Skub: The Setting

>Setting where magic is common, perhaps everyday
>Magic wellsprings pop up occasionally
>When animals are exposed to said wellsprings, it creates monsters most of the time
>However, sometimes animals gain human intelligence and body type for reasons unknown, creating monstergirls/guys
>Some cultures see them as sacred and consider descending from them as something to be proud of
>Others hate them and see them as little better than the animals they were
>In the wild, away from human influence, demon lords find it very easy to corrupt the new humanoids- such as gnolls and orcs, who were hyenas and boars
>Catgirls and guys are most dominant beastfolk race, followed by dogfolk, ratfolk and p'orcs

Sounds decent enough.

At least enough to perk my ears AH CHA-CHA-CHA

>Dwarves and Elves exist.
>One of them is obviously better than the other.

you forgot kobolds

>Human is the default magical form; they're the predominant mages in the setting.
>Elvish, Dwarfish, etc, are all steps away from the natural magical state of things.
>Monsterous forms are less and less magical.
>Religious myths place magic as a divine force, its preference toward the human form presenting divine favoritism from on high.
>Non-human-but-humanoid races thought of as somewhat lesser, but on their way; one or two reincarnations below the pure human but not so far off as to be genuinely sub-human or lacking a soul.
>Magic-Null multi-pedal plant-folks tend to keep their distance when able, disliking the blatant disrespect and the lack of concern humanoids tend to have for stranger species and civilizations.
>Fungal Tribes far to the south are feared as being magic absorbent, denying the human form despite consuming magic and warding off their territory with punches from the punch dimension.

nah, it sounds great. Is the existence of monsterguys supposed to trigger weebs? That only makes the setting better imo.

>Angry shrooms are a playable race
>Humans are not jacks-of-all-trades, but a magical race

It keeps getting better

You've just described 90% of light novels out there.

time for some hardcore skub
>the setting is on 19th century level of development with occasional outlier
>the setting has guns

Even worse skub.
>Setting is magitek to extreme
>People still whack each other with swords anyway
>Civilized areas few and far between, but expansive and largely safe

>The setting is the ultimate heart-breaker
>It desperately tries to be unique on every single step
>It never realises how cliche it is while subverting all the tropes and cliches into different set of cliches
>It is weeb af
>Also, furfaggotry all over the place.

No no no, user, that's not how you do it.

Skub is something wildly polarizing, something people will argue about. it's not the usual Veeky Forums deal of "i'll toss some buzzwords around and say it's terrible." You need some actual meat for your post for it to work.

>The demon lords can bestow magic (mostly illusions) to their followers
>This pisses off the church to no end

>there are human warriors who subsume their magical power into physical prowes, allowing then to overcome human limits.
>though they loose the ability to cast magic as it is absorbed by their body, they gain't incredible strength, speed, and durability, along with the ability to apparently ignore pyshics when it suits them.

Eberron on good though.

I am a level 99 weeaboo and I love monster guys

Hellyeah, if you provide the sexiness, best spread it equally.

>When animals are exposed to said wellsprings, it creates monsters most of the time
>However, sometimes animals gain human intelligence and body type for reasons unknown, creating monstergirls/guys
>>Catgirls and guys are most dominant beastfolk race, followed by dogfolk, ratfolk and p'orcs

But more than a few of those are not particularly populous species, and not something that exists in great numbers wandering around the wilds. Wouldn't insects or other very populous species get exposed more, and therefore create more beast races?

Maybe the larger/smarter the animal, the more likely it is to turn into a beastfolk instead of just a monster. So the setting's monsters would primarily be bug-based, possibly.

but that doesn't appeal to weeb sensibilities, user.

I do rather like that explanation, but for proper beastfolk and not kemonomimi trash

Wouldn't that mean you'd get less catgirls and more bearfolk then?

Cats could be in a spot both "large enough" and "smart enough".

Also could be reproduction issues - catfolk breed like humans, while bearfolk breed like elves/dwarves, but live longer.

Even in that case I imagine dogs, horses, and other livestock would fit that spot better than cats

>>However, sometimes animals gain human intelligence
Oh that's nea--
>and body type for reasons unknown, creating monstergirls/guys

That shit makes zero sense. You think if elephants and crows get any smarter they'll suddenly get a human form? Learn to accept non-humanoid intelligence, scrub.

It's not anymore unreasonable than animals straight-up becoming monster, really.
But I agree

>Learn to accept

>horses and other livestock
they're larger than dogs and cats (barring outliers) and most of them are dumb as fuck.

About dogs you're right, they would be probably as numerous.

Also goats (satyrs?). Some of smartest livestock animals and vindictive little fucks.

Sentient animals makes more sense.
Maybe evolution makes them learn to walk on their forelegs. But flat out hybrids is kinda dumb.


>highly intelligent ants build mini wizard towers and cast spells by forming arcane symbols in conga lines.

Are crows too small?.

