EDH/Commander General

Can't Decide on an Edition Edition

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Is it worth running effects like Cursecatcher, judges familiar, and spiketail hatchling type effects in my derevi stax list. Its getting pretty tuned and all the primers say that they are good enough but idk man.

What are some good options for getting things in the yard in a monoblack deck? I get that entombed and buried alive are things, I just want to dump tons of things in the yard.

Like from play or from your graveyard or...

In Derevi sure, her Twiddle ability works good with Flying Men.

post you're favorite waifus that you like to play (and imagine kissing) in edh

What commander is the best waifu?

What commander is the best Husbando?

As a personal note, spiketail hatchling goes in every blue deck. Worst comes to worst, your opponent needs to carefully manage their mana. Best case scenario, you have a counter with a bunch of tax effects and your opponent forgets about it.


I'm not sure, I know a lot of discard options, but that requires card draw, and Volrath already eats your own hand pretty hard. Preferably something off top deck would be best.

Oh, that's nice. That's really really nice. Holy fuck, why don't I have one of those? Suddenly Esper self-mill reanimator seems like a thing.

>casting blasphemous act, arcbond, and deflecting palm in the same turn
How did 26 damage to the face taste Jake?

I also like this. It's slower but fucks your opponents up while it's at it. Depending on whether you care about opposing graveyards there's also stuff like Mindcrank. I prefer play-and-forget cards like those versus stuff like Keening Stone.

They make people leave up 1 mana for spells they really care about, and if you're running tax effects and tapping down their lands and stuff, they can be strong

They pair well with opposition if you run that card, glare of subdual is the Jank version that's still playable

>Bottomless Pit
>presumably Necrogen Mists
Ah, a sneaky black user after my own heart.

Let me ask you this question, is it worth running reanimator in Volrath? I'm torn, I have a lot of fun discard related things, but 10 slots of my deck are currently filled with various reanimator nonsense, that is only really applicable after I throw down with Volrath. In a Golgari, Dimir, or BUG build, I can count on mutual mill to fill my yard with various things at a reasonable pace, but monoblack seems a little stifled in that regard.

What do you guys think of Mirrorwood as a pauper commander? Naya with a combat stopping/ redirecting power seems pretty good to me. I read someones deck idea for him online and they were talking about banding tribal, but the amount of things at common for banding seem pretty slim.

>>presumably Necrogen Mists
Meh, they'll just toss stuff you don't want, Pit works best.

>Let me ask you this question, is it worth running reanimator in Volrath?
Certainly the good ones like Animate Dead, Necromancy, Dance of the Dead, Reanimate. It's not to the battlefield but Oversold Cemetery is nice with him. I'm no expert on Volrath, I'm just going back to my long-retired Tariel deck.

Reminder not to fuel the waifu posting

how 2 build obzeddady pls help

>Pissbaby embarrassed by his shit waifu detected

I'll bet it's one of the partners
EEEEW, I bet it's Akiri!

Okay, I see your point. I'll just keep my deck as is, it's very strong, but I keep wanting to build monoblack discard, and my Lazav keeps evolving into more bizarre incarnations. Right now it's soft-control pseudo-combo beatdown? I'm not sure how to describe it, pretty much mill stuff, fuck with everyone's hand, and nuke any creature that hits the board. It works surprisingly well, but it's far from the discard deck it used to be.

What I'm worried about, as a compulsive curve-into-value guy, is that the deck is very unbalanced in terms of creatures, to power up Volrath. I'm running all the good cheap token producers, but most of my creatures are at 5cmc+, and almost all of them are over 4cmc, which means that if I'm not ramping, or reanimating, I'm going to be a little durdle prone.

I wanted to splash some more mill to fill up my yard with my stuff, because I could honestly care less about what my opponents are running, and I'm shifting focus to more of a field-wipe sort of deal, so that hopefully Volrath can hit through an empty field. Dirge of Dead seems underrated for my setup, but chump blockers will be the death of me.

fuck that image is from money for nothing. nostalgia overload.

