Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General - /pfg/

Undead Are your Friend Edition (aka how seriously do you take undead in your sessions at various levels? Are they always a serious threat or do they sometimes fall into spoopy/silly territories?)

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

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What are your favorite maneuvers, /pfg/?

Ironically, i haven't had many undead in my campaigns. Most of my battles have been fairly pedestrian. Humanoids, humanoids and yet more humanoids.

Rolled 8, 8 + 2 = 18 (2d10 + 2)

They're weak-ass pussies who get dusted by meme spells most of the time, unfortunately. Though I guess technically there's the party member who is slowly turning into a vampire, via modified corruption mechanics. She's pretty strong, but also kind of dense.

Dhampir: Not even once.

Do stances count?

i honestly unironically love the stance of assured victory

>tfw I almost never get to fight undead
>tfw the campaign where I got to build an undead never got off the ground

So I can't smash skellingtons and I can't play that mummified sorceress I've been dying to unleash. It's not fun.

Descending Sunset Strike

what book are the corruptions from anyways

Black Seraph Battle Stance

In my game the undead were mostly serious, however only mindless undead are evil, if they were still sentient that could be any alignment. The players once worked with an aware Juju zombie to overthrow his master.

I'm a sucker for all the elemental flux stuff. I played a Gunsmoke Mystic which used Air and Electricity, it was great fun.


Does this even mean anything any more?


My favorite two disciplines are Elemental Flux, and Mithral Current. My favorite maneuvers from them are Strike of Elemental Devestation and Whirlpool Strike. I love wrecking multiple people with one strike. Makes me super happy.

Other than the fact that you are trapped in a meme fueled hell not really.

If we're not counting stances, I've always had a soft spot for Silver Knight's Blade.

So I have a really dumb idea for a game, tell me how shit this is on a scale of 1 to 10

e6 game, allowing for people to drop in and drop out, everyone starts at 6, and i'd be using a whole bunch of horror adventures rules, including sanity/fear/corruptions, which would persist. Ideally characters from all alignments could apply

Run games maybe bi-weekly and make a lottery or something for everyone who wants to play. I dunno.

Idea is for every game played to be a oneshot mission, you're all working for a super secret wizard society or something that keeps the horrifying monstrosities that go bump in the night from fucking everything over.

Not sure about the details yet, i have a lot to hammer out, but its 1 am, and the idea hit me

Ruby Zenith Strike and all of its incarnations. It's not as great as just full-attacking, but it's still gratifying to see that much damage in a single number.

God of the Hourglass.

Hunting Zephyr and Phantom Sunstorm are close seconds for obvious reasons....

Granted she's 'sleeping' often enough, but... definitely wrong goddess.

Well this is my exact first foray into PoW... and Psionics. well Soulknives have never been too psionic.

This is what i came up with, still need to pick my Traits, and buy all my equipment.

Who is depressed homebrewer? Are his classes good? Tell me /pfg/

For my Literally Sips_ character what skill would I use to make high quality dirt? Craft Alchemy? Profession (Farmer)? Also how good are vigilante at unarmed?

Oh, and Silver Spiral Strike, given the proper weapon.

Alchemy would be most useful, I'd guess. Get right in there with some dirt science. Also because Craft (Alchemy) is useful for other stuff too.

Vigilantes are pretty good at anything they want to specialize in. Unarmed is one of those things; just take the right talents for it.

Like all trip fags, he's annoying.

Oh he's not so bad. He just got meme'd to death. He's one of the few productive local tripfags.

Which means its only a short amount of time before we turn on him and attempt to cannibalize yet another one of our own.

We already tried with the NTR bullshit and attempted witch hunts. He survived that.

>Fading strike and its line
>Reactive reversion boost
>Fool's errand enemy throwing line of maneuvers

Shoutout to Obsidian Sidestep that's saved me from bad will saves more times than I can count.

Is /pfg/'s Hell's Vengeance game going to be ruined by autistic pedantry in the rules thread?

How do extended defenses and other similar abilities work? For example:

>Lucifer goes 4th in initiative order, and attacks the Warder
>The Warder uses Invulnerable Shell of the Iron Tortoise, triggering extended defenses on it
>The Warder goes 6th in initiative order

Is the Warder invulnerable until he next takes his turn, until the start of Lucifer's next turn, or until the start of the next combat round regardless of turn order?

Until the warder goes next in the initiative order, so 6th.

