Your Army

Tell me about your army(s), Veeky Forums. Do they have a story? What makes them unique? Do you ever pretend that each battle you have is in-canon with their story like I do? Do they mix with other factions? What colors do they use and why? Do they have a name?

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I was thinking of making a CSM squad somewhere between the Davy Jones' fish crew in pirates of the carribean and this concept art from Bioshock 2

maybe the younger initiates are living coral reefs while the most ancient are abyssal zone Cthulhu horrors

I've been toying with these guys for a while.

Carcian 112th Legion get it? because they're cancer
An imperial colony world way out in the the middle of nowhere who got cut off from imperial aid when everything went to shit, and then never got re-connected to the imperium due to a combination of necron interference and weird warp shit happening around them for a long, long time. Without an influx of people with the knowledge on how to actually do stuff like fix spaceships and repair mechanical infrastructure, the shitty mostly desert hive world of Carcia had a societal collapse into crime and banditry, and then a societal un-collapse when a retired punk as fuck guardsman rallied up a millitia of gangers and literally berated them into acting like a functioning civilization. They end up barely jury-rigging functioning interplanetary flight and checking in on the various other planets in the system, who have all also devolved into various forms of feudalism and anarchy. They then berate the everloving shit out of them mid firefight until they surrender, and add their jury-rigging prowess into new and exciting methods of government and warfare.

Fast forward a good few millennia later and the various warp fuckery preventing leaving the system has finally stopped. The imperium finds an oddly functioning federation of planets under what is basically the military leadership of the imperial guard, and are almost unilaterally composed of angry criminals. They take to being guardsmen like a particularly surly duck to water.

This was pretty much just and excuse for me to make tank girl into a guard regiment.

That sounds like the absolute shit.
Would their daemonhosts be something like these guys, or more bestial?

and would they have the butt head like these guys do?

forgot picture

I kind of wanted to Stat out the Rad Marines at some point.

Hell yes, some would just be empty suits of armor with fuck knows what living inside them pretending to be marines

I got some renegade guard I custom made, the world they're from was an ocean world originally used as dumping ground for mass chemical and trash drops by some local ad mech, over time the planet was reclassified as a penal world sending large groups of prisoners there to live on shitty barges where they would just burn junk all day horribly contaminating the air with the already horribly polluted water, over time the population grew and grew massive floating trash cities were popping up here and there and everyday more criminals were bused in. it wasn't until a group of Nurgle worshiping CSM came by and tainted the water even further with plague that the planet begin to fall, the chapter that started it armed them and began to bring together a rickety traitor guard legion that too followed the god of plague their lungs needed to breathe their home air so they dawned gas masks when fighting off planet. they come in with a lot of flamer like weapons that are just sprayers that blast out the chemical lased plague waters that the planet mostly consists of.

The planet itself now hosts horrible daemon creatures that swim in the waters the trash burning continues to keep the air as polluted as Nurgle desires.

The world is known well as two twin Great unclean ones were raised there after clusters of Nurglings formed together from drinking the waters making a writhing mass that then budded into two oozing piles which formed them. They now rule the planet.

The Dark Angels 5th company led by Company Master Balthasar. I'm creatively bankrupt so I decided to just get immersed in DA lore.

I'm currently trying to brainstorm a Fremen inspired chapter. I'm unsure if they should be rite proppa shock specialty, hit-n-run as fuck or (for a twist) garrison/holding ground as their specialty.

Funny - I made up a Company Master for the 4th Company, that is overall unhappy with their lack of inclusion in various campaigns and battles, and instead has taken it upon themselves to collect relics of the Chapter. The Company Master wields the Monster Slayer of Caliban because I think it's a cool weapon fuck you

Star wardens
Fleet based chapter on the absolute eastern fringe of the imperium. They set up defensive points and patrol the dark regions of space.

They excel in boarding actions and drop pod assaults. They lack terminator armour and instead use centurion armour to board enemy ships. Due to the recent nature of their formation they have yet to have any battle brothers interred into dreadnought armour.

They are an imperial fists descendant chapter who are zealous and rigid in their faith and application of principles.

Each company pilots a strike cruiser while the veterans and scouts reside on the battlebarge. The 6th company mysteriously disappeared after following a distress beacon from what appeared to be a mining ship.

There is no dedicated assault or devastator company and each company has a contingent of both on their own strike cruiser.

Notable battles include "the ravaging of ceretus" where the forces of khorne were stopped in their attack on a research outpost. The blood thirster torgadden was sent back to the warp.
And the "backwater campaign" which saw the star wardens halt a tyranid splinter fleet and destroy an ork staging post.

Yeah it is. The relics in general are pretty great. The storm bolter thats better then a heavy bolter, the combi weapon with an underslung plasma cannon, +1 strength swords etc.

Really though I like the idea of companies going off and doing their own thing. No laurels, or parades just a job to do and the trip to get there. I learned to like DA for that.

I can understand that, and it's cool, but I really like the idea of companies (or whole chapters) keeping their own personal history of honors and victories, even if no one else remembers them. What else defines a military force of any faction more than that? It gives them a weight, even if it's half-myth, and a sense of personality in the same way a few fluffy battles will make a minor chapter feel distinct from their parent.

Is there any information on the extinguished legions? Like is anything at all known about them or are they never touched upon?

never ever touched upon, don't try to touch upon them, it'll be stupid

I'm only just getting into 40k and can't decide between The Veiled Path and The Dance Without End.

Decided to make a HoR Skitarii Kill Team and paint them up in a scheme reminiscent of characters in E.Y.E. (lots of black, steel/silver, and gold).

They have five Secutarii Peltasts currently, so I'm trying to justify why a Forge World would have Horus Heresy era equipment and would be willing to send it out in small, disposable strike teams, let alone those mean to clean up after Titans be used for such a purpose.

A Tau cadre tasked with retaking worlds lost to the Orks, abandoned when their supply lines drew thin and, eventually, broke. Old stockpiles on the planet could shore up some supplies, but not everything, and they ended up having to make do the good ol' way.

The Orky way. Now they're independent renegades with mostly older vehicles and suits, plus whatever deserters bring with. No Riptides, no LoWs. And no Greater Good. Just survival.

