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It (thread) Will Not Die edition

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First for bad paint jobs are best jobs

Anyone else not cancel your preorders for the new TSons things?
I'm ready for the best legion, and the best primarch.

>hey guys new world eaters rules!
>khorne berzerkers now cause fear and get +1" on the charge


I didn't, but I only ordered Magnus and a couple Tzaanagors.

Pls no

only the dead can know peace from the flash on that bolter

Just mostly finished my first Raider. Do I cover it in spikes now, or wait till I've put some paint on it?

>death guard get +1 to fnp
>it becomes +2 to fnp with meme nurgle number

I don't even know what that means.

>memetic sponging for weathering
i'll give you a 6/10
you also cucked yourself with the grav flux bombard

I've never built dark eldar models but my inclination would be PIN. DOWN. EVERYTHING.

I pin anything remotely not-a-solid-block in my CSM army, and deldar shit makes chaos spike marines jealous with all those bits ready to snap off. Just pin it my dude. Pin your dark eldar or prepare for the suffering of super gluing shit constantly and having it look terrible/broken.

It was my first try at weathering a vehicle.
Chose the Grav Flux Bombard because its fairly neutral looking, can use it as the Storm Cannon or Melta Lance

The Tzaangor warheard could be funny with 6 Chaos spawn rerolling ones with a ML3 sorcerer buffing them.

Still getting Ahriman and a box of sorcerers myself.

Well he's the only one I play against currently, I just feel bad because of the like 10 games we've played he's only one and it was because he read HIS rules wrong and gave his plague drones a rerollable 4++ save. He's absolute shit at learning rules so I'm basically learning 3 codices and the entire rulebook for the both of us. He's also not great at strategy and for some reason terribly unlucky when it comes to deep striking. Also our layouts seem to favor me since his daemons have shroud but we have yet to use cover saves meaning his daemons survive off their 5++ save... that never saves them.

I didn't put spikes on, I love the lines as is

the bit of plastic on the barrel that is clearly visible. also the mold line on the scope. you should clip and file this type of stuff off, it's not the end of the world if you don't and many do not but man you really should. also drill them barrels.

Does anyone happen to know where I can buy bases for 40k flyers?
Also anyone know where I can get instructions on how to construct my Barracuda AX-5-2 from chinaman? It didn't come with a base or instructions but was still half the price of FW. Also I am ticking off my box.

Anyone else get the collector's edition WoM?

Scions kill team with a Taurox Prime.

2 Volley Guns or 2 meltaguns?

It's plastic glued. I'm confident that the little bits are fine.

But spikes

Vollyguns are always better unless you need to deal with vehicles, then again the taurox battle cannon and the autocannon should cover you there.

Check eBay for flyer stand. Check /r/warhammerinstructions on reddit for how to build it.

We all know it's AdMech, but what can it be?
My guess is either another HQ option, or a triple pack รก la Bullgryns, either option will have optional assembly modes.
Please screencap this post so I can be shown how wrong I am. :^)

I play mostly covens, maybe I am just weird.

I wish :(

I am terribly sorry to hear you missed out on it, user. I wish I could do something about your situation.

I don't care too too much about the Dark Angel models I painted BA colors but that also has made me extremely hesitant to paint my actual Blood Angel models because they're already glued together and I don't want them to be as sloppy as the rest currently are. The Dark Angel models are kind of like testing grounds and help me see how I've progressed but I only have 3 bikes left to paint before real deal models.

I'd like to say I've come a long way in my painting but I haven't even touched making modifications to my models.

Figured so. Cheers.

That's what I get for still being at Uni.

Soon brothers in Chaos, Soon!

Did someone say bad paint jobs?

My current WIP, trying to see what I like for my GSC.

Nice to see color theory in use. I'd darken the armor and cloths, though. In my mind, at least, non-SM clothing is duller than skin, plus it'd bring out the arms and faces.

Oh shit, don't make me start posting mine,

Yours look good. They remind me of that picture of the guy with a too big brain.

Dude besides the too thick edge highlighting, they look okay.

Thin your paints
Learn colour theory
Thin your paints
Get a smaller brush
Thin your paints

I have to wait another week for my Iron Warriors though.

I'm warming up to the idea of Covens, but I'm actually more interested in wyches, meaning what I like is irrelevant.

Don't too hard on yourself bud, they look pretty decent to me.

I feel the warhams community often gives a bad impression on this. Just because a model's rules doesn't shit all over the competition in a landslide victory doesn't mean mean it sucks arse. Likewise just cause your painting isn't up to Golden Daemon standards and makes people weep tears of blood when they gaze upon your models doesn't make them terrible.

