Is there a reason for this square?
Is there a reason for this square?
If you land on it, you'll be relieved to know that you don't have to pay anyone rent that turn.
What, were you expecting a shitpost about the kitty?
It's a spot that remains a safe place to land throughout the game. It's a pain in the ass to land on early when you want to gather properties, but after a few passes around the board it'll show its worth.
Safe spot late game
Probably the only time you will ever not pay someone come late game
When I was a kid, all I saw was a power plug.
On its own the square is meaningless. It's a mere shape, a symbolic representation for location, or state of being, with no higher purpose.
Only when put together with other squares, forming the complete gaming board it gains the contextual meaning speaks of.
It's the only space that does nothing, making it unique.
Might help if we had any idea what game it's from you fucking retard.
When you pay money eg tax from the cards it goes in the middle of the board
When you land on the square you get the cash
Nowhere in the rules does it say that. That's a houserule that accomplishes nothing but make the game drag on for-fucking-ever.
What is Go?
What is Jail?
What is Go To Jail?
Says the guy who never bought hotels with the Free Parking pot, bankrupting other players.
Right question is: "Is there a reason for this game?"
Which is a big difference from how the game alrady is, yeah
Where I'm from, proposing that house rule is a good way to get stabbed. That's how you play Monopoly when you hate everyone present and feed off their misery.
You are supposed to cut it out of the board and give it to an attendant at a public parking lot to get free parking for the day.
Why does this space never change no matter the edition?
Marvel Monopoly? Same space.
Star Wars Monopoly? Same space.
My Little Pony Monopoly? SAME GOD DAMN SPACE!
Actually it is. People also tend to ignore the auction rule. These rules help keep the game from dragging on for nine hours and pissing off everybody still playing because IT JUST WON'T EVER FUCKING END. If you play the game with THE RULES AS WRITTEN, Monopoly still takes a while, but it's nowhere NEAR the horrifying slog it has the reputation of being.
Free Parking is the space where, if you land on it, you get all the collected fines and taxes from the game.
Then all the other players get to kick you in the dick or punt you in the cunt, depending on what you're equipped with.
Those are my Monopoly house rules.
we have had monopoly games go on for literally days, accruing tens of thousands of dollars (every time we hit yard sales and found a set, we would pick it up, we have like 15 boards worth of stuff now.) eventually we get so sick of doing it, we wait for another 6 months before playing. the only other game we found that is better for our sick sense of perversion is stock market.
Good form.
So why is monopoly so famous when it's a mediocre game at best and absolute boring shit at worst?
C-can I avoid physical aggression if I relinquish the money?
Literal plebs.
Same reason why people play snakes and ladders as a kid. Rolling dice and going around a board without thinking seems like fun, and nobody sticks around long enough to finish the game as a kid anyway.
I've played it as a adult though and its not that bad if you're cutthroat though its still hella depressing on losing end.
Mostly because it's old, and for whatever reason it beat out other boardgames when it was new. People grew up playing it, so they played it with their kids, and because their kids grew up playing it they played it with THEIR kids, etc. If it were created today it probably wouldn't get off the ground at all.
>its still hella depressing on losing end.
There's nothing about Monopoly that's not hella depressing
Because it is old, there was no so much family games then. It teaches American way and capitalism. Even though parents might have hated monopoly, it is good way to teach greediness and ego.
Free parking is for those miserable bastards who cannot make money. Even though monopoly is based on luck people say it is based on skill. But you need certain places to get good rent and good luck to avoid them. So free parking place is place for homeless and broke. So people can stay in that spot and see how others play and not have fun doing anything else. It's dunce corner.
Funny thing is that was the original point, to indoctrinate kids in the evils of capitalism. Even after they tried to strip those elements out it still kind of makes you want to punch Mr Moneybags
I bet you're the kind of person who gets pissy about playing Risk too. Some of us are no rush to finish the game within a set timeframe: it plays for as long as we want it to play.
It's a bonfire, nigga!
It's a warning of the machine uprising.
Jesus fuck. If you want huge-ass games and stock markets, look into 18XX series.
>doesn't know Monopoly
Same is true of the Just Visiting part of Jail.