/swg/: Old Man Of The Empire Edition

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Whats the general consensus on Hutt PCs in the Star Wars RPG? What specializations are they best suited towards? Are they worth it, ridiculous, would you let them in? Just got my hands on the system and was thinking about getting Lords of Nal Hutta.

>They keep thrawn
>Not pellaeon too

What the fuck?

I'm keeping hope that we'll see him in the Thrawn novel or once he axes the current chucklefucks he's surrounded with in Rebels

The whole point of Thrawn in the show is that he's dealing with rank incompetents. Palleon is too good of an officer, even in the Thrawn Trilogy, to put next to him without ruining that point.

How are these in relation to
A. The Thrawn Trilogy
B. The Jedi Academy Trilogy

And I mean in "page turner" terms.
Do they make you want to keep reading?

in the Thrawn Trilogy he's not really incompetent, he's just too stuck in the Empire's old ways and too dependent on the Emperor's control (which I personally think he wouldn't have been if he'd been aware he was depending on it).

His growth over that trilogy and beyond illustrates the downside of the Emperor taking such personal control over everything.

You get a B-Wing with a Turbolaser mounted on it. So that's fun.

>Reading the X-wing series
>translating the combats into XWM games
>impossible manuevers under the normal game, but doable in high PS HotAC
>Want to have more of the characters show up in XWM
Rogue Squadron pack, with a title to help T-65s compete and Gavin, and the rest as pilots.

Hell even a trator X-wing with Erisi for all the empire players whining about there being a Rebel TIE.

Who are you talking about, Palleon? Because I agree completely, the point of that post was that Palleon was a competent officer in that trilogy wheras in Rebels Thrawn is surrounded by complete idiots.

Not quite Thrawn Trilogy, but better than Sun Crusher Trilogy.
I honestly remember very little about them, so they really didn't leave much impact.

was talking a Palleon, and I agree that he's too competent for the Thrawn in Rebels.
Then again, Thrawn with competent subordiants would be too much of a challenge for the Rebels of the show.

I just wanted to point out that when we first see Palleon, he seems kinda incompetent and over obsessed with protical, but that's to show his capacity for growth once he's freed from the restriction of the Empire's rigidity, and the Emperor's direct control.

He's not Thrawn's level of genius, but he's smart enought to recognize and compliment that level of genius. Like Watson when he's well written.

What are the chances Zahn will bring back Pellaeon in his new Thrawn book?

how come I see X-wing talk constantly but never armada?

Exactly! There was a long period in pop cultural history where Watson was portrayed as a complete incompetent, which was only really reversed with Sherlock and the American series. A good Watson has his own skillset, applies the lessons he learns, and most importantly will ask questions or bring perspectives that his more intelligent and perceptive counterpart failed to consider. And yeah, Palleon is incompetent at first, but all three of those factors apply to him even in that triology. Most importantly he forsees factors that Thrawn himself was confident he could control-his continued reservations on C'boath being the most obvious example.

cost of entry.
While you can spend as much on X-wing as on armada, you can start X-wing for $50 if you spend even a little time hunting deals. by $100 you've got a decent selection.

Armada takes $100 just to start even when getting a good deal.

Because Armada has like a tenth as many players. Partly due to expense, partly due to higher complexity, partly due to the game being slow on expanding until recently.

off on a slight tangent, but I love that the one thing Thrawn never sees as a threat is what undoes him.

He's wrong in that he thinks he can control C'boath, but he does realize he's a potential threat. But the Noghri he never considers might turn against him.

He considers the control the Emperor has over them too artfully done, too perfectly fit into their art, and he forgets to consider the sense that is so important to them that he lacks, scent. And that mistake slowly, slowly creeps in, never discovered, until at the perfect moment, it undoes everything.

Are there any artworks depicting the Sith before the Dark Jedi came and conquered them?

Not the species, I have those, but the architecture, their society, dressings and such.

It's all so perfect. And I totally forgot until now that Leia was the lynchpin of that plan, beating Thrawn by doing something so totally, outrageously insane that he wouldn't even consider it-siding with the assassins that want to kidnap her and her children. I once made a masterpost on tumblr about how utterly badass Leia is, but somehow I completely forgot that she converted an entire species to my side with nerves of steel, investigation, and insane charisma.

God, the Heir to the Empire trilogy really was GOAT tier.

and kindness, forgiveness, and an unflincing sense of justice.

