How do you deal with cancerous game group member?

This is a long one Veeky Forums but I need ya guys help
>be in charge of weekly apoc game at my LGS
>group includes a mix of competitive and non competetive players but we all keep the cheese to a minimum since it's supposed to be a chill fun scenario since we already have a monthly tourney
>enter new guy
>9th prestige neckbeard
>brings fateweaver, lord of change, and flying daemon prince and gives them that 2++ rerollable bullshit and tosses like 30 psykic dice a turn with tons of cursed earth and summoning
>standard tourney level daemon nonsense
>no one ever brings counter cheese or tourney builds because it's not that kinda environment
>whatever team he's on always wins
>bad teammate and will try and convince you to sacrifice your 400 point tank squadron because he doesn't want to loose his 90 point squad of pink horrors
>not only makes your psychic phase nearly worthless with denials but he also makes games literally hours longer because he takes so long with his psychic phase
>he always has to leave before all of us and rufuses to do a scenario that lets him be phased out because he doesn't want to miss out on the rest of the game even though he's gone making game night hours shorter
>uses bullshit excuses when called out on his beardiness like "oh daemons are such a monobuild army I can't use any other strategy" and "but unkillabke daemons and tons of psykers is super fluffy"
>will cheat in small ways like calling dice cocked when they aren't, it's none stop and no one wants to lean over his shoulder all night
>gets super grumpy if he's loosing and refuses to play either of his two other armies because they don't do as well

What the fuck do I do Veeky Forums? He's single handedly ruining our groups game night, theres already talk from people who aren't gonna show because of him, I've tried calling him out but I have to bully the fuck out of him to make him change even the tiniest cheese out and he puts it right back in next week and I don't wanna do that every week

Other urls found in this thread:

>NB4 "nice ifunny watermark faggot"

You are adults. Stop trying to be discreet or teenagery with "bullying" and call outs. Straight up talk to him, explain the situation and if he refuses, for the sake of the group, outright say he is no longer welcome to play in your games.

Simple, straight forward.

When a single person is problem and community agrees on that, it should be relatively easy to ostracize them by any means available.

Infinity times this. Man the fuck up and talk to him. If he doesn't change his ways, then just kick him out

Be up front about it.

If he's still a pain about it go Full Metal Jacket on him with bars of soap and towels.

Woah woah, 8 have called him out straight up multiple times, he just refuses to acknowledge he's a problem, everyone in the group is too spergy to tell him off and they don't wanna be mean and ban him (plus the shop owner would be pissed about lost business) it's not as simple as that

>but he also makes games literally hours longer because he takes so long with his psychic phase
Warhammer games taking fucking forever is the reason I got out of the hobby; I cannot imagine playing with someone who makes that exponentially worse.

Well, the shop owner can lose him, or he can lose all the other people that are forced to play with him. Simple choice.

Then be really upfront about it and explain things to the shopkeeper.

Stop pussyfooting around and end things already.


>not using coins in the bottom of socks
fucking pleb

A little too far.
Plus if it's too painful he might pass out. Don't wan't him getting out that easy.

If he passes out you wait for him to wake up and resume the beating. You have to beat the sperg out of him, user.

Might take too long that way.
But, how about this: go to town on him with the soap, and when he thinks it's over, bring out the coins?

Kill him.

Alternatively, don't hold Apocalypse games every week and once he starts asking where's the weekly games, tell him everyone's fed up with his leaving early every week and just get no fun out of them so they're back to playing regular games.

If that fails, go back to plan A. Purge the daemon.

You say I'm pussyfooting, but the rest of my group won't even say a thing to him, dispite constantly saying how much they don't like him, I can't rally anyone with me to either shut him down or ban him, it's fucking stupid, makes me feel like a tyrant when I go at him on my own

Tried that legitimately, the day of the week changed and no one told him, passive aggressive I know but fuck off about it, but he follows the Facebook page and found out, he's a NEET so he is never stopped by work, just him mom making him go home, and no no one can fix it by giving him a ride, and before you ask he's 24

then confront your would be co-conspirators. "you wanna end this or not?"

>How do you deal with cancerous game group member?

Poisoned dice

Do you ferl like a tyrant for standing up to this menace? Do you feel like an oppressor for trying to help your fellow gamers?
Do not stand idle over mere titles. You must act before it is too late.

I mean I feel dirty rallying supporters behind closed doors against him like this is operation Valkyrie

But I guess a big intervention and telling him "change or leave" with the entire group is better than doing it myself

Interventions don't work on the stubborn or stupid.