My rusty scheme for them didn't work, since I can't paint rust, but I fully intend to incorporate Ork and other bitz into them, including the Earthshaker!Hammerhead and the Fusion Blade Commander with a jet engine for a backpack.

I fucking love talking about My Dudes, you can't get me to shut up about them most times. These last few years I've been deep into warzone: resurrection, building an army for each faction, except Mishima and Capitol, but that's because I don't really like their starter boxes. I'll drop here the backstory for my Imperial army, all pieced together from my first warzone tournament.

My Dudes are the 69th Ganymedian Battalion of Foot(O'Roland's Irregulars). An amalgamated unit after the losses sustained during the Mariner Mountains campaign comprising of forces from, the 69th Ganymedian(clearly), the 44th Stormtrencher Battalion, 12th Special Forces group(Clans O'Roland, Branaghan, McNaughton), and the Broken Claw Wolfbane pack.

>What is the coolest thing they did
Prior to the Mariner Mountains campaign, the 69th were the heroes of the Battle of Barham, where the unit successfully repelled an invasion force of the Cybertronic Megacorporation who were intent on capturing and annexing several of the agrarian townships and farmlands within the region and forcing Imperial out of the food production markets for this part of Mars.

The battle of Barham began at 4:30 am, Martian standard time, on the 14th of August, 1292 Y.C and continued for almost 50 hours until its conclusion on the 16th of August at 6:30 am, 1292 Y.C. B Company had, along with the rest of the battalion, been on patrol across the region and it has just so happened that B Company had made it to Bahram in the early afternoon. Having been received by the Mayor and Militia Sergeant-at-Arms, Captain O’Roland ordered B Company to make camp and establish a perimeter around the town. It was during the change of perimeter guards that Cybertronic forces struck. An infiltration force of Mirrormen and Enhanced Machinators moved ahead of the main force quietly dispatching the guards and opening the way for the main force of Chasseurs with Exterminatuer support to launch their assault.

Developing whole scores of armies and factions for my 40k setting.
So far I have two Inquisitors and their retinues thought up, a regiment of guardsmen, a Dark Eldar Kabal, a Chaos cult, and a Space Marine chapter.
There's also a faction led by the former Archon of said Kabal after her sister betrayed her and took her place. Said faction is largely a mishmash of Guard defectors, mercenaries and xenos operating out of a ring of five orbital mining stations, sort of in a similar vein to Omega from the ME series, but a bit more grimdark.

Unknown to B Company at the time of the engagement, the rest of the Battalion had come under similar attack to various degrees of success, support would be limited or unavailable for a time. So began a running battle over the township of Barham that would ultimately save and keep it and the surrounding region in Imperial hands, but at heavy cost. B Company, in the attrition of the Cybertronic attack, had sustained a casualty rate of 58% including half of the Officer and NCO compliment of the company as well as significant damage of buildings on the outside of the township but thankfully light casualties among the civilian populace. It was as the battle was approaching the dawn of the 16th of August that elements of the rest of the battalion, C and E Companies, were able to break through and reinforce the beleaguered defenders and finally break the back of the Cybertronic invasion.

Captain O’Roland was hailed as a hero for his defense by the townspeople and following the report back to command was, along with several others in the unit, listed for commendations, including a nomination for the Medal of Honour Third class. As well as setting his star to rise leading to his eventual promotion and command, years later, of the 69th.

And that's the story thus far, all this cobbled together from a few of the games I played at the first warzone tournament in my city, I had played Cybertronic on two different tables, with a defeat in the first and a win in the second, which all ultimately became this story. I've got a few other battles to include into the battalion histories, not to mention the brewing narrative I've got going linking my other armies together(All my forces are painted and based as though they're fighting on Mars). My Dark Legion have gotten the most development in that regard, so I'll work on getting their blurb written up, might post it tomorrow if the thread isn't dead.

That mining station cluster sounds pretty cool, man, have you got anything more about it you can share with us?

>tank girl
Patrician taste, mate.

>This was pretty much just and excuse for me to make tank girl into a guard regiment.

I salute you, my melanin enhanced companion!

>Tell me about your army(s), Veeky Forums. Do they have a story?
They are recruited from a desert prison planet.
They have been in the service of the Emperor for 10,000 years.
Fanatical warriors of the Emperor.
They hate those weirding-way psykers.

>What makes them unique?
They live comfortably. The Imperium funds them well for their services protecting the Emperor/Imperium.

>Do you ever pretend that each battle you have is in-canon with their story like I do?
Every battle they win goes down in battle honors on their banners.

>Do they mix with other factions?
They will work with any other Imperial forces begrudgingly. They know they are the best, and look down to other forces as inferior. They would prefer to work solo as having other forces would imply that they can't complete the objective themselves but will do as the Emperor/Imperium commands. They do not cooperate with any form of xeno scum.

What colors do they use and why?
They wear dark grey trimmed in silver and gold.

Do they have a name?
The Emperor's Sardaukar.

>pic unrelated.

Astral Coursers. White Scar successors. Fleet based chapter based on the old western Rangers.

They police vast stretches of empty interstellar territory and their strike cruisers are constantly on the move, chasing pirates, stamping out fires, or moving to their next Waykeep. They protect far flung Imperial settlements and worlds, drive off Xenos invaders, and crush political dissidents that spring up far from the Emperors light.

In order to cover such massive area and to increase their numbers, they utilize a Deputy system, where failed aspirants who do not pass the trials to become full blooded Coursers. Deputy's fulfill a para-military roll, filling out the armed garrison of the various Courser Waykeeps - static defenses placed in key locations for protecting imperial settlements and interests. These keeps are usually overseen by the Chapter's Forgemasters, reporting directly to the Force Commanders as they travel through, though some fall under the purview of the very few Astral Coursers who have been interred in dreadnought armor. Owing to their focus on mobility which puts capacity at a premium, all of the Chapters small selection of heavier vehicles, Tactical Dreadnought Armor, and full Dreadnoughts (each of which is a veteran brother) are spread throughout these Waykeeps. This makes it difficult for the Coursers to mass a true heavily armored force, but also all but impossible to fully wipe out their supply of such vehicles, and each is considered a cherished relic that is well maintained by the Chapters Forge-Masters.

