Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1203: And Your Little Dragon, Too! Edition

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>Still no Wizard of Oz jump

Why is there no companion option in the Sims? The game is about households.

So I'm an idiot who literally left out the most important part of a perk in the Anima jump, and made a 600 CP perk the equivalent of a 100 CP racial buy. Would anyone's build break if I were to buff the Seeker of Names perk to the proper level? AKA: "You don't have to fulfil the pact requirements for summoning." instead of just "You can tell names (AKA, a minor ability from one of the races)" and "You know a lot of names" (AKA you have a competent Occultism skill)?

Jumpers, tell me about your dragons!

In Dragonlance, I ended up picking up a Gold Dragon named Ninareth, who despite being the youngest of us insisted she was the wisest and most all-knowing. She also insisted on us using her back for transportation all the time even if we had other ways, and once tried to be Santa one night.

After going through A Thousand Years of Peace in Phantasia, she ended up becoming a Great Wyrm through the entire scenario since she was my primary helper. She mellowed out and matured after years of us trying to keep the world from blowing itself up, and while I became more jaded, she seemed to look at the world from a brighter perspective. For the life of me, I have no idea how.

Her cooking has also always been awful. Always. We make excuses to leave when it's her turn to cook. Sometimes, I don't escape in time. I regret this.

So, what am I forgetting? About to upload to the drive.

I will add some more drawbacks, promise, but otherwise it's ready to jump.

I don't remember anyone taking it so I doubt it'll be a problem.

Anything changed from the last time you posted this?

If someone was to make a Wizard of Oz jump what would you like to see? Backgrounds based on whom, perk ideas, etc.

>Lawful Good
How can you tolerate that?

Seems fine to me. I don't think anyone is going to object to getting more power. I certainly won't, the possibility of losing a fight and having my Kirin pact fail on me has been a minor source of worry with my build.

Added notes and finished the item tree for Monsters. Also noted that Primordial Vanpires can directly steal magic from others. I think that's it.

Goddammit. Switched to phone and fucked up my name.

I think it'll be fine.

Why do you think I've managed to go 41 jumps without blowing up a planet? My companions have been reining me in considerably for this chain. I also avoid going all out whenever possible.

Martel, Vita, Rion, and Ninareth are basically a four-woman team in keeping me from acting like a moron despite the intelligence boosts.

Also they're really cute and it's hard to say no to them.

>If you picked a form besides human, you can swap back and forth between it and your original form at will. If you picked human, you gain a second human form
that looks entirely normal. Physical changes can be applied to both forms or only one.
So does this mean that if I chose human, I can choose what this alternate form looks like and effectively turn it into a disguise (make it look nothing like me)? Do I have total control over its creation?

Well obviously Drop In would take after Dorothy. With semi-meta options probably.

Another tree would be a native of uh, whatever the place was called. Witch should also be an option, with a companion flying monkey no matter your morality.

Has anyone read the books? Apparently there are books.

What's this from?

Looks good.

Praise be the formatting gods I can find shit now, a little bit of bold text goes a very long way.

In that case I can't think of anything other than when you were considering Magicians getting a discount on the House of Mystery since Zatanna takes the house. That was a while ago and it looks like items are balanced now anyway so I think I just missed when you decided not to do that.

I really don't know why I didn't just do that in the first place. I usually do.

the mass effect jumpchain

Just saw the notes, what would be different if you took the House of Secrets instead?

Do we have any perks for getting technology with the potential to go out of control behave for you? I'm heading to Evangelion and want to make sure my Eva never goes berserk. Well, actually, I'm more likely to use my own mecha instead of an Eva, but it would be nice to be able to use power-sharing perks to give something like that to Shinji.

You left out the Primordial Vampire's ability to turn large numbers of slave vampires en masse. And while I'm sure you're tired of hearing this, Primordial Frankenstein still seems kinda subpar compared to the other capstones. Mostly because they don't have any way to deal with magic or weird spiritual shit the way everything else in the jump does.

Otherwise? Excellent jump.

Sorry if that screws with your build. I had some trouble with items.

Probably not a lot. Fanwank something. Probably be more "sinister" or something, since it's Secrets instead of Mystery and the glimpse inside of it gave that feel.

Actually, can you take both Houses if you buy twice?

Well Evas going berserk is more of a matter of the angel inside it getting mad rather than a technological fluke, right? So maybe get something like monster buddies from Steven Universe to help you get along with it?

It's fine, I got it at full price just in case you didn't change it, just wanted to make sure you'd decided not to rather than forgotten to change it. Guess I'll keep it Mystery then, which sounds a little bit cooler to me.

