Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

>Half, Full, and 3/4ths Dragon edition
What types of Half dragon shinanigans have you been put through. or caused

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

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>Pregnant Bondage Teifling Paladin. And the father is a dragon. And the mother is An Agathion-blooded Aasimar built like a cow.. And the magical pregnancy transfer was done as the mother was dying, because she was the paladin's twin sister (and an antipaladin). And now she's heading to Sandpoint to get some drama out of her life at this festival they're throwing! But then she meets her mom who is a Kellid woman from Hermea who's womb was blessed by the divine, now the Pregnant Bondage Paladin has discovered she's a nascent deity, and her half-giant boyfriends are annoyed she's pregnant but understanding of the situation. But her mom has been fucking her Half-Giant Boyfriends! And now she's got a least three half giant siblings on the way! What a week!

Just this, OP.

No, end this now.

Does Roil Dancer stack with Avant Guard?
If it does, do they work well together or is it a mishmash of shit?

So the old thread died before I could get a reply

So I'm planning on running Rappan Athuk (Or rather, a portion of it over Christmas that may be continued)

Any tips from people who've formerly run it? Mainly looking for how players responded to the lethality and how you made an engaging story of the dungeon aside from "Go down, kill Orcus"

For reference my players have about 2-3 years of experience with tabletop, mostly in pathfinder and shadowrun.

> not getting the most recent one.

>Pregnant Bondage Teifling Paladin. And the father is a dragon. And the mother is An Agathion-blooded Aasimar built like a cow.. And the magical pregnancy transfer was done as the mother was dying, because she was the paladin's twin sister (and an antipaladin). And now she's heading to Sandpoint to get some drama out of her life at this festival they're throwing! But then she meets her mom who is a Kellid woman from Hermea who's womb was blessed by the divine, now the Pregnant Bondage Paladin has discovered she's a nascent deity, and her half-giant boyfriends are annoyed she's pregnant but understanding of the situation. But her mom has been fucking her Half-Giant Boyfriends! And now she's got a least three half giant siblings on the way! And, to top it all off, she's angered a witch who has cursed her to have a sexual attraction to animals! If that wasn't enough, She's starting to have baby cravings, and because she's pregnant with dragon, She's compelled to eat several times her body weight in food.

They stack, although it's very awkward to play until mid-levels due to not actually having a blast to Roil Dance with.

What's your thoughts on Summoners /pfg/?

Either the class itself or things like Monster Tactician or Occultist Arcanist.

I hate having to control a bunch of things, so I don't like stuff like that.

Roil Dancer has a feat to fix that!

I got it from the humble bundle, but it is in the trove 3rd Party>Necromancer Games. Make sure you pick up the tome of horrors from there too because you'll need it

Where did you get Rappan Athak? Is it in the trove?

What happens if someone takes the Ancestral Weapon or Heirloom Weapon traits via the Extra Traits feat? Could a Bladebound Magus apply it to their black blade?

I got it from the humble bundle, but it is in the trove 3rd Party>Necromancer Games. Make sure you pick up the tome of horrors from there too because you'll need it

>Pregnant Bondage Teifling Paladin. And the father is a dragon. And the mother is An Agathion-blooded Aasimar built like a cow.. And the magical pregnancy transfer was done as the mother was dying, because she was the paladin's twin sister (and an antipaladin). And now she's heading to Sandpoint to get some drama out of her life at this festival they're throwing! But then she meets her mom who is a Kellid woman from Hermea who's womb was blessed by the divine, now the Pregnant Bondage Paladin has discovered she's a nascent deity, and her half-giant boyfriends are annoyed she's pregnant but understanding of the situation. But her mom has been fucking her Half-Giant Boyfriends! And now she's got a least three half giant siblings on the way! And, to top it all off, she's angered a witch who has cursed her to have a sexual attraction to animals! If that wasn't enough, She's starting to have baby cravings, and because she's pregnant with dragon, She's compelled to eat several times her body weight in food and she just doesn't feel comfortable sitting or laying on anything without at least a thin layer of gold coins on it.

