Didn't see one so let's get to it. You know what to do.
>GM or Player
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Didn't see one so let's get to it. You know what to do.
>GM or Player
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
>GM or Player
Looking for a Shadowrun game, 4e or 5e.
>Time availability
Monday through Saturday, 1600 to 2200 GMT -5
>Text or Voice
Text for IC, at least. Voice is fine for OoC.
>Contact Information
Waffle.slayer on Skype
>Additional Information
I prefer using virtual tabletops like Roll20, smaller groups of 4 to 5 players, and a good mix of RP and combat.
I'm writing a campaign for 5e right now, I'll leave my contact info ITT when it's done.
I look forward to it, user.
Fingers crossed you aren't in a weird time zone user
>GM or Player
Black Crusade, the game itself has been going on for around two months now, but one person dropped.
>Time availability
The game is usually at 4PM EST on Fridays, but Saturday at the same time is also possible.
>Text or Voice
Voice, using discord. The game itself is on roll20.
>Contact Information
On skype my username is daggerdoom, and on discord I am Mert#7108
>Additional Information
As I said, the game has been going on for a couple months now, but luckily enough, the person who left did so when a story arc was ending, so it wouldn't be awkward to introduce a new character.
Currently, the Party is composed of an Unaligned Warpsmith, a Khornate Berserker, and a Tzeentchian Thousand Sons Sorcerer. Currently, they just recently brokered a deal with a warband blockading Q'Sal for free passage, in exchange for sabotaging the defenses of the Sorcerous City.It seems unlikely they'll follow through on the deal, however.
Another thing to note about the campaign, it is all Chaos Space Marines, and it is fairly high powered as a result. I fully plan on taking the campaign to Black Crusade level heights, with each player character controlling huge swathes of land. To that end, the player's party already have a small fleet and two factory planetoids to their name.
If you're interested, shoot me a DM! I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.
American, EST. I would expect later in the evenings. Get your characters read.
I'll start reading things over, user.
>GM or Player
Player and GM
Traveller, DnD, AW, CP2020, Shadowrun
I'm looking to GM a Traveller game starting December 12th or 13th. It'll use the MgT 2e rules. Game will be set in the Spinward Marches.
>Voice or text
Text for IC, optional voice for OOC.
As a player, I'm flexible. I've used it all.
>Contact info
Discord: Sinistar #4098
Skype: lolwutpear4
>Additional info
The Traveller game will start out with one of the published adventures, and will use some material converted from older editions too. I'll allow some things from MgT 1e, and Classic Traveller, but just run it by me for approval or input.
I saw an Apocalypse World 2E game in the last thread that had an IRC channel posted. I've been sitting around in there for a while, is the user of that game in here?
Hurry up and post your premise, dude.
How the fuck are people supposed to create decent characters for the scenario and world unless they know the general premise?
New players allowed? never played Shadowrun, would like to.
lol, californicucked.
don't bully
West Coast = Cuck Coast
This. I can drum up a character sheet in no time flat but fuck me if it won't feel awkward when everyone shows up with south american deckers in a campaign set in Norway or something.
Just sent you a message on skype
>GM or Player
DnD 5th, but fine with everything
Anything, really! Hard enough to find EU timezone friendly games as it is!
>Voice or text
Text only, hate voice
>Contact info
Miro#9181 on Discord
>Additional info
Am EU timezone, GMT +0. Would like games that don't start later than 9 PM.
Tuesday late nights/early mornings
HentaiDM#5730 on Discord
Looking for an additional player or two for an erotic game on Roll20.
Takes place in an Arabesque port city run by devil worshippers with open debauchery and degeneracy. Currently the party is in the middle of a job to rescue an alchemist from a gang that's kidnapped him.
Details in application thread here: app.roll20.net
Also, would attempt to join but EUGH VOICE. ;^;
We'll start off fairly vanilla Seattle. I have some fun ideas in mind, but I'll need to see what kind of game the players want first. I'm a forever GM, and I've played SR before, but it might be another couple days to get the entire campaign down and refamiliarize myself.
I'll bite. I'll have a character posted soon. It'll be from Some Dude.
Get over yourself, faggot. No one gives a fuck what your voice sounds like. Gilbert Gottfried is famous and rich despite his voice. What's your excuse, you Millennial nu-male cuck?
Not original user, but 10/10 edge m8
Do you give Tyrone a score like that after he fucks your 300 lb. girlfriend?
>calling someone else a cuck
Go prep the bull, nu-male.
