/cyoag/ - CYOA General

No, this doesn't have anything to do with Quests, stop asking.

Previous thread: Resources and such: pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu

I'm only saying, the decision went both ways. I reduced the culling time to 40 days and put in a way out which isn't all that expensive.

I personally want it in because it's interesting as to what people would do in that situation. Yes murder and rape exists but I imagine a more colourful scenario. There is also heroism, ingenuity, survival, vengeance and excitement. There aren't armies of veterans waiting for rookies to devour them. Small groups may be inevitable in the culling, but honestly most are only there for themselves. It's every man for himself.

You think the culling is so bad when truly it's monster hunting that would kill the most.

Depends on your INT and your charing time, other than that, I don't know.

1 is average human level. Other than that I lost interest to imagine, but 10+ is basically monster level equivalents.

You can be whatever gender you want, don't let me stop your fun.

And I'd say Enchantment wouldn't do much for you, since you have only the Arcane element. (There are also Fire, Water, Lightning, Frost, Light and Dark elements.)


Which thread do we use? This one or


Whichever one Italics posts the Order CYOA in. After all, it should be done today.


Thanks for the answer.

Those elements listed are the only ones affected by combine, yes?

>I personally want it in because it's interesting as to what people would do in that situation.
If you wanted that then why not do a culling bit on its own as its own cyoa?

>Light and Dark elements
What exactly is light and dark elements?

They're under Ethereal as the source of most powers.

>which isn't all that expensive
If you're playing territories it's actually rather hard to, since having only two choices means you either need to take two hard areas and die, or one practice area with little payout.

So you can't enchant items with Gravity, Barriers, Binding, or Psionic?
How would you make extra heavy hitting weapons, instant huts, permanent traps, or telepathic cell phones, then?
Could you at least combine Binding with the other elements to make more creative/potent traps?

+3 Stat Points

Martial Arts

Monster Within
Soul Spirit

Bladed Arms
Ancient Weapon [Throwing Knives]


STR: 3 [8]
DEF: 2
AGI: 12 [17]
INT: 2
SKL: 5


Low-Class Housing
55 coins

Remade my "fuck you" build for the Culling, showing that pacifism works. By running away. Default 12 Agility combined with Stamina/Athletics means I can run away from just about everything. Equip a Leviathan Soul and nothing will be able to catch me in the water. For combat, either in self-defense, or for hunting the rest of the seasons, I use throwing knives usually, though when I hit Overdrive I can do a kind of "thousand slashes" by using them as melee weapons with my 17 Agility and Flurry. Normally returning the knives would be a problem, but with Self-Repair they should be able to replicate new knives by killing more. Kraken and Hydra are my backup souls in case of oh shit moments, Kraken can create a distraction while Hydra can help me recover from extreme wounds.

>I personally want it in because it's interesting as to what people would do in that situation.
What interesting scenarios have come out of it?

All you get is:

1. People who hate it and complaint about it.
2. People who think they're invincible and can avoid packs of veterans.
3. People who masturbate about all the rape and murder they'll do.

The only moldbreaker here is that one fucker with his bomb obsession, and he's not worth all of this.

Newbies aren't in a position for this.
Only the greatest genius could outsmart everyone.
So more murder.
Only if this is your fetish as you've bragged before.
>There aren't armies of veterans
Squads then. There's no reason for them not to.

Muse, by far. It has many of the thematic benefits of the other three and more, with none of the drawbacks. The only downside I can see is becoming a cultural monolith, making the contributions of the rest of humanity inevitably tend towards the derivative; but since there's no limit to the quality and variety of your works, and the creativity of others isn't explicitly limited or destroyed and is in fact bolstered by your existence, I don't think that will be too big of a problem.

>when truly it's monster hunting that would kill the most.
Bliss shows he knows nothing about humans.

Jesus, you're like that faggot from two weeks ago who wouldn't stop bitching about some other CYOA because you can't conceive of yourself winning. Wait your typing style and defeatist attitude are just like him. Good lord, go the fuck away.

Just fucking ignore him, Bliss.

>if you want X food, why do you sometimescombine it with other things instead of only eating it by itself?

Would you be happy if you bullied bliss enough so he'd stop making cyoas totally?
Honestly from an outside perspective that seems like the only thing you're trying to do and I find it hard to understand. How broken do you have to be to try to get someone to stop making OC.