Just throw his ass out.

He'll show up next week user and play the victim, shop owner is soft and he drops as much cash as we do, it's just retarded from a business sense

Well I guess there's only one thing to do, I think this no bullshit army guy of our group is also plotting against him, gonna join up with him and plan on giving him an ultimatum next time everyone's together, if he doesn't follow it we tell the store owner that it's either him or all of us, hope beeyone doesn't back out when it's actually time to pony up, wish me luck anons

Grow a pair while you do this so next time you can handle things on your own.

>The straight forward meme.

The biggest irony, is on Veeky Forums I've never seen a story turn out for the better due to this. I'm sure it worked, maybe once, or twice, but...ya know. Different folks, different strokes.

He spends what ALL of you spend combined? cmon dude.

it's either a whole group of people not coming to his store or one dude leaving in a huff. This is simple shit and you've gotten the only sensible answers. Either you're unwilling to do shit and just wanting to moan or you're stretching your thread beyond its natural lifespan

>has straight up told him to stop multiple times
>calls him out multiple times
>explains it multiple times in this thread
>explains the rest of the group is who is refusing to call his bullshit
But I guess it's fun to say grow a pair over and over right?

No, it works, you need to follow up tho.
If you tell someone they need to shape up or ship out, you ship them out.
I've had plenty of success being straightforward. I just had the wherewithal to boot people as well.

You're adults. Call him out on it, and hold an intervention of "cut this shit out or you're not playing with us anymore."

He will whine, he will bitch, he will probably throw a sperging fit and tantrum, and after he runs out of energy 30 minutes later, you'll thank me because it'll be the best thing you ever did.

Seriously, why do people have issues with him. It's not like you even need to ban him from the area or anything, just say you're not playing against or with him anymore, and he can either suck it up and change or stay salty.

Posted about this guy awhile back in a that guy thread,this tiem he was caught cheating a role and cried..again

>why do people have issues with *him*

should be *this*

Also, if you can't ban him just don't play against him. Say "sorry dude game you're annoying as hell to play, find someone else".

I know it would be best to run him off, but you'll also have the rest of the group being like "user ran off that neckbeard and made him cry, what a jerk"

Then all you know is subhuman filth.

You could always try, y'know, fucking empathy.

Everyone's talking about the confrontation like it's a bunch of people in a dark room sitting him on a small chair with a light shining in his eyes walking around him talking about his every fault and failing until he's reduced to tears and either mans up or pussy's out.

Take him aside privately and explain the problems not in the context of "This is why you're a fucking maggot and no one likes you", but in the context of "This is why what you are doing is adversely affecting everyone else". Make him understand that what he's doing isn't in a vacuum, that everyone is there to have fun and that what he's doing is screwing it up for everyone else. Specifically phrase it not as him being a wankstain, but explaining how the things he does make it worse for other people who are (at least on some level) supposed to be friends.

This is meant to be a social hobby, that doesn't just mean you get to show up and eat cheetos around other people instead of at your computer, it also means people need to learn to understand how their interactions with other people affect them.

And if he still claims there is no problem even after you've pointed out how everything he does affects them, just calmly state you'll talk with the rest of the group about how to handle this. Then he'll either understand how he acts around other people has consequences, or continue to be a fuckup and won't have any claim to be surprised when you all fucking refuse to play with him. Literally, if he starts unpacking his army, you all just pack yours up. If he calls you out on it, just say "We don't have fun playing with you, and we play this game to have fun."

Unfortunately I tried that a couple times, was super cool about it, went to eat with him, then eased into it and tried to explain it, and yeah he either played ignorant or was actually stupid, I think it has to be escalated

Then you go to the pack-up-game stage. It'll bum out the other people that they do this, but I think having a very direct visual representation of the consequences of his actions will be a good indicator.

People often describe problem players like this as being too stupid to get what you mean, but usually they're not that stupid, they've just never really had to deal with consequences directly. They've never learned "If you willfully fuck up, it will affect you". So maybe, just maybe if he sees everyone packing up he'll realise. Of course he could throw a massive tantrum in the middle of the store and get kicked out by the owner for being an embarrassment to humanity. But hey, win/win.

> Congrats, You Won
> you don't even have to play! We all concede defeat
> if you don't mind were just all gona play for second
> no nead to join in

Dude, people keep giving you advice and you shoot it down. In a few words your options are:

1) Tell him he's making the game bad and should change his ways.
2) Tell the shopkeeper that he's making the game unfun and want him banned
3) Refuse to play with him.
4) Steal something from the store and put it into his bag, get him banned from the store.
5) Buy drugs, put drugs in his bag, call the cops, have him arrested.
6) Run him over with your car.