Isn't Untouched by Time supposed to be free for Guides?

That could work.

I've talked a lot about my Dragon Robot turned Armored Suit turned Mass Murderer of my old chain. But I finally have a new dragon stories thanks to Yamato and my Coordinator enjoying my continued suffering. Yes, I'm still a Companion, send help.

Yamato decided he wanted more magic, adventure, but most of all, dragons. So the Coordinator presented him with Forgotten Realms. Yamato was all but bouncing with excitement. So, we picked up skills and classes and assorted goodies and immediately set off in the direction of Dragons.

Apparently, the direction of Dragons includes getting involved with dragon hunters trying to bring down a Black Great Wurm, cultists attempting to breed the perfect new race of Half-Dragons, and myself personally becoming mother to an entire clutch of Pseudodragons.

On the plus side, the Pseudodragons are cute and there's a lovely redheaded Half-Dragon that's joined out little group. She's a real firecracker. HAHAHAHAHA! I swear to god if I have to smell burned dog hair in the morning ONE MORE TIME YAMATO I'm making both of you sleep in the Warehouse!

>Primordial Vampire's ability to turn large numbers of slave vampires en masse
I'll make a note of it.

>Primordial Frankenstein still seems kinda subpar compared to the other capstones.
Any suggestions? I can just go with a magic resistance, I guess.

Sure, why not?


...I knew I was forgetting something.

Just jump RWBY.

Doesn't Shinji's Eva going berserk save his ass several times?

How hard would it be for someone who wanders into the House to escape if I don't want them to? How deep would they have to go before the shifting maze becomes virtually inescapable?

It's based mostly on the movie by default, because that's what everyone knows, with a 0 CP drawback to go to either the books, or an alternate version like The Wiz.

Drop-in is obviously Dorothy, perks for finding allies and magic artifacts, maybe doing good by accident, like that crazy jumper helicopter that blew up happened to have its wreckage fall on a dictator. A part of me wants to make drop-in the Wizard origin too. Maybe 2 separate perk lines, but Wizard would probably fit better as its own origin.

Native perk based on being someone from Oz, no idea what they'd get.

Witch origin, with the choice to be either a good witch or a bad witch. Good witches get a free appearance perk, bad witches get intimidation, or something.

Wizard is the snake oil salesman/tech/bluffing origin. Also, helping people realize that what they thought they needed was inside them all along.

Flying monkey in the companion section.
I kind of want some of that sand offered for purchase.

Drawback where water makes you melt.
Drawback where you're missing either your brain, heart, or courage.
"I had the strangest dream" drawback where your jump is 12 years long, but the first and last years are spent with no powers on a farm in Kansas.
Probably too meta, and might work better as a perk for Wizard, but "Jumper, the great and powerful!" drawback where tales of your deeds are spread throughout Oz, and probably exaggerated too, but you've secretly lost all your powers.

Fanwank something. If you tell the House to trap them, it'll probably become much, much harder.

A couple times, but I plan on giving him enough other upgrades that it should be unnecessary, leaving it as a risk instead of an asset with potential for backfiring.

The JoJo jump makes mention of a Stand Supplement you can use to create your own stand but I can't find it on the drive, can anyone help me out

Can't fucking sleep so time to shitpost with you guys!

I have several.
Getting Malefore as a companion then importing him as a love interest IN THE VERY NEXT JUMP was a mistake. Giving former broken villains a sudden love interest causes all kinds of fuckery. Helps with keeping them grounded and mellowed out though. Also became a fashion model...this only helped inflate his ego even further. He tends to insult my decisions often and laughs when things blow up in my face. Though when things get tough I can always count on him to help. Very fucking smug when he's right...which is often.

An OC dragon is Matahari a dragon I got from Demonking Daimao. He's a chipper old dragon with a streak of extreme nerdiness. Master tier programmer. Often tries to do his best for me but later on he got imported as a Rascal in Spyro: Classic. Turns out to have revived his fear in ghosts and is even easier to spook and bully. Became bffs with Classic!Spyro though. This later became complicated when Spyro got imported as an adult in generic creepy pasta down the line. Can romance bloom on the battlefield? Apparently it did with these two. Age rolls where a mistake

Magic resistance or resistance to spooky stuff in general would definitely help. Having supernatural toughness would also fit being supercharged with the 'light of life'.

Iirc there is no stand supplement because drama

Nope. It doesn't exist. Jojo user left before making it. Sorry. Consensus on what to do in its absence is to use other Stands as an example for reasonable power and to consult the thread if you're really not sure.

There isn't one.
You can't make one.
There never will be one.