>implying bomb guy isn't the hunter we all deserve

I don't even know what CYOA you're talking about. I've posted remarkably little the last month or so.

When's the last time Bliss made anything new anyway?

Because the culling is evidently big enough to fill its own meal?
And we're not talking about food but fucking cyoa?

Blessed is Chenchen user, bearer of the holy shit hand grenade.

>Muse, by far. It has many of the thematic benefits of the other three and more, with none of the drawbacks.
What drawbacks does Power have?
Hint: It's almost too good, especially if you choose to have a medical R&D firm that first works on curing stuff like involuntary aging and cancer and the like, and then branches out to fun stuff like genetically engineered catgirls or whatever. And you can do all that because success is guaranteed.

Thanks for this. I just came home and I haven't read the thread yet but this post has helped me big time for irl stuff.

How many people talk about actually hunting? The CYOA might as well JUST be the culling at this point.

>big enough to fill its own meal
>not even a season long
>you have to kill 3 monsters a season, granting more than enough points to purchase a pass along the way
>game only covers the first season NOT EVEN THE CULLING

A good number of builds, actually. Last thread peeps were trying to put a party together. Culling complainers are just the loudest because people have to tell them to hush.

haven't made a CYOA in a little while, and am looking for new concepts. Any suggestions?

Bliss, can you give a little more information on exactly how Nullify works? Is it possible to focus it? Can Nullify be overwhelmed in some way? I feel like a sufficiently powerful mage ought to be able to overwhelm the field. Even if not, is it a consistently active field, or is it basically a temporary magical shield?

It was Universal War, some faggot was bitching for almost the exact same reasons as you.

"wahh PVP ruins my immersion even if there is an option to get rid of it"

>arguing is what proves that a given CYOA is worth making
Are you for real? People will naturally gravitate towards the contentious. Just because people noticeably talk about elves and dwarves a lot from LotR doesn't mean that the rest was window dressing or should be scrapped in favor of an LotR remake that just deals with elves and dwarves.

What are your previous works?

He said that
>Just over arm's reach
>Absolute antimagic; can't overpower it
>Temporary skill with cooldown

Legendary weapon CYOA. Use it to fight against the dark and nefarious forces that intend to destroy your world in order to sustain theirs.

>Str +++
>Def ++++++
>Agi +++
>Int +++++++++++++
>Ski ++++
>+3 Stat Points


>Arachnid 20
>Kraken 60
>Dragon 110

>Age 5 (22yo)
>Beauty 10
>Forge 20
>Library 30
>Alchemy 40
>Market 50
>Healing 55
>Training 60
>Scavenging 65
>Diner 70
>Bar 75
>Hot Springs 80
>Low 100

I was busy at work all day and not really able to respond much. But the people fantasizing about me getting raped during the culling didn't read my build and I think are way exaggerating power of Nullify. It only lasts limited time and in close proximity. I think I have highest possible Int which is spell power and lots of very powerful magic that would make it very hard to attack me in a place with only one entrance. Even with nullify, it'd take awhile to get through and your spell only has limited duration. And I'd be a very friendly and helpful sorceress and would have friends that I hunt with sometimes who aren't psycho evil rapists, so I could just hang out with them during the culling and not even worry about rapist losers!

Someone asked for ideas in the previous thread, maybe you'd like to do some that they rejected (or even your versions of the ones they seemed to accept)?

I made the "everyone is on fire" CYOA

I don't think I've ever even see n that CYOA.

You're welcome. I try to answer most questions or criticism when I can.

Yes, you can be a rainbow mage if you want.

Why go through the effort of having it on its own when I have a whole complete project to tie it with?

I wanted it to be part of the setting.

They are like emotional powers. Light is like happy emotions, and its magic is more destructive than arcane (obliterating, disintrigating). Dark is the opposite, with basically shadow powers which are more controlling.

Blessed (lore) is basically however you feel. You can have a dark aura or a light aura.

Only with licenses you can often pick and choose which monsters to engage. Bounties do not have that luxury but at least you know what you're up against. Both require some tracking on your part.

Anyway, there is always the blessing you can get.

Gravity, Barriers and Binding are special arcane abilities. So of course you can. Psionic isn't a magical element though.

>What interesting scenarios have come out of it?
Mostly imagination wise, a lot. Getting to save someone, kill someone, having a stand off, running for your life, hiding, not knowing who the trust.