Dont give attention to it and it will go away. He probably has never heard of the song.

It's pretty dank with things like Drogskol Cavalry and Panharmonicon

Finally made a tappedout list for my Breya deck.


Trying to avoid overlapping it too much with my Slobad list, so this decklist is more focused on artifact creatures, also trying to avoid turning this into a combo deck, so no KCI, Nim Deathmantle, Clock of Omens etc.

Suggestions for good artifact token generators are welcome.

All waifus are shit, even mine. Especially mine.

and I'm aware I need the Tezzeret planeswalkers...


howie lookin, boys?

Am I the only one who doesn't care about these 4c commanders? They're just so uninteresting... At least last year the product was ineligible.



You're not the only one, but you have to release the commander products are the only 'new' things to really discuss since the kaladesh legendaries are quite lacklustre

intelligible. I missed a couple letters.

Fair enough, Kaladesh was completely underwhelming, and I don't really have hope for any of the new sets. It seems like they ran out of design space.

I like Breya because it just makes too much sense, R, U, B, and W all have something to offer an artifact deck and thopters are fun

The other ones don't interest me from a standpoint of making good use of their color combo, although a good yidris deck is fun to see just because of the value

I hate saskia with all my heart, I hate the keyword soup on atraxa but proliferate is at least somewhat interesting

And I hate the butt buddies for being the color combo I was most excited about and I hate group hug

Yeah, none of them really do it for me, either.
Don't like artifact shenanigans. Nothing against it, just not my thing.
Well designed but boring. Don't wanna do super friends and I already have a "+1/+1 counters matter" deck.
Help better decks go off quicker? Pass. I'll stick with pillow fight Gahiji.
I didn't wannt to play Wanderer then and I still don't. Again, nothing wrong with the design, but not my style
Literally unplayable.

She's the one I'd be most likely to build, but she's waaaay down on my interest list.

>tfw your waifu is totally qt

Kaladesh was awesome, and aether revolt is gonna be even better

>source required
Maybe if you're brand new to magic.

The only commanders I really like are the Silias Ren and Vial Smasher/Karuum combo, I just can't math my way around the landbase. Why would I invest in a 4c deck, when I could just build 5c for the same money? Why would I pimp out a land base on a deck that's going to be filled with janky nonsense? How am I supposed to narrow down my cardbase when a 3c deck already requires me to sift through like 400 cards?

I'm just profoundly meh. I was hoping the commanders would be interesting, and Ydris is really the only one I can see being anywhere close to fun.

To the user who asked about building Daretti on a budget, it can be done. It's really not that expensive desu. The only expensive cards that are a must are Wurmcoil Engine, Trinisphere, Defense Grid. Mana Crypt is really good and I'd advise getting it because playing with it is so much better for every single EDH deck, it's basically a better sol ring.

Here's muh list

I'l just point out that prices on tappedout are inflated. Burning of Xinye is cheap because of the FTV reprint.

No I've been playing since Urza's saga and Kaladesh was very fun to draft and had some very interesting cards for eternal formats like panharmonicon, aether flux reservoir, and combustible gearhulk in edh, paradoxical outcome for vintage, cathartic reunion for modern

The only one I really like is Breya, the rest are really boring to me.

The only thing Aether Revolt is going to be good for is more vehicles for Dude Where's Macar.
Here's hoping for a Motorcycle and a R/B Pilot

>paradoxical for vintage
>not playing it in EDH

Also Dramatic Reversal, holy shit that card is great.

Rashmi is also a great commander

I'm really having trouble with that cardbase thing.

When I was first making my Breya deck, I threw together a pile of playable cards I wanted to add and it ended up around 300 cards.

Opinion discarded. Of course it's good in draft, it's designed specifically around it. And while there are a handful of cards I was pleasantly surprised with, like Ninth Bridge Patrol and the green gearhulk, the VAST majority of the set is just bland and uninteresting, particularly with how hard it's been pushed and the exceptionally poor quality of lore.

>dramatic reversal
Amazing in memnarch. Good taste.

