Anyone else love stronk wymn?
Anyone else love stronk wymn?
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I'm not sure why you're so stingy with vowels, but yes.
Strong women can be pretty interesting.
But on Veeky Forums they're usually just poorly done wank fantasies, which are not very interesting.
who is this semon demon? I must know
No, but I'm a fan of strong women. Does that help?
Stronk woman could be fun for character archetypes. Like a warrior that is always doubted as being badass, but then she shows how badass she is.
> Almost like Brienne of Tarth
It does. Your contribution has made a small but important positive change to this crazy world we live in. Thank you.
On Veeky Forums everything is a poorly done wank fantasy. That's part of the charm.
I was thinking of writing a female protagonist gamebook, simply because it'll be easier to get my sister to read and I know she'll give me a better review of it than anyone else.
It'll also give me writing practice for female characters that actual females can relate to.
So yes, I like strong women. Even if she is a poorly done wank (or schlick, I guess) fantasy.
She's from Star Wars Annual #2
>Stronk woman
>Strength 3
>Toughness 1
sensible chuckle
>stronk womyn
fuck no
>strong women
well yeah sure if they are well written, just like with any character
Yes, among others.
My admiration for a slew of positive traits not found in 3D women has led me down the path of waifufaggotry.
Not really.
They're usually pretty immersion breaking if human.
Other species I can overlook usually.
No. Because they don't exist.
Even the strongest female weightlifter doesn't hold a candle to men. And you know why? Because women are physically inferior to men. This has been proven time and again by numerous studies. Women have worse reflexes, shittier bone structure (thus are less able to absorb trauma such as from a shockwave), weigh less, have less muscle mass, are physically weaker, and have a far harder time building muscle than men do. They also have inferior coordination, and despite the whole "muh childbirth" argument, have lower pain endurance than men. Again, this has all been proven by multiple studies.
As a result, I have had a restriction on female characters in my D&D campaigns for the past 10 years. If you want to play a female warrior, that is fine, but you are going to have restrictions. First off, -2 to ALL physical ability scores (not just Strength). In fact I am being generous with only a -2 to Strength, that's only -1 damage. In fact, it would be far less, something like -4 or -6 as a penalty. Ever been hit by a woman? I have. It's like a child. They don't know how to even put their body into it properly, and even when they do, they still hit with a small fraction of the force a man does.
Second off, women must make a Will save whenever injured to avoid being stunned for 1 round (losing all actions). This is to represent woman's much lower pain endurance threshold. Women are simply less capable of handling physical punishment, because that's not what their bodies are made to do.
Thirdly, women get a -4 penalty on all Will saves made against fear or emotional stress. This has again been catalogued by multiple studies.
Now, I understand that that's a little too extreme, and for the sake of fairness (if not realism) I give women characters an extra bonus feat, which cannot be used to take Toughness, Improved Initiative, Power Attack (as if any woman would have the Strength requirement anyway) or Weapon Finesse.
Well, that is three times the strength of your average human soldier and on par in terms of toughness. Surely that counts for something.
You can love something that doesn't exist as a concept. You know that, right? This very idea is at the basis of people falling in love with fictional character, which has been a thing for as long as fiction has been around.
Just a few words of reason before the inevitable shitstorm of butthurt SJWs.
>salty little cuck you are
I know this is bait but why the penalty to Dex? Dex is an attribute that Women would not have a penalty in, they are just as, and in several cases, more capable than men in areas of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. I understand the Con and Str penalty but the Dex doesn't make sense to me.
0/10, nobody would believe that someone is stupid enough to play D&D in $CURRENTYEAR
Just, like, go out into the world. You will see all kinds of people. I don't mean to present an anecdotal counter to your high-sperg houserules or anything, but just the opinion that statistics don't describe real life from the individual perspective very well. Sure they reflect the reality, but not the experience. Less than one percent of the people I see on a day-to-day basis are hot muscle girls, but who cares about the numbers?
Holy shit
That's some fresh pasta
Circa what, 2010? Good year for -4str
You know what to do, lads.
