An ancient good has awoken

>An ancient good has awoken

Other urls found in this thread: france rhineland&source=bl&ots=FIEmYW95f2&sig=l7IaNgndIuaEpmqJ4VeOPp-G3Pk&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwis6eXj79LQAhVG7hoKHYUpBbkQ6AEIYjAJ#v=onepage&q=nuremberg france rhineland&f=false

>An ancient evil has slept

>the ancient evil wakes up 50 years behind schedule

And thus, No Fun Allowed became Law.

Worshiping the wrong deity, swearing, missing holy days, ignoring your parents, murder, cheating on your wife, theft, lying, and merely desiring another man's wife or belongings leads to punishment.

God bless that Finn baker.

>an ancient good has awoken
so, Doomguy/the Doom marine/THE DOOM SLAYER

He didn't say an ancient Lawful has awoken.


An ancient good has awoken!

Ancient good, not ancient lawful.

>literally anyone in 40k
Pick one.

>an ancient titan has rolled over restlessly in its sleep

>it means something very, very bad is about to happen

>the ancient evil is late for work
>this is the third time this aeon

I'd say the Lamenters are unironically good to a suicidal extent.

>half life

>An ancient good has awake

>an ancient cute has awoken

Goldarn it! I worked hard to ill-get those gains!

>the young evil assembles a team of misfits prophesied to be the chosen ones who will fight the ancient good

There, I picked one.

Does this mean all adventurers and heroes lose their jobs?

>An ancient neutral has awoken.

Shoot it.
I want its head!

A chaotic neutral has awoken

Kill it.
I want its head!

>An ancient evil has been fired
>An ancient evil gets a low paying, entry-level job.

Hoo. Sounds like a nice idea.
No, ancient good hires them to be its mooks

I suppose this is okay I guess.

Are you TRYING to bring forth the god of death? Because that's more or less what'll happen if you stay this course!

But eh, what do I care?

The God of Death has a head, right?

>its social reforms are out of line with your interpretation of what a bunch of warmongering slaveowners who wrote their disdain for 90% of humanity into a document thought profitable.

>An ancient neutrality has awoken

>An ancient evil gets a low paying, entry-level job.
Someone took a swing at this one if you want to see it.
The Devil is a Part Timer.

Demons aren't evil in that setting

>The other ancient evil has awoken for a looong time now
>It's a really efficient salaryman now

>we can't kill those civilians following the dubious orders of the inquisition
>planet becomes a demon world

>an ancient evil does jack shit

>An ancient Law has awoken


>Neutral deity manifests in the physical realm.
>Just sits there.

That kinda gives me an idea of a BBEG

have an ancient evil actually awake when the party is unprepared and go all Lovecraftian mythos on the world causing indescribable chaos, inflicting permanent changes into the world, and be so powerful that the PCs can't do jackshit about it. Then have it go to sleep.

Then have the rest of the campaign all about the PCs preparing the world for when it wakes up again.

*tips ushanka*
Well said comrade.

>An ancient good has awoken
So... Santa?

Today I learned that neutral now means completely apathetic.

Basically, yeah. Lesser creatures that are neutral still do things because they have needs and wants that push them to do things. Creatures and lesser elemental forces that are strongly attuned to neutrality still have built in instincts and drives that cause them to act in certain ways. But pure and elemental neutrality being free of needs and most wants would probably be pretty apathetic if it wasn't created to have instinct or desire that it must satisfy.

Good and evil assume some kind of advancement of good or evil things. Neutral can still be about something but just saying neutral doesn't imply anything itself.

I'd love a campaign about rebuilding the world after a bunch of heroes manage to seal an ancient evil away.


Assuming d&d, wide reaching constructive behavior has little support in the rules. Hunting down the vestiges of the bbegs forces has promise, however.

Less hunting down people and more taking care of opportunistic criminals, saving civilians, etc

Actually, yeah. Then again, they'd still blow Liivi's brains out for heresy.