But some people can't handle pressure. They need to win, they need it easy. In a realistic scenario, yes, I get it. But in game-wise scenario people shouldn't just get everything they want. Winning doesn't count unless someone loses.

Mold yourself into something greater, then.
>Squads then. There's no reason for them not to.
Firstly, randomized locations. If you were to reveal yourself then you'd just get into trouble. Secondly, distrust. Why would anyone want to randomly group up with murderers? That's just a crazy concept to me. Only friends group up.

I assume I can take any direction I want with the narrative of my own CYOA, user.

I don't really want to do anything lewd at the moment. Apart from that, I don't mind what genre the CYOA falls under. Thanks for the suggestion, though.

reading those bomb posts im convinced he not only wins the culling but convergence as well
nigga gots a plan


Maybe a DBZ CYOA?

Race, basic point-buy stats, a couple OC companions, some techniques, and/or an equipment section.

There was the slumber party suggestion, which could be non-lewd. Same for the "cursed"/harem waifu ones.

>Only with licenses you can often pick and choose which monsters to engage
Not my point. My point is the payout is crap for them.

>Taking the gift that gimps your potential
Hint: All that other stuff is priceless.

Yes, that thing bliss wanted to make mandatory and has always been a top topic, that entire builds have been centered around. With multiple other pieces of media using the exact same concept of battle royale.

That's definitely not big enough for a single meal.

I can accept this. But I still remain adamant that a culling like scenario is easily strong enough to stand on its own. Especially with this fucking community.

>Mostly imagination wise
And when has it happened outside of your imagination?

>They need to win
They want to not fucking die, you idiot.

By the CYOA, we're not playing the game, and a lot of us aren't so fucking arrogant we think we're invincible.

>Mold yourself into something greater
There's no opportunity to, because the veterans are going to Cull you the first time around unless you join in on their favorite hobby.

>Randomized locations
This actually just hurts the newbies. They're the ones most in need of friends and teamwork. Just makes them easier to cull.


STR: 2
DEF: 7
AGI: 2
INT: 8
SKI: 3

+1 Skill Point


One With Nature (20)
Monster Within (19)

Indomitable (17)
Blessed (16)
Recall (15)
Telepathy (14)
Premonition (13)

Catalysts (11)
Arcane (10)
Fire (9)
Blink (8)
Lightning (7)
Water (6)
Frost (5)
Combine (4)
Detect Magic (3)

The Strange

Age (105)
Vacation [Spring] (90)

Market (80)
Library (70)
Alchemy (60)
Healing, Fortune, Training, Scavenging (40)
Club (35)
Diner (30)
Servant [Tiger], Appearance, Attitude, Knowledge (0)

user let it go, no one is going to budge on this.

This applies to the rest of you. Fucking leave it be.

Bliss could you please rate my build and maybe hint what I could do to improve monster slaying and culling survival? I don't want to buy Exempt because the culling is an important event for hunters where I think they could learn a lot and maybe make stronger friendships and have some fun.

Right now my idea is to mostly use barriers, binding, blink, and heal to protect myself and rely on super big elemental attacks combining multiple elements to destroy things. And spend lots of time at the library and training so I can learn real fast and always be improving. And try to do some hunting on my own, but also offer to help parties looking for some support.

>and have some fun
Murder and rape are fun to you?

Waifus that are simultaneously weapons that you have to use kill a big bad that is simultaneously a waifu

You compare your weapon waifu with your big bad waifu to see just how compatible you are so that you'll improve your chances of survival.

>tfw no wyverns/lesser wyrms in monster hunter CYOA
>tfw can't be a dragon rider

Just fun surviving in the wilderness and sneaking and hiding, and occasionally fighting for survival. But I hope to be a kraken and dragon slayer eventually, so this would just be more like training than anything.


Is that any different from pic related?

It's okay. If they want let it out I'll listen. I may or may not be swayed but any choices in the end are made by my decisions.

I find this all to be very intriguing and sometimes a little amusing, not to worry user.

Something new was during summer, and I've updated Domain Master 2 months ago. I admit I haven't been actively making new things because I always try to out-do myself.

I've been thinking about space conqueror type (dragonball z esq/ripoff) and a crime cyoa (fantasy kingpin CYOA successor) but none are past the idea phase.

