Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1196: Gold Edition Requiem

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Whoops, misremembered companion Import price. Guess I'll drop Understanding the Art. Don't feel like adding more Phantoms to my stalker club, those two are already annoying enough.

Is there any way to make your spiritual/magical/etc. attacks "toxic" to foes who would absorb them?

According to JoJopedia only thing that can beat GRE is The World Over Heaven.

Alright, so I gave this a little bit of thought. My claim on Familiar of Zero and Code Geass weren't thought through very well. I was more caught up in the idea of being able to expand on and remake them when Reborn passed them along. Unfortunately, I don't have the energy for Geass, and FoZ turned out to be a teeny bit more complicated than I thought. That and I was more interested in just jumping them than I was the setting itself, which felt like a writing trap I put myself in.

So, I'm formally passing up on those. Code Geass is going to Digger, and FoZ is back for grabs. Reborn asked for a note saying that he made the original jump and Void Familiar/Geass be available in their respective canons (which seem like things folks would want anyways). I'll be focusing on Metroid and other things I have a lot more energy for.

Apologies to folks who were anticipating those remakes, and I look forward to seeing the results of other folks working on these.

>seeing the results of other folks working on these

What do you need to survive PS238 as a FISS drop in / teacher?

Yeah, but is there a way to defend against its effects? Not necessarily beating it, but just not being eternally hobo-shanked. Basically, what is its "mechanism of action"? Is it a time-loop, telepathic, neither?

Avoid the plot, do your job and keep to yourself, don't act like an asshole and try to hurr durr jumpah planet bust everything on day one.

Just treat it like a job, sempai, and you'll be fine.

Okay! user that was asking about GER.

I don't think there's a feasible way to defend it. Because GER's power is literally setting the results of an action to 0, essentially making everything you do completely pointless.

Maybe the exalted jumps have something but fuck if I know


I suppose, yeah! The Empathetic Weapon perk I made was based off the Binding Blade. Weapon uses outside of magic stuff (which really in this jump means that once you run out of uses a fresh new copy of it appears in the warehouse the next day) is nonexistent.

Empathic Weapon (500 CP) - You have an empathetic, powerful weapon that is connected to you. It can respond to your wishes and create magical effects whose strength is similar to the blade’s own. For example, it can seal a powerful foe in eternal rest, set itself on fire and blast things, ect ect. But it can only act with your emotions (Sealing someone will only happen if you feel great pity for the person and you don't want to kill them, for example), and it can’t do anything too complex. It won’t be able to open up a complex lock for you or hack into a computer (but it can overload the computer if you want).

Merging+Aspect manifestation. You're now immune to literally everything.

*defeat it

Not really. GER is pretty much PLOT ARMOR/PLOT BS to the maximum. If anything I'd just get out the way. GRE wont last forever because eventually the arrowhead worms itself out.

My question is - wtf did you do to Giorno that makes you search so hurriedly for a defense against it?

...I might pick up FoZ. But it's going to take a looong time until I get to it, so anyone else would probably be better.

Well ok then. It's better than forcing yourself to power through something you don't really want to do.
Hopefully someone who isn't a shithead picks up FoZ. That's hoping for a lot, but it would be nice.

Either way I'm looking forward to the Metroid jump. Don't you dare leave it in WIP hell for a third time. I don't think my heart could take it.

>avoid the plot
>do your job
>keep to yourself
>don't act like an asshole
>don't try to hurr durr planet bust

... Okay I mean. I know we have a few Jumpers of whom could pass that list easily but are you sure you know where you are right now user.

>Metroid jump


We can already see the curse working on Heavens.

That's a fair point. I'm not finger-lickin' evil, so I should be okay, right?

Honestly, user? I doubt that would work. Also, not literally everythingm as TWoH got past it.

Can it, anons. I managed to deal with Disgaea's curse with only a tenth of the amount of fuss I was expecting, and that worked out fine!

So what if I lost a few days of sleep and was running entirely on caffeine, then started hallucinating my home was being invaded by cartoon frog people and then the Cubs won the world series and oh god where did it all go wrong where am I

Jumpers! You have just finished you glorious battle in the name of -insert patron/motive here- and the media wants to take a picture. How do you pose!

Note, there may or may not be an explosion happening behind you at a safe distance.

Calling it a cursed jump is just ridiculous. If people aren't interested in making it, it won't be made. If people making it have problems to deal with that stop them from making it, that's all there is to it. It was ridiculous to call this or Disgaea a cursed jump to begin with.

Not that guy, but honestly, I just like knowing I have some protection against 'LOL GG YOU LOSE' bullshit.

I know, user. I'm an old jumper and an artifact of a time when If It's Not A Planetbuster It Ain't Shit wasn't an actual metric. Even so, as an early jumper I think the best thing to do is almost treat it like the backstory of Batman. You wander around and learn shit, so that later on you can put on the cape and cowl and go out and be awesome.

Even in the course of being awesome, I don't need to whip my dick out and mushroom stamp everything in every world. If some people wanna do that? Fine. I don't think they'd make it, but it's a single player game.

