/wmhg/ - Warmachine/Hordes General

Six days until release and no spoilers edition.

Mk3 list building: conflictchamber.com

Warmahords chat: discord.gg/KmXzbwD

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Steamroller Rules

The Giant List of Podcasts and Blogs

Table of contents for all NQ issues

Lexicanum Iron Kingdoms Lore wiki:


Warmachine/Hordes Army Creator (WHAC) .apk

>WTC List Statistics

>WTC Objectives Statistics

>WTC Lists

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Topic from the Discord chat (discord.gg/KmXzbwD) I'm interested in folks' opinions on:

What is skew?

Is the attached list a skew?

Has NQ 69 been liberated already or not yet? If yes could someone post a link please?

Thanks in advance

Skew is presenting one challenge and that challenge to extreme and banking on opponent's inability to cope as the victory condition.

Your list is not a skew. It's just double dipping.

theme forces when?

Hopefully never

Trolls next week

Fuck off

So not all once?

No, that has never been the case. Factions will get them in their command books and specific theme books in the future as well as random ones in No Quarter.

Basically the same as when Mk2 launched


Fuck em. They got what they deserved

Which has always been dumb

Short answer is deal with it. You don't need themes to be competitive

They came for Cryx, and I said nothing because I was not Cryx...

First they came for the Skorne, and I said a bunch of shit about that because I liked Skorne even though Skorne were always bad.
Then they came for Cryx, and I said nothing because I was already out of fucks to give, and if everyone is Skorne tier no-one will be.

Then they came for me... and they made my faction amazing!

Get fucked Cryxbabbies. You've still got your Satyxis.

Satyxis are the worst and most boring part of Cryx. Not gonna play Warmachine before PP fixes the undead units.

Undead are the worst and most boring part of Cryx. Not gonna play Warmachine until PP fixes Black Ogrun Boarding Party.

Yo guys, haven't played in a long while. Anything new for Cyriss or is it still 'Nope. Never ever.'?

Suck my fat black Hoksune cock if you think Cryx got it bad.

I always felt the opposite way.

Half-dragon pirates are much more interesting than floaty skulls. If they were their own faction and didn't have to be tied at the hip to a bunch of edgyasfuck warcasters I'd probably collect them.

Common liches are much less edgy than amazons who kill the men they fuck and also their male children.

Nah, sorry, the undead Cryx stuff is skulls inside skulls tier edgy.

>my robot has skulls on its skulls and razors on its shoulders with bat wings attached and it runs on SOULS instead of coal

Pic related would be a Cryx warcaster.

Man, they don't even always kill them.

Sometimes they give them little gifts when the kid of a grill.


>caine 3. Cryx epic warcaster

That's not edgy, that's pretty standard villain stuff. That's like calling Skeletor edgy because his head is a skull and his staff has a skull and he wants to get into Castle Greyskull.

They're the Skorne of Warmachine and are just as bad. Now quit your bitching, no one gives a fuck about either faction

Cool game.

Great thread.

Was better in the Mk 1 > 2 transition, since the books were released one a month every month starting right after prime mk 2.

Got a 2 list 75 point Steamroller coming up on Sunday. I've resigned myself to the fact that I won't win because I'm playing Skorne and will likely face a combination of everything good right now, so I'm going with one solid list (Xerxis), and one complete meme of a list that's going to snipe Hordes/infantry armies hard (Mord). Mord is bringing Cetrati because the high ARM will catch enemy infantry off guard, and it's maximum Revive value.

(Xerxis 1) Tyrant Xerxis [+28]
- Agonizer [7]
- Titan Gladiator [14]
- Titan Sentry [15]
- Titan Cannoneer [17]
Cataphract Cetrati (max) [20]
- Tyrant Vorkesh [6]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (max) [7]
Swamp Gobbers Bellows Crew [2]
Extoller Soulward [3]
Mortitheurge Willbreaker [4]
Paingiver Bloodrunner Master Tormentor [4]
Void Spirit [4]