I love it when a characters moral strengths can both get them in trouble, but is also the cause of there success.
If she hadn't been willing to forgive the assassin for the attempt, if she hadn't been so motivated to correct the injustice she saw, then it wouldn't have happened.
It seems insane to Thrawn because the morals she's embodying are foreign to him. Not to say that Thrawn doesn't consider morals, or is all out evil (like say, the Emperor), but to forgive from grace, to risk oneself over injustice to another, that's madness in him mind.

Thrawn and Pellaeon didn't always serve together, even in Legends. It's entirely possible that Pellaeon will return some time later in nucanon, possibly via Zahn's Thrawn novel.

Thrawn and Pellaeon didn't even meet until something like seven years after the rebels era in Legends, though I'm putting good odds on his showing up in Zahn's novel

>be earlier today
>see no /swg/ thread
>create /swg/ thread
>nobody posts in it
>it falls off the catalog in like an hour

Well, we weren't able to get in both Imperial Assault missions, but I did win the one mission we played. It'll probably be like a month before the next time we can get together for the finale. Stupid fucking holidays.

>Armada needs twice as much space to play a regulation game
>Armada games generally take longer
>there just isn't enough of it yet
>no third faction

I saw it user, and if it's any consolation I thought "Belated Tanksgiving" was a fucking hilarious thread title.

They're okay, the Centerpoint station is dumb but it's not offensively bad.

I don't know what would be a good third faction.
The scum factions don't go in for large amounts of capital ships, and I think everyone agrees that the Vong were, are, and would be a terrible idea.

Being bigger and slower aren't strict downsides, though I do see them as limiting the audiance.

Needing more stuff is a thing, but it looks like there is some inbound.

Hello, I asked in this thread about what to make in ff swrpg a month or so ago, thought i'd drop my character sheet in here for criticism and the like. Gear isn't listed, largely because it's a pile of crap.

Lleyn Cadwelleyn, Human (Ceresian) Warrior (Starfighter Ace)
Light Side Paragon (71 Morality)

Attributes: 2
Agility: 4

Ranged (Light) 1
Pilot (Planetary) 1
Cool 1
Athletics 1
Perception 1
Piloting (Space) 2
Astrogation 1
Mechanics 1
Gunnery 1

-70 xp Agility 2->4
-5xp Skilled Jockey
-5xp Rapid Reaction
-5xp Gunnery 0->1
-5xp Mechanics 0->1
-10xp Force Power: Enhance
-5xp Force Power: Enhance (Control 1)
-5xp Force Power: Enhance (Control 2)
-5xp Force Power: Enhance (Control 3)
-10xp Force Power: Sense

Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Cool, Melee, Perception, Survival, Astrogation, Gunnery, Mechanics, Piloting (Space)

Force Power: Enhance
Control x 3 (Enhance): Applies to Athletics, Piloting (Planetary), Coordination, Piloting (Space)

Force Power: Sense

+110xp Human Starting XP
+10xp Minor Gambit (Owes 80,000 Republic Credits to the Hutts for the loss of starship when fired from mercenary company)
+65xp Earned during play

>Thrawn and Pellaeon didn't even meet until something like seven years after the rebels era in Legends, though I'm putting good odds on his showing up in Zahn's novel
They met in Choices of One.

>I don't know what would be a good third faction.
If prequels were on the table then the CIS would be a cool faction, I imagine them as not very tough but with long range and cheap escort options.

What's the most exotic Twi'lek skin color? The one that would be most desirable?

Not sure if it would be Red, Blue or Green. I want to say Blue or Green because plenty of other humanoids with Red skin exist but only Pantorans/Wroonians and Mirialans come to mind for Blue and Green respectively.

Do they have patterns?

Pretty sure Twi'lek don't normally have patterns.

I think it's Rutian (red), and whatever the purple flavor is called.

while I don't mind the prequels for Armada, if they included CIS, they might as well add the Republic as a faction, as it is pretty different from the Rebels.

desirable to who?

some do tatoo their lekku, according the the X-wing novels.

Not what I would have picked. Purple does make the most sense though, considering it's a color I don't think I've seen on a Twi'lek.

>desirable to who?

Slave traders mainly but I wonder what would be considered the most attractive.

Woops. Rutian is blue, and fairly common. Lethan is red, and is a rare mutation.

slave traders probably go for what's rarest, but might also be biased by their own species.
It would be up to you to decide whether they'd want something different, or something familiar.

Also, how common are the 'normal' flesh toned Twi'lek? iirc Jabba's majordomo has pretty boring pale yellow/pink skin.

Blegh, red is meh.

