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So this is a thing.

So smug.

I actually thought i was watching gay porn for a few seconds there great job GW

Reposting from last thread.
Ok, I'm probably getting a Baneblade variant of some kind to add to my armies come Christmas.
Thing is, I've never magnetised a model before, and I would like to get as much as possible out of the model, given that it's a tad expensive.

Is magnetising models a simple enough process?
I can follow a YouTube tutorial as well as the next man, but I'd like to know if I am likely to horrifically maul my first ever Superheavy if I screw it up at all.

>hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, the 'eavy metal club is two blocks down.


How do I equip a chaos space marine sorceror of slaanesh these days

>It may have been the wrong door at first, but now the back door feels so right.

Force sword, use him to outskill marines with his one point higher initiative.

>Modern GW led by Eddie and Rob are now full on memers

you can say whatever you want, GW under Kirby definitly has humor

What powers should I use to buff my noise marines

this is for a fluffy army

The slaanesh discipline is actually p good if you take noise marines; You want the malediction that boosts noise weapon STR and stacks with itself.

How long until they reopen their youtube comments?


Is there any word of boxes for Blue Horrors and/or Brimstone Horrors?

Gotta get my split on.

>Though Purge is going to be even more one sided against me.
WFH for 10, 3 being Pinks, which boils down to 9+ KP from them alone.

>Kinda wish instead of making new units the Blue / Brimstones join the Pink Horrors with an additional line thrown in to Split
>Regardless of Majority, the unit is always considered T3 if at least one Pink Horror is alive or T2 if at least one Blue Horror is alive and no Pink Horrors are alive. Wounds are always allocated to Pink Horrors first, regardless of poisitioning and if no PH are alive allocated to Blue Horrors over Brimstones.

Clunky wording, but gist is that all the Horrors stay in the same unit and all PH have to die before Blues can be killed and all Blues have to be killed before Brimstones can die. Always using the highest Horror Toughness. Less abuse on WC bullshit.

>big black can
>puny white can
/pol/ was right.

when Grognard will stop shitting up yt comments

That won't happen until GW stops shitting up the game.

yt comments are cancer, and its refreshing that GW also realizes this

next edition will fix everything! We just have to play the waiting game and not die before it comes out.

>20 man unit of Pink Horrors manifests Possession, spawning a D-thirster, while under the effects of the Exalted Locus of Conjuration
>a 40 man unit of Blue Horrors is placed in addition to the D-thirster
Oh baby, I hope my LGS is ready for some homebrew CSM, because the alternative is a metric fuck load of Horrors.

Yeah, the people responsible for Pink Horrors splitting will totally make a fun, balanced ruleset.

They at least could make a fun ruleset and thats ALL that matters.


If you're playing a weaker army you should take more points, it makes the game better.

What about the Pink Horrors splitting rule seems fun to you? Can you imagine how much a massive, overpowered mess the game would be if someone actually played with it?


13 culexus for 1820
Eat their mind powers!

EZ kill points my man, they eat shit to fucking GEQ. Serve them some pie

i meant Alpha kevin(Rountree) , not kirby

>Warpflame Host
Herald of Tzeentch- Exalted Locus of Creation- ~70
9x Pink Horrors (11)- 99x9- 891
Chaos Furies- 35

That's 99 Pink Horrors that, when killed, turn into a total of 396 Blue Horrors. In order to shoot that list of the table, you need to kill 496 bodies with a 5++ that reroll 1's, all of which are Psykers.

This is the smiling fun face of the new Games Workshop. Do things look better yet?