(Mordikaar 1) Void Seer Mordikaar [+29]
- Agonizer [7]
- Titan Gladiator [14]
- Bronzeback Titan [18]
- Despoiler [18]
Cataphract Cetrati (max) [20]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (max) [7]
Swamp Gobbers Bellows Crew [2]
Extoller Soulward [3]
Extoller Soulward [3]
Mortitheurge Willbreaker [4]
Void Spirit [4]
Void Spirit [4]

So what do you think? Is it dank, or is it DANK?

needs more zaadesh2

Honestly I'd use him but I haven't had any time to test him out. I have Zaadesh1 sitting around not doing much and Zaadesh2 looks fucking insane. That feat is just one giant NOPE. Like 3-4 Handlers could hold back arbitrary amounts of infantry what the shit.

cool thread; cool game

we don't have anything for sale in the Holiday Sale, what do YOU think?
still hoping for a bomb-ass new solo or warcaster
still hoping that we'll get a named unit soon
gonna keep hoping for a good long while

I want Convergence to get like a hoverbike cav unit.

I want a new warcaster or warjack, hopefully using a new chassis.
So far I've got Robo-mom and Robo-dad, strange Hover-Uncle and Cyber-sis. I need to get Hammerbro, and then hopefully we'll have a unique solo mini or another warcaster so I can complete the metal family.

TE 3
TE 3
Inverter 15
Obstructors 11

My considered Una2/Circle drop, though it should play well into plenty of other stuff.

>Taking Skorne to a steamroller
>Not playing Makeda2 double ferox

Enjoy your loss


Well at least he doesn't run 2 bricks, which is the first mistake Skorne playerts make.

Top mk3, such game.

Yeah the playtest is pretty rough, especially since it coincides with the end of the year, which is always a low in activity. I personally think the mk3 launch in January will revitalize the game. I'll spend the time until then painting.

I thought the Troll theme was leaked.

Was something like
>Additional 2" to deployment
>Warrior models get Takedown
>Free Fennblade UAs

And something else I can't remember.

Came for Satyxis, stayed for Satyxis. Go shamble in your corner with the skellies and bloated bellies.

I don't get why PP is so opposed to new shit for CoC. I could create rough ideas for a bunch of new warjacks for them in like 10 minutes, visual design and all.

My local gaming group is small, 8 players, we cover most armies / factions, but we neither have cryx or scorn players. So it's always fun reading these threads about those two faction.

>I don't get why PP is so opposed to new shit for CoC
The guy who wanted to make the faction has since left the company.

I don't think they are opposed to it at all. They just have a lot of other stuff to focus on right now.

Yeah, sure, but people obviously like the faction and keep clamoring for new material. It seems silly to me that they adamantly refuse to release anything.

I have old CoC battlebox, 1 Conservator and 1 Cypher multikit.
How if i buy 1 more battlebox and convert lights as well as buy a Corronary will it be enough in points to field an army?

Add an Optifex Directive and you should be set for medium-large-size games. Should be somewhere around 55-65 points, with 75 being the gold standard.

>Yeah, sure, but people obviously like the faction and keep clamoring for new material. It seems silly to me that they adamantly refuse to release anything.

They flat out said it wasn't going to be a full faction and not to expect a whole lot of support.

People like every faction.

>Yo, guys, we like [thing]. Why don't you make more [thing]? We'd buy it.
>No, fuck you. We'll never make more of that because...uh, reasons. We don't even want your money.
Even fucking GW understands this by now.

links? I've never heard this anywhere, and they've shown a lot of support for the faction before but recently there hasn't been a lot of anything.

>Right now we don't plan for the Convergence of Cyriss to be added to the regular rotation of updated armies in our WARMACHINE anthology books (Cygnar, Khador, the Protectorate of Menoth, Cryx, and the Retribution of Scyrah), but we will likely add new models to their ranks from time to time.

They released all the stuff in the CoC book and that was it. Nothing since. The faction, while perfectly functional, is sorta dead.
Which is weird, since people love the CoC and want to have more of it, but PP refuses to come out with that shit.

>PP refuses
They're not fucking refusing to release CoC stuff. I'm sure they would if they weren't preoccupied with other stuff. Like say a new edition.

are the mk2 theme lists still legal?
if they are, how does a Colossus and TEP affect Lucant's Iron Giants list?

they are not

Preach it brutha.

