MtG Legacy General

Combo Christmasland Edition

What is your legacy christmasland?

>Active Legacy Forums

>Current Legacy Metagame

>Find/Browse basic lands by their art (Updated through Duel Decks: Jace vs Chandra)

>Top 5 Breakdown (May 26, 2016)

>Miracles: The Match-Up Everyone Should Know

>Utilizing Cabal Therapy (Old but still good)


Common Legacy - Decks You Should Prepare to Face
>Delver variants (Grixis, Izzet, BUG, RUG)
>ANT (Ad Nauseam Tendrils)
>Death and Taxes
>Eldrazi Stompy
>Shardless BUG

Uncommon Legacy - Decks You Should Know About
>LED Dredge
>TES (The Epic Storm)
>4-Color Loam
>Nic Fit
>Sneak n Show

Rare Legacy - Decks You May See On Occasion
>High Tide
>Food Chain
>12 Post
>Pox Control
>Blood Moon Stompy variants
>Sneak n Breach
>Stax (White or Black)
>Deadguy Ale
>Oops, All Spells

Legacy Christmas land? Do you mean meta wise? If so, all elves all the time

Any first turn kill hand is pretty spicy, but first turn kills with protection are the spiciest. Doomsday, Ritual, LED, Probe, Underground Sea, Lotus Petal, Duress. That's about as magical as I can get. But pretty much any hand that can go off turn 1 I'll jam, unless I know I'm up against a FoW deck.

Checking in to see if the Family Tree ever came to fruition.
I've had games where I assembled Thopter Sword on turn 2 with leftover mana to make a few thopters. I was in topdeck mode after that, but I knew that my opponent wasn't packing Daze, Force or Pierce so I went for it.

I have to agree with you that turn 1 wins with protection are the best


Swamp, Dark Ritual, Dark Ritual, Infernal Tutor, LED, Cabal Therapy, Gitaxian Probe with a Rit on top.

Fetch, Deathrite, Thalia, Pridemage, Wasteland, Wasteland, Wasteland.

I'm a simple man of simple pleasures.

I see what you mean know, I'm just an idiot who can't read
Opener of flooded strand, polluted delta, top, counterbalance, FoW, Brainstorm, brainstorm
Counter top is a combo right? Guys?

The deck has a hard time making black for tendrils. It also won't build up enough storm for tendrils to be lethal, as the deck lacks card draw. Warrens sticks to the board and kills through them having hexproof/FoW

They just keep fucking multiplying.

Legacy was a mistake.

Countertop is as much a combo as Thalia+Karakas or Natural Order+Progenitus/Craterhoof, 2 card combos are sweet and don't necessarily have to be game winning to be dope.

can we have one fucking thread where retarded namefags dont shit it up with off topic bullshit?

>off topic bullshit
>one sentence of one post this thread

Obvously not, they carve attention like tumblrines

Any good deck that uses gifts ungiven?

I think most decks that would want Gifts just play Intuition.

Swamp, DR, DR, DR, Leveler, Smallpox, Tormod's Crypt.

Chalice, chalice, ancient tomb, city, golem, thorn, cavern

No, sorry. I never got it to look right. Maybe for Christmas.

>Legacy Christmasland
LED, Gemstone Mine, Breakthrough, crack for 3 red and dump Grave Trolls and Faithless into the grave

Swamp, Dark Ritual, Dark Ritual, Hymn to Tourach, Hymn to Tourach, Thoughtseize

Hey, Curebro, I've been considering it as my first legacy deck, for budget reasons. What list are you running? I'm testing g/b atm but no swords hurts.

Remove oops.

Remove you!

Y'all have been great I'll give you mine:
Lotus Pedal, Gitaxian Probe, Dark Ritual, Dark Ritual, Cabal Therapy, Balustrade Spy, Pact of Negotiation.
I don't run pact in the main at which point that 7th card could be anything, maybe another dark ritual to protect from daze?

Simian Spirit Guide would be better in that regard.

True, thanks senpai!

should i sell my collection? aka the only deck i have left + a load of crap

>What is your legacy christmasland?

SSG in hand for daze.

Volcanic Island, Rite of Flame, Rite of Flame, Rite of Flame, Seething Song, Dragonstorm.

It's my christmas fantasy that dragonstorm is playable

yours too?

If you could pick one tribe that doesn't already see lots of play that somehow gets a super big buff in the future, what would you guys like?

I want some fucking Dragons, like super amazing dragons

My legacy christmas-land hand (that I have gotten twice) is :
dark depths, thespian stage, manabond, taiga/fetchland, grove/forest/taiga/fetch (x2), life from the loam.

T1 marit lage is pretty fair, right?

No not really. It seems like a good card for legacy but it's a little too expensive I think. In modern you have the flexibility of putting together an unburial rites pile or value piles or whatever. But normal reanimator does the unburial rites thing better and faster, and value piles or other combos are too slow. And intuition often accomplishes the same thing for 1 less mana.

It is when I draw my deck and win when you pass with the 20/20 in play.

I would wanna see Thralls and Saprolings before Dragons but yeah they're up there.

>T1 marit lage is pretty fair, right?