I like Summoners in the sense that you're essentially building a monstrous PC, or otherwise one that can defy size and attack restrictions that a "normal" PC has. The amount of customization options is pretty cool.

Don't like a lot of other parts of them, though. Hate playing the Summoner itself or relying on Summon Monster spells because then you're completely dominating the action economy, so you're either the one the other players complain about or you're all waiting for That Guy to finish his turn(s).

what the fuck is this garbage.

"Ironic" shit fetish posting.

Some idiot asked for memes last thread, and people kept adding stupid shit to a character idea.
Svana has found a way to spend 1000 gp, I suppose that she can spend the last 1740 gp on fancy fluffy dresses and stuff whenever she can.

Well you could buy 174 pounds of chocolate bars.

got a traveller's any tool and sleeves of many garments yet?

>tfw want to play a Nameless One in a game
>doubt anyone would want to play with him

The entire idea is an "always armed and competent". A melee specialized toxicant alchemist + broodmaster summoner.

That's part of "and stuff" of course!
Those are for nerds, Svana doesn't need that crur!

A girl has a name anyway.

Wrong reference, I know.

What feats does a PsyArm need?

Maybe this Time if kurgess wills it.

Human (ulfen) 15 point buy skald(spell Warrior)/lore warden fighter/spherewalker

Main idea of the build is to compensate the lack of damage from feats and spells with the free enhancements I get from the spellwarrior inspire rage replacement which allows me to get +1 worth of special abilities (early on when my skald level is below 5 when it increases to +2 and +1 more every 5 levels), including distance to compensate throwing, and from spherewalker I get free returning for starknives. Most of the damage then would come from the bane I'll get for the weapons and any specials I can milk from the inspire rage. Spells would grow as normal from spherewalker and so would bab. Mainly asking if spherewalker first 2-4 levels are worth the feats it requires and if the class feats are worth the investment. Going to dip into fighter anyway to allow me access into combat feats to boost my offense as most of my spells will be used for countering, another feature of spellwarrior. Stats are still under consideration as I am torn between dex for ranged and more defense and str for a bastard sword build if the spherewalker idea falls through.

Thoughts, suggestions, memes?

1pp only

Any thoughts if this would


If you want to use starknives, you can monofocus charisma; there's feats that open up cha to attack and damage with them, though I do not remember the names offhand.

i think its in the inner sea temples book?

Is it possible to romance abrograil thrune in HV?

I am really torn. A big part of me wants to play a Toxicant Alchemist||Serial Killer Vigilante the rest of me is saying Insinuator Anti-paladin||Destined Bloodrager, and ANOTHER part of me is saying Vow of Poverty LE Monk (asking to use 3.5 Vow of Poverty) || Ascetic Oracle.

Advise me friends.

Also the Iron Gods and Mummy Mask games.

In Iron Gods I am seriously considering a Savage Technologist + True Primitive Barbarian.

In Mummy's Mask I was going to play a Ravenlord Harbinger.

Advise me friendos.

You can, but why would you want to get Queen Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way when you could have anyone else?

By the strictest of definitions, the variant weapon and armor proficiencies might prevent you from taking both the barbarian archetypes in your Iron Gods idea--make sure your GM will allow it.

Any reason why you don't Toxicant+Vivisectionist?
Need the bombs?

>Pregnant Bondage Teifling Paladin. And the father is a dragon. And the mother is An Agathion-blooded Aasimar built like a cow.. And the magical pregnancy transfer was done as the mother was dying, because she was the paladin's twin sister (and an antipaladin). And now she's heading to Sandpoint to get some drama out of her life at this festival they're throwing! But then she meets her mom who is a Kellid woman from Hermea who's womb was blessed by the divine, now the Pregnant Bondage Paladin has discovered she's a nascent deity, and her half-giant boyfriends are annoyed she's pregnant but understanding of the situation. But her mom has been fucking her Half-Giant Boyfriends! And now she's got a least three half giant siblings on the way! And, to top it all off, she's angered a witch who has cursed her to have a sexual attraction to animals! If that wasn't enough, She's starting to have baby cravings, and because she's pregnant with dragon, She's compelled to eat several times her body weight in food and she just doesn't feel comfortable sitting or laying on anything without at least a thin layer of gold coins on it. She's starting to be concerned about all this, mostly because her wings are getting bigger and she *knows* she didn't have claw-like nails before all this started.