>An ancient good has awoken
>Intent on wiping out all evil, it leaves behind a trail of destruction sparing only those it deems good enough to deserve to live
>In their fear, the mortal races band together to supress the ancient good once more.
>Where will your PCs stand?

I see only another evil to be smote.

Villainy has many faces, and that is one of them.

>An ancient evil is repeatedly awakening as it cannot locate the Snooze artifact

Yeah maybe, depends what exactly the evil guys threat took the form of. Seems more fun for the players if the shit was a wee bit more complicated, it's easier cleaning up after an invading army than vast tracks of cursed and despoiled land infested with abberations.

>Would unironically allow undead to roam the countryside and terrorize the innocents because killing them would be mean
Villainy has many faces, one of them is weakness.

>An ancient good has awoken!
>Fight demons!
>Help people!
>Cultivate the land!
>Inspire heroes!

Now go, let the legend come back to life!

Watch your tone with me, boy.

> It's really fucking judgemental and puritan
> It's moral code is also ancient
> It burned a dozen people last sunday for wearing mixed fabrics
> And shut down the docks because eating shellfish is wrong
> Noble adventurers, I bid of you, PUT IT BACK WHERE IT FUCKING CAME FROM.

The nation of swastika-shaped yule tarts and overpriced alcohol.

>Villainy has many faces, one of them is weakness.
Lashing out in fear against others is a sign of weakness, not of strength.

>ancient evil awakens
>takes a leak, farts and then goes back to sleep


And what do you call the refusal to strike against evil? Friendly reminder that France could've prevented WW2 in 1936 and Britain could've prevented WW2 in 1938. Neither did so.

>Our King
>not good

>bitching about that instead of the western betrayal in 1945

>Friendly reminder that France could've prevented WW2 in 1936 and Britain could've prevented WW2 in 1938. Neither did so.
They were more afraid of causing a second great war than they were of Germany. In hindsight that was foolish, but you can't blame them. WW1 was really fucking awful.

>And what do you call the refusal to strike against evil?
Some problems are solved by force. Others are fanned by it.

I can blame them for allowing a militarized nation led by a genocidal maniac to grow as large as it did. I can blame them for allowing the violation of sovereignity of many formerly independent nations because maybe if we spread our buttcheeks far enough they'll play nice. That is weakness, and that's perhaps the greatest form of evil: weakness in those who can and should do good.

In fact, at Nuremberg the Nazi high command admitted that French intervention in 1936 was their biggest fear.

Operation Unthinkable was full retard and you know this.

Easy there tiger. France and the UK didn't stop Germany because they had just gotten out of the biggest war the world had ever seen, and they knew that pushing against Germany was likely to cause another one with somebody like Hitler at the head.

>so help me!

>and they knew that pushing against Germany was likely to cause another one with somebody like Hitler at the head.
So they just gave Hitler whatever he have gained in such a war. That's not trying to maintain peace, that's shoving another man into a lion's mouth hoping he'll be too full to consider mauling you.

It's really easy to say things like that with hindsight.

So tell me user, what's the best solution to Putin's aggression in eastern Europe? Is he going to escalate by himself and need western intervention to stop him, or will western intervention simply cause him to escalate?

>That is weakness, and that's perhaps the greatest form of evil: weakness in those who can and should do good.
You can blame the German people for the same thing in allowing a tyrannical dictator to come to power in their own country.

Blaming WW2 on a specific group doesn't answer any questions or help to explain why it happened. History is a long series of causes and effects, no single event makes sense outside of context.

Yes. That is what they did. Because the horrors they saw in WW1 were bad enough to warrant it. Going to war again would effectively have just killed more people earlier, nothing would have changed.

And for all they knew, Germany was making the land grab purely for resources and was ignoring the people so long as they didn't interfere.

No, it's trying to make the best of a very complicated and unstable situation.

>It's really easy to say things like that with hindsight.
Not really, considering all foresight had by those politicians was based on naiveté. The idea that anyone will ever get tired fo getting free shit, especially when that someone's speeches and internal policy has been dripping with militant behavior. Pretty sure Daladier and Chamberlain would consider acknowledging the Islamic State a good idea, because maybe they'll just limit themselves to Syria and Iraq.