You're strategy is to attack with a creature during the combat phase so according to naive youths and plebbit users it's perfectly fair :^)

Alright, quick lore discussion, what does the Veeky Forums legacy general think Marit Lage is? An eldrazi? A mage that became too powerful? An ancient planeswalker? Or something way worse?

>That shit taste
Everybody knows best tribe will always be angelwaifus

Something much worse

Beebles would like a word with you

I don't see why any tribe should be non-viable. Just play all the 3cmc cards, some chalices, and some trinispheres and you've got a deck.

Vial,Thalia, Mom, Recruiter/STP, Waste,Port, Karakas/Basic Plains.

For once the angelwaifu person posts the correct choice.

FUCK. I forgot about Beebles.

That's not even sexy. Please try again.

I love death and taxes, probably my second favorite deck in legacy.

I do too, its just this pile of cards that's super easy to disrespect, and no one ever sees the flickerwisp blowout coming.
Vial+kind of symmetrical mana denial is super strong I guess.

Marit Lage is most definitely some old monster with the ability to travel between planes. Likely not a Planeswalker, definitely not an Eldrazi, so I'd hedge a bet on some pre-Eldrazi Cthulhu abomination that the R&D story team thought would be baller to include in Coldsnap. And it was most definitely a baller choice

Marit Lage existed over a decade before Coldsnap.


I would really like colorshifted Elves, preferably Red.

Red needs a cute tribe.

This triggers me, I was so hoping they would be in kaladesh

Fabricate is exactly what the "Rigger" and "Contraption" mechanic would be if they fixed it. Rigger and Contraption just add too many stupid words to the game even by the standards of rephrasing Chroma to Devotion or introducing Dwarves and Aetherborn as creature types instead of just marking them as Kithkin and Zombies. We have fucking Nacatl as "Cat", why create new creature types.

Rigger would be probably like Pilot, to define a linked group of creatures. Also Aeatherborn are totally different from Zombies, unlike Naga, which was a mistake.

>The other DnT guy




I want to see your choice in basics. Show me your basics, Legacy general.

There's still time, right? could be in aether revolt.

Esper Stoneblade reporting in.


>No deathblade
You disappoint me

folded them so they are easier to riffle
i do run 3 drs and a single savannah, actually

>the whole deck is folded in half
>he literally took $2,300 and folded it right down the middle

user.. this is a SFW board

please don't post gore

everything but the duals, of course! the one-of counterspell gets special treatment though...

I feel so left out!


what the fuck. that's too much even for me. Do you play in tournaments with that? is is even legal?

>counterspell of maximum disrespect


I'm not one to be pricky about how people use the cards they bought but folding them in half hurts my soul.

Do you guys play more than one deck?

My main is b/r reanimator but I'd go mad if I had to keep playing it over and over. Don't get me wrong, I love the shit out of reanimator, but changing it up a bit is the spice of life.

MaRo has confirmed it is not because "it doesn't fit the aesthetic" even though it's a bottom up artifact design.


im a namefag too now

Well what do you play when you're not playing reanimator. I don't really get bored of DDFT but sometimes I switch it up, like if I've played 10 rounds of it and my brain don't work no more. Then I usually go to Belcher or Lich.

>folded force

I'm fucking done

you know you can shuffle adequately without doing that. Do you fold your opponents cards when you shuffle their deck?

Yeah I know that guy, I helped fold some of his cards

I got bored of Burn so I built Dredge. Now I'm bored of goldfish so I'm building Deadguy Ale (midrange). Once I'm tired of that I'll build Miracles, then Eldrazi, and then I'll build Oath of Druids and retire in my 60s.


then lower tier jank
norin sisters
pox (no lotv)
mono black ANT

These basics are my favourite, not too found of the mountain and forest though.

i know but its just so damned satisfying to shuffle. everyone i play against agrees once they're done being salty. just ask my homeboy Lands Guy

>mismatched basics
>new inquisition
>only half of deck is double sleeved
>hundreds of dollars thrown away by folding

there is no way this is real, right?

also we dont need more names fucking up these threads. the ones we have are shitty enough

fuck off wyatt

Fuck off. Names are ___comfy____

If some guy counters your spell with this what would you do?

i usually play ant or reanimator, so my pair of island/swamp is the flower lands from lorwyn

call a judge because it is not tournament legal

Laugh my ass off.

Huh... never seen this counterspell flip card before

probably this I guess.
It's funny but if I was in a tournament, especially something bigger than like an FNM I don't think I could let it slide.

this is my trade binder
also am i tripfagging right?

but its perfectly legal, ive taken it to tournaments before. the rule is as long as the name, mana cost, and p/t (if its a creature) are visible, its fine. that's why full art promos are allowed.

if your cards aren't all folded in the exact same way they could potentially be considered marked. That counterspell would definitely be identifiable by feel. That's what I'd be calling a judge over. Not the fact that it's ripped but that it's the only one ripped.

sooo what you're saying is... i should rip the rest of the deck, too?

That's what I read


So I've almost finished Nic Fit and I got this swamp for it... what do you guys think?

kawaii desu

Looks like I would probably call a judge

Is this the new meme?

actually that might be better than the way you have it now.

no thank you

I'd call a judge. Obviously marked.

P weeb senpai.

my playmat

based 10/10

....I don't even..