Does anybody actually like AoS...

Does anybody actually like AoS. I don't frequent Veeky Forums often enough to pick up the general tone that people have taken towards it and am curious. I used to play quite a bit of Warhammer Fantasy back in the "good" old days and while hadn't played in a few years by the time AoS dropped I heard about the changes they made to both the fluff and the rules and found myself repulsed. Is my disgust founded? Honestly not trying to start a flame war, just looking for some honest opinions.

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since the Generals Handbook I'm liking it, after a good solid few months of thinking it was boiled dog shit.
I'd still have prefered a proper ninth edition with some sort of skirmish rules to curb the army size bloat. Perhaps something like kill team in 40k.

The Generals Handbook? Is that the book that added point values back to models?

It added points values to units, not individual models nor upgrades. Kind of a lazy patch job really.

Still, does provide the ballpark game sizes for this to function on a basic level as a pick up game rather than something heavily negotiated.

I liked it. It's a fresh, newbie-friendly game. You can buy a half of starter set and one start collecting box to make an 1k point army and play with friends. Easy and understandable rules, good deals on boxes and comfy setting. I could pick AoS or 40k - picked Sigmar, regret nothing

That is at least something I can admit the old editions had a problem with, the immense cash investment it took to get playing and the rules were not exactly a breeze either.

A part of me can't quite get past the style choices. I understand that to make it more approachable they made it so it was a skirmish game rather than ranks of units and while I prefer ranks I get why they made the change. But why make the imperials look almost identical to space marines. Why twist the fluff so hard just because of a change in rules?

Because WHFB was dying so they could use it for experiments. Now GW knows what they should do or not with wh40k 8e

It's hot trash designed to sell plastic crack to teenagers. Anyone who likes it is suffering from severe Stockholm syndrome and needs mental help.

Has it actually picked up since AoS or is it still "not 40k so don't care" territory.

ive tried to get into the aos story but for mine, the old worlde held interest and wonder...

I don't care about the rules changes, even if I still haven't done a match with them; the main issues are the butchering of the old world, the vagueness and high-magic pov of the new fluff and the choices behind aspects of the artworks and models.

I don't like the episodic nature of the moving fluff as I think a solid setting which is expanded retroactively has better results in creating the type of sandbox people play with their stuff in, but I can't argue that it keeps things fresh (until the third or so ineffectual "achievement" at least).

All in all I don't like it, but I keep an eye on it should I happen to recognise the warhammer I fell for.

Age of Sigmar is a new age game that predicted the rise of the right wing.

>The Mortal Realms (The Western World) is in ruins because of the dominion of Chaos (Leftists).
>Chaos floods the Realms with daemons (illegal immigrants) and marauders (refugees) and corrupts (cucks) the natives
>Suddenly Sigmar (Kek) returns and launches a series of devastating assaults (Brexit, Trump, rising rightwing populism in Europe)
>Sigmar even has the power to uncuck people
>Chaos is caught completely off guard
>The Seeds of Hope are planted.

GW was always one step ahead.

I like it more than the last 3 editions of whfb. The fluff is absolute dogshit though, so I just pretend I play in the old world.

sigmarines are pretty dope and I hope MC rules come to 40K because fuck daemons

You have to go back.

Sure, I always wanted miniature wargame based on WoW. Shit, army of Highborne is cool.

>predicted the rise of the right wing.
>In AoS Sigmar fights for queal society for everyone.
>racists from Azyrheim who was against refugees from other realms showed as Chaos agents

I've yet to see anyone playing a game in any games club I've been into or in games workshop beyond the models they had out when it got released.

It's as shitty as it looks it seems.

AoS now rivals 40k for popularity according to my source in head office. 30k is gaining but GW will never admit to that because itts forgeworld primarily and they don't like to encourage anything beyond BoP and BaC.