Except it's literally true. Females are inferior to males in pretty much all ways. I really don't know why -4 Strength wasn't an objective rule in GURPS. Gender ought to be an advantage / disadvantage. I would say as a woman your defaults in Cooking and Housekeeping skills would increase to IQ - 1 instead of IQ -4 or whatever it is, but you would have -2 to Strength and Dexterity, and your IQ couldn't be below 8 or above 12 (because women's IQs are more tightly packed and there are no true female geniuses). So this would be worth 40 points as a disadvantage. Oh, I forgot to add Low Pain Threshold would be built into it. So there's that, too. So being a woman is like, a 50 point disadvantage in GURPS, realistically speaking. And -4 Strength is too steep for GURPS where attributives actually matter unlike in D&D.
Is /pol/ leaking again?
>Is /pol/ leaking again?
this is more like /r9k/ i don't know where this /pol/ hates wimmins meme comes from but i am a bit worried.
also biologically speaking he isn't actually wrong, just an austist unable to communicate it.
seriously user, format your shit blocks o' shit suck to read
Trump won, of course it's leaking. And trolls know that /pol/ shit triggers people so they'll post it for giggles.
>i don't know where this /pol/ hates wimmins meme comes from but i am a bit worried.
Dude /pol/ has always been pro traditional gender roles and the superiority of men. Maybe said in a different way but they've always been about that. Also what's the difference between /r9k/ and /pol/ I honestly can't tell at this point.
More like you fuckers are taking years old bait.
Everything is a wank fantasy to someone.
Embrace the wank.
This, it's obviously pasta.
>ude /pol/ has always been pro traditional gender roles and the superiority of men.
pol doesn't into actual biology user.
this isn't gender roles this is biology.
>superiority of men over women
men /are/ physically tailored to act as the hunters/defenders physically. women are tailored physically for childbirth and rearing and this has occurred over thousands of years selection.
the truth of the matter is for the matter of adventuring and shit men are designed to preform this task.
So under this subject men are indeed superior
>Also what's the difference between /r9k/ and /pol/ I honestly can't tell at this point.
one is a robot
the other is a nazi
it's not fucking hard
> seriously user, format your shit blocks o' shit suck to read
It's one paragraph. Are you in fourth grade?
No? I typed this up myself. Google search it, this is the first time it's been posted.
Is -4 Strength really that controversial of a houserule?
>It's one paragraph. Are you in fourth grade?
it's an image board user, being punchy and direct always helps.
There are many other threads i could shitpost and many other posts i could read rather than yours.
Oh, really? No offense, it just looks blocky.
I just don't see why -4 STR holds in fantasyland. I mean, when you have stuff like dragonborn and people who can pick up and toss boulders, the reality of human genetics and evolution just sort of stops being relevant.
>pol doesn't into actual biology user.
>this isn't gender roles this is biology.
So you're saying that /pol/ is basing it's opinions on false information and therefore wrong, got it
>one is a robot
>the other is a nazi
From what I've seen /r9k/ has become more and more like /pol/. I know that /pol/ is nazis and /r9k/ are robots but it seems like that the two boards are becoming more and more similar as time goes on.
>So you're saying that /pol/ is basing it's opinions on false information and therefore wrong, got it
that is what i said.
gender is also bullshit
Fuck docter money
and if i have to hear one more time that "gender roles" has no basis in evolution i will personally dedicate my life to debunking every social constructionist faggot on this planet.
retardation do
>From what I've seen /r9k/ has become more and more like /pol/.
then you spend time actively seeking them out if you are able to make that distiction.
I don't pity you.
This thread went 4 posts before being derailed which is something of a record
nah man.
the classic blunder holds the record of derailed before posted
>I pin and prepare action to silence.jpg
>That axe handle
It clearly detaches to become a one-handed mace.
Have you tried indulging in regular faggotry? You might find the traits that you're looking for there, and at it's most vanilla, it's about on par with waifu-faggotry.
My personal fav strong woman are orcs.
>Crushing mans head like sparrows egg between thighs.
Holy shit does the word gender role really trigger you that much? Hell I haven't even said anything about that not being only two genders, or that traditional roles are bad, or that they are not based on evolution I've just said the word.
