Age of Sigmar General

Name your heroes thanks to anons - Edition


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godfucking dammit
more tzeench
that's 99% a Tzeench's greater demon
Slaanesh when?
Nurgle at least has the glottkin, which magically becomes a greater demon by simply trashing the glott brothers.

>that's 99% a Tzeench's greater demon
I doubt it.

Look at the small hair all over the sprue.
This piece is too small to be a greater deamon arm.

that's true.
Tzeeench arcanites then, finally?
I mean, its kinda embarassing they have their own subfaction and there are like, only 3 models.

>fucking gear
Dudes, are you mad? It's obvious steamhead duardin.

Anyone play Silver Tower? It looks pretty fun and I'm thinkin of picking it up

Its cool, and definetely worth for the miniatures.
The game itself is fun for a while but may become repetitive after a short while.
there is only combat, combat and more combat, in cramped spaces and against a shit ton of minions, basically killing any strategy in positioning.
Exploration is almost null, since you basically grind your way out of every new room
random events are cool, bosses are intriguing but the game has a pretty short lifespan.
May work better with a lot of houserules tho.

Do they plan on expanding it at all? Like with new scenarios or bosses?

I miss Slaanesh.

Theyve said that Warhammer Quest will be expanded in the future

Silver Tower is probably a finished product. The replay value comes from all the different combinations of heroes you can bring, and the random generation of tiles and encounters.

You are not the only one.

Yeah doing Tzeentch Arcanites would make sense because of what's happening in 40k if nothing else. They need to release new Pink/Blue/Brimstone Horror box(es) too.

That said there are lots of stupidly small Allegiances. Firebellies are an Allegiance of one entry for example.

that means they are going to be(hopefully)expanded in the future.
if only they were faster....

Does this look right?

>High Tier
Tomb Kings
Beastclaw Raiders
High Elves

Mid Tier
>Everyone else

Shit Tier
>Khorne Mortals

Not really.
Stormcasts are firmly high, along with sylvaneth.
The big beasts of the ogres are fucking wrong.
Khorne mortals in shit tier is a big laugh, since they are pretty strong.

>Khorne Mortals

That's an anvilin.

Khorne is objectively shit tier

The Mordheim game made me think of starting Skaven in AoS. How am I doing?:

Verminlord Deceiver (320)- General
Skaven Assassin (100)- Weeping Blades
Skaven Assassin (100)- Weeping Blades
Grey Seer (120)

Night Runners x 30 (300)
Night Runners x 10 (100)
Gutter Runners x 5 (60)
Night Runners x 10 (100)
Gutter Runners x 5 (60)

Eshin Clawpack (80)

Total: 1340/1350

>high tier seraphon

I don't disagree with you, but I've never seen them played. The summoning rules kind of hurt them although I understand you get major versatility. But that requires quite a fat collection of minis.

Are they really that good? I've mucked around with army lists in battle scribe and have been thinking about picking them up for a bit.

Since people liked it on the last thread here is a link to my AoS fluff for my dudes in case some of you haven't read it yet

Fellow Skaven player here. List looks fast and brutal, so perfect for eshin. Be very careful of the top tier armies though as well as cheese ball lists. Empire gunline will eat your army turn 1. And anything that can null deploy denies your sneaky Beaky assault. Also remember ice ogors fuck everyone up so there's that.

I do not really recommend the grey seer. He already breaks your allegiance and with the extra points(130) you could bring 2 cheap weapons teams (warpfire or mortar) 20 plague monks (it might be clanrats that are 60 for ten tho I can't remember) or a warlock engineer. His spell is better anyway imo.

I also added a link to the mapmaking site inside the document, just if anyone was wondering on where I made them

So, does anyone have some unnamed chaos characters in Age of Sigmar? Becuase I have the Path to Glory name generator here if anyone is intersted in getting a name for your chaos dudes

>Needing a name generator

You just have to smash some some syllables together and verbnoun.