Oh it should also be Vivisectionist. I forgot.

That's, I'd have to ask, same with using 3.5 VoP.


Just need to get art for this and we have a Mascot for /pfg/

Those feats would make the starknives viable. If the names come up, do post. Especially if you can find them on nethys

I suppose? Technically?
I'm more or less still in the midst of updating her design and the last time I asked it was pretty late in the thread and late at night.

i'm sure the book is on the trove

On phone so no access

pull it up when you get home then.

No Internet, only phone, leeching neighbors who have open WiFi and computer hates WiFi

Which book is it? I don't think it's in Inner Sea Temples


I think part of it is a divine fighting style option? Ah, yeah, here.

way of the shooting star.

To the Draw threads!!

Ooh, super neato. Thank you thank you!

You're a real sweetheart, you know that?

I'm too broke to commission it, user, or I would! Maybe someone should take it to a drawthread on /d/ or /aco/? Or trash!

>Pregnant Bondage Teifling Paladin. And the father is a dragon. And the mother is An Agathion-blooded Aasimar built like a cow.. And the magical pregnancy transfer was done as the mother was dying, because she was the paladin's twin sister (and an antipaladin). And now she's heading to Sandpoint to get some drama out of her life at this festival they're throwing! But then she meets her mom who is a Kellid woman from Hermea who's womb was blessed by the divine, now the Pregnant Bondage Paladin has discovered she's a nascent deity, and her half-giant boyfriends are annoyed she's pregnant but understanding of the situation. But her mom has been fucking her Half-Giant Boyfriends! And now she's got a least three half giant siblings on the way! And, to top it all off, she's angered a witch who has cursed her to have a sexual attraction to animals! If that wasn't enough, She's starting to have baby cravings, and because she's pregnant with dragon, She's compelled to eat several times her body weight in food and she just doesn't feel comfortable sitting or laying on anything without at least a thin layer of gold coins on it. She's starting to be concerned about all this, mostly because her wings are getting bigger and she *knows* she didn't have claw-like nails before all this started. Or scales growing all over her body.

>tfw you be a steelfist warlord styled as a banchou in a duo app with a qt mage maiden that you would protect.
>she will never try to get you to stop being violent despite your insistance that "Violence is the path of a man!"
>you will never defend her honor from other thugs
It's an abstract kind of feel.

user please, it's too much.

Make the banchou for HV or ROTJR!

Reminder that there is a Talent in the Alteration Sphere Talent that is straight up called "Bully"

It allows you to knock nerds over, and push and pull them around


We need a clean version if she's going to be our mascot.

Take it to all of them. Veeky Forums, /co/, /aco, /d/... All of them.

seems like it'd fit in HV

How about no

So, what's the most bully build we can have?

>Bully social trait
>Pummeling Bully
>Bully Talent

That is perfect, it will make the build viable

On the phone, so imagine a cute anime girl thanking you.jpg here (awoo optional)

But he's CG.

And I'm super busy with school and my first RotJR app, otherwise I would.
I still might though.

>ywn have your "old man" tell you to fix your life
>your old man will never actively try to set you up with the mage
>ywn defend the shopping district that the mage lives in from other rival gangs

he could be worked in HV as something evil.

she also cannot control when or where she farts, because she's pregnant and emotional this makes her cry

I think half orcs get racial feats or traits built around bullying


ok. I make no promises about other anons though.

As the person who's posted all the descriptions thus far this thread.

Congratulations, user, you've out-shitposted me; I cannot continue with the awful taste you have left in my mouth. If that was your goal, you have succeeded, and I salute you.