There. In that order.

>1) Tell him he's making the game bad and should change his ways.

Isn't that a little extreme?

>6) Run him over with your car.

This is a much better thing to do.

Games taking up my entire saturday arent exactly wonderful and nobody ever just wants to play 1 or 2 relaxing 500 point games, instead everybody wants to play out fucking WW3 on the table in a 6.5 hour long battle.

Cmon smaller point games of 40k are more fun anyway, you can't just bumrush shit with a mob of enemies, you need to play tactically.

That and you won't require a $300 army to play, just the Start Collecting boxes plus a vehicle or something is enough and won't run you too much money either.

Where would you slip in "Fuck him to establish your dominance"?

inb4 "between his cheeks"


Looks like the cancerous group member is you

By not using an ifunny picture

4.5 if you're you're the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around.

This is the sum total of your options, OP.

The best answer is 1-2, and here's how you do it:
1. Have an explicit chat with ThatGuy.
2. Nothing happens, because step 1 is just you covering your ass.
3. Gather up your pussy co-wankers.
4. Gather up your testicle.
5. Drag your soggy cookie circle to the shopkeeper.
6. Say "ThatGuy is a spergelord and we're not comfortable gaming with him. I've tried to talk to him and he won't shape up. Solve this problem."
7. Co-wankers nod timidly in agreement, elevating you to AlphaMonkey.
8. Shopkeeper fears losing several customers, agrees to do something about it. Shopkeeper pussies out, and says he'll talk to ThatGuy.
9. They talk, nothing happens.
10. Go to Shopkeeper. (No wankers required since you are AlphaMonkey now.)
11. Say "ThatGuy is still stupider than me, kick him out or give me the authority to kick him out."
12. Shopkeeper fears losing more than one customer. Grants authority.
13. Kick out ThatGuy.
14. Get stabbed by ThatGuy and his weaboo fightan sword.
15. Die victorious.

Or: Run him over with your car.

if your plan has over 10 pointsit better come with a flowchart

So 4.5, then.

How was this recorded? It seems like it would be difficult to cheat online, can't everyone see your roll?

How tall are you, user?

Post a link/screencap to/of this thread in the facebook group that he lurks in. Slightly passive aggressive, but he and the other players might get a wake-up call.

Dealt with two of these guys in rp and mordheim
>Shadowrun campaign
>group is well equipped
>new guy wants to join
>GM says sure and fluffs the rules to catch him up
>basically a bent cop with contacts
>decides to go off on his own rather than work with us
>Dwarf makes loud announcements that we don't know what he's doing
>job is to save someone from a boat party
>Trolls manage to get on board rest of us have to fight
>I'm on a boat nearby hacking
>have enough of new guys shit and hack his comlink so we know what's going on
>we realise we're stood on a 5,000,000 boat and could sell it
>guy isn't interested in sharing
>get on boat and plant enough explosives to scuttle the ship
>another gang lands on the boat
>guy decides he's going to talk to them
>we all fuck off get on our escape boat
>he hasn't heard us planting the explosives
>blow him skyward
>GM reminds us we can't kill anyone on our team
>Find his remains and use reanimate to bring him back
>basically make him an iron maiden
>he can't leave ever but he isn't dead
>he storms off
>GM apologises for the asshole
>we laugh about the half dead bent cop we have chained to an iron maiden that can never die
>never turned up again

Mordheim story
>running campaign for friends
>doing warm up mini campaign
>"that guy" has been complaining about noone playing 40k with him
>let him into mordheim campaign because i feel bad
>starts playing guys in other stores who are way higher than any of us so when he turns up all his guys are kitted out
>makes everyone not want to play the game anymore
>ban him from campaign

just boot the toolshed or refuse to play desu

Nice watermark faggot.

You can't resurrect people in Shadowrun, not even with magic. Once you're dead, you're dead.

user, none of the OP's companions are going to back him up in any sort of confrontation. OP goes to the owner and lays down the "him or us" only to find that literally nobody is willing to meet his eye or speak up when publicly called.

OP is asked to leave and a few weeks later that local group has disbanded because people are pathetic faggots. I wish it wasn't this way, I truly wish that just bucking up worked. But everyone from normie to neckbeard to miserable robot is a social coward who would rather suffer in silence and pussyfoot then "make a scene"

The GM fudged the rules that he would be allowed to live with an animate spell because the guy was part of the "no killing eachother" rule.