>Zenkaura Blackblood
>Arturk Thirstblade
>Ashkuran Heavenfall
>Sillister Jaggedgrin

How? i can understand the aesthetic(and the fact gw is still shitting up new stuff for khorne once in a while instead of giving us something for the other gods), but they undeniably pretty good.
You have to work a LOT on the sinergy of the list, and anything that can snipe your heroes will hurt ya bad, but they are pretty solid nevertheless.

But it's something cool/fun about gettign something entirly random

I love it. It's got ab evolving story and will take several sessions to get through it all, but it's a solid game. My brother and friend and I get together when we can to complete a trial, we are still making our way through it. I went cheap though, you can get the game's non-miniatures components for cheap from bits resellers, and I made cardstock standees for the denizens. Then we reach brought our own minis for the heroes and it works great.

They reroll everything
Best defensive units in the game
Incredible and efficiently-costed artillery
Global range teleports (chameleon skinks) and spells (lord kroak) let you play objectives and kill artillery crew
Summoning is a niche tool they can use, but it's very powerful when used properly.
They are the largest faction in the game and they have an answer to everything
Bastiladon with a 2+ rerollable unrendable save

Yeah seraphon are top tier

Thanks, I shall keep that in mind :)

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, a look of the meta.

These are the top 5 armies at a grand tournament that recently took place in the UK.

1) stormcast Eternals - warrior brotherhood battalion, that's it
2) Nurgle and clans skryre
3) stonehorns, thundertusks, and grots
4) pure sylvaneth
5) stonehorns, thundertusks, and grots

Stormcast and Sylvaneth are very easy to play around. Vexillor ability can be absorbed by trash units and then the Retributors are countercharged. Sylvaneth take too long to flood the board with trees and fast armies like Beastclaw, Tomb Kings, and Slaneesh can charge turn 1.

Khorne is shit tier. A slow melee army with average saves at best? Garbage.

Interesting that there was no bonesplitterz arrow spam.

My guess is steamhead duardin.

That arm reminds me of a mechanicum robotic arm, and the key bits are obviously steampunk.

Or it could be a new admech release. One if those

Definitely not a tzeentch mutant arm though

Every army has a lot of synergy. Khorne get shot down in the middle of the field and they fail half their charges so they never get a proper melee assault.

They have no shooting or magic so they can't isolate priority targets. They have to charge whatever is directly in front of them, giving their opponent complete control of the battle.

Shit tier army.

>No summoning armies, no points set aside for summoning reserves
Surprise surprise

>losing to deep strike paladins

What kind of idiots were playing at this event? This shit is so easy to play around

Enlighten us

I worked on contrast a bit.
There are a few extra details now.

Definitely mechanical

It's either admech or duardin. But my money is on admech

It obviously has a robotic ball joint for an elbow.

I have chaos lord of Nurgle that I need to name. What do I roll?

Just roll 6 d6

Rolled 2, 6, 6, 3, 3, 4 = 24 (6d6)

Ok, your chaos lord is called:

>Eggald Plague Bringer

Awesome, thanks!

Oh, and how about Snikch? Too many assassins then?

the key head looks gear shaped with a skull. very admech

Rolled 2, 3, 4, 6, 4, 5 = 24 (6d6)

rolling for an undivided lord

His name is:
>Sornath the Malefic

How would I play an age of sigmar rpg? I feel like there's a lot of shit to explore there, and the game would be hella high fantasy.

thanks user

I am halfway building this army. R8 but dont H8 boys.

Treelord Ancient (300)
- General
Branchwych (100)

Dryads x 20 (240)
Tree-Revenants x 5 (100)
Kurnoth Hunters x 3 (180)
- Greatbows
Sisters of the Thorn x 5 (220)

Treelord (260)

Household (20)
Gnarlroot Wargrove (80)

Total: 1500/2000

Needs more demigryphs, always take demigryphgs

>arm looks like the one from the admech kit
>mechanical ball-joints
>key in the shape of the admech symbol
Duardin or Tzeentch, totally.

You mean duardin or admech

Deep strike is just another form of melee charge tactic, except you get to choose where you land.