Ironic fetishposting is still fetishposting


So the shitposting ends not with a bang OR a whimper, but with a toot?

Okay, the farting is too far, and it's nothing to do at all with /pfg/ memes.
I say we veto that shit fetish out

Hurting others for your own gain? That ain't the path of man! You have to fight for what you believe in! What you want to protect! And you don't fight because you want to, you fight because you have to!

I am slain. Well done sir. you've killed me with raw bleugh

That's not even my fetish though. it's just from this image.


but user

Fighting feels fucking amazing

user, you are not being the person kurgess knows you can be

No i'm not but Zon-Kuthon and I get along great

Of course it does. That's how you achieve your hopes and dreams. The world isn't going to jsut give them to you. Fighting your way to the top is pushing against that. But stepping on other's dreams when you could help them climb to the top too, that just ain't cool.

but what if my dream involves stepping on others, including their dreams

Beware, the Strong Man's greatest champion will beat you fairly if you continue on this forsaken path

but user

I'm number one


No, that would imply competence. Instead

you are a pirate

How would you even stat Sportacus and Robbie Rotten?

Why out of combat movement rules are so retarded?
So essentially you can run (x4) your CON turns, and then per extra turn you have to roll Fort vs DC 10 (+1 per extra turn). So as long as you save you can run indifenitely, even if you fail you only have to move for 10 minutes up to x2 and after that you can run again, rinse and repeat.

No, Hustle (x2), if you Hustle continuously for more than 1 hour you take 1 non lethal damage and are fatigued (-2 Str/Dex can't charge or run), another hour means 2 damage, another one 4, etc.

This is stupid, it's easier/less tiring to just run like a retard rather than walk fast.

Why is Robbie Rotten a thing?

Then I'm going to body your ass for trying to get in the way of the hopes of good people. People that aren't violent like you or I! We'll find out who's right through our fists!

Yar har fiddly-dee

Compare hustle to run

Run you can maybe do for a minute or two

Hustle you can do for HOURS.

Part memes, part cancer awareness. Robbie Rotten's actor has cancer, and some used the meme to push to get funds for him and his recovery.

They said that when he'd get better, they'd do a live version of We are number one.

its a decent meme shockingly.

Eh, screw it, I'm over my disgust but am ignoring previous posts that disgusted me.

>Pregnant Bondage Teifling Paladin. And the father is a dragon. And the mother is An Agathion-blooded Aasimar built like a cow.. And the magical pregnancy transfer was done as the mother was dying, because she was the paladin's twin sister (and an antipaladin). And now she's heading to Sandpoint to get some drama out of her life at this festival they're throwing! But then she meets her mom who is a Kellid woman from Hermea who's womb was blessed by the divine, now the Pregnant Bondage Paladin has discovered she's a nascent deity, and her half-giant boyfriends are annoyed she's pregnant but understanding of the situation. But her mom has been fucking her Half-Giant Boyfriends! And now she's got a least three half giant siblings on the way! And, to top it all off, she's angered a witch who has cursed her to have a sexual attraction to animals! If that wasn't enough, She's starting to have baby cravings, and because she's pregnant with dragon, She's compelled to eat several times her body weight in food and she just doesn't feel comfortable sitting or laying on anything without at least a thin layer of gold coins on it. She's starting to be concerned about all this, mostly because her wings are getting bigger and she *knows* she didn't have claw-like nails before all this started. Or scales growing all over her body. She realizes what is happening to her, but for some reason finds that it turns her on.


ironic shitposting is still shitposting user.

sugoi. Lets have fun hurting eachother.

You didn't listen, after those two minutes (my current char can run for like 4) you only need to move 10 minutes at x2 speed, then you can run again
This is 4 minutes at x4 + 10 minutes at x2 + 4 minutes at x4 + 10 minutes at x2. In one hour is 5x4x4+4x10x2 = 160 compared to 60x2 = 120, and in the first you don't end fatigued neither get non lethal damage, seriously, why should I full hustle at all?