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Magic must defeat magic!
A stronger wizard.
Fuck off with your 'talismans' dirty chinese man I bet they don't even work
Cut the tongue, hands, maybe the eyes too.
Ask if he's tried not playing D&D
Use a gun.
Taint one half of the source.
We destroy magic. All of it.
sudo shutdown -h
Cut it off at the source: destroy the tree of life.
you send a lady over to do the sex with the wizard.
Not a virgin = not a wizard. Right?
It's simple. We trash the bearded man.
First Post Best Post.
a wizard that responds to sudo must be yum
Lawful Neutral Human Fighter with spear
You give him a conscience
How do you trash that which has no bin?
rm -r
O2 tank to the face, OP.
Just sock him in the face.
>Use a gun
user, you missed quite an opportunity here.
Corrupted the energy he draws his power from, after all, he can't cast magic if can't control the mana to power his spells
Die, get resurrected and become the head of your order.
A huge axe and lots o' RAGE!!!
I get a nice grin on my face every time I watch this scene.
Speaking as an experienced shadowrunner I cannot over state the value of an adapt who specialises in grenade trick shots.
Very few people manage to maintain focus with a beeping time bounces upwards into their nuts.
Uninstall wizard.
that sounds like the job of a more powerful wizard
They tend to underestimate a street thug who can throw a mean cobblestone. Hard to cast a fireball with half your teeth missing/face caved in.
Or the gods finally get sick of the wizards doing stupid shit or screwing them over and start planning on ways to get them to stop
In 5e, Sun Monk from SCAG, with the Mage Slayer feat.
>Insane approach speed and ranged attacks.
>crazy Dex and Wisdom to dodge most Save spells.
>paralyzing Strike
>Can Dash as a bonus action with Ki.
Just throw a fuckin rock at 'em
You can't, because the game designer is a wanker who made the class overpowered as fuck because "much brains over brawn" and "I must show to that jock that being smart is better than being athetic and popular".
kill -9 [pid]
Also known as Windex.
Just spray a little, and wipe the wizard out.
Vargas use Big Axe. Wizards smart. Axe smarter.
There are so many viable anti-caster builds in 5e. I think they've really hit a sweet spot where the rules encourage a very diverse team where each person has a real chance to be very good at their particular schtick, including a lot of schticks that didn't use to be viable like grappling builds, counterspell builds, and tank builds.
Of course, the other thing I like about it is how easy it is to do a simple thing simply, so even in that there's a lot of room for different playstyles.
During their apprenticeship. You will need the following
>Distraction/Sacrificial minion
>Large club
>Abandoned well
You must act swiftly, with a stout heart and the knowledge that you are saving countless lives.
As Vlad Taltos said, "No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style."
know their true name
Cuban Pete?
Blowjobs, makes them sleepy
Magic is an abomination. A sorcerer's cabal can only truly be sundered through purity of will.
>Teleports behind you
>Bashes through spell immunity
>Clones self
Heh, nothing personal kid
>purity of will
Sounds like magic to me.
Running along the rainbow before it fades to black?