>It's GW's fault i type autistic, rude comments like the sperg i am when given the chance

No John, you are the faggot

You forgot the 792 brimstone horrors

NO ONE is going to let that rule stand and gw will see the error in their ways

You missed the part where not even the most Sadistic fuck would enjoy moving that many models around in actuality. That and the moment you pop the lid on your horrors case your opponents probably gonna walk away

blue horrors turn into one brimstone base when they die

So with all the gained information so far. What is the minimum requirements needed to field a Battleforged Army that has a Magnus?

but two under the effects of the locus

>a Magnus

chaos lord, 2 units of cultists, magnus in a CAD

what do you think about unpainted army ?
do you play your army unpainted ?

can horrors even damage vehicles?

a smart person would just push them around the table with tanks, otherwise ignoring them

If somebody actually had this shit all painted, fuck yeah i would love to at least see it on the table.

In short, if someone want's to be a cunt they better have every horror model painted and accurate (so you can tell which type of horror it is)

Which of course no one, especially not meme-lords on Veeky Forums will actually bother doing

I did. It's important to note that almost everything will cause Instant Death to them since they're Toughness 1.

>GW will see the error in their ways
Anyone with more than a couple brain cells to rub together would immediately notice that the Split rule is obscene.

I don't look forward to having to reassure my opponents that I don't even own any Blue/Brimstone Horrors.

I should have probably mentioned Ideally with Tsons attachments to keep it semi fluffy.


Very very few players will invest the time and money into an army like that just to play a couple of games before noone wants to play against it.

That formation wont be allowed in tournaments.

>HQ: Sorcerer 60pts
>Troop ×2: Cultists (50pts×2) 100pts
>LoW: Ol' One Eye

So probs in 750 or less.

that's old news bruh

my army usually consists of some painted models, many half painted models and many unpainted models, but usually they are at least primed.
I would prefer playing painted armys, but i am slow and i buy to much stuff
Halflings, too

They generate powers from change.
which has:
2-4d6 s5 shots
s5-10 ap2 beam
s5-10 ap1 blast
summon a assault d3 18" lascannon
sD weapon
and all these have +1strength in a warpflame host, with a further +1s if the herald takes the appropriate locus (but lets be real, people will only take the doublesplit one)

>inb4 next edition has the AoS summoning rule, making the split rule basically useless

but they only generate one charge a unit, yeah?


You need to take MoT on both cultists units and also the sorcerer

>It's important to note that almost everything will cause Instant Death to them since they're Toughness 1.
yeah I don't consider brimstone horrors to be 2w models

that only counts for the one unit the herald is inside of.

sorcerer, 2 units of tzangors, magnus, in a CAD

Does he have a rule where he can ONLY be taken in a Thousand Son Force?

If not run them as a CSM force.
If he can only be taken in a Thousand Son force then you are correct.

horrors generate 2 warpcharges at 11+ models and 3 warp charges at 16+ models. so correct for summoned horrors and damged units. until the entire unit dies and spawns 20+ blue horrors, which would then generate 2 warp charges as long as they have more than 11 mdoels

pink horrors generate 1 WC for 1-10 horrors in the unit. 2 WC for 11-15 horrors, 3 WC for 16-20 horrors.
blue horrors generate 1 WC for 1-10, 2 WC for a unit of 11-20
brimstone horrors always generate 1 WC whatever the unit size

In a warpflame host, the locus affects all units within 12" of the herald.

>horrors generate 2 warpcharges at 11+ models
huh, interesting.

Weird how blue horrors are better at magic than pink horrors.

>horrors generate 2 warpcharges at 11+ models and 3 warp charges at 16+ models
>3 warp charges at 16+ models
no their not? I mean apart from the fact that a 1wc unit of horrors dying creates a 2wc unit of blues

Yeah, my bad. I assumed wrong.

What's everyone's LEAST favorite army?

>I mean apart from the fact that a 1wc unit of horrors dying creates a 2wc unit of blues
that's what I mean

The blue unit will be harder to kill down to WC1 levels, too.

So according the the wording on the Split rule, if you kill a unit of pink horrors in one go, they don't split, as there is no unit to place within 6" of at the end of the phase.