I run wyches alongside my coven, so people don't bitch about my army.

I know, people bitching about DE but what are you going to do?

This. So many people show up with unpainted armies, or barely half painted that even if the army is crudely painted, if it's all painted, people are at least thankful about it.

Patriarch pre-everything, lighting sucks but this is the theme for my nidsPlz do! Not enough Xeno love in these threads

Yeah I agree, might try adding some black to the armor, just wanted to try and get some "pop"

Thanks dood.

I know its terrible, literally my first time attempting. Working on it!

I could use some green in there...hmmm and yeah my dollar store brushes are rough.

>those feet

What are the flamers and cannon on 1K sons like statwise?

I've had this gifted Stormraven in here for 11 months but I don't play marines. What should I do with it?

Still getting mine. Trying to think of interesting background as I don't really care for lifeless troops and colour scheme.

flamers ap3 soulblaze
cannon s5ap3 heavy 4 rending, dont know if it has soulblaze, but it probably does

1ksons get a s4 ap4 flamer. The scarab termintators get the S5 ap3 flamer

>5+ ap3 flamers jumping out of a rhino to fuck everyone's day up

Don't give a shit if it's overcosted, i'd play it just to see the look on the SM players face as I rape his marine squad in cover.

Is Yarrick ever worth it? I have a model of him from a friend and it's tempting to use him. He seems so expensive for what he can do. Seems more like a hilarious gimmick to see how long he lasts instead of him doing stuff. I'm considering throwing him in with a blob or Bullgryn.

I also feel like Straken is better since he has orders and a squad. Not that either of them seem very good.

Orks have been doing that for years.

150 for 4+Sorceror, 5 pts for Flamers, 170 points for 4 Flamer Rubrics.

The Rubric Flamers are only ap4

The Scarab Termies have the ap3

I fully plan on using my box of wyches, but I don't expect much. Mostly wounds for the Succubus.

the succubus deserves a harem of incubi, really

If they weren't failcast and hyper expensive, I'd consider it.

I use them to keep stuff away from my grots and talos.

Best disciplines to roll TS psychic powers from? Damage-wise, I mean. thinking Telepathy or Biomancy for the AP2 powers.

!!! the formations have finally fucking leaked, thank god

What, Traitor Legions?


I've never had any issue with my Deldar. I just use that hard case custom battle foam stuff.

It helps that the sails on the Raiders are pegs, so you don't have to glue them down and can pop them off for easy storage.

>take 7 units of plague marines @ 120pts/unit

>Get toughness 5 3+ FNP dudes

Hey, I know you were memeing but I'd do that in a heartbeat, especially since only str 10 would remove the FNP.

we still posting pics from our last games?

people play 40k here?

that would be really fucking good actually, thats better than decurion crons level of durability except against strength 10

1k sons

You definitely need some kind of wash on the yellow parts.

Can you highlight a color after you wash it with the same color?

Thinking of catachan green on my guardsmen (cadian 8th)

Yeah washes are thinner than real colours.

They've been out for daaaays.

Anyone know a mini maker that sells mini 'roos? I wanna make some custom rough riders.



Orks v. GSC, a narrow as fuck 7-5 win.


i have literally never seen someone put an apostrophe before "roo" and I've lived in australia all my life

what the fuck are you doing outside your proper thread there bud
>that many unpainted models
>unpainted terrain
fuck you

I mean it's correct, it's just weird.

Ill paint when im done doing conversions for all 6500 points of orks.

How do you motivate yourself to paint?

>6500 point of orks

user I am so sorry

I envision Taytay looking at my army and ask myself what she'd think.

I needed a casual break from my Chaos.

She looks like she's saying Apathetic.


Would making the head dresses the thousand sons have look similar to pope hats be a retarded idea? Was thinking I could give them some templar order colours and make them a renegade crusading chapter. Might have to think of a good reason why they went renegade in first place.

You don't want a beautiful angel thinking you're apathetic user, show her you care about her by painting your army mans

Don't even

>gay shit
>anime picture

thats it, fuck off back to your pathfinder thread weeaboo

Is it some youtuber?

Found the autist

Wow that bitch has an ugly mouth/jawline

This is Veeky Forums man, the place wasn't made for your gay anime. Go post on Reddit.

I feel your pain.

I have orks, CSM, nids and DE.

So I just rotate through the pain.

>the lack of self-awareness is real

but Veeky Forums was literally made for /a/

>Veeky Forums
>not made for anime
Are you retarded?

>pointing out an autist
>on Veeky Forums