Also I can't tell if you are pro or anti /pol/. You say stuff like how they're retarded then you go off your rails because of the phrase gender roles. It's so confusing user. I don't know if you're a troll or for real, and at this point I don't know if I'm trolling you all I know is that I want to keep talking to you. You fascinate me.
Here's a full reaction image.
Damn skip-skop it is.
You misunderstand
I meant for longevity
Where? At the widening? Does it unscrew?
My guess is through the power of love. And probably a transformation sequence.
Haven't seen this pasta in years.
I thought that was grown up Molly Hayes
>That cock running down her pantsleg
>Holy shit does the word gender role really trigger you that much
not the word user, the idea or lack of support for these claims that angers me so greatly and the frankly stupid amount of protection the social so called sciences get to spread this bullshit around.
I've heard lectures where people will indicate the flaws in their theories and never address them, ducking out to speak as iff there is no need to back that shit up.
Worst of all they have this SMUG air about them deflecting questions on their methods and if someone really pisses them of destroying their jobs (in the case of a friend of mine and his wife, he's personae non grata at his university and lucky to still a job there).
all of this constructionist neo marxist shit.
it does more then stink.
it's in our universities 200%
It's in my countries primary schools.
it's fucking everywhere and i'm sick to death of it.
>or that traditional roles are bad,
you indicated that it was common of /pol/ and pol = bad, the assumption was not a right one but it wasn't without merit.
>Also I can't tell if you are pro or anti /pol/.
people tend to be more diverse than that.
I'm a former Leninist and i'm not white if that helps make your mind up
one can hate the atrophy of liberal intellectualism into the inbred aristocracy of Marxist thought it is now without being /pol/ or any type of idiot for that matter
I love confident women. I love fit women.I have a fetish for strong women. But I do not think our loves are the same you and i. Similar perhaps but based on your presentation slightly different.
>I love confident women. I love fit women.I have a fetish for strong women
Me too, it's what i look for in women
Doesn't mean i respect them the same as men though
These threads are always either
1. Fap material image dump
2. Autistic screeching
No middle ground
No exceptions
"I like woman, don't get me wrong, but there ain't nothing wrong with a good old fashioned dick" -Papa Franku
based franku-sama dropping truth bombs
No, only effeminate or closeted men do.
I personally heavily muscled women to be repulsive.
First off fantastic pic.
>lack of support for these claims that angers me so greatly
Okay that makes more sense and I can understand that a lot more than just yelling angrily at it.
>I've heard lectures where people will indicate the flaws in their theories and never address them
Are you talking about traditional roles here and their merit, or are you talking about the merits of destroying traditional roles? Frankly I see the pros of both sides and I think whatever floats the person's boat works best. As long as people are allowed to choose what they want to do, and aren't forced to follow a particular path then do what you want.
>ou indicated that it was common of /pol/ and pol = bad, the assumption was not a right one but it wasn't without merit
True, that makes sense. I dislike people being forced into roles but there is evidence that these roles developed outside of social reasons.
>one can hate the atrophy of liberal intellectualism into the inbred aristocracy of Marxist thought it is now without being /pol/ or any type of idiot for that matter
Very true. Sorry that I jumped to put you in a box so quickly. I was just confused by you disagreeing with /pol/ and them seeming to agree with them. Things on an anonymous message board tend to make a person pretty binary, so I apologies.
>former Leninist
What would you consider yourself now? This is just out of personal curiosity.
Ok, I'm going to have to stop you there for a second. Now I will preface this by saying I am very much aware of the biological fact that we are a sexually dimorphous species. And that I think the gender roles arguement is bulshit.
Thst being said I don't know where you get off respecting women less. Women are not inferior to men. They are different. Different is not inferior. There is nothing wrong with being a mother. I was raised by a single working mother, and she worked fucking hard and did a damn good job of it. So if you think my mother isn't deserving of respect same as any male professional then your a massive cunt who I wish I could find and curbstomp.
