Why were quest threads banned?
Why were quest threads banned?
Some guys threw a bitch fit about them on /qa/
There were far too many of them.
For 9 years.
Better question: why AREN'T the cyoa threads banned?
Because they're trying to figure out how to ban generals like /a/ did.
Even better one - why not just dismantle Veeky Forums, who needs this useless board anyway!
Nobody really knows, but hey - who needs content anyway, let's have n-th W40k thread or fallen paladin story that never happen or another martials vs casters bitchfest
It got to the point where you had 2-3 pages of threads that WEREN'T quests or CYOAs, most of those were generals, and anything good got killed off quickly by quests.
So, they were exiled to their own board.
A valid question.
You have your own board now.
Think of it like a promotion when in reality we have new boards to take out the trash that fills up a proper board
>Veeky Forums is for underage pantsu quest and cyoa
I think that was never the board for you in the first case.
>got to the point where you had 2-3 pages of threads that WEREN'T quests or CYOAs
That was never true.
why do people keep making these threads
Because one of the janitors in CYOAfag.
Now, I'm a bit of a Newfag compared to others, so I wasn't around for the time of quests, but from what I've seen on the suptg archives, I think I might have an idea.
For every good one or amazing one, there were at least 1 or 2 shitty ones. Many of them were Animu waifu faggotry, or worse: unfunny Harem Animu. For every "Heretical Love quest" or a "Zeonquest" or "Hobo quest" there was a bizzaro world version that was as shit, boring, and generic as those were entertaining, fun, and novel.
Now you may be thinking "A 1:2.5-ish ratio of good to bad? That sounds fucking amazing! Most other forms of entertainment don't have that kind of track record!" But I guess that that's still to much for an image board like this.
Because they werent Veeky Forums.
Look, I get it, being containment-board scum sucks ass, but thats what you get when you democratize storytelling with no quality control whatsoever.
I've got an advice for you
Lurk more
>For every one good or amazing one, there were about 10 shitty ones.
>Buzzword buzzword buzzword
The funny thing is these guys: thought quests were the problem with Veeky Forums, keeping 'quality' threads from flourishing.
But Veeky Forums hasn't picked up, it's slowed down. No new creative thing has filled that void, no juice has flowed.
your powers of observation are strong youngling
continue to lurk to find enlightenment
>But Veeky Forums hasn't picked up, it's slowed down
That's a good thing.
>No new creative thing has filled that void, no juice has flowed
That's not true, some anons are still working on stuff, you might not just like what they are doing. Also the entire site has become less creative, Veeky Forums used to be the meme machine of the internet, it's not only quests leaving Veeky Forums.
>Complaining about Veeky Forums (its policies, moderation, etc) on the imageboards may result in post deletion and a ban.
>That's not true
It is true.
>some anons are still working on stuff
Prove it
You seem to believe that anti-quest thread oldfags were mad that there wasnt a torrent of non-quest content. We're fine with the slow, plodding pace of this board. Thats why quest threads were so annoying: they get shuffled too fast and push our nice, slow threads out. Hell, its quest threads that allowed Generals to flourish, as they were the only Veeky Forums relevant format that could survive the churn.
There's only four or five of them at most, unlike quest threads, which numbered in the dozens.
/mlp/ set a terrible precedent that you can get rid of board related content you dont like if you bitch about it enough
not him, but Velocity is updating faster now that the creator can get actual feedback without getting rolled off page 10 in under 2 days.
Ive also got some homebrew project threads that are getting more attention.
Before quests, Veeky Forums ran on geological time, and the few quests that were genuinely good were just flashes in the pan that lasted a few threads. Then newfriends read them, and wanted to be cool and popular so they all created "KLK but with bears Quest" or whatever.
>historical revisionism
what auctualy happened was anti quest fags were often the type of people to use filters and this being a board about adventure heaps of threads got caught up in those filters due to the word quest which caused them to think there were more quests then there were
>It is true
Slower boards are the best, of course not snail-like like /po/, but they make for better discussion.
>Prove it
Just a casual look
There is also the occasional storywriting thread.
So we can have more of bait threads like this one
Quests didn't fill it either, questfag
Made by questfags.
oh also does it matter if there were lots of quests
there is plenty of board space to go around at no point whatsoever were all 100 threads on the board active regardless of there content
The increase in board segregation has more to do with change of site ownership than precedent set by past boards.
If a board slows down to crawl (random threads surviving for 3 or more days anyone?) it's a very, very bad thing
we saw the same thing on /mlp/ with people complaining about writefag prompts
surprise surprise when prompts were removed content creation stopped (although the prompt ban was always just a scrapegoat for scruffys sudden random rampage.
unlike /mlp/ though we will not be able to force quests back through like they can writefaggotry
>Just check those threads that hang around without producing anything at all for entire week
Yes, true sign of board dropping traffic without any positive effects of it.
For fuck sake, that's how Veeky Forums was born in the first place!
People bitching about Warhammer Wednesday on /b/ and they make out own board, not only for Warhammer but for all "traditional" games.
Seriously, why do people complain about the quests? They were many, they were different, they got their own board.