I kind of like this.

No need to get worked up.

>And when has it happened outside of your imagination?
All the time. Even these discussions are interesting to me. This general becomes truly alive with disagreement, and I enjoy it, very much.
Your continued survival is a victory, user. And the rewards reflect exactly that. Losers are just as big of a part in this CYOA.

There isn't any incentive to "cull" other than selfish impulses. Literally you would be putting yourself at risk, no matter the odds in numbers or experience. Don't misunderstand, I get your concern. People are dangerous but everything in this CYOA is risk vs reward.

>This actually just hurts the newbies.
It mostly hurts people looking to group up. The scenario does expect some form of self-reliance.

Anyway, many made this point out to you and some like yourself have proven to be unpersuasive. Let's move onto to something new.

Sure, I'll just post this and then I'll get right on it.

Since you pay tribute costs each season as upkeep rather than a one time cost, are you able to change what you're spending it on at the start of a season. ie Focusing on training at the start, then as you improve start changing them out into luxuries.

If you can change how you spend your tribute can you also change your licenses/bounties. Maybe not every season but once a year or so. I want to hunt the tier 5 terrains but starting with them I'd likely die the first year or fail the quota. Ideally I'd increase the difficulty over a few years, alongside improving my quality of life.

With the Persona category the right side seems likely to charge regular upkeep. However with the left side, do you only pay when you want to change something or to maintain the change?

Are we almost done feeding the cuck with a murder-rape fetish by now? Bliss isn't budging on this and I'm right there with them, so just accept that you, yes you specifically, are going to be murder-raped during the culling by everyone else and/or move the fuck on.


blessing-+3 stat points (1 strength, 2 defense)
physical-tempered, toughness, willpower, sixth sense
magic-fire, arcane, lightning, blink, detect magic
spiritual-poisons, binding
weaponry-bladed arms, ancient weapon, stamina, ancient will
ethereal-recall, unleash, healing
2 strength
5 defense
2 agility
8 intelligence
8 skill
licenses-ruins, forest, twilight
library, alchemy, market, scavenging, diner, club, low

basically I unleash my weapon spirit or whatever the hell it is, have it do all the head on stuff and try to back it up with magic and traps.

Something kin to "The man who would be King" from another era or location.
> Revolutionary leader cyoa
> Wild Western cyoa
> God & Gold & Glory conquistador type colonial cyoa
> East Africa Warlord cyoa
> Sengoku Jidai cyoa

Plenty of options.

Are there more monsters not included on the CYOA? Considering players are designing characters that are presumably just starting out on their Wild Hunt, it wouldn't be absurd to assume they have a smaller selection, wish some potential 6+ Threat Level monsters.


>Gravity, Barriers and Binding are special arcane abilities. So of course you can. Psionic isn't a magical element though
Then why'd you say I only had Arcane magic to enchant?

Is there a way to (with enough studying) pull a reverse Spell-to-Power-Erudite and find some way to power your Psionic skills with mana or something? It wouldn't be too broken to have three separate skills in three separate trees (Psionic, Enchantment, and Arcane or Combine) synergize.
Alternatively, can you give more detail about Dark spells?

Actually, I'll combine the Psionic question with my trap question: How creative can you get with skills? Can nonmagical skills get mixed together (Binding + Recall to teleport you to intruders, Binding + Psionic to pacify anyone who doesn't resist enough, etc), or are mages with Combine inherently more versatile than nonmages?

>Sure, I'll just post this and then I'll get right on it.

Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>All the time. Even these discussions are interesting to me. This general becomes truly alive with disagreement, and I enjoy it, very much.
It's only ever about the murderrape and not liking the murderrape. None of the 'complex' situations you imagine.

>Your continued survival is a victory
No shit. And thus why they don't like your inescapable murderfest.

>There isn't an incentive to cull
To take people's shit.

>It mostly hurts people looking to group up
Which, as stated, is something that newbies need the most.

I have this vision of all these retarded fat kids in safety helmets, elbow and knee guards and other padded body armor wailing away blindly at each other with those foam pool float tubes, shrieking at the top of their lungs about how no one can beat them in the culling, while their handlers run around frantically trying to calm everyone down. There are of course a few who are sitting in the corner bawling and pissing about not wanting to be in the culling.... and behind a desk in his office the director is just facepalming about "sports" day gone wrong.