Third guy here out of curiousity, do you have to look at these threads because you're too autistic to get a group in real life?
Do you come to these threads to think about sucking my cock while I fingerfuck your wife?
Bismuth would be proud
Your parents will never be proud of you.
>System Preferred
The Mutant Epoch
>Times Available (with timezone!)
9PM, UTC+2, on a Wedsnday
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype and Roll 20
>Contact Info
Skype: jaso111111
>Additional Notes
This will be a one-shot, meant to help both me and the players learn the Mutant Epoch system. I have the books needed and can provide them. Ill also help with char gen since its a little crunchy.
All i ask is for you to be on time and have investment in char gen and the game.
Oh, man. My heart goes out for your dedication and love for this game. It's a pity you still haven't been able to complete a party. Shit sucks.
To anyone even mildly curious, the gm is a real cool guy. I ended up dropping out because we just couldn't get more players. Give this dude a chance.
Have you ever read TwoDee's shadowrun storytime? Something like that would be great. Serious and black trenchcoat while still being light enough where we can all laugh. Globetrotting shenanigans and love for the lore would also be nice. My skype's cylan.cooper if you want to add me.
I'm the user you originally replies to here Fell free to toss me an add on Skype.
Alright, let's give this a shot:
>GM or Player
Familiar with D&D, Shadowrun, and Dark Heresy, but willing to try new games.
>Time availability
Any day between 8pm and 2am CST. Available earlier on days off.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Discord: Prahda #8519
>Additional Information
Nothing much to really add. I'm not a weirdo and am easy going. Old gaming group doesn't have much time to play anymore so I'm in the market for something new.
Wait, you're in my timezone. Color me surprised. I'm curious, but I don't know anything about the game. I'm also not an experienced player, I've played actual TTRPGs only a few times, but I've lurked here for years, if that counts for anything.
Well inexperience is fine, but know that the system involves ALOT of rolls. It can be intimidating somewhat. If you want i can post a torrent link to the book needed, so you can study it yourself.
I'm still here, but no one seemed interested.
Traveller user here. Color me interested. Hop on into the chat and we can talk for a bit, if you still want to run it.
No worries, I love me some rolls. I'd love to see the full rules, I found some demo pdf and rolled some stats but I don't know for the life of me what they mean.
Bump so the shadowrun stuff doesn't die
>GM or Player
Only War.
>Time availability
We'll discuss when the group's formed up.
>Text or Voice
Text IC, Voice OOC
>Contact Information
I'll post the link once interest is shown.
>Additional Information
I'm aiming for a narrative driven game. You will be playing as a squad under a regiment of the Elysian Drop Troopers. The game will be divided into two phases. Phase one will see you training as recruits and meeting the characters of your regiment. Phase two will see you cast off into conflict. One person will be entitled with the rank of NCO (who will be given additional duties), while the others will fill the gap as squad members.
I am 100% down for this. Getting a real band of brothers vibe from the short description and I like it.
I love me some Only War, but I'm not very familiar with the Elysians. I'm definitely interested!
>Only War
>Narrative focus
Marry me
All you really need to know is they are like 40k paratroopers
I volunteer my self as tribute.
Come all, join all in this limited time offer!
>This instant invite is invalid or expired
You tricked me user
Fucking shoot me, that game sounded awesome.
>GM or Player
GM or Player
I would prefer to play something in World of Darkness, Call of cthulhu, Pathfinder, 4e or 5e
If I am GM it would be in a home-brew of savage worlds I am currently working on.
>Time availability
For the moment I have freetime all the time, but that will probably change in the next two weeks as I am trying to get a job
>Text or Voice
Either to play
Voice to run
>Contact Information
assuredaxis#7565 on discord
>Additional Information
The homebrew I am working on is a cyberpunk setting heavily inspired by GRRM's a 1000 worlds universe. It takes place about 2000 years after a massive interstellar war that took the ability of space flight from most, but now the galaxy has rebounded.
It focuses on psionics, genetic manipulation and corrupt warfare.
You had me in tears with this fucking response. Thank you kind user.
Awesome concept dude, I am rather interested in playing in your homebrew, i'll contact you on discord.
I'm down, if there's still room. Bump for hope!
Player. Yeah, I know I suck.
40k [OW, DH/2, RT, BC], WHFB RPG, Shadowrun, FantasyCraft, Mutants and Masterminds, nWoD, others just listing the ones I have some familiarity with and I am interested in playing.