They excel at fast attack, small unit tactics, and astral combat. It is not unusual for individual squads or even single brothers to be dispatched alone in response to lesser threats, who will then link up with local Deputy or PDF forces in order to deal with the situation. The vast majority of the Chapters forces are occupied chasing down Eldar and Ork pirates, and are constantly on the move.

The chapter honors include a good deal of purging cattle rustlers?

>The Emperor's Sardaukar.

I thought something was up when I read wyrding-way.

Such matters are typically handled by local Deputies but the Grox supplies of agri-worlds are very important and when threatened by Eldar Corsair's hungry for human grown meat, the Coursers respond

I feel like this chapter should me renamed Pinkertons.


With flexibility and mobility being key aspects of their doctrine, most brothers prefer bolt pistols over full sized, kitting themselves with a combat knife or chainsword in the other hand, though they also make extensive use of Ceres Pattern Bolt Carbine's and Stalker Pattern Bolters (in lieu of the typical Gowdyn pattern) in order to save on ammunition usage and carrying necessities by making every shot count.

For boarding actions where Terminator armor is not available (always a possibility with such suits held in reserve at Waykeeps), heavy ballistic shields and modified Storm or Combi Bolters are used (since the Dark Angels refuse to share those fucking shotguns of theirs) alongside flamer weaponry.

The Chapters Emblem is a human skull with the lower jaw removed, stamped with an inverted upsilon (AKA a fucking horseshoe) in which each of the rivets is a star, meant to represent the worlds the Coursers protect. These Upsilon (Horseshoe) symbols are considered good luck by members of the chapter and deputies, and often appear in the wax printing of purity seals or etched into chapter equipment.

Culturally, the Chapter is highly discipline but relaxed. Most of the brothers time is spent travelling to battle, preparing for battle, in battle, debriefing from battle, or preparing for the next mission in some way. For what little recreational time they do have, Coursers enjoy imbibing small amounts of poisonous alchohol brew they call Rattlebite (which, in the brief moments before death, human tasters have described as smokey and burning), smoking Iho sticks, and enjoying music - certain deputies are even brought along on battle vessels for their ability at playing certain instruments like the guitar and harmonica. Deputies are afforded similar laxity but expected to be highly discipline and obey orders without questions. Any human (since it would be impossible for Battle Brothers due to their implants) found intoxicated or impaired on duty is severely punished with lashes and pillory, and repeat offenders are spaced while still alive.

The Chapter is known for it's rather colorful colloquialisms and language idiosyncracies brought on by centuries of space isolation (ex "There’s more than one way to break a dog from sucking eggs.") and their laconic 'Starsman' drawl has become a staple of many noosphere vid-pict and planetborn characterizations.

Contrary to popular belief, they do not wear hats over their helmets. Certain examples of unique wide brimmed sallet helmets can be found among their armories however, believed to be idiosyncracies of a local forge world.

Another unique tool of the Coursers is the Maverick Pattern Bolt Pistol, which appears regularly in the hands of Courser Sergeants and Officers. Believed to be a unique invention of the chapters armories, the Maverick Pattern is a 10 round pistol which utilizes hand loaded drums of ammunition that can either be manually reloaded in the field or hotswapped with new, prepared drums. Due to the small ammunition capacity of the weapon and the robust strength of the design, specialized ammunition such as Kraken Penetrator bolts are usually loaded into the weapon in lieu of standard bolts. It is a rugged and reliable weapon known to never jam, even under the most adverse circumstances.

Sure do, though its in the early stages, still somewhat sketchy on the details.
Could also use a name for the stations.

Also, shameless advertisement: This is all for the stuff I'm writing in the writethreads. Check it... ***

Baroness Farah Tamaera, initially the Archon of the Bronzed Talon Kabal, fled Commorragh after her twin sister usurped her seat of power, using the in-fighting between two other Kabals to cover her takeover. Bereft of allies to call upon, with only her inner guard to trust, Farah found herself stranded in realspace. Despite her losses, Farah's dark ambitions would not be halted by such a setback. In due course, she returned to the site of her last and most destructive raid, a string of Imperial mining facilities orbiting a mineral-rich moon. With stealth and efficiency, the Baroness' forces cut a bloody path through the largest of these facilities, slaving its systems and servitors to her will and binding the miners into her service.

Before long, the Baroness divulged from captive tech-priests the ways of the Imperium, the collection of tithes, the communication codes, the bartering of the moon’s ore to build her own funds. Before long the rogue Baroness had secured her miniature queendom under the nose of the Imperium, for her regular clients cared not for a few peculiarities as long as their shipments were full, and the Administratum received their tithes on schedule as per usual.


If a ship were lost after warp transit, nobody thought to notice, after all such events were commonplace, and the space in which the stations were situated was treacherous. When mercenary bands, corsairs and other forgotten detritus of Humanity began drifting towards the ring of mining stations, however, the Imperium began to take notice, and it wasn’t long before an Inquisitor was dispatched to deal with the previously-ignored irregularities, the curious additions made to the stations, the armaments and tribal facepaint of the miners, the backlog of assembled Imperial vessels that appeared newly outfitted for war.

Escorted willingly to the inner sanctum of the largest station, the Inquisitor and his acolytes were granted entry, never to re-emerge. For while the Baroness had changed much to keep up her façade to the Imperium, at her heart she was still a child of Commorragh, and thus revelled in the consumption of the mortal soul.
As the Administratum elicited a tax of wealth, she had elicited a tax of souls from amongst those flocking to her service.

By the time the Inquisition mustered a force to pursue its missing agent, Farah’s plans had reached their crescendo. The curious devices affixed to each of the five mining stations generated a collective warp rift and Gellar field, through which the moon, the stations and the assembled armada travelled, emerging in the lawless reaches of Lucky Space. In the years since, the stations have become home to all manner of refuse, both human and xenos.


A "your dudes" thread? Cool. My homebrew chapter is the Void Falcons.