Judging from the comics, brown to pink is fairly common, especially among males.

Speaking of which, we keep having these hand to hand battles vs roughly equal numbers of enemy mooks who use blasters, hand weapons. What's the best 1handed blaster I can make with all the weapon mods etc, and if I don't want to hose things down with a repeater is there any better strategy for my xp than getting force rating 2 asap, and battle meditation, and turning the two hoser-downers into literal turbolasers?

You can make a disruptor pistol into a pretty big deal.

It's like you want him to be arrested for war crimes.

War Crimes. Wind Chimes. Things happen.

the dancer from Episode II did. It was apparently pretty rare and considered exotic and valuable

The base 10 damage looks pretty okay, although it's illegal in all systems. It also says it can't do multiple shots.. but there are no modifications that give extra shots? Are there?

They're pretty damn ridiculous. That said, I would totally allow them, and you should totally use them. Who doesn't want a giant, obese space slug on their smuggler/rebel/jedi crew?

* leading their smuggler/rebel/jedi crew


Also, it's not a giant, obese space slug. It's a giant, obese space slug _jedi_.

Who you callin fat?!?

It's all in the lighting.

In all seriousness, a Veeky Forums Hutt sounds like a fun character.

There's always Swole the Hutt

Gotta stick with naming conventions.

Swolba the Hutt.

That image goes COMPLETELY against his description in the book, and I actually put up with the book to learn it!

Aww yeah, here we go again.

Tales From the Mos Eisley Cantina is the first of the themed short story collections edited by Kevin J. Anderson in 1995. It features a bunch of short stories that are united by the theme of characters who passed through the Mos Eisley Cantina is A New Hope. Which is actually a great gimmick for a shorts collection, and it includes several stories that directly dovetail into other stories, so there's an interconnectedness.

So, a quick rundown of the stories:

1) We Don't Do Weddings: The Band's Tale, written by The Truce at Bakura's Kathy Tyers. It starts the book strong with a goofy tale of Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes sneaking out of their exclusive contract with Jabba so they can play a gig for the wedding of Lady Valerian, Jabba's Tatooine rival. The gig goes to shit because Jabba loves fucking with Valarian, and the band barely escapes to lie low at the Cantina because one of the band befriends the bartender there. Good stuff, and the audiobook version is great.

2) A Hunter's Fate: Greedo's Tale, by Dark Empire's Tom Veitch and his wife Martha. Most of this story was retconned to hell and back by the Prequels, but it does give Greedo a degree of pathos as a refugee fleeing a genocidal dictator and then living as a young punk on the streets of Nar Shadda where he gets taken under the wing of two sleazy bounty hunters named Dyz Nataz and Spurch “Warhog” Goa when he saves them from a bigger, badder bounty hunter named Gorm the Dissolver. Tipping the Empire off to a Rebel cell on Nar Shadda gets his slum (and family) killed and he travels to Tatooine with big dreams of bounty hunting for Jabba as he marches to his doom. It gets a little mystical with a vision of his dead mom at the end, but the story's okay, especially the Nar Shadda stuff.


3) Hammertong: The Tale of the “Tonnika Sisters”, by everyone's favorite Timothy Zahn. Its about a group of Mistryl Shadow Guards (that got introduced in the Thrawn Trilogy) taking a job to transport a top secret project for the Empire but get attacked by the empire and steal the Strike Cruiser the Hammertong was on (its a good action sequence, but the Empire's motivation there is...vague). They crash on Tatooine and sneak into town disguised as infamous con women the Tonnika Sisters and discover the Hammertong is a part of the Death Star II superlaser and meet a Rebel agent who copies the blueprints for it and they go their separate ways. Fun action featuring badass ladies, but its kind of inconsequential and not up to Zahn's better material.

4) Play It Again, Figrin D'an: The Tale of Muftak and Kabe by A.C. Crispin, who'd later write the Han Solo Trilogy. Its a fairly simple heist story as Muftak and Kabe are a pair of street thieves trying to make a big score by raiding Jabba's town house in Mos Eisley. Along the way, Muftak learns that he's a Talz. Fun little crime heist that directly ties into the next story.

5) The Sand Tender: The Hammerhead's Tale by Courtship of Princess Leia's Dave Wolverton. This one's about Momaw Nadon, the exiled Ithorian leader carving out a small living on Tatooine when he's reunited with the Imperial officer who ruined his life. Goes into the moral conflict of a pacifist trying to seek revenge against an evil man and consequences and guilt. Pretty good.