>To take people's shit.
weapons and armor are custom made for each person. I guess you mean that they want to steal their camping supplies?

Holy fuck.
I actually qualify for the bonus.

>not taking another dude's ancient weapon to have smelted into yours at the forge

Then there's mad bomber, covered in shit and twitchy sitting out in the parking lot. He can be smelled for miles, but no one wants to get near him for fear of leveling a city block.

But yea, Bliss's idea for the culling would probably have worked better elsewhere.

>only one friend and one perk
>penis size adjustment makes no sense

How exciting.

I like how when people ask what the Cullers could want, it's their stuff
I like how when people suggest bribing Cullers we don't have anything of value
I like how the Cullers kill the newbies without exception.
I like how the Cullers have superior numbers
I like how the Cullers care only about the murderrape when facilities are provided to take care of these urges the other seven eights of the year.
I like how, in their half a season, the Cullers account for most of the player deaths for the year, and not the dangerous bloodthirsty monsters
I like how the Culler's anti-hunter minmaxing allows them to meet their quotas and not get banished.

>A gun doesn't fire except for the person who bought it.

>b-but my urges
>muh real world examples despite the creator stating it works otherwise
>muh edits

Why would someone take a bribe when they can just kill you and take all of it?

>Without exception
Everyone is always of the mind that Cullers would happily accept newbies who are willing to follow in their footsteps. Like a gang, as long as you're willing to kill for them, they don't mind you. It's just that people don't all WANT to be murderrapists.

>Implying consensual sex and non-fatal sparring is going to satisfy sociopaths.

Man is always more dangerous than a dumb animal.

Please stop posting the same build over and over again. Just link to them or something.

Shut up. Angel is always welcome

Why in the world would they accept more members when it cuts down on their share of the murderrape and the rewards of the god that cares more about ganging up an easy prey rather than facing great monsters in glorious combat?

If there are so many people who don't want to be murderrapists, how the the Cullers manage to take over the island, when everybody else would have teamed up to face the threat in their midst?

If the monsters are so easy, why don't you up your risk and buy the exemption?

Well, what immediately strikes out is that you lack in awareness. Traps and surprise attacks could certainly be the end of you, your decent defense stat helps, but it's not foolproof.

Since you're mostly magic based I would drop Enchantment and also drop Bloodlust for something else. You have Healing after all. One with Nature to replace Bloodlust seems better.

Not sure about you picking dragons, though. They are extremely defensive creatures and you seem to lack the stamina/vigor to keep fighting for long periods. You have burst potential (using Binding, Unleash, Combine) so I would advise something else.

Your tactics seem fine, just be wary of people dispelling your traps.

There are trash monsters but for more dangerous ones there are more Gods with their domains during the Tournament so you'll most likely see something like that there.

>Then why'd you say I only had Arcane magic to enchant?
Because those abilities are arcane...? Gravity, Barriers, these things require the skill Arcane, if you haven't noticed. They also say in their descriptions that they're a form of Arcane. Ergo, enchanting one of those is basically enchanting Arcane.

Probably a no on the reserve spell-to-power thing. Dark spells are shadow spells, materialized shadow to pierce enemies, grab them, rain spikes on them, even darken the area around you, etc.

You can combo whatever as long as you can do both at the same time. Like Overdrive and Flurry.

Literally the description of ancient weapon, and what fag doesn't take ancient weapon?

oh hey it's another angel build


Oh I did forget him. I was going to write him sitting under the punch bowl table smashing paper cups and yelling BOOM! I got you!....but I like yours heh.

Speaking of gods, ever think of doing an update where players choose a lesser patron deity?

Because of the pride in teaching the younger generation your craft. Also unpaid labor for the shit you don't want to do, freeing you up for more murderrape.

>If there's so many people that don't want to murderrape
Considering how many of you always defend Culling, murderrapists seem to have a majority.

Nobody said that. Only that a hunter who is an expert at SLAYING those monsters is even harder to fight.

Objectively, why would anyone choose Fame over Muse?

I was really liking Fame when I read it. Not because of the money (which is still nice) but because it allows me to do something creative.

When I got to Muse, however, it became clear that it's ten times better than Fame. You're telling me that I can sit down and type up my shitty ideas, or just write a song about some nonsense or another and have instant god-tier success?

Why the hell wouldn't anyone choose Muse? I definitely am.