>Chapter info

>Writefaggotry that i may even finish one day

>Pic Related
Voidlord Harkin Fol, Master of the Void Falcons

If any anons are interested feel free to link a post with comments, criticism, etc.
Since it usually comes up, the program I used for the image is found here:

Ancient halls, corridors and cathedrals have come to house gaudy clubs, bars and bazaars, playing host to visitors of all kind while the carefully-monitored mining of the moon’s raw resources ensures Baroness Tamaera’s pockets are always full, and the tithes she demands are always met, be they riches, exotic courtesans, or souls to feed her appetite. It is said the Baroness permits much within her domain, caring not for what religion or doctrine her citizens follow, nor for their petty conflicts. Those who tell of her speak of her uncharacteristic fairness in matters bought before her, though punishment, where meted out, is always harsh, if not fatal.

Whatever one’s reasons for coming to the domain of the Baroness Tamaera, there is but one thing to be remembered: her eyes are everywhere, and leniency is not a concept familiar to her.

I have a Necron Dynasty based on the Dark Judges.
The Overlord and his three Lychguard are 100% crazy, his court of Lords goes along with it, mostly to avoid getting lobotomized and thrown in his Prison-Ship for a few thousand years.
As for canon battles, they will capture enemy commanders and recount to them their list of "criminal" offenses, to which the residing lord will then charge as guilty and dole out their sentence.

>Name (Their Ship)
The Stockade
Anu'Ammut, the Hand of Judgement
Silver bodies, Red glow, Black and gold details.

Haven't thought much about the lore and all that, but why not?
>Knights Lazarine

Basically a 40k version of my favorite group of crusaders, the Knights of Saint Lazarus, who started as a leper hospital and, when they were called to war by the pope, took to arms, and so did the lepers able to fight. So yeah, real-life "undead" paladins.

The Knights Lazarine are basically that, Imperial Fist successors who live on the planet of Space-Jerusalem which is under siege by the full forces of Nurgle. Their faith alone keeps them highly resistant to disease, and what they cannot resist is cut off and replaced with cybernetics. They use this resistance to push back Nurgle's hordes, and treat the civilians with the best they can spare, using their small fleet to spirit them off-planet and (hopefully) back into safe Imperial Space.

Vostroyan 9th
Has the unique honour (?) of being destroyed at least three times in its history only to be reformed. The regiment is known for its willingness to fight to the last as well as its high casualty rates. Due to their willingness to hold the line even at the cost of their lives the Vostroyan 9th has one of the greatest records in the Imperium suffering very few defeats in its history and even fewer where the regiment survived its defeat.

This is great. Are Knights Lazarine dreadnoughts almost entirely machine by the point they become entombed?

Can pure skitaii armies be competitive?

They don't have them.
They either lost them long ago in the extended fight or their armories were never well-stocked.
Actual Reason: Haven't bought any yet. They are only a 500 point army running on Black Templar rules.

competitive in what sense? win casual games? win local tournaments? yes and yes.

Win against fully optimized tau formations, scatbike spam, or space marine cheatfuck formations? No, but nothing outside of those three can.

The Great Mass, a Chaos Warhost led by a Chaos Lord named Karanthus. His host has a very mixed win/loss ratio, but he doesn't personally give a damn, he really just wants to spread misery and murder through the galaxy, and rack up his own kill count. In other words, he is an uber-murderhobo and he views his warband as an extension of his own desire to murder the galaxy

Here is the document holding the shorthand on all of My Dudes:

>Cascadian Air Assault; "Drop Grenadiers,"
Based on the Native American tribes of the PNW and Great Plains, these soldiers are born of a populace rescued from devastation by two Elysian/Harakoni mixed regiments. Each Cascadian regiment's "graduation ceremony," involves the hunting and complete destruction of one of the many Ork Klans or Kroot Tribes inhabiting the planet.

>Echo Scorpion Urban Infiltrators
Embedded into the populace of a human world, the ESUI infiltrate the society and--just before the Imperium invades--destroys as much infrastructure and command structure as possible. After, they remain in the backfield: reporting enemy positions for air and artillery strikes and attacking new defenses from the flank or rear. Inspired by a mix of Delta Force and Raz al'Ghul's city killers from Batman Begins. Their ability to blend in also makes them an effective counter-cult forces on Imperium worlds.

>Shiloh Union Guard; "Foot Cavalry," and "Shiloh Dragoons,"
An Agri-World with little to no industrial capacity beyond what's needed for "the Garden," men of Shiloh must make do: infantry carry a great deal of firepower on their backs and excel at forced marches; cavalry are dedicated raiders with a great deal of experience in both scouting and dismounted dragoon fighting; they also bear an array of heavy weapons to give vicious firepower for their numbers. Both forces also receive dedicated desantniki and "cavalry mechanized group," training; rarities in the Imperium, as such tactics are often viewed as emergency only.


>Ullithian Iron Fist; the "Ritter," and "Messers,"
Fanatics from a Shrine World, these soldiers view themselves as knights and their defensive retainers: while the tanks kill all of their "equals," the "knives," of the formation protect them from close-up threats. Bearing advanced armor where they can and autoguns for their automatic fire and alternative ammunition, these soldiers rely on advanced kit to help make up for their relatively low numbers and high-risk tactics. Prideful and often arrogant, these hardened troopers nonetheless bear an impressive record.

>Waldtief Light Corps
Nomads on a Death World where the trees reach up for miles and the few cities live on massive boughs, these warriors have been hunted by monsters their entire lives; stealth is an everyday aspect that they must learn should they survive. These "Wanderers," cope by hunting their tormenters right back; protecting of those few city-folk that maintain the Emperor's temples and space port. Living most of their lives in the massive canopies, those who make up the Light Corps are very withdrawn and have a hard time interacting with others.

When I played me and my 2 friends who I gamed with at the time came up with backstory for our three Space Marine Chapters (mine was called Shadow Legion, specializing in infiltration and the other two were Crimson Hawks(siege specialists) and Blood Reavers (Assault specialists)). Our mission was telepathically sent to our Chief Librarian in charge of the Crimson Hawks chapter. It was to seek out a new galaxy because The Emperor knew this one was fucked. long story short the chief librarian of the Crimson Hawks and chief Chaplain of the Shadow Legion become tainted by Chaos and a lot of infighting occurs and eventually leads to the downfall of this master plan to seek a new world for humanity.