See women are different, but it's cunts like you who say that makes them inferior that are the whole reason traditional roles are under attack. They have to prove their worth, cause shots like you degrade them, but they think they can't do it as traditional women. So they try to out men the men.
Of course it's possible you aren't just a massive bleeding cunt, and I may have misinterpreted what you said, though that's pretty damn unlikely.
Gender roles have no basis in evolution. Have fun.
Don't let your dreams be dreams.
I plan on having the parties face some rivals in my MnM 3e campaign.
One of them's huge and a bit beastly off of demonic nanotech. She's a big bully, but she cries like a big baby when she loses.
Pic related was my first ever tabletop game PC in Pathfinder (although now I know better not to play such a system).
When did i say inferior? Seems like your projecting user
I don't pretend that women are the same as men, and thus don't treat them the same. But in your mind that's "inferior"
>Women have to stay at home due to biological weakness, lack of aggression and caring children
>Men are usually less "emotionally intelligent", want to explore and fight
It's the growing genre of 'Hillary porn', a bit like HFY but with stronk womyn in the title role. Hillary's defeat has rather taken the wind out of their sails, but we must always be vigilant - and ready to put them in their place.
I play fantasy games for fantasy. Fuck reality. If I want my badass Amazonian tribes then I will fucking well have them. Lady knights? Sure why the fuck not. Fuckers like you aren't cool with Xena, so you can fuck yourself.
See op's pic not that atractive to me. This on the other hand ain't half bad, though I don't care for short hair personally.
Have you ever played Wheel of Fortune? Vowels are expensive.
I'm sorry, I forgot about your safe space.
But to be fair, in fantasy, adventurers are already outliers. If 1 in a 1000 men are special and 1 in 1000 000 women are, that seems about correct to me, ratiowise.
The fuck is this, am I on /v/?
Also I want to lick her biceps
Alright it appears that I have misunderstood you. You said and I quote "I do not respect them the same as I respect men" I took this to mean that you respected men more. Based on your response I am now given to believe you meant to say that you respected them differently, and that you nevertheless respect them equally. Please elaborate.
No, /pol/ respects (white) women. This is /v/ and /r9k/
>Gewehr '98 (or clone)
Nice choice.
The ratio for women to men adventurers seems closer to 1:4 at least, across most settings and art.
>Cries when she loses
Can I hold her hand and tell her it's ok? :3
>Nu-males and cucks are scum
>Men who work hard for their family/country but not in a "i owe them" sort of way are the best
>Most modern women with their snowflake syndrome and wanton materialism/narcissism are basically female numales
>Women who work hard but want a secure family with >3 children and are willing to be full time mothers are the best
>People who are always looking to improve themselves, regardless of gender
I have no time for cucks or whores
Are you talking about traditional roles here and their merit, or are you talking about the merits of destroying traditional roles?
i meant it in a general sense, it's more than just gender roles it's a lot of their general spiel.
for example the issue of david reimer, the case study that money used to push the issue.
often they will state that well it's true that this boy was socialised to be a girl at great mental cost but we assure you that's because his parent's treated him like a boy which caused conflict.
the issue remains there is there is little definition of who much socialisation affects one's personality in regards to aggregate male or female behaviour and it is rarely ever properly examined with empirical evidence from this side of the century.
>I was just confused by you disagreeing with /pol/ and them seeming to agree with them. Things on an anonymous message board tend to make a person pretty binary, so I apologies.
no worries
>What would you consider yourself now? This is just out of personal curiosity.
moderate liberal
though it seems i get called right wing more often then not now.
Then again i don't indulge with intersectionalist crap.
and i don't like islam, that one is often the nail.
then again most folks don't know sharia law very well or the threat my family was under when they began to convert to Christianity.
Oh lord that is hideous. You fucking monster.
Is this any better?
How would I go about mating with one of these
I agree with all of those statements. My apologies for treating you poorly. Unfortunately I jumped to conclusions. In my defense it was an easily misconstrued statement, at least in my opinion. Generally when I have heard similar statements they are meant to be derogatory.
stronk wymn?
Yes, if they're actually strong women who aren't also misandric bitches. Even better if they display the same protectiveness toward men that men are expected to show toward women.