>R/B Pilot
I'd get into standard just to go up against my friend's R/W Vehicle deck.


>hurrrrr durrr you must be a noob
>oh you like draft? That makes you dumb

if you don't like draft youre not really into magic at all

Also every set is designed around draft, but they don't all end up fun to draft, BFZ was shit to draft, kamigawa was shit to draft

Maybe you're right about Kaladesh lore being bad I don't read the lore articles, but from a card design standpoint it's good, and the light lore you get just reading the card text and seeing the art is good

>He doesn't draft
Wouldn't let you buy packs with Good Boy Points, eh?

Is Atraxa considered a Timmy or Spike commander?

king macar is the best husbando because he's rich

Johnny. He just wants to ult all his planeswalkers and have big numbers of counters

I meant timmy, fuck.

What could go wrong!?

Aren't planeswalker ults and big numbers Timmy things?

Johnny would be like convoluted inefficient combinations of cards, like that one guy that wanted to build Yasova so that he could bounce his opponents creature and then bounce it with crystal shard

Oh my b

You know what was fun to draft? Khans. I bet Alara block in general woild have been fun too, but I did't start playing until Worldwake.

Alara block WAS fun to draft, not the best set ever but it was fun, I think khans was better but alara was fun, I especially loved drafting esper

The best sets to draft for me were zendikar, innistrad, time spiral/future sight/planar chaos

fucking mirin' those arms desu

>Well designed but boring.
>Well designed


Yeah Innistrid was good too. I bet Time Spiral block was fun to draft, it looks like a blast.

am I a bad person for running this in zada

Best draft format ever, if you could keep up with it. It was pretty complicated but was extremely excellent.

Kinda yeah

Zada has no trouble winning and doing silly stuff, why would you make the game into a shitty version of roulette?

I guess in a token deck this card makes a little more sense because your permanents aren't worth much

Seems like it's not worth the time it would take to resolve

Yeah it was definitely better if you had some experience with ability like storm and buyback and such, cuz the format was ability word soup, but I loved it so much

Also a lot of people hated drafting avacyn restored because of how stupid it was if your opponent drafted an entreat the Angels or a bonfire of the damned

But personally i have some of my fondest memories drafting that set, with ghostly flicker at common, ghostly flicker is one of my all time favorite cards, so versatile

What are some multi purpose life gain cards other than Elixir of Immortality that I could possibly slot into Mizzix?
For clarification: Mine isn't a storm or any infinite combo shenanigans Mizzix; its mostly a hang back and manage threats/the field until I can pick people off and/or other people do my work for me.

Venser's journal is barely multipurpose, but I've seen it be decent in my friends UW control deck, sounds like yours is UR controllish

Rules question:

The new card yahenni's expertise says

>all creatures get -3/-3 until end of turn.
>you may cast a card from your hand with cmc 3 or less without paying its mans cost

The two effects are in different "paragraphs" and they appear in that order

My question is, if you were to use the second effect to cast a creature spell with cmc 3 or less, would that creature get -3/-3??

I'm not sure if the order things are written matters, but I suppose with a card like tooth and nail, the order matters because otherwise you'd have to put into play creatures that you didn't tutor with tooth and nail


No because you get to cast it as expertise resolves so it still goes on the stack.

can break combo in half and is one of Red's round-about ways to deal with opposing enchantments, totally fine, fuck the haters

Right but if the effects of the spell resolve in the order they are written, the -3/-3 happens before the creature is cast, that's why I'm confused

Maybe you're right but then I have to wonder if that was intentional, like they could've said cast a *noncreature* spell with cmc 3 or less

Don't listen to the nay-sayers. Scrambleverse is the single best card to run in EDH, and I love you for doing that.

These guys are stupid the card is bad and not fun to resolve

Actually I take it back, in a zedruu deck it's cool

anyone make something cool with the partner commanders yet?

You gonna refute it, or just drop catch phrases?