Special exception is given to RULES that completely remove the unit (assuming sweeping advance and posession, and perils result 1 fall under this), but not if the unit is entirely removed for any other reason

Space Wolves.

Tyranids... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Additionally, any horrors killed BEFORE the point that the unit is removed entirely dont split as well, for the same reason.
If you kill all but one model in assault and they roll 12 on their instability test, you only get 2 blue horrors (as there was one model in the unit when the unit was removed) and the unit no longer exists to place the other blue horrors near to.

Does this mean the way to avoid the bullshit splitting is to kill the entire unit in one go? the OPPOSITE of the usual tactic which is "kill 1 model to drop them down 1 warp charge"

so Phil Kelly
> manlet
Someone get down to WHW and give him a swirly and or wedgie. Then say "WHAT U GONNA DO ABOUT IT, NNNEEERRRDDDD?"

>daemon players face when

That we own? Dark eldar, I loved their older play style but the rule changes have been harsh on them and I dont like the current effective play style of talos and grotesque spam. I cant even play friendly games with my kabalites anymore

Least favorite that exists in the game though is probably grey knights. I dont have anything particularly against them there is just nothing I like about them where as most armies I can find something interesting in either their lore or army play style

>Does this mean the way to avoid the bullshit splitting is to kill the entire unit in one go?
From the looks of it, yeah. RAW is funny sometimes.

Space Corgis

fluff,rules, playerbase or combination of the 3 ?


Got a lore question,
Apparently the fact that Logan, Chapter Mast... I mean Great Wolf, uses a literal Daemon weapon of Khorne is the reason the Imperium beats Magnus, how is the Imperium, GKs, DAs, and Inquisition present okay with him having and using such a relic?

>Although if the leak is to be believed I'm glad that the Wolves have to put down all the Fenersian natives exposed to the Daemons. A good nod to how the Wolves fucked up and learned from Armageddon.

>Pask on a vanquisher+lascannon+plasma cannons & executioner buddy both of them with camo gear

is this a good idea?

>moonman demons in the official GW catalog
Aw shiet, is this real life?

I would totally let you take Old One Eye as a Lord of War choice for your chaos marines.

He might struggle without any synapse around of course.

Because Morkai, i.e. a feral world order-aligned warp god, suppressed the corrupting power of the weapon.

Though of course, the old gods of Fenris lost a lot of power from Magnus stealing magic from the planet. The Space Wolves are on their last legs and are on the brink of becoming corrupted, which is exactly what Magnus wants.

moonman has been a thing in 40k since 2013 fampai

>Magnus is currently in a legal battle with the Tyranids over the rights to Old One Eye
>His case is that he's been one eyed for almost 10,000s longer than the Carnifex.

>since 2013
since 1988

I've literally been away for 10 years tho.

Dank. I've never seen than cute mini before.

>the old gods of Fenris lost a lot of power from Magnus stealing magic from the planet.

This sounds strangely similar to what Nagash did upon his return...

Warhammer 40,000: Wolf Times inc.

Sisters of Battle. Of all the fanbases, theirs is the most cancerous.

Wolf priests will fix it

>>Magnus is currently in a legal battle with the Tyranids over the rights to Old One Eye
>>His case is that he's been one eyed for almost 10,000s longer than the Carnifex.

>The Silent King sues Magnus for stealing the concept of undead space egyptians 65 million years after the Necrons patented it

Any of the three.

the old chaos familiars are even cuter

How am i doing, folks?
How should i continue about converting the Assault on Black Reach dread into a Venerable?

>The Silent King sues Magnus for stealing the concept of undead space egyptians 65 million years after the Necrons patented it

>Tzeentch being Tzeentch specifically set the stage to turn the Thousand Sons into undead Egyptians to get Magnus sued by the Silent King. His motives, as always, unknowable.

Cover the fucker in purity seals, venerable as fuck

Imperial Knightsm i hate them with all my heart



one of the worst fan bases and some of the most incompetent players