They're the smartest animal behind humans

yeah i could see it, then again i don't know why they aren't all ~~human level intelligence.
they are being anthropomorphisesd and thus gain an expanded braincase.
>They're the smartest animal behind humans
behind our genetic cousins you mean.
certain apes can learn language and grammar, devolp tools and cuss people out.
my prof was cussed out by a chimp she was working with using sign langauge.
funny shit

>behind our genetic cousins you mean.
I absolutely do not mean that. Crows are better at solving complex problems.
>certain apes can learn language and grammar,
Don't think anyone's ever tried to teach crows human language, but they have sophisticated means of communication.
Goes well with their rudimentary societies. They even teach detailed topological information to their young.
Geography, faces to avoid, etc. It all stays in their knowledge for generations after they were last experienced.
>devolp tools
Hey cool! Crows do that too.

>completely missing the point

I have to congratulate you, OP. I didn't think it was even possible to be this wrong.

i mean really, i'd play in this setting in a heartbeat. i pro-skub?

Holy shit, I'm adding Arcants to my setting.

>ant uniformity allows them focus beyond anyone else. Are able to build an arcane utopia , but its roughly the size of a garden.
>city is protected by barriers and curses but just to be safe they align themselves with intelligent bears who recieve arcane blessings for their service.
>human peasants tell of a legendary treasure hidden deep in the forest. Guarded by talking bears.

>the ants are the only thing suppressing the spirits of the undead
>they worship a god of death
>the common fairy tale personification of death isn't a skeleton, it's actually a swarm of ants

>one would be wise when traversing the burial grounds of the dead. To step on an ant pile is to anger the god of death itself.
> they say he waits in the dark corners of the world, waiting in the black tunnels for his kin. All life pays tribute to death in the end.

>Animals or monsters that are evolved by the wellsprings are often confused and frightened by the change
>Though it always leaves them with human intelligence, it has an unpredictable effect on the body, with some becoming almost fully human and others retaining most of their animal features
>Wellsprings can also mutate pure humans, causing to become monstergirls/guys

What do ants do when they need to venture outside of the hives? Do they just send the bears or would you have PCs that are just... giant swarms of ants.

>Oftentimes, slavers camp out near wellsprings, hoping to find an awakened animal or bring a few in the hopes at least one of them will become a monstergirl
>Savage beastmen who have been corrupted by the Demon Lords are a constant threat to civilization
>However, nature spirits are equally interested in them and often guide them away from the demonic path
>It is possible to breed with a monstergirl or guy, the monstrous traits gradually decreasing through the generations
>Females tend to be more humanoid, males tend to be more bestial

>Players come upon a hive of ants
>Someone realizes they're using a clearing on the ground to form words
>They begin to have a delightful conversation when the smarmy rogue discretely squashes one that's carrying something
>Half of the ants spell out "Callous murder" and the rest begin to form a sigil to cast a fuckhuge magic missile at the offender

Clearly user some pcs would be bears and others swarms of ants, working in cooperative chavalier formations. Just imagine bears woth little ant saddles/containers.

>Dwarves used to be moles, elves used to be squirrels

One of the most famous uplifted animals-an uplifted rat to be precise- runs a martial arts dojo with his four adopted sons, four evolved turtles.

They are famous for being radical and kicking ninja butt.

Forgot image

>Skub: The Setting

It was funnier without the image.

>locked in eternal war with the sentient termites who align their towers with the celestial bodies and to amplify their magic.

I imagine livestock mutations would be kept down by the fact that their human owners don't give them as much leeway to roam compared to cats or dog, though.

>Harvest wood to make magitech siege engines

I vaguely remember Discworld having magic ants under Unseen University.
They carved the secret of immortality onto the inside of a sugar pyramid under the floor boards, but it got destroyed in a flood?
Can't seem to find the passage. Might have been a footnote near the end of The Light Fantastic?/

I'm ok with this.

You don't fuck with squirrels though

Gives an excuse for Thri-Kreen waifus. I am okay with that.

Depends on the farmer. Some might be grateful for some companionship and an extra worker, others might just see it as losing a cow and gaining a slave.

Take out the bit about the slavers. It's pretty damn creepy.

Also, maybe have the wellsprings disappear and reappear sporadically or something. Plot hooks and that shit.

>>the monstrous traits gradually decreasing through the generations
Since this seems to be the in animals -> monsters, people -> monsterpeople vein:
>Monsterous offspring revert to animals within a few generations, often as little as two
>Sustainable monster communities must form around wellsprings, to "enlighten" their children
>When one "dries up" the community is put in direct conflict with their neighbors

Children of beastfolk don't devolve into normal animals, but they gradually become more and more bestial until they revert to (albeit sapient and sentient) bipedal animals and become unable to cast magic.

Because wellsprings can both make normal humans stronger and normal animals into beastfolk, cities sprung up around the sources of magic, upwelling from the center of the planet.

These cities are centers of magical research, famed for their universities where one can study all types of magic. They often have massive supercolonies of magical ants congregating around them, offering assistance in exchange for food and shelter.

What sort of factions are in this world? How does magic work?

Also, in the meantime, beastfolk thread.

>furfag setting #54312374 with "DAE beastfolk slavery"

let's stop at ants

I'm leaving the rest behind, but I'm taking the ants with me.
And maybe the bears.

We need to just stop going down the slavery track, period.

There's literally nothing wrong with slavery though. The real problem is every setting amounting to thinly veiled antebellum period murican slavery despite nearly every major culture throughout history having some form of slavery.