It's been over three fucking years since the release. For christ's sake, we had yet another faction released in that time. Odds are non-existent at this point.

I heard this game has zealots and stompy machines. I'm interested, but are games generally fluffy or more commonly about winning at any cost? I'm also seeing some hate towards the new edition, why?

Technically it was a contract for an existing faction, and had only a small selection of models.

There are bunch of factions with zealots, but the most prominent one is the Protectorate of Menoth, which is big into faith and fire. They are objectively the best faction, don't listen to any that would deny this.
For better or worse, winning at all cost is more common. Fluffy battles rarely, if ever, happen, the scene is generally highly competetive.

Retribution is also a zealous faction with stompy robots. There will be "theme lists" coming out that give competitive bonuses in exchange for playing fluffier armies.

Didn't coc get a new colossal recently

can confirm user, Protectorate is best

Protectorate and Retribution are both religious zealots.

Fluffy arms kinda tend to happen simply out of unit synergy, but there are a lot of people that just run whatever works. Luckily whatever works is at least somewhat fluffy.

Like Issyria + hordes of dawnguard and a Hyperion. That's literally what her army was in her first appearance.

Convergence of Cyriss are zealous nutcases as well.

Thanks, user. I'm a little bummed about a competitive scene. If I'm going to put time and money into making an army, I'd prefer to use the units I like rather than the units that are mechanically superior. I'll check out my local scene and see how it is.

This game generally uses flat felt terrain, proxy bases for easier positioning and planning, generally NOT themed boards, and not really a lot of conversion potential. Every once in a while you'll see a neat theme but it's not super common. The story is plot armor character driven as well.

I wouldn't say it's WAAC fag all day, but league style, sport-like play and the points value that play is set at is almost universal.

Don't say it that way! It sounds pretty sad when put like that...

I have them aswell.
Have those praetorian guys with lance-halberds aswell, but feeling like i could replace them with 1-2 lights for more focus efficiency\cc options.

December - Trollbloods
January - Protectorate of Menoth
February - Circle or Orboros

2020 -Skorne

We did. It's a garbage fire, but we did get it.

CoC is also in for a new tier list either Jan or March, and is confirmed for an army book, which are supposed to have more tiers and new models.

Local scenes vary a lot in competitiveness.

WMH just has a national competitive scene, and a lot of highly competitive local scenes.

Even in the highly competitive local scenes, there are usually a lot of casual or hobby-focused gamers.

In my experience, though, while there are *more* competitive WMH players than games like 40k, they're much less obnoxious as a whole.

Mostly, though, before getting in to it, check out your scene and see if you want to play with the people who play in your scene. That's really what matters; unless you plan to be an ultra-competitive player who travels to big tournaments, 95% of your enjoyment of the game will be the people local to you.

Last I saw, there was no release scheduled for february. March is Cygnar.

>In my experience, though, while there are *more* competitive WMH players than games like 40k, they're much less obnoxious as a whole.
Being on average ~10-15 years older really helps.

From warmahordesreleaseschedule.com/ :


Code Description MSRP
PIP 1092 Forces of HORDES: Circle Orboros Command (soft cover) $31.99
PIP 1093 Forces of HORDES: Circle Orboros Command (hard cover) $41.99
PIP 41138 Thorn Gun Mages - Mercenary Llaelese Unit (Metal) $27.99
PIP 41145 Colbie Sterling, Leader of the BRI (Variant) - Mercenary Solo (Metal) $11.99
PIP 71107 Horgle the Anvil - Trollbloods Warlock (Metal/Resin) $22.99
PIP 72102 Kaya the Wildheart - Circle Orboros Warlock (Metal/Resin) $29.99
PIP 72099 Loki - Circle Orboros Character Warbeast (Metal/Resin) $49.99
PIP 72101 Una the Skyhunter - Circle Orboros Warlock (Metal)

The game is basically populated by 35 year old white alcoholics.

I think it's more how the game and the community approach being competitive.

