first time, went with Necrons. What am I in for?

If I split Dark Vengeance with a friend, and I take the Chaos stuff, what do I buy next to flesh out a Khorne Daemonkin army?

>only playing against waac faggots in a game that hasn't been balanced since it was created in the 80s

found your problem OP

you're a retard

Not dying. You can just walk up the field and watch your opponents forces slowly(read:rapidly) dwindle.

I play Blood Angels and Grey Knights. I play them because I love their tactics and models and I love assault focused armies.
Rules change all the time, pick an army you like - not because it's "competitive."

Throw out everything and buy berzerkers, posessed, chaos spawn and 8 bloodthirsters

Very solid hard to kill, lower top tier beginner army with less room for improvement through better skill than some others.

Until they fucked him and made him a perpetual and whatnot.

Also he wasn't in the barge, his story came from back when the canon was still that Horus invaded earth.

has the ending leaked yet?

So Brimstones are only available through the Silver Tower game. If you restrict the Daemon player to need to have bought all the blues and Brims to field his army.
Say 80 Pinkies, splits to 160 blues and 160 Brims.
If he takes the icon thats a 320 Blues and 320 Brims.
Thats 80 Silvertower boxes, 8400£ / 9898€ / 10485 $.
That should stop them.


Even the cool looking Chaos Lord?

Remind me, wasn't the "old" rumor that this thing was going to have formations to, the hope being that they'd make cult troops worth taking in some respect?

Hate has some "okay" formations that are "fun." Unfortunately the price for that is getting your face smashed in by anything remotely competitive.

>hundreds of hours painting a low model count elite army

he wasn't just retconned to that, he was retconned to
>an imperial fist terminator
>a custodes
>a perpetual
I dont think anyone really knows what he is now

Sorry for the grainy photo. Here's my opponent's side of the field. He had 4 superheavies on this side of the board to my 3, so I had to make-do with what I had.

On turn 1, I used lots of pie-plates to try and suppress his tanks, mostly focusing on suppressing his gunline. I inflicted Crew-shaken/stunned on all of his basilisks, while taking out two of his three defilers with the BRRRRRRRRRRRT-tank. My Leviathan dropped right next to his defiler, but he stayed inside his drop pod to try and tank enemy fire on their turn. My whole plan had me running all 5 of the razorbacks as Chaff, so they formed a wall that the superheavies would have to destroy in order to get to the meaty bits of my army.

Sure enough, on their turn, my side of the field had 3 superheavies charge straight at my tanks, while the knight and a defiler tried to kill my leviathan. The Leviathan ate the entirety of my opponent's gunline, while only losing 2 hull points. The defiler dies to overwatch from FATMAN, while the knight then eats 4 hull points from my leviathan, as FATMAN makes all his invuln saves against the almighty D.

Slow, resilient, ranged focus, except for one unit (wraiths) shit in melee.
No psykers.
Don't be an asshole and spam wraiths and people will be fine with you.

convert them from nurglings

or literally anything, they're just balls of fire

Don't allow converts or proxies. Done.

He's currently a perpetual. That's all.

The story about him being on the Vengeful Spirit (as opposed to Horus' bunker) in the first place makes no sense in the current canon and reeks of Sueishness anyway. I'm glad he was changed.