I'm looking to run a post-apocalyptic game for some friends. I've been looking into Savage Worlds, but have been hearing mixed things about it, and I wasn't into Apocalypse World either due to how goofy it is. I want to run something a little pulpy, but not toothless. Something more Wasteland or S.T.A.L.K.E.R. than Mad Max.
Post-Apoc Systems
Try this, it's a translation of a Polish system that's being said to "have set back tabletop RPG's decades back"
I dunno if it's the most current translation i made.
>I wasn't into Apocalypse World either due to how goofy it is
I was going to try AW, what do you mean by goofy?
It might work for you more, but I didn't like it because of its overall tone. I'd rather not run a system that has a character type called Battlebabe and an action called 'go aggro on someone.' It's a little too silly for my tastes, but if you want to run a game with a more punk-y tone, it might just be you're thing.
This is cool, and I like the system, but I have my own setting I'd be running it in. This feels like it relies very heavily on its pre-made setting.
Try Either Broken World( a savage worlds supplement) or a game called Degenesis they might just scratch that itch.
Feel free to do so. I like the system though the setting is lackluster in places.
I can't seem to upload the proper pdf, with more updated version, what gives?
>embeded file error.
Think you could link it with a google doc or something?
Sure, MEGA will do, i hope
It's missing all the skills, and their classification as well as diseases.
I lost interest in translating it further due to lack of support and people interested in it.
I have players in native language, so even less motivation.
Thanks man, I'll give it a read soon.
That does put a bit of a damper on things.
you can ping me on steam or skype if you're interested.
pavoolond for both.
Shot you a request. koboooold
Set back TTRPGs? how?
>Giving Neuroshima to people
>Not telling them the system is utter shit right away
There is a special place in hell for assholes like you
The game is a clusterfuck of design, reflecting how average no-budget company was doing TTRPG games in late 80s.
Only this one was made in early 00s by Poles.
Obviously, you want to play GURPS: Reign of Steel
>Le GURPS meme
Sorry mate, short from Twilight 2000, there is no better "serious" post-apo game or setting.
Ah thank you, my Elegan/tg/entleman
What about working as a proof-reader for translation project? So instead of actually translating, you just check how god-awful job someone else did?
Kill yourself.
It's been over 10 years and I've still didn't decide what's worse - the fluff or the crunch for the game.
But at least the game works as a "living" proof you can even fuck up such sure-fire thing like a generic post-apo game if you try hard enough
The 3d20 mechanics are one of the most retarded and needlessly complicated shit I've ever saw in tabletop RPG.
my niggas. Degenesis is still my favourite purchase even though I've never been able to find a group to run it with.
Atomic highway is rather rules light uses d6 pools and is built around being mad max like but you have optional rules to turn the weird up how important cars and gas are relies on you and your players. I'd say its rather pulpy.
Also its free on drivethru rpg
Meh, the flavor of the book was kinda dorky, but the game is pretty solid. Battlebabe is short for "stone-cold assassin". The guy also drops cuss words like he wrote the whole thing for edgy teens specifically.
But fuck if the game doesn't run fantastically.
You're too late for that, only thing left to translate for the bare essentials is penalties from diseases.
Dunno, ask the self-hating polacks in the thread.
I never speficied I'm talking about Neuro here.
Basically - outsourcing you for different project
Perhaps, if you provide more details.
That skype nick is still valid?
Because I'm one of the people behind this piece of shit:
go ahead, though i prefer steam
Don't have one. Will call within minute