>AoS now rivals 40k for popularity according to my source in head office.
>not even in top-5 in US

I myself quite like the rules, but I was never invested in Fantasy's fluff as a 40k player. The only problem I can see is that tyring to port them over to 40k wouldn't work, as they'd need to be slightly more complicated. Well, that and most Fantasy fans not liking New Lore.

>Sigmar destroys refugees because they bear Chaos taint
>Sigmar closes the borders and looks to Azyr first cleansing it of all taint

>Setting is over
>Still like 40% of the world had never got any attention

>>Sigmar destroys refugees because they bear Chaos taint
>Yet still everyone could become sigmarine, not matter of race, or gender, or religion

What can you say, they hit the reset button on a hobby that didn't make enough money. And honestly, who can blame them? With the fan-base of neckbearding basement dwellers that used to play WHFB, its not surprising they didn't make a profit.

So they start again fresh, with a model series that will appeal to a new generation of miniature wargamers. As other anons have mentioned, the similarities to videogames is not hard to notice, and games such as WoW clearly comes to mind. Not only because of the models, but because of he simplicity of the game.

Well, I cant blame you for hating the game, many people do. I did to at first, I didn't even try it until the Generals handbook hit the grid. I thought points at least would make the game playable, but alas I was wrong. I was wrong about the whole god damn thing! The game was fucking fun, it was fast, the rules where (despite their simplicity) extremely well functioning, and the scenarios actually made the game come alive.
Hell, we didn't even bother with points after the first few games, and finally I got to play a game where monsters was actually that, MONSTERS! A game where my green tide could just swamp my opponent, but still let him win because he survived, despite being heavily outnumbered. A game where just about all buildings have rules that ad to the gameplay, hell, even the board sections have custom rules.

All I can say, try the game out. If you have no interest in painting or modeling, go look for another game, but I think your up for a surprise if you do try AoS out.

>g-g-guys pls, buy our game to try it, we run out of shekels, because FFG beating shit out of us
>t. redshirt

>People who prove themseves worthy can be elevated in society
>People don't get free hand outs based on race, or gender, or religion

>who can blame them?
Everyone since WHFB was killed by 8th edition.
>where monsters was actually that, MONSTERS!
>was actually that, MONSTERS!
You mean it could be killed by 3+ just as random not-goblin?
>>People don't get free hand outs based on race, or gender, or religion
Actually they get.

>>People who prove themseves worthy can be elevated in society
Including Warriors of Chaos.

It is the standard GW fare. As in terrible game design and balance for the purpose of selling people lots of increasingly expensive models (Though I won't claim that 8th was any different, nicer fluff I guess). If you want fantasy skirmish then you can always play something like Malifaux instead, and play Kings of War for mass combat.

Around me there is a real scene at the local GW store so it certainly isn't dead, but no none plays it at any of the FLGSs.

Are you seriously comparing GW to FF? Haha, Jesus, you must be a retard or the age of 12. FF would eat GW for breakfasts, by the simple reason that FF is in a different market. The market of board games will always beat a straw of hobby like miniature wargames, no matter how you pull it. And even FF, who does a bit more advanced board games, still out-sells GW on a regular basis.

And yea, AoS is still fucking fun, now go eat a dick.

Yup, even the cucked can find redemption in the new age.

>by the simple reason that FF is in a different market.

I was mostly referring to the amount of attacks and general beefyness of it. Before, all monsters contributed to, was being target practice for all the cannons (and even then, it only took a pair of good rolls to take one down).

Newfag, pls.

FFG is also beating the shit out of the Infinity and Warmahordes guys.

Out of all of them, the only people who probably can't simply be bought out by FFG would be GW.

Actually, I played Plenty, I'd probably say AoS is how 40k should played, it's an incredibily fast game with a fair few tactics.

Runewars has been laughed at by literally everybody and nobody is going to buy it.

Yes totally, but thanks for proving my point on you being a retard.
FF makes toys with rules to it. GW makes miniatures to a complete hobby. If you didn't even know this, I'm afraid your lost friend.