The fluff for my sisters is based on games I played with my friends years ago back in 4th edition. When I first started painting them, I didn't have real fluff. I just painted them silver armor and red robes to match the allied grey knights and said they work closely with them to purge the witch at the source. However, when the 5th updates came and I could no longer ally with them or take certain builds, I changed their fluff entirely.

They are the Martyred Shroud, a branch of the Argent Shroud that renamed themselves after the Cleansing of Ateria Ulex where Canoness Agatha Estrys fought a hive tyrant in single combat long enough to allow her sisters to cleanse the area before finally being felled by the mighty beast. Filled with holy rage at the death of their superior, Agatha's seraphim honor guard leapt to finish off the wounded Tyrant, unloading their pistols and burning the carcass to ash.

After recovering their canoness, her wound had soaked her white vestments blood red, and once her body had been cleansed of blood, they discovered several wounds that should have crippled the woman yet she continued to fight until the mission was finished.

She was later proclaimed a Living Saint. Her tattered vestments are preserved in shrine, but her blood soaked cloak and mantle was taken up by her successor and named the Martyred Shroud. It is said to grant the wearer protection from even the mightiest of blows.

Now her followers wear blood red robes with their silver armor in honor of their fallen leaser, and their order is aptly named The Martyred Shroud, and they are known for their stubborn courage for Saint Estrys is always watching them.

I ran out of space, so I had to rewrite and condense. Bleh.

You should expand on these. They're neat.

I haven't played 40K in a long time, but back in the day, I had a SoB army that I loved, as well as some painted mechanicus (that I didn't really use but still loved.)

I made a little story for them. My SoB army was named the order of the Ebon Shroud iirc. They were assigned to protect a group of mechanicus and colonists who had traveled to the northern fringes of the galaxy in search of ancient tech. Centuries ago, they came across a promising planet that had long ago died out. It was a dark world with inhospitable environments. It's terrain was jagged with black rock, and its nights were 27 years long. But there was evidence that it had once been a human outpost before the Imperium had formed.

So the colonists and mechanicus set up shop there to dig out and utilize the ancient technology. The people lived in biodomes, but in order to conserve resources, they genetically altered (or "purified") themselves to consume less oxygen and see in the dark. Over time, the continued modifications would technically make them abhumans, but they didn't see it that way.

After many centuries, the SoB army themselves had been altered too. They had pallid white skin and hair (because I never finished painting the faces), and black eyes. They could see in the dark, and utilized some unique properties in the planet's minerals to augment their weapons and armor (this was how I explained the color scheme). With the help of the mechanicus, they forged swords I called "disruptor blades." These obsidian-ish blades, when forged with unique metals deep in the planet, were slightly out of phase with normal matter. When the cut normal matter, they don't "cut" it so much as they disrupt the atomic bonds between elements, effectively obliterating anything they cut. In D&D terms, I explained it as their swords overcome damage reduction, because they could cut through anything.

Their overall color scheme was gunmetal/black and dark purple.

But yeah, that was the basic premise.

Iron Warriors guy is wearing Mark IV, right? Groovy armor.

>the Martyred Shroud, a branch of the Argent Shroud
Hey, what a coincidence. The Ebon Shroud are also an offshoot of the Argent Shroud.

They look and sound like they're 2 steps away from being corrupted by chaos.

Funny how that works.

Sisters unite.

Not sure about that, really. Their biggest enemy was Dark Eldar, who frequently raided that area (I.e., my best friend played a faction of Dark Eldar, so our armies fought a lot). I remember his succubus leader had a hardcore rivalry with my canonness, Merielle Luxatti.

Damn, I miss playing with and writing with my 40K peeps.

The Kabal of the Darklight Palace aren't really a Kabal in the traditional sense. They have an archon and a name, but mainly don't play ball with Cammorite politics. They live in a Darklight mining/refining/arms manufacturing station in one of the deepest darkest corners of Cammoragh, and have been working down there since before the Fall. They actually prefer to be left alone and live an almost monastic life. Some of them even go so far as to use soul stones they've bartered for or gotten in return for aiding Craftworlders. As it is, they really do prefer the company of their non-Dark kin and are basically just tolerated in Cammoragh. They provide an essential service that very few are willing or even able to do, and price their weapons at really competitive rates compared to some of the more typical Kabals that make Darklight stuff. They're also trustworthy, which is a very rare thing in the Dark City. People are generally scared to try to screw them though, because those that do tend to end up with their houses blown the fuck up with Dark Matter weapons.

Shows you that Tau can really be unique.

My Cadre (or rather, Expeditionary Fleet since I've been collecting since 4th) comes from a Sept whose prime world was once fought over by two alien races - and both races have joined the Empire. They are Auxiliaries: The Sept. Open minded, accepting and incredibly naive. They actually eschew newer gear (like Riptides) in favour of throwing more alien allies at the problem.

They even use Orks as shock troops in some cases. Basically, one of their Fio'os went a bit rogue and did some genetic tampering. The Orks that were the result are mostly subservient to Ethereals that get near them, but still occasionally get violent. Obviously this is highly unorthodox, but the Ethereal in charge of the fleet is also a bit of a maverick so everything's fine, for now.

Generally, they specialise in fast assaults in dense jungle/forest terrain. So a lot of earthy colours and greens. Actually works really well with the Orks.

I don't really take pictures but here's an example of the Not!Kroot. They're one of my better painted units.

I'd say the former for Fremen who are largely ripped off by the Tallarn who are renowned for their skill at guerilla warfare.

Holding ground is more like the Tanith who, native to a forest world, are good on similar turf thanks to natural sense of direction and are hard to pick off due to camoflague and use of cover, etc.

Jervis apparantly said at one point there was no fluff behind them as they were simply meant to reference the Roman legions lost at the battle of Teutoburg.
All the mentions I've seen since seem to imply that they were killed off very early on, to the point where they didnt really contribute even to the 30k universe.

>mechanicus and sisters
Huh. I never knew I'd like that combo, but I do.

They make a cute couple.

I always kinda liked it.