6) Be Still My Heart: The Bartender's Tale by David Bischoff, in his only Star Wars story. Its a dark comedy about how Wuher the bartender, who hates droids, rescues a heavily modified droid from Jawas and uses it to make a super strong booze to impress Jabba the Hutt. By feeding Greedo's corpse into the droid. Kind of fucked up, but funny.


7) Nightlily: The Lovers' Tale by Barbara Hambly, who'd go on to infamy as the author of Children of the Jedi. This is about Gotal tax collector Feltipern Trevagg being a complete douchebag and falling in lust for a naïve H'nemthe traveler named Nightlily that he wants to to be his next sexual conquest, but the irony of it all is that H'nemthe mating habits involve the females eviscerating the males during the act, and Trevagg's body is found the next day. Along the way he senses a Jedi in the city and thinks to claim the bounty on him, but gets sidetracked by his libido. Its okay.

8) Empire Blues: The Devaronian's Tale by Daniel Keys Moran, who'd write for the the next two short story collections. This one's about how Mos Eisley's drunkest information broker “Labria” is actually a fugitive war criminal named Kardue'sai'Malloc, the Butcher of Montellian Serat, and noted music lover and his plan to hear the Modal Nodes play for him, so in essence, he's the one responsible for getting them in the Cantina in the first place. Pretty good and it gets followed up in another book

9) Swap Meet: The Jawa's Tale by Jedi Academy and Tales of the Jedi's Kevin J. Anderson. This is about oddball Jawa Het Nkik, who has crazy ideas like “standing up and fighting against people that hurt Jawas.” His best friend's clan is the one killed by Stormtroopers looking for Threepio & Artoo, and he buys a black market piston intent on revenge, stopping at the Cantina for some liquid courage before finding a group of stormtroopers in the city.

10) Trade Wins: The Ranat's Tale, by Anderson's wife Rebecca Moesta. Its a short short story about a Ranat scavenger named Reegesk looking for power sources so his clan can get a bootleg moisture vaporator up and running, and lo and behold, he takes advantage of a very distracted Het Nkik and steals the power cell out of the Jawa's blaster. A direct companion piece to Het's story.


11) When The Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale, by Air Force veteran Doug Beason. Its the first real look at Imperial training and the harsh life of boot camp on Carida as it follows Davin Felth from idealistic recruit to promising AT-AT pilot to getting demoted to Stormtrooper duty by General Veers for pointing out a tactical flaw in the walkers to getting to Tatooine and seeing Imperial atrocities up close as they search for missing droids. Along the way he sees his fellow troopers gun down a crazy jawa who jumped out at them and fired an empty blaster, so its a companion piece to the above two stories, and Felth decides to help the Rebellion by fragging his commanding officer in the Millennium Falcon's escape. It does a lot to humanize the grunts of the Empire and also the AT-AT boner in the middle of the story is pretty great.

12) Soup's On: The Pipe Smoker's Tale by Jennifer Roberson. Dannik Jerriko is an Anzat assassin who rambles on and on and on to himself about the “Soup” that he drinks from his victims and how badass and awesome and cool he is and how he's going to enjoy drinking the soup of a Han Solo but he never gets up off of his ass on the stool and that's it. That's fucking it. Its just a rambling internal monologue where absolutely nothing fucking happens and the narrator doesn't do jack shit except talk himself up with inane purple prose. This story is boring fucking garbage that goes nowhere. I have a sinking suspicion that reading Aftermath is going to be a similar exercise in rage


13) At the Crossroads: The Spacer's Tale by Jerry Oltion in his only Star Wars story. Its the wacky adventures of Force-sensitive smuggler and hotshot pilot BoShek, the guy who introduces Kenobi to Chewbacca. After evading an Imperial patrol and stopping off in the Cantina, he gets chased by the Imps into the wreck of the Dowager Queen where he impersonates a religious preacher to buy some time, then steals a speeder and finally manages to use the Force to mind trick some sandtroopers and then decides to return the speeder and make something more with his life. Fun, pulpy action.

