Story time Veeky Forums!

Story time Veeky Forums!

Today is The Legend of Koizumi Chapters 6-10!

After his heroic sacrifice from the dastardly Kim Jong Ill's Taepodong missile, Koizumi has been found alive on the streets of Russia! But he seems to have lost his memory. Will he be able to regain what he lost to face Putin at the Mahjong table?


















Hot damn, this is best interpretation of Mahjong since that one part in Voynich Hotel. Carry on OP.









Someone fill me in on this, what the fuck is this.

global politics decided by mahjong

...and that's chapter 6! Chapter seven will be posted momentarily.

Hitler when?

chapter 35-40ish










The absolute madmen!













Can't stay and enjoy, OP, but good on you for dumping, Mahjjong is the game of emperors.

Circles best suit/type/whatever, bamboo can go suck a chode, i never win with them





Whoops, that was the end of chapter 7!

Ahh, Maggie. You were one stone cold bitch.
























Chapter 9!











Oddly, the pope starts all conversations that way.