My sisters' doctrine has kinda started to meld with the faction of the mechanicus on the outpost. They aren't tech priests, but they are less averse to modifying themselves with ancient and "pure" human tech. Pic related is what they did to modify and make their assassins.


I'm a fan of the Moirae Doctrine, which predicts a merging of the Ecclesiarchy and Mechanicus at some point in the future. Probably because then we have relentless Skitarii and indomitable Sisters on the same field in the same army; metal and faith as one to make the paragon of mankind.

>Moirae Doctrine
Huh. Y'know, I was never extremely knowledgeable about the fluff when I made the Ebon Shroud (I kinda just pulled it out of my ass based on battles and minis I liked). But after reading about the Moirae Schism a bit, it actually sounds exactly like what the Ebon Shroud was starting to approach; the fusion of the Cult Mechanicus and the Ecclesiarchy into a unified ecclesiastical hierarchy.

Aight. I'm going to pick up that story again and start pushing my army in that direction. I don't know if the Mechanicus on the colony believed in the Moirae Doctrine or not, but one way or another that colony is fulfilling it as they uncover more and more ancient tech (tech that blurs the lines between organic and mechanical).

Ironically, if the Mechanicus got their way and performed the Rite of Pure Thought on more people, it actually WOULD hurt Chaos quite a bit. Hard to feed Chaos with emotions when you've lobotomized yourself.

If the Mechanicus and Ecclesiarchy merged, which I now cleverly call the MECC, we could see the Imperium become homocidal xenophobic maniacs... who also tip their fedora's and try to eschew illogical emotions.

This is ironically, a full loop back towards the Imperial Truth, albiet with cargo cultism and superstition about wrench ghosts.

My group have always had our own little piece of 40k setting, the Kraton sector. Ever since we were kids we always named all our characters and some of the more epic games became fluffed out battles. Now we RP in the same setting and its even spread to other people which is awesome.

My dudes are a chaos warband following a traitor blood angel successor, Raziel the Crimson Hand. Started out as a Soul Reaver rip off when I was a kid but has grown into an infamous villain.
Its a shame I dont really play the tabletop anymore.

The Cult of the Great Squiggle started out as a band of horrors that followed in the wake of The Great Squiggle. TGS was once a mere herald who hitched a ride on one of Tzeentches many screamers, and is still a mere herald, but now with style and flare. Such is the power of his own self delusion of unfathomable power that many horrors followed him as he screamed into Realspace all the while giddily cheering the name of their champion.

Breach after breach brought the Squiggle and his hordes into Realspace to paint the land with shimmering warp fire. So loud and numerous were his incursions that mortal psykers learned to pick out the whooping, chanting glee of his horror lessers. Cults began to spring up, worshipping this "great" daemon, greater and more powerful daemons of the warp, intrigued by the mass of followers join in his insane power trip. Even the Changeling caught word of his deeds, though this creature knew better. However, that did not stop it from enhancing the deeds of insane herald. On the contrary, the Changeling thought it hilarious.

Soon, even traitor astartes began to seek the praise of this powerful daemon in order to receive his gift of power. The first to receive this gift ascended into the ranks of the Daemon Prince. Though it was a complete fluke and many have in fact burst into spawns, his followers still seek the ultimate gift.

>Hive Fleet Gojira
A splinter fleet from the destruction of Hive Fleet Behemoth, Gojira focused on mass monstrous creatures and the destruction of cities, taking on some of the fiercest fortifications with surprising ease. The Fleet spent years harrassing frontier worlds of the Tau until it was largely destroyed by a coalition of Ultramarines and Tau.

However, this was not the end of the Hive Fleet, as several surviving specimens, including the lead Hive Tyrant and Norn Queen, were captured for study by the Ordo Xenos. An inquisitor, whose name has since been expunged, took the surviving members of the fleet to his research station in a sector south of the Eye of Terror, where he began trying to make a way to sever Tyranids from the Hive Mind. The Inquisitor achieved temporary success, but never managed to make the separation permanent.

However, his research was to be cut short. A tendril of Hive Fleet Leviathan attacked the planet, sensing the Tyranids on world, killing the Inquisitor and rescuing their brethren. The members of Hive Fleet Gojira thanked their saviors by turning on them, consuming them alongside the other life forms of the planet, using the biomass to create a Hive ship to get off world.

The Fleet is currently rebuilding its forces, going on an attack path taking it around the western side of the Eye of Terror. While the Imperium has largely decided to leave the tendril alone, as it is rampaging through Chaos Marine space primarily, there are some who fear its path will cause it to sling shot around the eye and head straight for Terra.

Due to the experiments inflicted upon them, creatures from the fleet are noted for the large amounts of mutation affecting them, with everything from the largest Hive Fleet to the smallest Ripper giving off a radioactive aura.

>tl;dr Godzilla in Hive Fleet form

And for my related Chaos Army.

>Chains of Revenge
Warp Smith Venator of the Iron Warriors had long planned the siege of the Fortress World Invicta. Every detail perfectly planned out to the smallest detail, it would be his absolute magnus opus of a siege. While a Warp storm delayed his passage to the world, this did not stem Venator's enthusiasm for the glory he would win.

Coming out of the warp, the Warp Smith was shocked to discover the world dead, completely stripped clean and contaminated with radiation. After an investigation, Venator discovered the culprit: Hive Fleet Gojira.

This began the Warp Smith's obsession. He left the Iron Warriors and founded his own warband, falling to the worship of Khorne. Nothing would stop his vengeance from being wrecked on the Tyranids for stealing his siege.

Unfortunately, due to the Shadow in the Warp left by the Hive Fleet, Venator always seems to be one step behind the fleet, never quite reaching it. His soldiers have grown frustrated, and there are talks of mutiny... or at least, there would be, if Venator did not terrify even the most ardent of veteran under his command into servitude.

>tl;dr Captain Ahab in Chaos Space Marine form, with a Hive Fleet in place of Moby Dick.

>following a traitor blood angel successor, Raziel the Crimson Hand.
I like it.

>Do they have a story?

Yeah I have about 10 pages of fluff but most of that is just a timeline.

>What makes them unique?