If you want to try making one, do it competently and be willing to deal with a dozen threads of shit-flinging, but you may potentially be able to do it if you do a good enough job.

I'm pretty sure I've said before that a jumper who gets involved with the plot is destined to join Ozpin's guardians, because they so perfectly slot into their Wizard of Oz theme as Dorothy.

For bonus points, you can defeat Salem in the final battle by throwing a building at her.

Well that sucks

Alternatively, water magic. God, I hope it turns out that Salem's weak to Water Dust for some reason.

Can I invite myself into the House of Mysteries and then summon myself as a means of making a quick escape?

How effective of a strategy is tricking someone into accepting an invitation, sending the house somewhere far away, and then summoning them to the house?

Also, how worried should I be about these societies that live inside the house?

You wouldn't even have to have a shitstorm. You could create a totally independent stand making CYOA and post it here for people to unofficially use in helping to balance their homebrew stands.

What are some good jumps for enchanting objects and weapons besides D&D or Elder Scrolls?

So, some Zelda Breath of The Wild "gameplay" was shown. It felt a lot like Dark Souls kinda. However the demo they were playing was on Wii-U and the framerate was horrible.

Fist, this isn't your blog you autistic shit head. Go talk about in on the IRC and if no one wants to talk about it there, just find someplace else.

Rick and Morty has a great perk for that

>Can I invite myself into the House of Mysteries and then summon myself as a means of making a quick escape?
You could do that anyway, since you're bonded to it.

>How effective of a strategy is tricking someone into accepting an invitation, sending the house somewhere far away, and then summoning them to the house?
I mean, you've sent them somewhere far away inside a sapient magical maze... So you probably won't be hearing from someone without powerful teleportation for a while. Not sure why you're going through that trouble, though.

>Also, how worried should I be about these societies that live inside the house?
Probably not very. Unless you're worried about guests wandering off from the main areas of the house and getting eaten or something.

Iterative Improvement from Worm is amazing. Items only work for you though.

Worm technically.
Dragon Age, Anima has some fantastic but expensive enchanting, Geneology has a perk for it sort of.
Overlord has good enchanting but it's pretty much reskinned D&D. Other Overlord has enchanting as well though and it's not bad.
Touhou Magic can do some crazy shit too if the Mini-Hakkero is any indication.
Nasuverse magic is another contender, but you probably want to go with item creation EX as a servant if you go that route.

>You could do that anyway, since you're bonded to it.
We can teleport to the house at will? Did I read that right? Because that is a really good feature!


They only work for you? How did I miss that!?

Any story information or was it just gameplay?

>Unless you're worried about guests wandering off from the main areas of the house and getting eaten or something.
I wasn't explicitly worried about that until you said it. Still, it sounds like it'll be okay as long as they don't go wandering off, so that's good, I guess.

Switching between devices is a pain.

Do pokemon count? Squidge was a Dratini that started following me around after we stopped some Team Rocket deforestation thingadoodle. He was always getting into small spaces where he could curl up and nap, and was saddened when his evolution to Dragonair kept him from returning to his favorites--so much so that he refused to go on to Dragonite.

Should I feel bad for leaving him and the rest of my pokemon except for Emmy back in Jump 1?

Harry Potter magic is good for making stuff, and Lord of the Rings has Elven Enchantment that can be used at least for things you see in canon.

The switch had better save this game or I'll riot.
60fps is simply a must.

I think Worm said they stop working within a couple of minutes of not being in contact with you.

It'll be /fine/. What could go wrong?

Maybe bring one-night-stands to a hotel room or something, instead.

Because it's not in the jump. It's something Worm_user intended but forgot to actually write in. The power is based off of Dauntless', whose items require that he be nearby to power them. You can give them to other people, but they'd only work if they stayed close. The power is still way better than Dauntless', though. He has no control over what powers his items produce is, and it takes around twenty infusions before they start actually producing powers instead of just becoming physically tougher. You have control over what powers manifest, and can start making powers from day one.

I can't think of a better way to hide than by running into the depths of the House of Mystery. Trying to find the master of a endless constantly shifting labyrinth in said plane would be a nightmare.

Especially when the labyrinth is constantly herding them away from me and towards the monsters.

>Maybe bring one-night-stands to a hotel room or something, instead.
House confirmed Yandere, all your dates end up being eaten by the house's monsters. . .

>Probably not very. Unless you're worried about guests wandering off from the main areas of the house and getting eaten or something.
Okay, got it, find something in the chain that can kill everything in the house... Or would that just make the house mad?

