>We find out what happens after the death.
>We are simply reborn.
>We can figure out what we were in previous lives.
How would we react?
>We find out what happens after the death.
>We are simply reborn.
>We can figure out what we were in previous lives.
How would we react?
Sue the afterlife for downgrading us
Don't some eastern religions already have this as a belief? Look at how they deal with it, maybe.
Escape the cycles.
Society finds a new factor to discriminate on: who you've been. Sucks to be the guy who was Hitler two lives ago.
>people leave their money to their reincarnations
>contract law now contains provisions binding your future lives
>debt collectors get a judgment against you once you hit 18 for everything your last self owed
>consecutive life sentences are actually consecutive
>you can now be prosecuted for suicide
>we can figure out what we were in previous lives
That's the biggest difference.
>you can take nude pictures of yourself and leave them to your next life to masturbate to
>Abortion debate changes drastically
>Same for euthanasia
>Life insurance policies are reworked
>Countless people claim to be the reincarnation of any famous person
>Hitler hunting becomes a professional sport
That's making a lot assumptions on what your reincarnation will be attracted to, I imagine lots of people going "that was stupid of past me" and never doing it again.
you cant figure out who you were, read fucking you weirdos
>We can figure out what we were in previous lives.
No u.
>you can now be prosecuted for suicide
So, what, you're arresting babies, now?
People start lying about who they were to be smug assholes about it, when in reality the vast majority of us were shit farmers who died of dysentery at 17 after knocking up our wife.
>We can figure out what we were in previous lives.
So, what information do we get then? Just species?
well they can but you know a lot of work to do that
So damn depressing.
Building on that, though:
>Family bonds, and bonds between parent and child become much less important societally, as people mostly see their line of reincarnations as the continuation of themselves.
>"Plan ahead"-options with executors and lawyers offices offers services for securing heritage for your future incarnation.
>A small session in a closed office, with witnesses, and a numeral code, imprinted traumatically through specific experiences shortly before death, insures that the security-code will be easy to recall in your next life.
Depends on the ease of finding out what someone was in their past life.
Does it require several months and is usually reserved for future kings and high ranking officials/nobles? Lie away, say that you got it done as a birthday gift or something
Do you need ten seconds and an internet connection? Good luck lying about it without getting lynched.
Depending on the variety between reincarnations, gender, race, etc would become less important because after some time, everyone has benn everything already.
But if it's like in the Elven for example, where you mostly reincarnate into your own clan or can be killed permanently if there are no other elves on the world, things would stay closer to our own world. The books in general don't make a big deal out of the reincarnation. Dying still sucks, you won't see your family for who knows how long and won't remember them even longer. But characters are more willing to make a heroic sacrifice or to give in and sink into the peaceful slumber of death.
So all /pol/ are now claiming to literally be Hitler.
And "Hitler reincarnate" is the new SJW insult. Unless SS reincarnates claim to be discriminated against.
>I did nothing wrong.
Fear of death would be lessened.
Funding for research into curing shit would drop because now we know death is just the reset button.
If we are keeping all the memories then we either stagnate because the old bullshit ideas are hanging around or we accelerate our knowledge acquisition because the best and brightest get infinite reruns depending on prevailing attitude.
People would leave their stuff to themselves in their will so long as they can prove their identity.
How do you define "we" in this case?
If the soul is wiped clean between lives, why should I care who used mine, any more than I care who used each of the phosphorous atoms in my bones?
Governments, corporations and crime syndicates will find it harder than ever to keep secrets. Every person who dies knowing a secret is a potential security risk, as they'll simply be reborn in a new identity with access to all the things they've learned and none of their previous loyalties or whatever other means were used to keep them silent. Knowing "too much", instead of making you a target for the conspiracy, will give them a vested interest in keeping you alive.
Perhaps the decline of Christianity and Islam
In addition to the question of how difficult it is to find out who someone was in a past life there's the question of does it work in reverse? Can you figure out to any degree who someone will be in a future life? Whether you can or not, there would be MAJOR interest in figuring that out for absolute certain. If you can predict it, there would be a whole heck of a lot of extremely Machiavellian murderous shenanigans going on. Christianity and Islam might not so much die out, but rather they'd conclude "Oh, I guess this is hell." because society would be ferociously tearing itself apart in a no holds barred, every man for himself orgy of death, fates worse than death and eternal deal making.
Africans would suicide to try getting born to white families or other 1st world countries.
World would have a lot of people trying to get better lives.