Alchemy's what you want.

Also good for making all that [STUFFED ANIMALS]

And yeah, unarmed is an area Vigilantes can do good. Fist of the Avenger gets them a flat damage boost with fist or gauntlet attacks.

You can get Lethal Grace as well for another flat damage boost. The requirement for that is that you be using dexterity to hit and strength for damage, but it's half your level in extra, non-stat-dependant damage and gives you weapon finesse at the same time, so it's a good deal.

> While under the effects of a polymorph spell, you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form

So wildshaped druid will lose most racial abilities, like half-orc's Sacred Tattoo or dwarf's Hardy? Would he keep an additional feat from human, at least? So, humans are the best race (again) for wildshape-fcoused druid?

2hu is 2hu.

He has a point though.

He really doesn't. He's trying to twink out spheres to get an insanely broken blast type.

Force damage is basically the best damage type, and having a no SR force blast is broken

He should just refluff stone blast or something to be 'pure concussive energy' and keep the bludgeoning damage and nobody would bat an eye.

2hu is doing his best to rules lawyer in an optimization edge. Surely you can see that.

still trying to figure out how to make the spiked chain work

anything you got to give /pfg/?

He's got a point that the GM wants to ban it based on FLUFF reasons.

i rather think the GM just simply misspoke, and failed to properly convey his intentions.

We're all human.

Whip Mastery.
Improved Whip Mastery.

>wall of text explaining fluff reasons why it shouldn't happen
>nah, that's too broken

You know 2hu never contested the flat bans on mechanical grounds, right?

well, spiked chain is rather garbage now. Shit damage, shit crit range, ect.

Perhaps you could convince a GM to let you use bladed scarf feats. archetypes with it?

I'm aware, GMs are often trying to be nice.

Honestly this is what really bothers me about 2hu, he should absolutely know what he's trying to do is broken, and he's attempting to pull one over on the GM for his optimization fantasy. Its pretty fucked.

Undead are never a serious threat in my stories because they're so overdone by everyone that they're pointless memes.

Good necromancers who try and use undead for good things are the worst trope ever, right up there with sparklepires and fuckwolfs, because there are no werewolves anymore, just werewolves that fuck, hence, fuckwolves.

Urban Fantasy and Teen Urban Fantasy. What a godawful mess.

i really hate the good necromancer meme too. Its the worst.

>oh no, force damage blasting!
Says /pfg/ while the PoW guy kills monsters a few CR above him in one turn.

Dude its Spheres, while that PoW is killing a monster, a normal spheres blaster can destroy an entire encounter.

Intelligent undead are sometimes neat. Nothing like a Ghoul / Wight initiator to fuck people up.

Horseshit, PoW is always better at killing 1 or 2 big monsters at a time, all day.

All day isn't a meme, you'll have to fight a string of encounters sooner or later.

i didn't claim all day wasn't a meme

I just said that Spheres is destroying entire encounters while PoW murders one big guy.

There is literally no reason to play a druid other than human if you're gonna main wildshapes exactly for that reason.

Also, as a note, Wildshapes are amazing starting at level 5 until level 9, then allow you to keep up until level 11, and by then mostly become utlity. Caster Druids are pretty much the opposite, shit until they get their 5th level spells, then they can keep up with their full caster counterparts.

Spheres doesn't have lolcounters.

I can do that with an unchained monk, either vigilante, or a barbarian. Killing things isn't hard anymore, even for base class martials.

>I just said that Spheres is destroying entire encounters

Have you tried NOT bunching the enemies all together?

Not without pounce you aren't.

Spheres has its own brand of fuckery,

But then again you're the MUH COUNTERS idiot so.

I'm not saying its broken.

I'm just saying that claiming that PoW is broken but spheres is totally fine guis is dumb.

>pounce is hard to get

not anymore

Is there any module/society book that deals with Drow, that came out recently?

My players will be dealing with a good chunk of drows quite soon, and i'm looking for some fresh content for inspiration. Second Darkness is a bit outdated, and Darklands revisited isn't nearly enough.

Why does /pfg/ still like PoW and Spheres if it's even easier to smash encounters with them than Paizo characters?


because they're crunchy and fun.

because it lets people do fun weeb shit that the normal system prohibits

and give martials to do some cool shit without devoting their entire class to it.

Because they're generally more interesting than alternatives. Because they fit a wide variety of concepts. Because they don't come with wild amounts of attached bullshit that is present in lots of paizoshit.