1). That guy already spoken to - same success as with a brick wall
2) those guys won't do anything.
3) storeownerwon'tdoanything.jpg
4) OP not enjoying himself.

Solution - walk. Don't play the game, arrange to play someone else at a different time, different day.

>Requiring awkward nerds to be physically present when confronting the owner face to face
That's the issue.
Make them sign a petition instead.

I don't understand how people don't get this, like even the "man up and grow some balls, simple" have to have seen that most people hate confrontation and will agree to supporting someone in an argument and then back out when it's time to step up, it's just human nature

>I also highly suspect these people who always talk about manning up and calling people pussies are the most non confrontational people who sit in silence irl then go on Veeky Forums and tell people to do the exact opposite

Most def have kicked 2 people out of my games
1 i havent spoken to in years the other is my friend and been in different games since then.

You can remove people from a game because they dont fit and still play with them at a different place or time. Im sure the grognard would be fine in a try hard tourney setting so do him a favor and kick him the fuck out of you filthy causals group.


Found the paladin.

I don't know what else you expect us to say OP; You just gotta suck it up and kick him out.

You say it makes you feel like a tyrant, but if you're in charge of this weekly game, then it's in your shoulders to put your foot down. The others have probably been silently wanting you to do that anyways, since they probably figure that's your job and they feel too bad telling him to hit the road.

Sometimes you just gotta grit your teeth and be the man of the group OP. None if them are going to think you're an asshole, just politely inform the guy that no one has enjoyed playing with him and that some have been considering dropping because of him. If you have the other players' phone numbers, call them and let them know you're giving him the boot ahead of time. Then find the guy before game night if you can, can just tell him no one wants to play with him anymore and politely ask him to either not come or find a different group to play with. You've earned him before, so just be polite about it and no one will think you're an asshole. Hell, if he starts freaking out, -he- will look like the asshole if anyone.

I remember this. God is it hilarious. I swear I've had the misfortune of meeting multiple exact clones of this guy. And most of the time I'm the reason they're crying. Nobody else wants to stand up against someone's bullshit and then when I do, even if I try to be as nice as I can while still being direct, they play the victim card and turn on the waterworks while attempting to make me out as the villain. Then, when I turn to the group for support, they're too chicken shit to get my back and just avert their gaze. If they do get someone's back it is most likely the other person because they can't help but to be sympathetic to someone once they act pathetic enough, much like the one in the video trying to cheer that guy up. My point is that I've been where OP is and it sucks, it's not so easy to fix. You can have the balls to talk to him but once you finally get him to listen, after arguing and listening to him sperg out and cry for an hour, he only stops his bullshit for the rest of that session, at best, and next week he starts back up like you never said anything. But if you take the safety off of your mouth and really lay into him or give him am ultimatum the scenario I already described happens and people act like you're literally Hitler. Either OP will flip his shit and end up leaving the group to its slow death or he will stay there and watch it slowly fall apart around him. It's fucked either way. The only other thing you can do, obviously, is to kill him.

If he does number 6 won't that JEW Micheal Snyder just ban him?

The reason why you never hear stories about it is because you don't post stories with no drama.

How big is your dick, user? Do you have a bf? tee hee //>w

>He'll show up next week user and play the victim, shop owner is soft and he drops as much cash as we do, it's just retarded from a business sense
>plus the shop owner would be pissed about lost business

Yet another reason why playing in store sucks ass.

>Tried that legitimately, the day of the week changed and no one told him

>don't hold Apocalypse games every week and once he starts asking where's the weekly games, tell him everyone's fed up with his leaving early every week and just get no fun out of them so they're back to playing regular games.

Moving it to a different day isn't stopping it. Straight up stop doing it.

If its not fun for you to run the apoc game, don't fucking run it. No gaming is better than bad gaming.

You're running this thing, right? If he insists on acting like an irritated butthole, just don't let him in the campaign. If the store owner gets on your case, you tell him what you told us and you won't let sirwanksalot in as long as he's being a twat about everything.

Problem solved.

At this point you might want to talk to the owner. Having even half of those 8 people that spoke to the problem player then talk to the owner will make him realize where the loss of business will come from.