Haven’t played in the Cthulhu-verse, but would really like to. Would absolutely love to play some Degenisis or other post-apocalyptic setting. Fragged Empire would be super fun to play as well, have the rule book.
MST - Tuesday afternoon / night, Wednesdays, Thursday mornings specifically. I work nights and it sucks.
[email protected]
Same for Skype
Something that isn't entirely murderhobo would be nice. Voice and Text necessary. Email is best way to contact me.
Have a ton of RP books that I am willing to share.
>GM or Player
Player! I GM a campaign with irl friends, but I always feel so inadequate and would love to play with a more experienced GM so I can learn the trade.
DnD 2nd or 5th are my favorites, but I'm really willing to learn or try anything! If you've got a linkable book, you've got your guy.
>Time availability
Eastern time:
Sunday: after 6:00pm
Monday: after 11:00pm
Tuesday: after 6:00pm
Wednesday: after 11:00pm
Thursday: not available
Friday: after 11:00pm
Saturday: after 6:00pm
Work/school makes me an evening player.
>Text or Voice
Voice, never tried text. Seems boring! Working mic, and I can pick up a webcam if the group does that.
>Contact Information
LINE: Ryjami
Skype: xsilentphantomx , Matthew Cartright. (Made it when I was 13, eight years ago, don't judge)
>Additional Information
Just looking for a group of >normal
>GM or Player
Anything that isn't medieval fantasy
>Time availability
I'm GMT+8, but my schedule is pretty much wide open
>Text or Voice
Either is fine with me
>Contact Information
Do not play with this man, he hates America.
Well add me then and we can talk!
>GM or Player
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. using The End of the World: Zombie Apocalypse system
>Time availability
Still tentative, plan for Wednesdays 2:00PM CST give or take an hour or so depending on player needs.
>Text or Voice
Text for IC on roll20. OOC text on Skype depending on players. Voice is an option for OOC if all players want it.
>Contact Information
Poke me on Roll20.
>Additional Information
Heavy emphasis on roleplay so if you prefer more combat and number crunching this might not be the game for you. Oh and I've never GMed before, for better or worse. Please read the thread at the roll20 link for more information.
>All these afternoon games in the middle of the week
Do you people not have jobs? The fuck.
I do, but my hours are such that my mid-days and afternoons are pretty open.
I'm the Traveller GM, btw. If you'd like to join in some space shenanigans I'm still looking for people. I've not set the time yet, so that's all negotiable.
>GM or Player
DnD 5e, 3.5, Pathfinder
Warhammer 40k games (DH, RT, BC)
Shadowrun 4e
>Time availability
Monday - Thursday Afternoons/Evenings, CST (GMT -6)
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Skype: raganui
Steam: Gojosin
Discord: Raganui#7015
>Additional Information
Looking for a good roleplay. Do prefer using Roll20 for dice/maps/text.
I work night shift so afternoon/evenings are my free time.
Did this user abandon us?
>GM or Player
My favourite settings are zombies or Wild West, but i'll gladly play anything that's not too complex
>Time availability
Any time is fine
>Text or Voice
Text, i'm too autismo for voice
>Contact Information
discord: KEK#7289
>Additional Information
I have never played an RPG before, so something laid back/mainly OOC would be ideal, so i won't get yelled at for not pronouncing the orcish language correctly
The feel when you realize everyone here are youngfags.
I'm glad that my Veeky Forums pickup group has stuck together for nearly a decade now, and I met those folks while I was in my 20's.
Some of the youngest members of our regular group who joined late and were super young have invited me to games, and the people they know are just intolerably young and noisy and have schedules all over the place.
This is like the second time someone said that about me.
How did I piss you off? And how did you come to the conclusion I hate America?
I've sent a discord invite. Do you still take people?
>Fantasy Craft
>Fridays at 7pm GMT
>Text only
>Discord: shmeeb#5712
>Two players so far, at least two and at most three more wanted, further information will be given on Discord
>GM or Player
Two Players! Looking for a game to play in. If we match well, I'll run a game in return. I've DM'd for quite a long time.
Ideally Pathfinder, but we're always up for learning something new.
>Time availability
GMT+2 (Finland) and GMT+1 (Norway). Availability changes from week to week, but we're pretty adjustable.
>Text or Voice
Text only.
>Contact Information
Skype: anabella.ivakira (Annie)
>Additional Information
We're looking for a game with emphasis on roleplay. Both of us have played a lot and mix well together, so we can promise quality.
In the case that I'll run later a game, I have a large number of settings to use depending on what is wanted.