/pfg/ is full of minmax or go home turboautists who like big numbers and can't understand why some people might not be into that. God forbid you express any sort of dislike for DSP anything, prepare for a dicking from the circlejerk.

>literally the first three responses have nothing to do with optimization and big numbers

You've been blown the fuck out user.

It doesn't make my statement any less true.

>he should absolutely know what he's trying to do is broken

Except he also points out you can do Stone Blast+Unholy Smite even without custom blasts?

Isn't that even more broken?

Post yfw 'we split'

requires 3 blast talents and three times the spell points and its notable that unholy smite is an advanced blast talent and therefore 100% subject to DM discression

No, its not broken.

Its 1 blast that does amazing shit for one spell point and one talent, vs 3 talents and 3 points.

>people state that they like fun things


>But they all said its about fun


>3 blast talents
Just Stone Blast and Unholy Smite.
>advanced talent
GM allowed those.

Face it, you'll be blowing the spell point for 150% damage anyway.

Also requires admixture user.


Nowhere did I state they were lying, you illiterate fucking monkey. Nice use of the 'I'M SILLY' argument, by the way, real top stuff.

Well either they're lying or you're wrong.

Which is it user. Why does /pfg/ like spheres and pow

Unholy Smite

Prerequisites: Destruction sphere, must be of an evil alignment, 1st caster level or higher.

You may spend a spell point to have your destructive blast deal profane damage.

Like hell it does.

I'm not wrong. They're simply the exception.


well thats dumb and probably overpowered, if it was my game i'd disallow it. Profane and Sacred damage shouldn't even be a thing.

Will this progression still be true if I'd go for Goliath Druid archetype?

One player seemed to be arguing with him, not the GM?

Still autistic as fuck.

If Unholy Smite's allowed, force damage no-SR should also be allowed.

Spheres has motherfucking weather.

Where you'll find the word "mile" next to the word "Radius", following an integer.

Which one, the player?
My bad, two of them.
They're the autistic ones?

I would say yes, if only because Wildshape only becomes weak due to the lack of progression.

You're also trading out the versatility of elementals for the sake of becoming a giant, which, honestly, doesn't open up a lot of options for you besides "I'm gonna fuck shit up"

If you look at the Druid spell list, they basically have few spells that grant them the ability to swim, burron, climb, and in particular fly, all problems easily fixed with the regular wildshape. In particular, turning into a Huge Air Elemental gives you Perfect flight with 100 base speed, nothing to scoff at. You're killing the versatility of wildshape for a melee bonus on a class with slightly inferior spellcasting. Considering you can also turn into Huge animals without that archetype , it becomes even more lackluster when you can't transform into certain animals with better attack patterns for the ability of throwing a really big, nonmagical rock. Consider the fact also that you CAN'T use Enlarge person while wildshaped, and yeah, there's not much of a point. I guess the one advantage this archetype has is that it allows you to keep wielding weapons while wildshape as a Giant.

Honestly profane/sacred damage shouldn't exist

I only agree with you on the grounds that superfluous damage types don't need to exist. But since Pathfinder already uses a large amount of different types of damage, adding two more doesn't really hurt anyone.

Rather, the problem with them is that positive/negative should already be what theyare, and neither case should have a damage bonus like it does built-in.

I mean they would be way less insane if they didn't also do 1.5 against a huge host of monsters that are routinely encountered in play

Exactly yes I agree with you there, the built in damage bonus is a huge mistake

> I guess the one advantage this archetype has is that it allows you to keep wielding weapons while wildshape as a Giant.
Also, armor, Regeneration and no "Natural Spell" feat tax.

All good points, but you'll probably only trade the Natural Spell feat for one that makes you better at combat, and as for armor, I always take the +3 enchant thingy anyway.

It's up to personal choice, I guess. Regular druid gets more versatility out of their forms and 8+ attacks depending on it, while you get to keep your magic items as a giant.

When do you ever fight Good monsters?

What's a good level three feat for a cleric? I took Improved Initiative at level one to Bless sooner, and my ability scores are 16,14,14,10,14,10. Domains are Heroism and Revelation, with Positive Channeling.

Eh... Selective Channeling?

If you do not pick selective channeling you are a moron.

Evil campaign

Still going to fight evil dudes more often.

How often do you fight Evil things?

Probably not


Nice advice, bruv