A FLGS won't be nearly as successful without the Friendly part, the people who buy there can just as easily buy from an online retailer that can afford to sell for lower and have lower profit margins since they don't have a storefront.

we saw his roll,he just tried to say it was something different when the DM asked when everyone witnissed it

oh believe me,he does it every week, there is a reason why this is episode 4,he's done it 3 time prior

Hey Op here everyone, dropped the hammer on neck beard, went about as well as expected, threw autistic fit and is probably just gonna show up next week but it was good to set the groundwork for his ban, talked to shopkeeper who said he understood and didn't like him breaking down, gonna greentext it because it contained some kek

>Be at LGS
>me and two friends and neckbeard
>we start playing with 3000 point per team game
>mission is kill everyone's HQs
>neckbeard says he has 4 and we all only have 2 so it would be unfair
>that's when i figure out he's playing unbound
>has like 5 fast attacks, 4 full HQs and multiple of the same artifacts and more
>basically his entire army was riddled with cheating and cheep shit
>I was too retarded to notice he has always been playing unbound, plus I don't play daemons
>it's been long established to use battleforged lists unless it's some kind of fluffy thing, and even then it has to be cleared
>"well my army doesn't work unless I do it"
>"but daemons are tricksters and it makes sense in the fluff they would have a weird list"
>I tell him that's bullshit and he knows it, tell him to create a new list legal list and redeploy
>quiet for a minute, looking around, then finally
>"but this is part of a formation"
>at this point I was sick of this shit because that was just a desperate lie
>I tell him to show me the form. a piece of shit cheat and he's banned from next week's apoc
>"but that's not fair!"
>I chew him out for cheating and being cheap, probably too mean, but he's had it coming
>"oh I guess I'm not allowed to have fun/ wow I didn't know you were such an asshole/ why are you so mad just because my list is better than yours?"
>he tries to play the victim like all you guys predicted I think he would have cried, we finally just decided the game couldn't be salvaged and end it, I calm down after a few minutes and explain he needs to tone down the cheese and make sure he's running a legal list and never bends rules again or he's booted permanently
>"well I guess user better build my list for me and just tell me what to play because you guys obviously think I'm a looser and hate me"
>Awkwardly waits for our response and walks out
Is this the end of the saga? I guess we'll see next weekend when he shows up at apoc

Sadly I feel this only means he will go elsewhere to ruin someone else's time.

>but this is part of a formation
got me

Yeah I've had the migrant "that guy" move between my three local game stores until they finally all get sick of him

>muh formation
Clearly just grasping at any straws he can find, doesn't understand the consequences of doing something bad

build an army to be a hard counter.

Literally just tarpit his shit with more fateweavers and horrors.

We actually have 500 point tournaments in my neck of the woods. But for 30k we bump it up to 850.

There's nothing wrong with 500-1000 point tourneys, imo 40k gets less balanced as the points go up because it allows some hellish cheese

The only issues is if you are a piece of shit it is possible to bring a bare bones CAD and a knight to 500 points or higher, meaning if your competetive scene is serious it'll just be a super heavy off

From a less beard aproach some nights are just damn near worthless at low points (grey knights immediately comes to mind)


Super heavies have a hard ban.

No allies. Everything has to come from one codex.

Personally I run Typhus and some Zombies with a unit of 5 plague marines I converted out of glotkin and get used in killteam often too.

Sounds like you aren't reading the ones that do. This is the approach I always use when I'm GMing. I tell players to privately contact me if they have problems. I privately contact problem players and mention no-names what others have had issues with and just ask if they can go easy from now on. Turns out when you treat people like reasonable adults, they're nicer.

If I'm a player, I contact my GM and say who and what is wrong. If I don't like the direction of a game, I say so. And I've been denied too, oh well.

It won't always work because you're not dictating to someone, you're treating them like a person by informing them of everyone's feelings and letting them make the decisions after being informed.

extremely fucking underrated post

easiest way to do it? talk to each of them, 1 on 1. record the conversations.

If you have a majority saying they will back you behind closed doors. Go forward with confrontation. If they try to back out, bring up that you have recorded each of their chats with you.

Or just bluff that you had. Either way, people won't back down so easily when they've been recorded in their shit.

They may take issue with your method, but in the long run it will probably work out.

GM can basically do whatever if it serves a narrative purpose.
We had this thing where the sister of my pc died in front of her and the group got a plan to get her back. GM agreed and we got it done. Basically create a clone body, summon the spirit with powerful voodoo shit and stuff the spirit into the new body and then bind it there. It made sense. Had to make some shadowy deals and dubious contracts on the way, so it became our adventure in essence.