They are an experimental chapter of the Dark Angels' to see if they will fall to chaos when shunned by the rest of the Legion like the Lion did to Luther.

>Do you ever pretend that each battle you have is in-canon with their story like I do?

Against some opponents I do but other army's don't fit well into the story. Tau have no reason to be that far our of their small territory, and they aren't running into first founding chapters as often as they do on the table.

>Do they mix with other factions?

I am considering fluffing up a Knight and maybe someday some AdMech but that is far off so as of now they do not.

>What colors do they use and why?


It comes from their pre-founding origins. Yellow and White were their clans robes and purple was from a trial of strength they had to go through.

>Do they have a name?

Like the chapter or the dudes.

Some of my main characters are named but the chapter's name is "The Angels of Vindication"

"Death is its own Vindication

My own Skitarii hail from a Forge World that secretly holds to the Moirae's ideas, and I'm trying to figure out how to flesh that.

Currently, it seems the only confirmed adherents in fluff are the Sons of Medusa space marines, excommunicated from the Iron Hands and successors and formed into their own Chapter by the Highlord's decree. The Doctrine was subsequently expunged by the Mechanicus everywhere else, but given how effective other purges have been in the past, it's possible some slipped the net by simply hiding their beliefs.

Wonder what such beliefs would look like? Currently both belief systems seem to work similar practices, but through different means. Still, a steeled soul and augmented flesh would prove a mighty bulwark against the taint of the warp. You can cut out mutations and impure thought, replacing it with zealotry and the certainty of logic. There's already precedent in the Cult Mechanicus rules, where an entire Maniple synchronizes a binaric ritual cant which unsummons a traitor legion's daemon allies.

I've made a Space Marine Chapter, Imperial Knight House, Titan Legion, Tau Sept, Eldar Craftworld, and Dark Eldar Cabal all of which interact with each other.
The 41st millenium comes to a close with the Space Marines, Knights, and Titans teaming up to destroy the Eldar Craftworld while being helped by the Dark Eldar who served to give them the craftworld's location so they could blow it up for revenge.

>a Space Marine Chapter, Imperial Knight House, Titan Legion, Tau Sept, Eldar Craftworld, and Dark Eldar Cabal all of which interact with each other.
>helped by the Dark Eldar
>working together

Not to mention that each on of those except for the Eldar/DE have had a planet created for them along with individual fluff for their leaders and important historical details which have influenced their development, I'm actually coming close to writing a full timeline for the Space Marines 7 or 8 thousand year service record. That and the Titan Legion, which is based off of Godzilla because their homeworld is populated by Toho monsters.

Situational heresy which lets them blow up an Eldar Craftworld which has been dicking with them for a thousand years, yes.
Besides the Dark Eldar only gave them the location so the Archon could have her revenge by letting everyone else take their revenge

Fucking sweet

I did much the same. I created a Space Marine chapter (Chapter2) that rolled a CSM warband (CSM1; formerly Chapter 1) as enemies. Intrigued, I rolled them up, and they ended up being enemies with ANOTHER CSM warband (CSM2), which I then rolled up again.

Story unfolds as:
>CSM1 was a Chapter that was Mechanicum friendly but served a clutch of Ecclesiarchy worlds
>Constant stress from their clashing alliances, plus the raids on the Shrine worlds from CSM2 caused a schism within the chapter
>Frustration mounted to full rebellion, and half the chapter murdered the loyalist half, then was forced to flee from the Shrine world's Sororitas forces
>Chapter2 was founded more carefully, Dark Angels successors in good standing with the Ecclesiarchy
>Codex compliant, strangely, out of keeping with standard Dark Angels practice, specialization in ambush tactics
>CSM1 now competes with CSM2 for stealing recruits from the Shrine Worlds and fights against their unworthy successors

Fluff on the CSM warbands turned out great as well. CSM1 turned to Tzeentch, and CSM2 is Nurgle. To add salt to the wounds, CSM2 is lavished with Nurgles gifts and mutations and boasts a great number of recruits, while CSM1 rarely manifests any, and even those are mostly cosmetic, and is pretty threadbare for recruits, just scraping by. I fluffed Chapter2 as painting themselves like statues and simply taking position on empty plinths across the Shrine Worlds, hidden in plain sight amid real statuary until the right to strike.

It's fun when you roll up enemies and allies that are rolled for. An immersive narrative can spring from the coincidences therein.

There's like four vague references to them in the black library books. Dakkadakka sum irised them as such.

Before Horus's fall to chaos, Legions II and XI were lost in some way.
Legion XI's primarch would never come to the glories expected of the Primarchs.
The Space Wolves took out one Legion in warfare.
The fates that befell the two missing legions were separate, and warnings of what was to come (Horus Heresy traitors, Chaos corrupted Primarchs)
The two missing legions were erased from archives at the same time, and at this time their numbers were added to the Ultramarines.

You know, I've always wondered: What happens to Craftworld eldar if their craftworld is destroyed?

Even so, it's still mostly supposition.

It's possible one carved out his own empire and refused to acknowledge the Master of Mankind as his father, bringing damnation down onto him for his insolence. It's quite likely that at least one of them was corrupted by Chaos to a degree, but we don't know for certain.

Still, what's heavily hinted at is that their legion's numbers may or may not have been added to the Ultramarines, and that the Space Wolves may or may not have been involved.

It's quite possible that other legions were involved as well, rather than exclusively the Space Wolves, as it seems enough of them got the message and would have rather not seen Astartes fight Astartes again, hinting that perhaps there were more participants than just the Wolves. Still, the conversation we're getting a lot of this from involves only a select few participants, and none of them seem to carry firsthand knowledge of those events. If we had a conversation with more participants from other Chapters, we might have more leads and rumors to follow.

Of course, the best thing about the missing Primarchs is that they'll always remain a mystery, and few writers could ever do justice to that mystery, least of all those of the Black Library. A mystery so intriguing because of its stubborn refusal to shed light, or even hints, as to its depth, or what contents might lie beyond this black spot.

I wrote all my stuff from the ground up, I was never a fan of rolling for random fluff.

