Fellow writers of Veeky Forums, who else did the National Novel Writing Month this year?
What was your story about? What was your strategy? Did you finish? Did you commission art?
Fellow writers of Veeky Forums, who else did the National Novel Writing Month this year?
What was your story about? What was your strategy? Did you finish? Did you commission art?
>What was your story about?
Fantasy Bank Heist.
>What was your strategy?
Start at approximate time every day and shit out a certain number of words no matter the quality.
>Did you finish?
Fuck no.
>Did you commission art?
What the fuck even is this?
>What was your story about?
Scifi spy mystery/thriller
>What was your strategy?
3-5 weeks of advance prep work and a rough outline of the major points I needed to get to, and what important things needed to be covered when. But not so much I had already written the life out of the story.
I still named half the characters as I went along, and added scenes where I realised context was missing for key points.
Otherwise, it was write as frequently as I could.
Butt in chair, hands on keyboard.
>Did you finish?
I hit the 50k. 53K by the end of Nano, and its 56K now.
The story isn't finished yet. I'm right at the high point of the climax. There's probably still 1-2K of wind down afterwards.
I plan on finishing it before the weekend.
Actually finishing the story has been my goal, since I am a sack of shit and rarely do.
>Did you commission art?
desu i can barely write a sentence properly and english is my first language, so I guess meyer is better than me by default.
>What was your story about?
I would tell you if I had managed more than a couple of pages before work bludgeoned me into submission.
>first language isn't english
>literally all media of any kind I consume is in english
>want to write something but can't do it in first language because it feels "wrong" and neither in english because I'm didn't master the language 100% yet
Literally me whenever story time is happening around here. Even my greentext stories sound awkward.
Doesn't help that 80% of the Fantasy/Sci Fi here is covered with English writers, so whenever a read I constantly wonder what the text was in English.
I decided I was going to, then my depression decided to go to maximum oversad last week of October, and I just crawled out of my pit. I might try to make December my novel-writing month.
Just a bit of advice. It's not "I'm didn't master the language" because the contraction of I'm is "I am" and you don't need to have am as you are declaring that you didn't do something, not declaring that you are a state of being something.
Thus, it is either "I didn't master the language 100% yet"
"I'm not a master of the language yet."
Oh shit thanks, seems like a really silly mistake when I look at it now.
Something like College Antics meets dungeon crawlers(i.e. play a 1-person RPG session, write it out).
I failed. Hard. Real college decided I needed to be kicked in the balls by the schoolwork equivalent of Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris. (Better than my last attempt though - over 5000 words!)
Someone needs to make a wallpaper with this, pictures from the movies, and a portrait of Meyer herself looking smug in it.
Honestly thought it was deliberate, for emphasis.
For me, my story is a philosophical Forgotten Realms novel. I had an outline and completely ignored it. I finished on day 15, and I commissioned Eversor to do art.
I kind of didn't need to because I'm already working on a "novel" (in quotes because it is neither novel nor is it one book nor am I even really "writing" in the traditional sense) and I have about 570 pages and about 330,000 words. It is completely unpublishable and I am writing it for myself, but I did set (and fail) the goal of adding another 50,000 this month. It doesn't really matter though because when I highlighted the parts of my outline that I've actually written I calculated that I would need roughly 8 million words to do the entire plot. Not that it matters because it is not worth reading anyway.
That sounds cool. I always wanted to write a book about an RPG group and have the in-game story parallel their real-life story, as the players came and went and got married and divorced, slice-of-life type stuff, make it really sentimental. My friend's gf wanted to do something similar except as a series of YouTube shorts. Dunno if we'll ever make anything out of it.
>"novel" (in quotes because it is neither novel nor is it one book nor am I even really "writing" in the traditional sense)
>It is completely unpublishable
Please elaborate, why is it only a "novel"? Is it because you consider it too short?
And why do you think it's unpublishable? Do you doubt the quality of the writing?
It's more because it's extremely autistic for a number of reasons. It is really just a labor of love on my part. I have a couple of other ideas for novels ( as well as a Rats-of-Nimh-esque novel except with inch-high people and a weird holocaust bent to it) that have more merit, but the one I am writing now, I am writing for myself.
The quality of the writing is decent in some parts and horrific in others. I have cleared out large portions of writing that were both abhorrent and confusing, and also completely unnecessary filler. Like, beyond unnecessary. I created side conflicts that never actually "happened" because I felt things were moving too fast, only to realize that if I didn't move fast I would never even finish 5% let alone 10% of the material available to me. Some parts of the writing are good in my mind but if only because they accurately evoke the feelings I meant to evoke, to myself. No one cares about your labor of love as much as you do so you are automatically biased. Whereas another person's creation... why should you care? So I will likely be the only person ever interested in my own book.
That said I will probably write those other novels at some point because otherwise all my learning would go to waste (writing a quarter million words teaches you a lot about writing even if you still end up terrible at the end).
>What was your story about?
Fantasy cavemen adventure.
>What was your strategy?
Typing out a basic plot and filling out character sheets the week before.
>Did you finish?
Yep! Hit 50k in 18 days, finished the novel at 68k ten days later. It needs at least two or three more drafts before I feel like it's ready for someone to read it, however. That'll start January.
>Did you commission art?
No? Was that something I was supposed to do?
My depression got the better of me again. I procrastinated, now it's over and I haven't written one word.
I want to die.
Look at it this way: the month doesn't matter. Who decided it's National Writing Month anyway?
You also have no deadline on your writing, besides your death.
Take your time and write what you want. Unless you plan to make a living off it, which is nearly impossible.
If you ever want help, I run a writers' support group on Rizon, called #writescribbles. I do free versions of my paid review services for fa/tg/uys.
I failed with aplomb. My second failure in a row. Why does life make writing so difficult?