>So tell me user, what's the best solution to Putin's aggression in eastern Europe?
NATO. If we really care about limiting Putin's agression in Eastern Europe, then the best thing to do (especially for those nations in the region) is to learn from Ukraine, join NATO and uphold all its norms (including the 2% requirement). Any further move by Putin will be deterred (if he's sane) or reacted to with the combined might of the industrialized world (if he's insane).

In other terms, the first thing that should've been done after the Anschluss (and that's assuming the French tolerate the remilitarization of the Rhineland like a bunch of spineless cowards) would be seeking alliances with countries like Czechoslovakia, Poland and other countries that could potentially end up on Hitler's list, including the declaration that war with one means war with all. And they would not refuse, knowing very well they could be next.

Western Allies not pushing to Germany while it's forces were busy in Poland was pretty big fuck up desu.

Stop trying to argue with Satan.

What is this, Nobledark? Grimbright? Vaguely uneasy mood lighting?

>a kinda old "ok" has sort of awoken I guess


>yfw it votes trump

>Putin's aggression in eastern Europe?
Putin is being pushed back. It is the NATO that is being aggressive. O well, topic for /pol/ or possibly /news/.

>I can blame them for allowing a militarized nation led by a genocidal maniac to grow as large as it did. I can blame them for allowing the violation of sovereignity of many formerly independent nations because maybe if we spread our buttcheeks far enough they'll play nice. That is weakness, and that's perhaps the greatest form of evil: weakness in those who can and should do good.
>In fact, at Nuremberg the Nazi high command admitted that French intervention in 1936 was their biggest fear.
you need to go to pol, stat
this is so wrong it's painful

Ah, so a better world, eh?

Not when you removed it from the god of life.

Then it's just a jelly-like mass of death. france rhineland&source=bl&ots=FIEmYW95f2&sig=l7IaNgndIuaEpmqJ4VeOPp-G3Pk&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwis6eXj79LQAhVG7hoKHYUpBbkQ6AEIYjAJ#v=onepage&q=nuremberg france rhineland&f=false
>considering the situation we were in, the French covering army could have blown us to pieces

Straight from the horse's mouth. Now go ahead and explain how an anti-Nazi opinion is somehow /pol/.

>The next morning everyone around the world wakes to find treats next to them.
>The evildoers find notes with the treats that say "please reconsider"
>Those with allergies find that their treats were made with said allergies in mind.
>The ancient good is all about love and friendship.

Chamberlain was buying time while the country built modern weapons. There were not enough Spitfires or Hurricanes in 1938 to fend off the Luftwaffe. In 1939, there were. Just. If we patched the broken ones up ASAP. And even then it was only a narrow victory. Bombing Berlin took the pressure off the airfields.

>explain how an anti-Nazi opinion is somehow /pol/.

>Middleaged neck has stopped shaving

>a relatively old evil has awoken, but he's taking his time and he doesn't care about your kingdom as much as you think he does

>an ancient evil has awoken
>the ancient good pulls it back into bed to cuddle for the next century

>a lazy evil has awoken.
>it finds that the prospect of actually torturing and killing innocent people is a lot less appealing than staying at home and writing stories about torturing and killing innocent people
>the adventurers have gained an unbidden pen pal who keeps sending them creepy letters

>an ancient evil has awoken
>opts to spend most of his days by sitting in tavern with other ancients and bitch how modern evil can't do anything right

>Primordial mediocrity doesn't give a shit

>he's still going to destroy it though
>back in his day people took pride in getting the job done right

>the Paladin's offer of redemption is rebuffed with complaints about how young people change careers too often nowadays

You could play it either way, I suppose. Grimdark would involve the ruination from the conflict near impossible to completely mitigate, but the only alternative is to allow civilation to fall apart even worse. Requires that the big bad pulled out some nasty and enduring evils, and likely did a number on the population in general.