The wider acceptance of competitive style games means there's far less stigma about playing with the intention of winning, which means people feel more casual about it.

The fact that there's unifying standards and rules across the world wide community also serves to minimize rules and sportsmanship disputes, which is where shit can get ugly as well.

Both of those serve to deal with the worst elements that can come out of competitive communities. That's far fewer bruised egos and friendship ending arguments, which people of all ages are prone too.

It's not garbage

It was a great release because it gave the prime axiom a new servitor type it can spawn

Hey, we've got a Mexican player. And it's Wisconsin, we're all alcoholics here.

I need to sell my LE Una before this shit hits.

That really all depends on your meta and local stores. We use some flat terrain but its nicely printed on that mousepad material with good designs. It is only for terrain that would be hard to play around otherwise, like forests trenches rivers and other such area terrain. We also use fully 3D terrain, like houses, trees, walls, outhouses, rocks, trains, etc. Our battlefields look good as well as be playable.

As for conversion, there's plenty of room for it as long as you don't go super far with it or change the weapons too much. As long as your press ganger or TO can recognize what it is without prompting you're fine.

That's a cool idea actually. At the start of each player's turn it could move 1" forwards and bulldoze everything with like a STR12 collateral.

It's pretty cool, we bought it for the club from Tectonic Craft Studios, we got two flat cars and a box car. He said he'd be working on more cars and a locomotive sometime. We've mostly been playing the flat cars as climbable or terraced obstacles.

Time to dust off my P3 pots and get back to regulation paint schemes.

Trollblood theme forces, Madrak3 spoilers and SeaKing spoilers up on Chain Attack Facebook.

Wow, Skorne has entire warlocks that our spell slave can't cast a single spell from.

In other news, the sky is blue, the Canucks still suck, and Cryx demands justice.

well, we'll find out tomorrow whether or not they're better than the leafs at least. Lord knows the Oilers have let me down more than enough that they can't even do that.

Ironically, Cryx is still worse off in that department. Look at Mortenebra.

And that's my personal complaint for the day. YOu can't get anything done in this hobby without motherfucking facebook. Thanks for the info though.

I get my hobby kicks in other game systems. For some reason I never had any "your dudes" impulse from warmahordes. There never seemed like there was much there to explore.

The game could use more stuff like the 5th border legion. They were in a good spot with the black dragons/silver line but instead they were made into alt units.

Bruins fan here -- we're mediocre, like the troll theme lists.

Sorry bro, I'm worthless and indolent.

Trollbloods Theme Forces
Band of Heroes Theme Force
Army Composition:
Trollblood Warlocks
Non Character Warbeasts
Champions models / units
Fell Caller models / units
Fennblade models / units
Kriel Warrior models / units
Long Rider models / units
Warder models / units
Krielstone bearer & Stone Scribe units
Stone Scribe Chronicler
-For every full 20 points of Champions, Warders, or Long Riders, you can add one command attachment or one medium based Trollkin solo free of cost.
-Warrior Models / units in the army gain Take Down
-Your Deployment Zone is Extended 2" forward
The Power of Dhunia Theme Force
Army Composition:
Trollblood Warlocks
Non Character Warbeasts
Trollkin models / units with the magic ability special rule
Stone Scribe models / units
Troll WHelp Solos
-Trollkin Runeshapers become FA U
-For every 25 points of warbeasts in this army, you can add one medium based solo or five troll whelp solos free of cost
-Warbeasts in this army gain +2 THR
-Friendly models / units can begin the game affected by the upkeep spells of models in this army.


Madrak 3
DEF 14
ARM 16
CMD 10
Fury 6
Damage 18
Thrown Spear RNG 8 ROF 1 POW 14, reload 1
Spear RNG 2 P&S 14
Shield of Volarr P&S 12 (+2 ARM), beat back
WB Points 29

Protective aura: spend a fury for +2 ARM within 4" +1 for every fury on this model
Righteous vengeance
Shield Guard

Feat: friendly faction warrior models cannot be knocked down, tough on 4, 5, or 6 and when they tough they can advance 3".

Soothing Song
Spell Piercer