Very carefully.
Ask the same question on /d/. they'll explain.
A wizard did it
Bards can't control their horny level.
Polymorph Self.
Magic and/or determination.
A big dragon comes and takes a human maid with his huge dragon dick and then proceeds to impregnate with powerful dragon seed. Then she will give birth to a half dragon.
Its simple
You never stated what's the other half.
I agree.
Your picture doesn't look like a half dragon to me at all! Its clearly some other fraction with a heavy leaning towards dragon.
They don't exist. "Polymorph" is a stupid explanation since it should just produce a human. Anything that might resemble a dragonborn/halfdragon or any variation thereof is just a human/elf/dwarf servant that was mutated. Or a Kobold. It's much more likely to be a Kobold.
>utterly violates conservation of mass
>enables you to keep your mind despite removing massive portions of your brain
>but if it allows for magical cross-species breeding it doesn't make any sense
You have strange criteria for suspension of disbelief.
Cursed by a dragon
Not at all
>Human form
In my setting all dragons of adult age or older can assume a human (or humanoid; elves n shit) form at will and remain indefinitely. If they pork a humanoid they pass on draconic features.
For half-dragon animals and shit... Man dragons have needs too, y'know.
you are a faggot
very gay concept
straight from world of warcraft
how can people even like such stupid shit?
dragons transforming into humans lol, come on!
they are fucking dragons
and half dragons
what the fuck?
You do realize that WoW doesn't have half dragons AND that dragons shape shifting into people is old as fuck.
The god of humanity is a maritime party God and goes on a quest to bang his worst enemies after the elf god dumps him. His children are the product of him sleeping with a dragon lord.
J-j-jam it in!
Sauce of pic?
That makes no sense
A human woman would be killed by a huge dragon dick unless it was a very small huge dragon dick
No, it's the other way around. A tiny human impregnates a big female dragon with his tiny human dick and then she gives birth to a tiny half-dragon withoug even noticing because humans are so small
Dragonsblood and breath carries mutative properties. Half-Dragons are the results of such mutations.
Or a dragon doesn't have to be incredibly huge. It's far more likely a dragon will want to mate in adolescent years, when it's smaller and "managable" in size.
It's far more likely though that half-dragons that aren't beasts/monsters are the result of draconic cults who induce such unions or mutations through unnatural means.
tumblrtale fuck off
>someone said determination
Does the word 'horse' also trigger you?
Dragon Worshiping cults provide the Dragon with maids he inpregnates for fun. It is easier to turn into human and have sex when there are no female dragons around. Besides, they feel the sam sexual pleasure even when they polymorph into humans.
>someone said a commonly used word from the english language
>they must like a game, and also browse a social network that I dislike
undertale wasn't even that bad jesus christ
>make no sense
Please tell me where the big magical serpent has to follow your shitty science laws in fictional settings.
Refer to sect. 3
Half-Dragon (CR +2)
Half-dragons are only rarely the result of dragons mating with other creatures—most are the result of strange magical experiments. In most cases, a successful creation breeds true with others of its kind, as with the dreaded dracolisk.
Gold Dragon
Change Shape (Su)
A very young or older gold dragon can assume any animal or humanoid form three times per day as if using polymorph.
Silver Dragon
Bronze Dragon
(Imperial) Underworld
(Imperial) Sovereign
(Imperial) Sky
(Imperial) Sea
(Imperial) Forest
All have Change Shape (Su)
Polymorph is a powerful spell that warps and shifts the form of the person into something resembling another creature, enough so that the magic can allow crossbreeding as they are effectively the same type (D&D doesn't work on genetics or science but something more pseudo scientific or mythological). So a dragon literally becomes human at least enough to be fertile. Then when the magic wears off and the powerful draconic essence blooms, it overrides the lesser human essence and thus a half dragon child is born.
Additionally, magic rituals, powerful artifacts with ties to dragons, and a variety of other magical means can give normal pregnant women half dragon children.
>seeing back of head and far teeth at the same time
>crescent shaped head
it's the only explanation
Alternatively, furfags make for shitty artists.
I like your style though.
Because Veeky Forums will fuck anything.
Anyone else read the Futa Half-Dragon on Male hentai manga?
By being excessively brave, stupid, and very very very very very lucky
I mean with tags like that
>tfw you will literally never be allowed to play a half dragon
It's not fair
I think it's just the fanbase that gets so many other spergs to have an aneurysm
I should stick a spoiler on this but its not as bad as i thought.
Adolescent dragon of moderate size decides to test out his new harmonal instincts by humping everything in a 100 mile radius, including human peasants.
Alternatively a young female dragon decides to test her pussy game on some small human and tosses the egg later after a one night stand.
Next character backstory done and done.
Dammit user, at least put some effort into it.
We went from "Veeky Forums - gets shit done" or "Veeky Forums - I don't even need the other boards anymore" to "Veeky Forums - you need to jack off before posting"