Give me good female characters inspiration Veeky Forums

Give me good female characters inspiration Veeky Forums.


Elizabeth II of England
St.Olga of Kiev
Erzsebet Bathory

Chinese pirate admiral commanding a fleet of 1,500 ships and a crew of 180,000 men. Former prostitute, captured by pirates. Then she married the captain. Took over when he died.





>former whore in charge of 1500 junks
talk about having the right qualification

>Vasquez and Xena

Made me think of pic related. Even though her actual is bit more grim than the movie, she was still pretty based.

What was her name

Natalia Poklonskaya

Ching Shih

Motoko Kusanagi of course.

Stand Alone Complex version.

>st Olga of kiev

Beat me to it.

As to the real world example of a sorta female paladin.

Ching Shih. The British Empire, the Portuguese. and Quing dynasty were unable to defeat her. A general amnesty was offered to her and her fleet. One of the few pirates who managed to retire alive. She kept all the loot and opened a gambling house.

Samantha Carter from Stargate SG-1


Her defining character trait was being poorfag mutant, she could have as well been a man. Even the scene where the creep wanted to rail her would still work.


Does that really disqualify her as a female character? I would think it would only make her a stronger character.

"Do you want to see my human pig?"

Her grey view of Justice constrasting with Dredd's black and white world was still interesting imo.

And I didn't need the mental image of the black dude getting his dick sucked by a male judge user.


the bitch on the _left


While that is inpsiring, I don't think it's what OP meant.


Creed's pretty good.




Why yes. Yes, I do my Empress.


IF you go back to the original comics, I think more is made of her gender as she existed to sort of be a counterpoint to Dredd's hyper-masculine aggression.

She's an alright character, but not someone you'd want as a PC.


She makes me think of my mom.

Lady from The Black Company is the best

OP didn't ask for a PC, just a good female character. And Cersei is pretty well written/acted.

Manga Revy, yes, her character has depth and complexity.

Anime Revy, not so much, she got reduced to >muh rape backstory
I can understand they had to cut out some backstory details to make room for more gun action and torpedoing helicopters, but it pains me still...


Oh come on, things would get explosive with her.
Everyone would be bursting with joy and fire in their bellies because of her presence!



And in case we need an immortal ruler.

Here ya go.

I like this version of Brave the most.


This character is from some drama isn't she? I don't understand runes.

Some stuff like this I'm just tempted to find them stupid.

Like: "You spent all that money on gold and cigarettes only to die of lung cancer and be forgotten instantly."


I'd give my life
Not for honour, but high res
> P a c h i n k o . . .

Ripley from Alien.

Fist post best post


what the fuck is up with those proportions

>Magical girl always busy with fight world ending thrests
>Never enough time with boyfriend
>He gets lonely and starts seeing another girl
>She was the Magical girls rival/Evil counterpart
>Evil/Rival M.G. gloats about it to M.G.
>So on and so forth

Huh, thats a first for a character idea.

I was thinking more along the lines of cute androgynous Judge (male).

You're late buddy.

not to get all "garblerarble no wimens in war" or anything but THIS one particular lady really annoys me, by her OWN word she never fought or raised her sword, she was little more than an inspiring mascot for the french forces.

Watched a very interesting play about her.
It's kinda sad that her work and passion quite litteraly killed her.


She did manage to kick those filthu brits out of the country and put the king back on the throne, even though she didn't personnaly killed for it

the gigajew from Uber
>inb4: accused of /pol/

>Hera tells Hypnos that she thinks he's a punk and couldn't give Zeus a single peaceful sleep
>Hypnos takes the challenge and puts Zeus to sleep and Hera takes the opportunity to Punish Zeus demigod children
>Zeus is furious but can't harm Hera so he goes after Hypnos despite Hypnos not knowing Hera's intentions
>Hypnos flees to Nox' home in the underworld and explains what happened to his Mother and begs her to help
>Nox stares down fucking Zeus, God of the Sky, and Master of Olympus till he backs down.
>Goes back to making horror babies with Erebus

Nox is best Mom.

They want to buy drugs from a hooker. You can be the hooker.

Nice, I didn't know that part of greek mythology, and god knows I love it and have read about it.

Hera is also a good inspiration for manipulative women. You can put her up there with Cersei, Claire Underwood or St.Olga.

>cocksleeve that couldn't won even when her forces outnumbered romans 23 to 1

Well the Romans were pretty much THE shit at the time.

I wanted to be the drugs :/

The Romans could probably beat everyone up until WWI. They had an actual professional standing army with strategy and signalling and everything.

Palas Athena is THE shit. I wish I could pray to her.
Always picked her is AoM


If you're talking about Lannister, she's a complete fuck-up. Take a look at Catherine de Medici of you want an example of what Cersei would be if she was competent/didn't fuck her brother.

Game of Thrones always rubbed me the wrong way. It was like he was just copying medieval history and changing the names.

I just keep hearing Circe over and over again.

That's some dank shit man, but I'll give you props for thinking that highly of the Romans.

>le avenger quip princess

>Catherine de Medicis
Still mad we got her and not based De Gaulle for Civ 6. She's not even French to begin with!

Well Cersei still hasn't changed anyone in pigs yet.

Given whatever game she's in, she can be exceedingly capable, but she is never not feminine.

Isn't she meant to be the archetypal evil witch queen but without the powers that allows this kind character to normally get away with anything?

Nintendo has said that they see her as a strong character even when she's getting kidnapped. She never becomes hopeless and still tries to not just rely entirely on Mario. Usually doesn't succeed, but she can at least throw out some upgrades or intel.

Nope. She's basically coasting on her families rapidedly disappearing money, her rapidedly fading looks, and her tenuous ties to a dead man. As the books progress you see from her deluded perspective as she slips into being a dumb crazy bitch. No one in kings landing takes her seriously and she's constantly blaming problems that are obviously her own fault on other people. She had a servant girl beaten for "tying her dress too tight", when in reality she's just becoming fat.

She was worth it, if only for the Minotaurs.
Also, she has one of the best greek mytjology birth and "fluff" imo. And by far the best monument dedicated to her name, although Artemis' temple would have been a serious contender if it was still standing.

I agree. She's basically the classical equivalent of ISIS. She was really good at slaughtering nearly defenseless civilians, but ate shit as soon as she had to fight an actual army.

Kek indeed. I mean the Roman empire did fall, and with the time it wasn't roman in all but name. Constantinople is now Istanbul, after all.
I hate being forced to take arab architecture whenever I play Byzantines

At least she is a worthy leader. Cleopatra is not only not really Egyptian but she lost her country as well.

Nintendo is full of shit and ruined Samus with Other M.

Again, Romans. And the sexy Julius!

Of course she's strong. Do you truly believe that Bowser really kidnaps her?

I'm more about what she stood for, being crafts, knowledge and war, while still being a woman. Also, being born out of your dad's bleeding head all grown up, armoured and letting out a warcry so fierce everyone was stunned? 10/10.
But I mainly picked her for the hoplites and Healing, pop is too precious to spend on minotaurs.

Romans would eat shit going up against anyone with good cavalry or even rudimentary firearms. Professional armies aren't anywhere near that rare. Especially getting into the Renaissance.

>ruined Samus with Other M.
How so? Spoil me, I didn't play that one.

>rudimentary firearms
>Of course Romans wouldn't adapt to that, when did they ever do that? - The Post.


When they repeatedly lost to mounted horsemen.

Best character.

Pretty much. Virtually every RPG she's featured in, she's doing something of signifigant value in the plot or shown to have considerable power. A number of the hero's schemes are her idea.


I'd have to say it was mostly about how she was characterized in the game.