>Sigmar takes and fortifies the Realmgates
>Sigmar enforces tight border control

Is that graph a bit pointless?

I know tons of people who collect Warhammer and don't use it as a Wargame tool at all.

Hell, it's why I love AoS right now.

>FFG is also beating the shit out of the Infinity and Warmahordes guys.
Yes, since FFG especially with Asmodee support are much larger than PP and CB.
>Runewars has been laughed at by literally everybody
>source: my ass

>FF makes toys with rules to it. GW makes miniatures to a complete hobby.
Kirby, pls.

>I know tons of people who collect Warhammer and don't use it as a Wargame tool at all.
Anecdotal evedience, nothing more.
>in the new age.
In the age of equeal rights, you are right.

And to be fair, the only company not succeeding in selling a Star Wars license is EA games with their mmo. But again, its a totally different market, FF makes board games on the nerdier side. Its still shit quality models, don't get me wrong, but its good standard for board games. With X-Wing, and now Runewars (which really just is X-Wing with sword and bow, in a medieval fantasy setting, judging by the rules system), they are slightly touching the miniature wargames market (though X-Wing still follows the idea of pre-painted toys). But its still just the same model quality they use in their board games, thus when in comparison to GW´s latest and greatest, it looks like shit.

Well, let's use a very simple metric for Runewars shall we?

Are their any Runewars threads on Veeky Forums right now? No?

Is it because it's just X-wing repainted as a shitty game with absolutely terrible models and zero incentive to play?

What more do you need seeing as the "Person who collects" is the main focus group GW even go after.

>In the age of equeal rights, you are right.

Yes, in the new age of the death of leftisim.

>Makes a solid point

>Response: Buhu, redshirt, stop shilling!

Is that all defense you can muster?

>Yes, in the new age of the death of leftisim.
Since when social utopia without social classes becomes death of leftism.

>as a shitty game with absolutely terrible models
Look who is talking abiut bad rules and models.
>>Makes a solid point
>literally quoting Kibry's word
>solid point

>No social classes
>Literal god king
>All the way down to peasants.

Actually in Canon, Azyrheim is very much a Class system.

It's literally a Meritocracy. The Best guys at jobs boss around the guys less good at their jobs.

Age of Shitmar is abject garbage

>B-But Age of Sigmar models are shit.

Sorry, but even the Napoonpan Dwarves have some decent models outside the basic Dwarves.

Meanwhile, Runewars looks like someone trying to make a WoW game and then failing halfway through. There are zero multipose, terrible plastic and downright horrific sculpts with about 3 poses a model.

Even Warmahordes can push out better models, MUCH MUCH better models and they're not strictly focusing on that.

>>Literal god king
Just like Stalin and Mao.
>The Best guys at jobs boss around the guys less good at their jobs.
Just like in communism, if you are good in your job you are the boss.

I like it. But it's mostly because it gave me what I wanted to begin with. It's Warhammer Fantasy that plays like 40k. I know it's blasphemy, but I have never liked the rank and file system of movement.

The art is shit. The story is even worse. The rules are okay.

>Just like in communism
>I literally fail at knowing anything about how Governments work.

Communism is nobody is the boss, the government is just an administration system designed to run everything. So clerks and book-keepers are the bosses.

Azyrheim is run more like Renaissance Venice or Italy, with Sigmar being an aloof Doge while all the guilds run everything else.

>Just like Stalin and Mao.

No, quite the opposite.
Since he is a literal god and they are literally not.
Also he is literally a king and they are literally not.

>Meanwhile, Runewars looks like someone trying to make a WoW game and then failing halfway through.
SO just like GW?
>There are zero multipose
So just like Sylvaneth troops infantry.
>and downright horrific sculpts with about 3 poses a model.
Skelets still better than GW undead.

My biggest issue ever with Warhammer fantasy movement trays is the Horseshoe formation was impossible outside of severe abstraction.

In AoS you can do it because denying unit coverage is a thing.