As for me, though? I've always played the long game.

Thanks for your reply, user. Here, have a THICC angel for your trouble. I've been making my own for a few hundred jumps.


You unlock this door with the key of jumpmaking. Beyond it is another dimension—a dimension of meme magic, a dimension of shitposting, a dimension of NEETs. You're moving into a land of both perks and drawbacks, of power- and nerfwanking.

You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.

So, I understand there are two "levels" of Stand upgrade. Requiem Stands are apparently impermanent, but what about the other one?

That kind of work pattern is what's killing you more than anything. People can make a good couple of jumps a month if they actually have a daily routine and get used to the writing sequence, rather than just backending their workload so suddenly they feel like they need to do everything all at once.

"Now if you'll excuse me I need to reattach this arm."

The other one is basically sorta like Killer Queen's "Another One Bites The Dust". Its a permanent thing. Because you still have your stand but it just gains another ability.

It's important to give people something to believe in.

Awakening just gives you another ability.

It seems related to whatever caused you to try to upgrade your Stand and your overarching goals (see: Killer Queen Bites The Dust) and is permanent, but not as batshit insanely powerful and far out there as Requiem.

No word for it in canon, but the thread treated the two as mutually exclusive last time I asked about it.

Looks like he's been... disARMED.

I'm not apologizing.


Then requiem has a time limit?


No I'm not.

That wouldn't work. Stands aren't spiritual beings so much as manifestations of the user's soul. Even if they were, you just trapped yourself because the owner's death is now your death. If it somehow worked to possess the Stand, then GER in particular would be pointless as it erases any effect that directly or indirectly harms its user (i.e. having a potentially disloyal Stand/eating the Stand's soul).

Maybe. We see the Arrow dropping off of Giorno but that's at the very end of the part and no indication is given as to why, nor of if GER is still GER or just GE. Purple Haze Distortion had Giorno still having GER but that's a tie in novel and not necessarily canon.

So in short fanwank.

What kind of [STAND] would an Arcanine get?

Through the Fire and Flames.

Well, Silver Charriot was still a Requiem Stand even after Polnaref died. So that's a point in the permanent departament i guess...

Wait, Stands can survive their users' deaths? I thought they shared injuries and shit, mate?



Love you

If you dont have the will after stabbing your stand, the requiem stand kills you and goes on to muck about.

Chariot Requiem is... special.

1. It went Requiem as it user died and 2. It passively shuffles around souls between everyone a few kilometers out, so its user being shunted somebody else while their real body died probably did something.

It's refreshing to not have Fate-/Worm-/Nasu-/Naruto-/SMT-/Bleach-/Pokemon-/Capeshit-posting.

Stands are fucking weird.







how bout minor PyroK, but the ability to set the ground on fire, increasing radius, permanency and power the faster the user goes? Arcanine are big enough to ride and lore has them fast af.

So is there any other example of a character that is simultaneously the best and worst waifu of their respective series?
I'm not sure if there is.

I'm confused. Usually once I'm done killing my target, any bystanders are screaming.

Some can. There was one stand in Part 5, whose name I can't remember, that ended up being more or less invincible because the user was dead and it just kept pulling itself together every time they smashed it. They beat it by kicking it into the ocean, and the narration says that it still occasionally attack boats afterwards. Also, there was a guy in part 6 with a stand called Limp Bizkit who used his power to make zombies to keep going a bit longer after his death.

Hmm... A stand that lets you continue on as the stand after you die might be an interesting ability. Might be hard to balance though...

>worst waifu



So, hey.

What happens if I buy Reality Marble more than once?

The RM I have from Tsukihime, and the one I intend to get in F/SN, both stem from my nature as one who rules and dominates.

But where the one I have already imposes my will on those who resist me inside my Inner World, the one I want to buy later instead calls to me all that I rule.

Like Ionioi Hetairoi, but for people and materiel that currently exists in the same reality as me, and willingly submits to my authority.

Would I end up with a mild case of the schizophrenias and two mutually exclusive RMs, or could I just wank the latter one as an upgrade to the first?

She goes on and on about no cheating and a monogamous relationship, then sleeps with someone else for a prana transfer. As compared to Nero who admits she wants a harem, and is openly a slut who then sleeps with someone else for a prana transfer.

I personally love her, but that part where she cheats on you was no bueno.
Sure she had too, but still. It shouldn't be a problem with non retard jumpers though.

Speaking as that user, having two separate Reality Marbles seems incredibly risky. Do not recommend.

On the other hand, Val said that having two of the same RM would enhance it by 50%.

So...say you decide to copy UBW twice. How powerful would it be then?

Is the Freelancer jump the only that has the perk of bringing companions for free (Best Friends!)?

You'd probably be able to either copy better/weirder things (like Excalibur) or not experience rank-loss.

Maybe other things besides blades and shields?

Hold on, was it ever confirmed whether Giorno was affected by Made in Heaven?