My marines were founded in M33 or 32 as Imperial Fist successors and were in charge of protecting a colony system which was going to host spaceship foundries, but when they moved to the system to colonize they found a Knight House which they buddied up with after some confusion.
In M35 they met the Titan Legion who they became big friends with, and in M40-M41 the marine's home system was attacked by orks twice in ten years and both times the Eldar prevented their cries for aid from being heard. The Space Marines lost most of their chapter, the Knight house went from about 100 knights to 14, and out of 2 billion citizens only about 70 million remained.
Later the Dark Eldar came to learn this and, after a change of power in the Kabal, the new Archon, who hated that craftworld because she was once a scourge but the head Autarch ripped off her wings, leaked it to the Space Marines who got all their buddies together and butchered the Craftworld

>white skin
>black eyes
>fused with tech
Soooo basically, you made pic related as an abhuman race?

Fuck, forgot pic

>I wrote all my stuff from the ground up, I was never a fan of rolling for random fluff.

I'm not usually, but occasionally, when it seems the stars are right and ripe for mischief, I'll give it a roll and get something singularly weird. And it also helps if you play games with it. I once rolled two sets of times on the Chapter Creation Tables to see what kind of Chapter would be produced; the one founded earlier would be their old ways, and the one founded later would be them after some kind of change.

It resulted in a Second Founding Chapter that was good at prolonged siege warfare, seizing the initiative during the reclamation of the Jericho Sector and earning vast and numerous glories, trophies, artifacts, and even a fertile planet of their own, and cementing their ties to the Deathwatch in the process. In M35, during the Fall of the Jericho Sector, their enemies destroyed their homeworld and all their relics, their history, while they were out on deployment. Bereft of their home, and unwilling to be trapped in the growing warp storms, they left their world behind. Now a Fleet-Based Chapter, they resolved never to be rooted down again, and retooled themselves towards lightning strikes, throwing themselves into combat to again earn new glories and honors.

Despite their changed doctrines and lost history, they never lost their close ties to the Deathwatch, and have carried on the tradition of favoring the sword. They hate covering their colors, instead preferring to bear them with pride to better earn recognition for their deeds. This has made them seem boastful to many, as they often tell exaggerated tales of their conquests in relaxed company.

Sounds cool, but it's also pretty similar to Starcraft, desu.

sounds like a combination of starcraft and catachan.

I like

War Convocation is equally bullshit in my experience, but thats not pure Skitt.

They do really really well with a lot of cover. Or if you can safely turtle and funnel the other guy into kill zones. But they don't have enough cheese to compete with the tryhards.

On the note of Skitarii meets SoB, do you think it would be feasible for some tech priests to engineer some repentia as nulls? Making a unit of cybernetic lobotomized hyper-zealous repentia who specialize in killing sorcerers? Because I was thinking about doing that.

Also, tell me more about your Skitarii.

I guess I did, yeah. Except give them more normal facial features and add hair.

I used to have a list of adaptations/modifications the people on the colony had, but atm all I can remember besides their appearance is they had increased bone density and folds in their lungs that increase surface area (thus helping them survive in an environment with low oxygen.)

>can we make nulls?

Not until our glorious crusade secures the Omnicopaeia friend. Not until we take Hell's Teeth.

Nulls are generally found rather than bred or engineered, and kept few in number because enough of them can disrupt psychic communication, but it's quite possible they built themselves their own Sisters of Silence built to fuck over sorcerers.

As for my Skitarii, they're the Kill Team mentioned in . I don't have much more than that, but here's what I have.

Their homeworld is a small Forge World of Luscoth, a moon build from a broken planetoid held in the orbit of a gas giant, pieced together with other astral debris and held together with mountain ranges of macro-scaffold staples.

So far, I'm thinking they specialize in energy weapons, the plasma mined and refined from their gas giant's atmosphere. They also, because of the presence of Secutarii, manufacture a few patterns of ancient provenance in secret for their own purposes, possibly by the same cabal that secretly subscribes to the Moirae doctrines.

Originally, I had them as chamber militants of the Ordo Mechanicus, though they could very well function in that capacity still, seeking to destroy corruption from within the Mechanicus by the Mechanicus's own tools. Possibly related to their own Moirae doctrine. No suffering the Heretek and all. They might take the borderline heretical stance of seeking out corrupted knowledge and destroying it rather than collecting it, seeking to purify rather than simply contain and collect.

Naturally, this, plus them not incorporating Martian red into their heraldry, is going to draw a lot of suspicion from the Mechanicus and Ecclesiarchy alike. Still, I can imagine the Inquisition would find their peculiar specialties valuable and keep them around for their skillsets.

I have an Iron Warriors renegade faction. The Warsmith has created a false religion and instilled it into his warband and all their mortal slaves to a suicidally zealous level,their greatest honour being to die violently in his service. A malevolent spirit that is probably an avatar of Malal upholds the miraculous end of their religion and keeps the other Chaos Gods away (mostly). The Warsmith's endgame, inspired by the Eldar's Ynnead project, is to ultimately make his fake religion true through millennia of harvesting the souls of his followers and warp dickery, then ascend as an exalted daemon prince of the god he himself created as a big middle finger to absolutely everyone everywhere. The malevolent spirit that is probably an avatar of Malal (but might also be Cegorach sometimes, who the fuck actually knows?) is doing it for the lulz, while Eldar allies feed the Warsmith carefully edited versions of forbidden knowledge from the Black Library to egg him on for reasons of their own (one large one being that he can easily be made to fuck up almost anybody they want him to without it coming back on them.) The Warsmith has guessed the Eldar are fucking with him, and knows the malevolent spirit is probably an avatar of Malal, but is too invested in his plan to stop, and quite frankly is pretty bonkers after millennia of living among the recycled souls of his friends and followers, none of which know they are dead and have been acting out a pantomime of idealised versions of their pre-soul harvested lives.

In a nutshell.

Neat chapter.

> When the cut normal matter, they don't "cut" it so much as they disrupt the atomic bonds between elements, effectively obliterating anything they cut.

Isn't this how regular power weapons work in 40k?

Bought bunch of those new thousand sons but was thinking on making them not technically rubrics as I don't care for having soulless robots as my troops. Still working on colour scheme and background though. Any ssuggestion?