MTG Pauper thread

There must be other poor people who play magic here, get in here and discuss your decks.

I was looking for advice in another thread so I'll kick off with the 30$ deck I use, r8 h8 and particip8

Thinking of doing some shuffling so I can include Kor Skyfisher, but I need some new bodies to get utility out of the bounce ability.

Other urls found in this thread:

Never played pauper before.

What's the rock deck in pauper?

What are manabases like? I.e modern manabase is 7-12 fetches, 3-6 shocks, some basics and maybe another dual/utility/landfolk

Manabase can really vary

As for rock deck, it's been a while, but iirc had things like
>putrid leech
>primal huntsbeast
>ravenous rats
>diabolic edict
>ravens crime

Not really in the top performers though, but these are old examples from the top of my head

I brewed an aristocrats deck but i have not tested it much. It plays about four copies pf the following:
Carrion feeder (the two aristocrats)
Hissing iguanar
Perilous myr
Myr sire
Kuldotha rebirth
Galvanic blast
Chromatic star
Great furnace
Vault of whispers
Bloodfell caves
More land.

The deck seems pretty flexible because you can go wide with lots of tokens and direct damage, make one really big creature when you need to, grind out your opponent by trading creatures for value.

Reminds me somewhat of an affinity deck that gets used, except there's no fling for atog

Artifact lands + fling to make everyone angry

I've been trying to get pauper going at my FLGS lately, because I prefer paper. I've just brought a couple of decks to play casually before actual tourney fires, and it's been going well enough.

How good are these if I'm just starting the format?

Actually pretty good, the main thing for me with pauper is to have fun with card synergy and to spend less than 2.00 on a playset of anything I want to use, so ymmv based on the criteria you set for yourself.

Pick your favorite color and see what people play, the format encourages a little creativity

I wish Hydroblast/Pyroblast/Guerilla Shaman would get cheaper. Or at least the Shaman banned. I hate having all my lands blown up for 1 each.

>gorilla shaman
Does anyone have the card edit where the gorilla shaman art is of that gorilla giving the middle finger?

Holy fuck that never fails to get me, I'd play that in real life

It is a bit like th affinity deck, but you end up saccing your artifacts to other creatures and spells which doesnt let Fling be as effective. I like Brimstone Volley a lot more in this deck.

I love when I get to milk affinity players tears with the gorilla. Cry more, he will never be banned

This. You affinity players have literally everything else.

I play affinity and I understand the gorilla is just a part of the game, I wouldn't want my deck to be so op

The gorilla is a natural part of the food chain

Are the artifact lands not banned?
Why play affinity if the gorilla just fucks up your day?

I usually hold up enough for a Galvanic Blast so I can at least kill the Shaman for eating all my lands- unless they play it on the first turn/tapped out thinking I'll let it get to the untap step. I just giggle then.

Eh I play what I like, really. The fact that something exists to counter one of the things I like isn't going to stop me from playing it.

Iirc they're not banned for paper pauper, as for the gorilla goes though yes he can dismantle your deck but he's not immortal and running an unmake or journey to nowhere is fine for him, I'll still play.

A few times I've come back after a Shaman, but you have to be incredibly lucky. The card draw and cantrips in the deck can help pull you from the brink.

I know the odds, I just hate playing in a way where if I see X, y, or Z card I just quit. Yes some plays are hard to come back from but the odds are rarely a 100% loss.

That being said, atog affinity is so cheap I don't mind someone being cheap back

what if the tron player drops fangren marauder
pretty sure you can't win then


I don't have a response for that, typically.

But i mean that's the game, and the fact that I typically spend 30ish dollars on a deck helps take the sting away from any hard losses

I honestly haven't played against Tron often. The Fangren does wreck my shit.

On another note-
I'm getting sick of seeing Delver/Angler piles. It's infested the Tournament Practice areas.

Why doesn't GB Angler/Dredge play Hooting Mandrills, too?

Why not 4 Stinky?

Reference List

Is Treasure Cruise banned?

Don't mind me, just coming through to police your fun.

I tried fiddling around with a vehicle deck not long ago but it just didn't work so i turned it into Jeskai Affinity so i can play the Gearsnek, Sunchaser and Fragmentize. Previous versions included Court Homunculus and Thraben Inspector instead of Drums and Prisms. How does it look?

Looks like your going to have a hard time activated those Drums. I know Flayer Husk sucks but they're fairly crucial to get Affinity online by turn 2/3. You definitely need some sort of artifact creature at CMC


I played this list years ago, was kinda fun.

But Teachings is fun

I actually felt like a complete bastard when I played Teachings.

Not played it since then :s