>AoS is WoW, despite the heavy Renaissance inspired Christian imagery used as a counterpoint to 40k's Heavy gothic catholic imagery.

>He thinks the Sylvaneth cannot be posed

>Halloween tier decorations for the Skeletons in Runewars are better than Pic related.

>the government is just an administration system designed to run everything.
Just like in flawless multicultural Sigmar's society.
>Azyrheim is run more like Renaissance Venice or Italy,
Lawful Good (Ultramarines-tier) Sigmar is totally oppsite to Italy

Not at all, because it basically describes how the upper Echalons of Azyrheim are probably corrupt as fuck Machiavelli like Merchant princes abusing their power.

Sigmar gives zero shits if they're just greedy jews, he wants the best guys for the job to run his shit so he can fight chaos.

If Schlomo Shreklegoldberg is an absolute cunt to people but still builds fantastic fortifications under his guidence, Sigmar keeps him in power.

Hence a Meritocracy, nobody said it wasn't full of backstabbing politics.

>heavy Renaissance inspired Christian imagery
yeah sure
>>He thinks the Sylvaneth cannot be posed
>He thinks that "lol guiys, just use some green stuff and fix the models" is argument
>>Halloween tier decorations for the Skeletons in Runewars are better than Pic related.
>posting models from hateful WHFB

>Not at all, because it basically describes how the upper Echalons of Azyrheim are probably corrupt as fuck Machiavelli like Merchant princes abusing their power.
Yet still none suffer from this and everyone except ebil racists fights against Chaos, because AoS setting is 8+ (shit even Azeroth is 12+)

As I mentioned in my earlier post, FF makes good standard models for Board games, but when you try to hit a new market and break ground on miniature wargames, you better be prepared to know what you're getting yourself in to. Because, all of a sudden, all of your "good quality" models looks like shit in comparison. Its like playing with the models from Talisman for your warhammer games, its just sad when you put it up to a clearly better made model. Personally, I think FF is doing a bad move with Runewars specifically. First of, it ended the partnership with GW, that alone is just stupid, because they made great games for them. Secondly, I don't think the game will sell, and even if it does, people will just use it as an entry way to the real hobby that lies within miniature wargame.

Ending the partnership with GW was a bad idea simply because now GW could probably get someone else or even home make WHRPG and Deathwatch RPGs.

GW fucked WHFB for greed.
8th was awful. Instead of giving the fanbase a fixed WHFB, they scrapped for a copyright friendly, uninspired, undefined setting.

Their lack of professional ethos creeped in the lack of points, horrible rules made free to parrot other companies, juvenile humour.

They applied an hot fix with the general handbook but the gimmicky spamhammer, the disgusting setting and the action-figure-y miniatures are not addressed.

3/10 fuck you GW

>First of, it ended the partnership with GW, that alone is just stupid, because they made great games for them.
1) Partnership was ended before because GW was buttblasted about X-wing and othyer Star Wars stuff, Runewars was just a next step.
2) It's FFG who made great games, not GW.
>to the real hobby
You mean Citadel overpriced things?

We didn't hear how Karl Franz's rule was shit for th Empire's common man either. Is that now unrealistic?

Age of Sigmar is very much designed to be a more "Heroic" Warhammer, with even Orks being far more talkative and "Heroic"

>We didn't hear how Karl Franz's rule was shit for th Empire's common man either.
Say that to Nordland.

>Juvenile Humour

Fuck you, it's 6e babbies like you who drained GW of Humour in the first place.

FFG ended the partnership, not GW. It's because GW keeps it's IPs close and FFG wanted to jew more of it out.

Well, actually, not that user but regarding the poses on models. Thats what differs GW´s hobby from FF´s boardgames.
A hobbyist will do what it takes to make his army or his models look the part that he wants them to. A hobbyist not satisfied with the look straight out the box, will simply fix it, re-model, convert and use green stuff.
GW even encourage their fan-base this, to make each players army look unique if they wish it so.