The same strategy applies to countering it: screen your important units with disposable chaff and then pile in with heavy hitters.

I play Seraphon and use 2-3 lines of Skinks or Saurus Warriors backed by Saurus Guard and/or Bastiladon as my screen and then pile in Stegadons with their vicious Rend-3 horn attacks. Then on my turn I shoot Salamanders into them and strike first with the Stegadon before it is weakened.

Also, "overwatch" units like Gryph Hounds and Razordons completely fuck over this tactic.

Yep, that works against 1 or 2 deep striking units. But when it's an entire army that comes in at the same time all in one turn and you had a null deployment, that's not difficult. Sure you can liturgy shit with chaff, but you can't surround absolutely everything. When he comes in and charges your shit, suddenly his entire army is engaged with yours. And if he was a smart player he would have opted to go second for that 2 turn benefit.

It's a very strong list. He could even charge your chaff with his judicators to tie them up because they're going to do little to the judicators, while his paladin's and other heavy hitters go after the real meat of your force. I have doubts you faced a list like this.

that is the same arm i'd get for my fucking macro stubber equipped dominius
same design, general arm shape, fucking cog-skull symbol

20 Paladins and 15 Liberators take up a ton of space on the board. You can play your army in a corner and easily surround it all, especially if there is any terrain nearby.

There's a great thread on lustra-online that talks about how to counter any deep strike army:

It's a strong list only if your opponent is totally unprepared for it. It is a meta stomper and nothing more.

Had anybody fought against or with Clan Eshin Skaven?

Sure. Hovel up in that corner. Hell will have a tough time grinding through the thickness of your army. Meanwhile you will be surrendering him board control, and since most missions are objective based, I would probably consider that the easiest match I've played. All I need to do it put my tough tarpitters against your army to keep you there, making our difficult for you to run out of the cluster unless you're flying.

He is deploying his entire army in reserve, how does he plan on getting objectives?

Any units he has to use to take objectives are less units in my face. If he doesn't deploy immediately on turn 1 then I snipe his Knight Azyros with Bastiladon/Stegadon and then he has to rely on 9" charges all game long.

It's very easy to counter

Do you even Skyborne Slayers, bro?

how about drycha instead of treelord?

What army would be best for a Celtic themed force? empure guys don't feel right, I was doing to start beast men but, I can't think of a way to fit the theme in apart from painting stuff in the traditional colours and fluffing them aproprietly

Jesus Christ my autocorrect butchered that post. Empure is empire and doing is supposed to be enough

1000p competitive Bonesplitterz, what would you do? Fun to play is a requirement.

I would say a mix of chaos marauders and beastmen when it comes to which units to use, don't know about the theme you want though

where does it says how many battlelines are needed at how much points?

Page 107 in GH


There is a finite amount of fun in a competition. Seek to have it all. Just do arrow spam, nerd.

wood elves?

I'm doing flesh eater courts and I'm wondering are courtiers worth it? Are they their own unit or part of ghoula, horrors, etc?

We aren't talking about the Skybourne Slayers, we are talking about the Warrior Brotherhood.

Skyborne Slayers is actually a worse list because you have to bring Decimators which are pretty lousy except against very specific threats. You also have to place all the units at the same time which makes it even easier to counter because it is more predictable.

Skybourne Slayers also can't include any Retributors, which is 90% of the reason you want to deep strike in the first place.

>I feel like there's a lot of shit to explore there
We still don't know shit about what life is like for the average joe for the most part.
Since GW's has this 'do whatever you want' policy though you could just make shit up on the fly.
What would you play though?

Seems kind of pointless to play anything but the supercharged guys in the setting like the chosen of chaos or a stormcast though.

Well it definitely wouldn't be the style of old warhammer rpg where you play a character that is just barely a step up above peasants.

Since AoS is more of a mythic epic fantasy, it would probably be little more like Exalted than anything.

So, if I were to do an army of chaos monstrous creatures with Throgg, knowing full well it will be shit, what can I put in to make it the least shit?

