So why is there people that keep insisting that 40k is a deep, well constructed and serious setting?
This baffels me. It's batshit silly, ironic and hyperbolic in most aspects. One of the running jokes is that the Imperium is operated like Weekend at Bernie's and dadjokes everywhere.
Jackson Jenkins
>Lowqualitybait.jpeg that'll still get eaten up
Zachary Edwards
Easton Barnes
Connor Powell
Eli Brown
It's simple really. Kids grow up with 40k, they don't understand the irony and British humour; so they end up taking it seriously. When they grow up to become neckbeards they don't want to admit it to themselves that 40k is silly so they rationalise a lot of things about it.
Robert Barnes
You misspelled baffles.
Sebastian Powell
>Global Rule 2 >You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Benjamin Rodriguez
To add to this, the writers started drinking their own kool-aid around 3rd and 4th edition, so even they started removing the humor and going full grimderp.
Kayden Ortiz
>Troll rule #2: In the event no one falls for your bait keep pouring chum in the waters and hope for the best.
Nathaniel Carter
I think that Black Library is the primary offender in this. They decided to present the Horus Heresy like it was a serious drama.
Adrian Carter
Black Library was a mistake.
Julian Green
Juan Stewart
What dadjokes?
Austin Gomez
I think he means that 40k is puntastic.
Lincoln Perry
This made me cringe.
Jaxson Lee
When you've had so many different people contribute to it through so many separate games/books/comics/audiodramas/fanfic/etc you're gonna have the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Just don't worry about it too much and focus on the aspects you enjoy.
Juan Rogers
Autismos that can't understand subtext views 40k as a serious setting for serious people.
John Cox
A reasonable answer? On my Veeky Forums?
Isaiah Perez
I see we have a special case of the Auts here. If we give you a gold star, will you feel validated and go away?
Aiden Nguyen
Shit, also sage, because I forgot to sage like a fuckwad moron.
Kevin Bell
It's entirely possible for something to be humorous, satirical and over the top and still have the potential to say something nuanced or interesting. "Well constructed" is an outright fucking lie, though.
40k is definitely a black humor setting, but there are bits of it that are supposed to be fairly serious/sad. I always compare it to Blackadder Goes Forth, a ridiculous and bizarre comedy full of poop jokes... that's ultimately about the futility of war and the fragility of human beings in the face of world shaping events.
Robert Wilson
The only people that keep on insisting 40k should be taken seriously are those at GW.
Give me back the campy, ridiculous 40k with an entire planet full of Jungle Schwarzeneggers armed with knives and where 80's Hair Band Chaos Marines exist. I want the Grimdarkness to be laughably overblown, and the only time things should get serious are when Manly Tears are meant to be shed. Give me back the era when Angry Marines, Clown Marines, and Pathetic Marines fit right in.
Give me that 40k.
Austin Anderson
You don't get to decide. GW has already decreed what is acceptable. You must follow this, or suffer the wrath of the Lawyers.
Matthew Nguyen
I know, right.
Benjamin Mitchell
Or... Or...
We fix it ourselves, and another 40k-verse like the Hektor Heresy, Nobledark 40k, or the Veeky Forums Heresy.
I'd love to run Rogue Trader or Dark Heresy in something like this.
Asher Morris
40K forgot it was a satire after the first couple of editions, and then so did the fanbase.
Blake Hill
>It's batshit silly, ironic and hyperbolic in most aspects. Y'know, that was the idea, decades ago.
But things took a dark turn and today we have shit like Horus Heresy.
Also, see
Jaxson Hughes
Sometimes I wish there was more exploitation of themes like time travel and alternate realities/dimensions besides the warp. We already know they exist and that there are plenty of organizations that partially or fully utilize (and weaponize) them directly. And the fluff even has plenty of seeds with room for "alternate" universes where for example the Emperor succeeded and made normal thinking Primarchs who never turned or whatever and their Imperium is actually the nice one.
I'd love the idea that the current 40k we know is actually the hell for a whole bunch of other dimensions and their advanced residents.
Tyler Richardson
>they don't understand the irony and British humour 40k is silly 40k is not ironic, it's not satirical
It's made by people who read things like dune and 2000AD and thought those were awesome, and wanted more of that. It was made by honest to god metalheads out of a garage, not the backwards delusion that things made in the 80's or by british people were all campy and tongue-in-cheek humorous.
40k was (and is) silly BECAUSE it takes itself seriously, despite the absurdity of its contents.
Hudson Young
I mean, it was like 2000 AD. It was both "serious" and tongue-in-cheek. It was cynical, but it was still intended to be goofy and fun if you read between the lines at all. It was badass and metal, but also fun at a basic level.
Landon Bennett
because when people hear silly they think stupid not over the top, and thus they want to prove that their hobby is not stupid