Now, again, as others have mentioned, you seem lost boy this is Veeky Forums.

>FFG ended the partnership, not GW.
>GW even encourage their fan-base this, to make each players army look unique if they wish it so.
>generic paladins

Also the guy literally posted Multipose models.

Guys it's the Slav warmachine shitposter. Bad English and baiting. I sometimes wonder how you guys cannot identify him.

>Generic Paladins
>Goldenrod/art deco designs

I wish Paladins were more like this.

Shit, I forgot about him.

I guess Runewars is his new tool?

But yeah. FFG stopped the partnership because of Runewars and I think because they refused the rights of HH to FFG.

>I wish Paladins were more like this.

Problems with Slavs, eternal Sven?

He switches bad and forth. Most of the time he trolls the Total War thread in Veeky Forums with pro-AoS posts. So don't take whatever he says seriously, he has no position, He just spews whatever he thinks will get him (yous).

Only that they're disgusting subhuman trash.

While both are inspired by Renaissance Imagery, Sigmarines use more Goldrenrod/Art Deco designs.

It's why the Sigmarines look fucking fantastic when painted Dark Colours contrasting with Gold.

It may have been unintentional, but the Main "Order" soldiers being based on an Artstyle that imposes rigid order is pretty neat.

But of course, Slavs cannot into art.

started in 4th Wh and 3rd 40k, sorry mr. Retard.

And if you were neurotypical, you would understand the difference between being witty and being forced and inappropriate.

>While both are inspired by Renaissance Imagery,
>Sigmarines use more Goldrenrod/Art Deco designs.
Yeah, totally original.
>It may have been unintentional, but the Main "Order" soldiers being based on Space Marines terminators is pretty neat.


GW have, and always will be, Low brow commoners from Nottingham.

Dark Angels are one big gay joke

Leman Russ is meant to be said with a funny Swedish accent

Gahzkhull Mag Uruk Thraka is named after a certain female Politician.

Dwarves being Dwarves, Grots being Grots, Orks.

GW was always low brow designed to make nerds chuckle a bit while rolling dice and drunking pints.

There was a two week period after the general's handbook where games were played here at the LGS, then people started breaking it again. They were banned, but then people started breaking it without realizing they had shattered it. Understanding that they were basically playing the equivalent of a premature crack baby on a ventilator, everyone quit again.

>Gahzkhull Mag Uruk Thraka is named after a certain female Politician.

Andy Chamber disproved this. He said that he came up with the character name by using a random Orc name generator

what you listed is still miles ahead the moustaches rules.
One word-play is good, the free warscroll rules looked like written by the exact same person you will never bring to a party.

was for this

Try studying art, maybe you'd not come off as a literal mongoloid.

The Wings of the flying dude are the perfect example of the Art Deco Design.

Andy Chambers also has a habit of talking shit.

>Try studying art
Comcis =/= aren't art
>The Wings of the flying dude are the perfect example of the American Art Deco Design.
another fix

>When the Stormcast ones are clearly not feathers and are either solid or rays of light

Sorry Slav, guess you're stock images and half-arguments don't work when someone has actually studied this stuff.

Your argument basically falls down to

>But Stormcast are big and gold

I guess that means they're just a ripoff of everything big and/or gold right?

>literal mongoloid.
>white knights still buttblasted because they will never create the greatest continental empire

>b-b-but they're straight!

you faggots are faggots
stop this shit

>greatest continental empire
pic related.
britian/US still best empires
also mongoloid is more of a testament to the mongol empire then anything else.
given they named that entire breed of humans after them

WHFB rules were already more complicated than 40k rules and they were simplified in AOS, so why couldn't they simplify the simpler 40k rules in the same manner?

Colonial Empire

>Colonial Empire
i fail to see the fault in that.
if i'm not mistaken, troopers were forced to do that because of political matters.
feminism is directly responsible for that then if i am not mistaken.