What the actual fuck are prosecutors?

> Build winged fairies
> Want to put winged placentas into the citadel "let us jew you" carry box
> Wings get fucked.
> mfw.parchment
> put second flying mishap into the bottom foam layer of the citadel "we know what we are doing" carry box
> flip next foam layer over to make sure not to put pressure on wings
> close box
> not a minute later open box
> wings are fucked

FUCK prosecutors and fuck whoever thought that design was satisfactory.

>winged placentas
What the actual fuck? Are you having a stroke?

I have just peered into the madness of one's muddled mind.

>mfw rolling a mix of mostly khorne with zappy tzeentch dudes

I believe he jokingly put "parchment" instead of .jpeg

If I stroked out right now I would still be less of a mistake than the creators of the prosecutor wing design. I could stroke out and get mauled by wild dogs and still be less mangled than the current state of these wings.

These winged tampons need to have proper support for their jagged dildos of wings.

You do realize then when you're transporting stuff home you're supposed to CARRY it and not strap it to the bottom of your shoes, right?


I have one of those citadel carrying cases. With the zigzag foam layers. Set me back quite a bit and now is destroying my miniatures.

Hence why I am mad.

Question: How would you go about statting a Warjack from Warmachine? I ask because there doesnt seem to be any sort of Monsterous infantry thats mechanical in nature in the Order faction.

From a scenario stand point, I like the idea of a Warjack some how getting sucked into the Realms via some sort of spell gone wrong, and it now has different factions fighting over it.

Hmm, that's an interesting question. If I remember the size of warjacks, to me they seem to be similar size to the kurnoth hunters. But this is going by relative size of course, not by stats. But kurnoth hunters are pretty beefy and their ranged/melee attacks are pretty good.

Other than that there really is no mechanical or golem equivalent in the game, yet. Wait for the steamhead duardin maybe?

I suppose I'll have to, if I want anything Mechanical. But, I was thinking of some Homebrew stuff. Heavy Jacks are honestly about the size of a Khorgorath, so I was thinking something along these lines

10 Wounds
3+ Save
10 Bravery
4" to 8" depending on jack.

Mechanical Beast: This unit cannot run, charge, or exit combat if 12" inches or more from a Hero. If also suffers a penalty of -2 bravery.

What do you think?

Given that bravery doesn't do much for single model units, eh. And shouldn't it be allied hero?

Tankier than celestiant prime?

So you guys are so retarded that you can't make your own names for models? You need to ask someone else to think for you?

No user, you are the retarded.

That guy had the path to glory name tables and people were wanting to roll on them and see what would come out. It's a fun experiment and sometimes we enjoy fate to decide names. One of the names I have come of for a favorite of 'my dudes' is from random tables. The user isn't thinking creatively for anyone else, he's just helping them with inspiration using a random table he happens to have.

Jesus, Celestant prime is that weak? I forgot to mention its a monster, so that it gets weaker as it goes

Path of glory tables, you say? So he could post those tables here and just stop making peoples look stupid in another sigmar thread cause "pleeease give name for my models user"

Rolled 3, 3, 5, 4, 6, 4 = 25 (6d6)

Do you hate fun, user? Is this hurting anyone?

Gimmie a Slaaneshi name, name-dude.

Y no deathrunners?

Rolled 6, 1, 6, 2, 3, 6 = 24 (6d6)

Yeah he could do that. But I remember him saying something about you specifically, and yes he mentioned you by name, and collaborated with us all that this would really annoy you. We all agreed to play along.

So we are doing it this way, user, for YOU. That's right, we orchestrated the whole thing knowing you would come in and bitch about it.

Mission accomplished, gentlemen! But for shits and giggles, let's continue.

Name-user, give me a Nurgle lord!

Painted my irondrakes! I am going to so look forward to finish painting this list.

My skellybros are partially celtic. Animal-skull icons, brigade minis celtic shields, no VC gothic vibe, only thing is that I'll use lions for Necro knights, since I have those and can't really find another good MC proxy from GW except TWC.