People who spent more points on skills.

Most of what you said is you mirroring my comments?
>No shit. And thus why they don't like your inescapable murderfest.
So you agree, then? Inescapable? Exempt. Murderfest? Survival.

>To take people's shit.
Yeah, selfish impulses, greed. Just like I said. Again, just making my point for me. It's still risk vs reward.

>Which, as stated, is something that newbies need the most.
Would you rather have both veterans groups of death and newbie groups, or encounter everyone randomly? I'll personally take the second one.

Ancient weapons are personal and only answer to its master. It's literally useless in anyone else's hand, cannot hurt its master and will find a way back if ever lost.

Like I said, something new now. Or later. I think I'm off to bed.

Yeah, I like that too.

Thought about it. But I'm afraid I have exhausted most of my creativity on Monster Hunter alone.


>Why the hell wouldn't anyone choose Muse? I definitely am.
See the spoiler in

>an update where players choose a lesser patron deity?
I like this!

>Like I said, something new now. Or later. I think I'm off to bed.
was meant for

>nescapable? Exempt.
Too expensive.
>Murderfest? Survival.
Impossible. Again, the veterans can easily kill you.
>It's still risk vs reward
Little risk in taking down a stupid newbie.
>Would you rather
I'd rather you remove it.

Eh, I'm still not convinced. If I don't want to work, I don't need to. I'll have money, and I can make up for lost time whenever I want.

Plus, it would be fun to wait a few months inbetween tv show seasons or books to make everyone wait.

It's kind of funny, because earlier he was bitching about inescapable Hunter deathsquads who've been doing this for years, but now that he doesn't have the friends and protection that he already said he couldn't get, he's bitching about that too.

>If you defend the culling you're a murderrapist

I'm defending the culling because I believe it contributes to the setting. Because it makes sense for a hunting god to pit his champions against each other. Because I believe with the forces involved, the Culling being dominated by hordes of murderrapistsis not a likely circumstance, and even if it did come about, the hunting diety would take steps to shake up that status quo

I don't know how you've managed to construct this scenario. Only a masochist could come up with it, and a masochist would enjoy it too much to argue against.

I don't understand why you keep bringing up the same concerns over and over when other people seem to enjoy it. It's like standing in taco bell bitching about how bad the burritos are when you are free to leave the establishment. Don't like the game? Then don't play. Upset about a flaw in a game you would otherwise play? Make you own. Can't make your own?

Then sit there and bitch about how the game dosent appeal to you until everybody stops enjoying it. That always works.

Hey, Bliss, mind if I make a couple of suggestions for revisions? I'm not going to even talk about the Culling, but I did have a few ideas.

First, it'd be nice if you could make it clear how much boost to your stats activated abilities provided when activated, and how much they provided passively. For example, Overdrive and Iron Mass both suggest that their boosts are only while activated, but what about Barriers, Time Warp, and Wings? Can you use those if Nullified?

Second, some abilities could really use some clarification. Can you Enchant items that other people can use, or just your own? What's the range on Nullification, and does it affect Ethereal and Spiritual abilities?

You also might want to balance out the different skill trees. Ignoring the Tier 4 abilities (because I don't know how their stat boosts work), Physical and Weaponry get 6 boosts, Magical 3, Spiritual 4, and Ethereal 5. Adding them in, Physical gets a whopping 21, Magical 9, Spiritual 4 + Siphon, Weaponry 9, and Ethereal 8. More pressingly, you can get a total of +6/+9 Skill, +5/+10 Power and +5/+11/+16 Speed, but only +3/+8 Defense and +5 Intelligence. The numbers could use some reworking.

Also, any thought on balancing out Dangers? Right now, Underground is clearly the best danger for each Terrain, since it's +15 for only +1 Threat. It'd make sense to either cut it to 10, or make all of them correspond to the +1 Threat = +15 Tribute that Licenses have going on.

Can you upgrade Licenses and Bounties as you get better at hunting, or are you stuck with what you pick initially? It might be reasonable to let people change once per year, with the caveat that they have to be able to pay for any Persona modifications they've taken or get kicked out.

>If I don't want to work, I don't need to.
Same with Power, since every choice you make turns into success.
>Plus, it would be fun to wait a few months inbetween tv show seasons or books to make everyone wait.
You could have a publishing firm or whatever and do the same there.