Pls assist, I'm sorry for being annoying

Just gameplay. It wasn't nothing to write home about, they skipped around a lot. But it did show weapon breaking, which you need to use different weapons you get from defeated enemies.

The Switch seems to be the real console that Wii-U wasn't. The demo they played ran like crap on Wii-U.

Anyways. I think that's enough talk about a game that's not due out for awhile.

on a similar note, what jumps are there that let you become a dragon?

Truth be told I don't even care about any of a dragon's abilities, It's just for bragging rights more than anything at this point.

>find something in the chain that can kill everything in the house
Find something that can kill an infinite number of monsters and cultists in an infinitely large house. Good luck with that.

This looks pretty good.

The only power I'm getting from Worm is the Tinker ability that lets you reverse engineer anything.

What about the perks you can get from Tsukihime?

Forgot about LotR, and Harry Potter magic is probably closet to what I'm looking for. Thanks.

Pick a Spyro jump. LoS has the biggest one though for bragging rights.
Forgotten Realms can let you be a Dragon too, In fact you can be some real silly shit like a prismatic or force dragon if you dump 1500ish cp into it. Of course that would require using the Forgotten Realms jump, but I think it's worth it just for the aesthetics.
SAO's Final Form can get you a dragon form as well customized to your preferences.

>Or would that just make the house mad?
Watching you try might amuse the house because of how futile it is to try.

Seeker of Names is now worth taking.
Bloodlines lets you get Latent Blood if you've purchased 3 bloodlines.
Mighty has been clarified to explain that yes, you can use martial arts, and notes have been expanded to give a quick explanation of them.

Late jump
>Went 40K again
>Bailed out ofthe city
>Found barren word
>Used minecraft to set up a fuchuge fortress
>Used hero board's overlord demon-making perk
>Churn up demons that look human, or momstly human
>They all feel RAEG. All the time
>They all have RAEG perks along with superstrenght and toughness
>They all are lowrating blanks.
>They all H A T E Chaos
>They all speach with broken capslock
>We have adventures
>Painful adventures
>For chaosfags and xenoshits of course

Can we put a time extension in all 40K jumps? even if it stops giving points...

Since you control the house to a degree could you fake it being different sorts of buildings? Have it open into a ballroom with attached fancy dining area and upmarket kitchen one day, and a roadside cafe the next?

No I'm not trying to make a food shop that's different every day, what are you talking about? This is just an example. Yeah, hypotheticals.

Sweet. Thanks, user Heart. Time to contract with all the Aeons. ALLLLL of them.

There was that one user who wanted to waifu it.

Personally, I'd prefer the House of Secrets. Pic related.

Good luck with that.

>Can we put a time extension in all 40K jumps?
Do things in your chain. Don't talk about it. Problem solved.

If you've got Magic Circuits you can do reinforcement to make things tougher.
You could probably make some minor charms if you learn how, but I'm not really a Nasu expert.
I just know that the really good stuff is Noble Phantasms.

You probably can design it, yes. Your jumper may not have control 'in character' depending on how you run your chain, but you could almost certainly say it doesn't look like you normally do.

Forget something?

Just carry the time extender from Imperium with you through all the other 40k jumps and drop it when you're done.
You don't get any more points that way, but you probably don't need them if you want to stay in 40k of all places longer.

Easily. You could probably change the outside, too.

I'm getting better, okay. At least I don't still forget the PDF everytime I try to post a jump.

everyone shut up, Death Stranding

The outside can change? Sweet.

Do we actually need Mighty to improve and learn the things it gives you?
I'd assume not and that it just frontloads a ton of useful stuff, but I'd like to be sure.

Holy shit I forgot it again.

Might as well go for Worm. Out of all the jumps available it's pretty much the first place. Pretty much any ability in Worm can make most of the other jumps redundant.

Since the JLD gets trapped in a void along with the house and spends a long time there with no issues Could I assume the house can provide food for both me and guests?

How dangerous is DMC as a first or second jump?

Yeah, I'm legit sorry I didn't notice that I'd forgotten that earlier, it's... kinda necessary if you want to get like, half the invocations and be believable about it.

>"Oh, yeah, I totes have Kirin."
>"... Doesn't that require being able to pact with Suzaku and Genbu?"
>"Are you implying something?"
>"How did you go two hundred jumps without sinning once? Or lying?"
>"Look, things happened, and people were mislead by people who weren't me, and sin is such a nebulous concept anyway."

Fontloads. You can totally train up to that level.

You mean like this one

Fairly dangerous, you are dealing with a world where demons are a common problem.


I honestly didn't even know about Futures End until today. I never saw it before. Feel kind of dumb.