That was the best solution to anyone involved.
not so much board segregation as content removal but the ban on generals outside of episode season on /co/ was under moot
and that was never auctualy fucking written down anywhere
>random threads surviving for 3 or more days anyone?
Like? What do you call random? Threads still die after some hours if nobody replies.
You can participate if you want them to be more active.
>Once super-active board barely moves ahead
>Drop of traffic is clearly visible without even making comparisons
>Entire threads hangs around for week or so
Two words, friend: dying board.
because warhammer wednsday was taking up to much space
quests were not
and the board they got was a useless pile of shit with features that made things worse while they pretended the board was made for the questers rather then to shut up the anti questers.
it also does not have the built in audience of Veeky Forums
then despite the overwhelming negative reception they powered through and banned quests outside of the new board
if anything what they should have done is stoped forcing all quests onto Veeky Forums and allowed them to be run on the board most related to the content of the quest.
or at the very fucking least let the quests related to an existing tabletop product stay on the fucking tabletop board
Average life expectancy of thread before quests were moved - 7 hours
Average life expectancy as in now - 60 hours
It's a fucking joke. Just this weekend we had entire bunch of threads that started in Friday and despite being active and the weekend being in place, they've made it till Sunday without even hitting bump limit.
Veeky Forums hasn't slowed down significantly. It takes less than an hour for a thread to go from freshly bumped to page 8, and then anywhere from 3 to 10 hours after that to hit page 10. Falling off is a little slower at that point, since it relies entirely on new threads being made, but it still happens quickly.
Quests didn't actually have a significant volume, they just bumped a handful of threads a lot. The only argument that is actually logical is "they took up page 1", and even that is silly considering that filters and the catalog are native.
Yeah, and from taking part in 5 long-running quests 2 of them died and remaining three are barely active, even if they have now a dedicated board, because generating traffic in them is pain in the ass, unless you want to run them in two people.
>because warhammer wednsday was taking up to much space
>quests were not
Many people here disagree
There is nothing wrong with this. You can take your time reading threads and writing your posts.
Sounds like the level of activity I remember this place having back before quests formed 90% of board's content.
I'm at a loss as to how this is something bad, user it's starting to become obvious your just trying to make issues out of nothing now.
Because they became so big, disruptive, and multi-board in nature that they deserved to spawn a new board. What a time to be alive!
I dunno about you, but I like being able to participate in a thread I'm enjoying, go to bed, and wake up and have it still exist.
Because people butthurt their boring threads died had to blame people more creative than them for their own inadequacy.
Don't you realize that a board is complete and utter shit unless it is faster than election day /pol/?
There are threads on page 8 right now that were bumped 2 and a half hours ago.
The thread closest to the bottom of the board that isn't autosaging was last bumped 8 hours ago.
There are 38 non-sticky threads that are over 2 days old. Most of them are in the ballpark of 55 hours old. Four of them are over 5 days old. One of them is just barely over a week old.
More like anti-questfags will throw a bitchfit rather than actual many people disagreeing
Remind me - since when Veeky Forums became dad's board?
Please tell us all how lack of content is "non issue".
How about this - the thread wraps up in 3 hours. You don't need to go bed unfulfilled, because the thread already wrapped
>when Veeky Forums became dad's board?
We had one of the highest average age of posters since forever (as far as self-reported data can be trusted).
Sounds like pretty ok speed for a board.
>A questfag and a ponyfag all in one
I never knew it was possible to be this cancerous.
You're the only one expecting /b/ speed on Veeky Forums.
Because a few antiquestfags raised shit for 9 years about a few threads and then a lone mod didn't listen to any feedback.
Ask yourself why people against Quest threads even exist.
People don't randomly decide they all hate a specific type of threads out of nothing.
Just fuck off to your containment boards, horseshagger.
Its moving as fast as it used to. We had a drip of decent content that was overwhelmed by a torrent of mediocre quests. I can see how if all you've ever known is quest threads, a board that moves this slow seems like its dead or dying.
I get the feeling that some people honestly think that, and it only confuses me more, not every board is /v/ or /tv/,it's ok to have a slow board, and honestly/tg/ really isn't in reality, but honestly I'm just wasting my time because ass blasted anons ignore everything to whine like and some hoe equate a slower board to a lack of content, like quests made this board everything it was, instead of just being thrown on top of the heap of stuff that was this board and bitching when it wasn't wanted.
I'd point out all the hombres and stuff but then I'd be ignored and the shitposting would go on irregardless, so yes user, disregard everything and say Veeky Forums is somehow dieing because chinamoot fixed the issue Moot didn't want too.
Sounds perfect
Since when did you get the impression that Veeky Forums was for kids? Do you have any idea what the median age of most warhammer players is? Its like in the mid 30s
You forgot something, so I thought I'd help you otu and add it in.
>Average life expectancy of thread before quests were a thing- 60 hours
>Average life expectancy of thread before quests were moved - 7 hours
>Average life expectancy as in now - 60 hours
Veeky Forums is moving just as fast as it used to before quests started shitting things up.
Quests literally couldn't even fill up a single page out of fifteen, and bumping a thread repeatedly only makes it bounce around up near page 1, not push other threads off of the board.
But hyperbole and straight lies have always been the anti-questfag way, so whatever.