Pick your favorite character, now pick the character you hate the most. Got them both? Good. Due to random god/dess fuckery the two are forced into a quest where they have to work together and protect each other or wind up dead.
Tell me how this ends.
Matthew Russell
Bruenor Battlehammer and Matron Malice.
It couldn't have ended worse.
Anthony Reed
Tell me Bruenor at least survives.
Chase Bell
Might run this soon for 3.5, any tips? Good first adventures? How to use a campaign setting when I'm used to homebrewing my own settings as the default way of DMing / playing since I was 13?
Jose Moore
Wish I had some advice user, but I don't. Stick around though, someone else is bound to have some!
Mason Cooper
Does anybody have some forgotten realms books they recommend? And a place where I can read/download them online for free?
Jose Diaz
Cameron Long
Can anyone tell me how the afterlife works in Forgotten Realms? I read that goblins are supposed to go to Maglubiyet when they die (even if they rarely want to). Could a goblin escape this fate by worshiping another god with another afterlife?
Henry Scott
Vingus the Vile and Lord Fronar Robairn would make quite the pair.
Tyler Campbell
Well, things where shaken up in canon a bit recently by Aos, so I am not really sure. Before I would have said no. Drizzt had been worshiping Mielikki for several decades now, but before his soul pretty much still belonged to Lolth.
However, since gods are now dependent upon their worshipers in order to continue existing, then I don't see why they would be stupid enough to turn down any new followers. From their perspective, it shouldn't matter what species they are. Souls are souls. You gotta do what you gotta do in order to continue existing.
I think Lolth is probably still going to hold onto Drizzt though, out of sheer fucking spite.
Charles Williams
>dat giant nipple piercing
Is he gay? I honestly can not see a heterosexual male warrior wearing a nipple piercing into battle. Especially one that large. Any enemy with an ounce of common sense would just grab it and tear it out.
Cameron Green
>Is he gay? Vingus the Vile is not gay, his boyfriend is.
William Wilson
Huh, I knew Forgotten Realms hints at certain people being at the most bisexual. But I've never heard of any characters being in an outright same sex relationship.
Who's the boyfriend, and do these characters show up in any books?
Samuel Howard
So the old deity first has to let their followers go before they can join another religion? I doubt many of them would go for that.
Zachary Parker
What are the best Forgotten Realms novels/stories?
Daniel Gutierrez
I am not one hundred percent certain, but I don't believe so.
Lolth is a demon, so her followers bind their souls to her via blood pacts, just as much as outright worship. In fact, the Matron of any drow house is expected to sacrifice her own third born sun to Lolth immediately after his birth.
So it's not so much that drow are followers of Lolth, as their souls are basically her property.
Like, imagine if instead of being baptized in the name of Christ, you are baptized in the name of Satan. Your free will is pretty much irrelevant.
So, long story short, I am pretty certain, but not 100% that Lolth's war with Mielikki over Drizzt's soul is a unique circumstance.
Pretty much anything with Jarlaxle or Artemis Entreri. Those novels are pure gold.
Luke Fisher
So it's difficult for drow to free themselves of Lolth but not necessarily for an orc to abandon Gruumsh and start worshipping Lathander for instance?
Liam Green
Elminster; the making of a mage (whether you like him or not, this is actually a really good book) forsaken house homeland dissolution elfshadow
each is the first in their own series, and are the best of said series
Sebastian Perez
Add in brimstone angels, anythong by the author of Evermeet and any authors who did sundering books.
James Martin
The Maztica series, the Cleric Quintet, the Finder's Stone trilogy, and Spellfire are pretty good too.
Sebastian Bailey
Adding the Empires trilogy (the not-Mongol ones) to this. Koja of Khazari rules.