Araki treats the generally recognised "rules" of Stands as a guideline for whatever he thinks is cool at the time. There's a Stand that became an invincible blob after the user's death, a Stand that possesed a sword, a ghost Stand user and a Stand that killed its' owner to hijack someone else, before being defeated by lured near the afterlife's grabby hands and compelled by another Stand to go to hell.

Which may or may not exist.

It's conceivably possible with 8-Bit Theater magic. One guy absorbed vast amounts of evil from Hell, and later his own doppleganger. Another guy invented spells that hurt you when you try to hurt him with them.

I dunno, I just got tenure and tried to get on with things.

Watching China, IL gives me kinda a better idea of what my time there was like.

This guy knows what's up! Though personally, I prefer the many-wheeled, many-eyed, burning-with-eternal-flame kind of angel as a production line template.

I silently walk off into the sunset.

Possibly clipping through a billboard with the iconic spaghetti western sunset on the way.

Have finished companion builds.
Fairly well distributed. I figure giving the Ritual to the Compassion focused Solar should help avoid it getting abused. With this we have a full set of mirrored Riders except for Beast, with Fourze and Meteor significantly upgraded. More importantly we have the ability to produce all the important stuff for altering and improving the various Drivers and Trinkets later on.

It might be. Although the friend option in JoJo's is somewhat similar.

Some infinities are bigger than other infinities. I imagine it'd be something like that, but with swords.

Depending on how you interpret the text, yes. If you have it so that the perk allows you to add to the companion limit by bringing a person in on top of the normal 8 for example, there isn't anything else that does that.

Whoops, dropped my trip.

On the subject of Jojo, is there any reason to not take the "They Take Notice" drawback that makes the villain try to kill you if you intend to join the protagonists?

What would happen if you stabbed a soul with a stand arrow? Would the soul gain a Stand? What if you stabbed it again? Would the Stand Awaken?

Because I'm fairly certain that last sentence means the MCs won't fight them.

>Pic Related but with glitter explosion in the background.

My interpretation was that the perk let you import a companion for free but still counts towards the limit. A handy perk when you want all the cool toys and realize you don't have enough to buy companion import.

I would think the soul would gain a stand, as in part 6 we see that the soul, and the stand can be removed from a person separately, even though the stand is part of the soul. Otherwise I think that the soul would function like a body would as far as stands are concerned.

Not in any universe.

Who knows?

We saw a ghost with a stand once when Kira died and ended up in that alley, so it is definitely possible for a ghost to have a stand. If a ghost can have a stand, a soul probably can too. The question then is whether it's possible to stab a ghost with the arrow. Since the arrow can stab stands and turn them requiem, I assume they can stab souls and give them normal stands.

Please note that this is probably not a good way to deal with hostile ghosts or souls. If they can't "survive," in quotation marks because they're probably already dead, being stabbed with the arrow, they're probably not a big deal in the first place. If they can survive, then you just made them stronger.

Yes. In fact, what you just described is literally someone's Stand.



But the perk says you can't use it to let the companions gain an origin or perks, so it kind of introduces a contradiction, since some specific companion import options give origins and perks.

Similarly in some jumps companion imports cost a measly amount of CP like 50, whereas in other jumps you end up having them cost like 300 CP. There's a lot of bizarre stuff in Freelancer, so I'm not surprised that Best Friends! slipped past unawares.

Reminder that Gold Experience got stabbed with an arrow during that fight and didn't go Requiem.

Are there more rules to Requiem Stands then we thought, or is it a simple retcon? You be the judge.

It explicitly is only an Import in that they have a history in the world. No CP to buy stuff, don't even get freebies.

You know this post has got me thinking.
Since the Fate jump is getting split up is it going to be possible to get all the Tamomos? She has 9 different aspects so there's got to be some merit to collecting them all.

>Another guy invented spells that hurt you when you try to hurt him with them.
Actually, that was because Sarda, being the vindictive troll Epic wizard he is, specifically created a "makes Black Mage puke his guts out" spell. So when Black Mage tried to copy it, it work as intented: and made him puke his own guts.

It's the little things, you know.

imo I've always been of the headcanon that a Requiem stand just grants a power that would fulfill a person's desire when they got stabbed with the arrow right at that time, just in a Bizarre way.

Gotta waifu 'em all!



What even is this? Is this technically an Editionless Edition?

Maybe you're on Commorragh?




>No Duwang drawback
>No Eyes of Heaven scenario
>No 7th Stand User scenario


>Duwang Jump to complete the trio of Jojo jumps

I'll be all the dong I wanna jam! You can't stop me from jamming my dong! I'll jam it all over the place! I'll cover the whole world in my jam!

What do you mean by this?

Once you make the Duwang jump the third hidden jump will finally be revealed.

We were supposed to get an update for the jump. Then we chased JoJo off.

When they came back for one day to tell those people they missed good-bye, Bancho shat on them.

Really, it's our own fault we don't have stuff like the Eyes of Heaven or anything related to 7th Stand User.