I'm the Forever DM and an off-handed comment has me wanting to run a one shot where all the players are prostitutes.
Best System to RP Prostitutes?
I uh, accidentally did this?
Decided to run a one-shot for my players as an intro to the campaign with throw-away characters. They decided to play a gang of male prositute brothers who run a firm called "Bronzebeard Bronzebeard Bronzebeard & Bronzebeard."
They went shopping for thongs.
So 5e I guess.
Please tell me there is more to this story. What class\background did they take? I''m assuming it was all-dwarf?
No one wants to play as your mom op.
I didn't let them take classes. It was just supposed to be a stupid one-shot.
They played human human human, half-ogre (adopted).
Their first names were Bronzebearus, Bronzebearder, Bronzebeardey, and Milley (adopted).
Later on they fought with the rival firm "Silverstache Silverstach & Silverstache."
>classes 5e
That's actually a rather interesting idea. So they just got background proficiency and core stats?
So a full bard-party?
I'd recommend some sort for turf-war plot in the same style as Sin City.
Maid RPG. Master is the pimp.
F.A.T.A.L. is the way to go. Can't get much more oriented than...that.
>Not a former prostitute turned madame christmas cake
>Not giving her a tragic backstory full of exploitation and abuse
>Not explaining why she runs a brothel by saying she wants impoverished young girls to make their money in a safe and controlled environment so none of them have to suffer like she did
>Not running a game specifically tailored towards my fetishes
Do you even DM bruh?
That's half of the brothels in my games. Shame that the players never visit them.
what the fuck.
it s fake translation right?
You tell me
I have no strength left to be angry or even figure out how to react to this...
Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
I'm not going to give away what's in this article, you need to read it to believe it.
WFRP has the Prostitute career.
Just do what your dick tells you to do.
If you have to do it, do it in Maid.
Been there, done that, GURPS.
Was Fireflyesque space western. Was fun.
Maybe Nicotine Girls? Don't seem to have the PDF saved, but the rules seem to be available for free on the creators site: halfmeme.com
Apocalypse World. Characters get a special move that allows them to do (X) when they successfully have sex with another player, OR npc.
Also, I really wanna see a typical fantasy brothel that caters to PCs slowly amass power and become a dominant political entity in its own right. That would be neato.
>I'm the Forever DM and an off-handed comment has me wanting to run a one shot where all the players are prostitutes.
In Tribe 8, the world went post apocalyptic when crazy spirits entered the world and enslaved half of humanity. They escaped enslavement when 8 benevolent aspects of a greater spirit came down and saved them. A generation or two later, and the people have a society made of of Tribes, each of which follows one particular spirit aspect.
One of these spirits is known as Magdalen, the Lover. Her tribe, known as Magdelites, are renowned among the other tribes as being ambassadors, spies, and consorts. Members of the tribe have magic abilities related to Sensuality and/or Conflict.
Other members of the tribe come to them to help make deals, if they need information, to get the best wine and drugs, stylish clothes, massages and therapy, companionship, and of course prostitution.
There's also a group of malevolent spirits (that used to enslave himanity) known as Sangis Z'bri. They're trapped in bodies of flesh and only feel any kind of sensation by going waaaaaay overboard in matters of sensuality (kind of like Cenobites but more sexy than pain-y). Back in the day, they used to do things like grow twisted bodies as perverse kind of art, weave people into living furniture/buildings, torture/rape them, etc.
They too have magic, but it's twisted and fucked up. Just being around them makes you want to give in to hedonism, and they can reform your body with a touch, brain wash you, and all kinds of violating stuff.
The Sangis Z'bri still exist and are enemies of the Tribes, but there's a kind of peace where they don't regularly attack one another outright. Sometimes members of the Magdalite Tribe are sent to them as ambassadors and spies, with the hopes that they don't fall under Sangis influence.
Lots of fodder for a game about prostitution.
>Tribe 8
My man.
This is why RPGs are my favourite hobby
Also, make them roll for their titles.
legend of the five rings
Read the Kushiels Dart series. It doesn't have to be gimmicky and doesn't have to be a one off.
How many of the prostitutes in your setting are powerful spellcasters having fun with polymorph?
This is what all the wizard training was for. This is how every duel should end.
greentext nao
>just bought this today
Well then
i got the first 7 episodes of this show from the library today what am i in for
i have been playing dofus for a few weeks but not wakfu so my setting knowledge is somewhat there but not muchh
Probably not a lot, magic is kind of a hassle. And if you goof up the ritual the side effects/backlash might be dangerous or really very embarrassing. Plausibly both.
Dark Heresy 2E, and for giggles, using Black Crusade's Infamy and Corruption as a mechanic to represent their ability to crawl out of that lifestyle and find a civil job, and the hold it has on their minds (brainwashing and beating from pimps, the occasional enjoyment the find in their job, etc.). If you want to emphasize the horror aspect.
Otherwise I'd just go with using D&D 5E with only backgrounds and proficiency in Persuasion and Trade (prostitute), which they can also use to keep a client in line during sex and making sure it's done in a reasonable time frame.
Finished the first two seasons. Was pretty good, well animated. Mostly used it to learn french so some of the jokes went over my head.
Seen the first episode. I've really got to get into this show.
Fuck off Mike, nobody likes your shitty magical realm you horrid That Guy. I pity your new group.
Well played ser. Well played
Im about to watch the first episode.
I tried to get my sister to watch it woth ke by appealing to her france loving side
Whats the term for a france equivilant of a weeaboo its something like ouioboo right.
Anyway it did not work but its her loss the menu background on the dvd looks great so im hye
Anime is a French word, you know.
Had to go help my grandmother with some stuff time for action and adventure.
Soiled Doves. It's specifically designed for one-shot games about Victorian prostitutes in space.
Considering wakfu is set only 1000 years after dofus and the elitrope is a playable class in dofus it will be interesting to see what could possibly have caused people to forget about them in that short span of time
>i got the first 7 episodes of this show from the library today what am i in for
Curvy elves with wide hips and thick thighs.
Everyone's rounded and cute.
Surprisingly good characterisation and storytelling.
A godawful english dub, from what I hear.
When I watched the first season, I had to keep pausing it to read the notes in the subtitles that explained the jokes and references. It was helped a lot by me already knowing a little French and about French culture, since the lazy fuckers are right next door.
Not seen the second season yet; not got around to watching it.
This man is right.
Try to hold on until the boufball arc. The first half of season one is moslty fillers, but it really picks up its pace afterwards.
Ask your mother
It's not 'filler', it's establishing the characters and setting, and introducing stuff.
Boufball is best ball, though.
fucking perfect
WHFRP has Prostitute as a starting profession
And how would one find people to even play a game like that with, and/or sell such a game to your regular playmates
GURPS is what you are looking for OP. Erotic Art is among the skills in the Basic Set.
Will there ever be a thread without the GURPS meme?