Made a few small edits and looking for feedback, added in Rampaging Baloths for the possibility of getting more sac fodder with land recursion, not much creatures recursion due to meta being more heavy on land hate

Well a friend of mine made a deck using that 2/2 that makes saprolings and the flanking guy who gives 2 power or less creatures evasion.

Then propped it full of after-attack buffs. Works fairly well, don't have a decklist though,

What's the secret tech that's 2 hot 4 EDHrec? I noticed that Brightstone Ritual wasn't on there, and I wonder what else I'm missing.

>go on xmage to test out meme deck
>join a casual game
>guy playing leovold plays a mox diamond and stuff and casts leovold on turn 2
>oh boy here we go again
>turn 3
>he casts wheel and deal on everyone
>cast swords to plowshares on his leovold
>he fucking leaves on the spot

would've given me a better hand too

...It's not legendary?

Loving Every Laugh

Doesn't have to be legendary for pauper, just uncommon.

Thought about doing exactly that.

I've had a lot success with Volcanic Vision, Volcanic Offering, and Sprout Swarm.

I personally enjoy thieves auction more but good taste plus most spikes & tryhards will scoop rather then try to resolve that card. I personally run mine in a melek chaos and possibility storm shenanigans deck.

I really want to run a deck with pics related but everything I try ends up not being able to use them or terrible.
I've made other bad strategies work before just by being a better player than my friends, but this one seems to be beyond me.
Any advice?

A majority of my cards were stolen a few weeks ago. Since I had to rebuild my deck I decided to foil it out. Unfortunately Contamination doesn't come in foil. What do?

Man I am so smart

Get a foil peel alter


I'd appreciate some feedback on this. Thanks.




I dunno.

Is there anything better than watching a smug blue player sit back with untapped mana, then proceeding to cast your red shit anyway?

Its just keyword soup with proliferate tagged on. Seems like an after thought really. White has 0 proliferate cards, black has 2. The color shes not at least has 1. It just is good stuff colors for planeswalker deck enabling, nothing more. I wouldn't say its well designed at all either.

mah brotha of anotha motha

I actually originally tried to build this deck around stuff like that:

Some powerful tech:
Break Through the Line
Crafty Pathmage
Dwarven Nomad
Dwarven Warriors
Goblin Tunneler
Imperial Recruiter
Tawnos's Wand
Coralhelm Guide
Ethereal Usher
Inner-Flame Igniter
Marchesa's Smuggler
Minamo Sightbender
Razor Swine
Zhuge Jin, Wu Strategist

Also grab some effects like Moonveil Dragon, Githu Firebreathing, and Captured Flame.

A few other similar payoff cards:
Coral Fighters
Goblin Grenadiers
Grenzo, Havoc Raiser
Identity Thief
Immolating Souleater
Kukemssa Pirates
Orcish Squatters
Prophetic Flamespeaker
Riptide Entrancer
Riptide Mangler
Stigma Lasher
Terra Ravager
Thada Adel, Acquisitor
Thalakos Deceiver
Thalakos Dreamsower
Valakut Fireboar

Now comes some choices:
Potentially splash W or B. W has a bunch of tech that makes creatures with power 2 or less more viable like Revalark and Solar Tide, while B has some nasty creatures that do similarly fun stuff when they get through. But if you insist on UR, then Jori En, Ruin Diver or Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist are your best options.

Also consider your wincon:
No matter what color identity you go for, low power creatures aren't doing you any favors to win with combat damage, consider running infect as your main wincon, or possibly mill by running by stuff like Barbed Shocker, Scalpelexis, and Crosstown Courier.

Most of your creatures will be too small to deal with the kind of stuff flying around commander, so go hard into pillowfort tech, Smoke, Propaganda, Silent Arbiter, etc. Also, first strike is your friend, if you can kill your opponents creatures first then it wont matter how small your toughness is. Sentinel is also useful, especially if you run a bunch of tech to swap P/T (which is really handy if you have a lot of first strike).

Let's show those island jockeys what happens when you attempt to tame dame flame and I don't mean a successfully resolved counterspell.