14) Doctor Death: The Tale of Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba by Kenneth C. Flint. The only story not directly taking place during A New Hope, its set some years after with Evazan on Ando scamming an Aqualish senator out of money to do his experiments on when he gets attacked by a vengeful family from a previous medical atrocity. Oh, and he tries to transfer Ponda Baba's mind into the Senator's with...mixed results. Its got a very Hammer Horror vibe to it that's a lot of fun.


reviewing the short story collections is going to be a bitch, I can tell already

15) Drawing the Maps of Peace: The Moisture Farmer's Tale by M. Shayne Bell. Ariq Joanson is an idealistic moisture farmer who's living on the edge of Tusken Raider territory and gets the idea that if he can map out the region, he can delineate between Human, Jawa and Tusken territory and everything's gonna be great. He makes some progress with a Jawa clan and even has a sort of peaceful relationship with the Tuskens, but then the Sand People raid his neighbor's wedding, kill the groom (who was against the peace overtures from the start) and kidnap the bride and he goes to try and defuse the situation, but the Empire doesn't want any of that happening and it all goes to shit. Its...odd, but some of the Jawa and Tusken culture stuff is good.

16) One Last Night in the Mos Eisley Cantina: The Tale of the Wolfman and the Lamproid by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens. Lak Sivrak, Shistavanen Wolfman and X-Wing pilot takes part in the Battle of Endor, goes into a suicide rage and gets shot down, and as his fighter falls toward the forest moon, he trips balls about his life, imagining himself back at the Cantina meeting Dice Ibegon for the first time and getting recruited into the Rebellion, then forward to Hoth where Dice dies and then back to the Cantina where it gets weird and metaphysical and its just bad. Not as bad as the Dannik Jerriko story, but its a muddled mess of a story that doesn't make much sense and is contradicted by pretty much every other representation of the Force.

So there we are. Two completely bad stories out of 16 and the rest are all in the breddy gud to great range. Definitely recommended for the fun seedy underbelly stuff and for the collective worldbuilding that it does. Top tier, especially if you're into Scum and Villainy.

Davin felth is unironically my favorite star wars character.

I didn't really like how it made Veers look deliberately stupid, rather than having Luke';s trick be startling.

Yeah, that's probably the worst part of that entire story since Veers later gets the reputation as the Empire's finest ground commander. still not as bad as getting demoted to Colonel and killed off-hand in Dark Empire

I hate that the images from the webstrip of Greedo's tale just strapped prongs onto assault shuttles or assault transports instead of giving the empire giant repulsor-crabs with crushing pincers.

On the other hand, Gorm the Dissolver's design is wonderfully insane.

Killed by his son (or was it nephew?) who was a gunner on a New Republic Star Destroyer no less.

I love helmets so much.

>Gorm the Dissolver
God, I love that name.

I find it funny that they made a Gammorean Gladiator statue.


Apparently this is a model or actress's face underneath?


CompForce deserves more love and attention.

Hey /swg/ my college gaming club might be starting up a campaign soon, and I've got some HotAC questions.

Can I (and is it a good idea to) use a K-wing in HotAC?
Is the E-wing a decent player ship?

>Be Still My Heart
haha, I remember reading that one for the first time and just 'wtf!' because it was so out of left field you couldn't help but laugh.

They are remarkably flexible when you just want some arseholes to annoy PC's with, it can be as small as having them on street corners handing out pamphlets on how you can improve yourself by being part of the new order, or as big as 'oh hi, we're here to reprogram your planets culture!'
Plus when push comes to shove, you can drop lots of fanatical, poorly trained lunatics all over them which uses up lots of ammo and generally no one feels inordinately bad about killing.


Are there Floating Droid rules for FFG Star Wars?

Checking what this is. either it or one of the ones next to it is a security droid with no entry on the Wook.




What's SWG's opinion on Darksaber?

should have been split into the darksaber plot, as a comedy starring wrath squadron, and the imperial reunification plot, as a totally separate novel

Also, Crix Madine deserved a better death.

well, yeah. if it was a comedy, he wouldn't have died.
but yes, he did

Yeah, no deaths in the ideal remake, just pure comedy.

Question: By the time of The Battle of Yavin, how much of the Imperial Fleet is moored at Kuat and what class of ships?

we have absolutely nothing even resembling information on this, let alone precise numbers. Hell, we don't even know how many of each class of ship there are in the imperial navy, or in fact WHAT classes are in service in any given decade, let alone year

OH god the ewok only has Junior Jedi knights in txt. I don't know how I can read this shit.

it's this


Does anyone have the Hammerhead Corvette and Imperial Light Cruiser Stats that were posted weeks ago?

A lot.


How viable would it be to use Shiii-Cho Spec to reflavor and reuse as some sort of Sword Duelist spec?

Marauder is great for damage output, but ti doesn't seem to represent someone whose trained to duel with a sword and go back & forth in a proper swordfight

The very first time you ever see Sith is the Tales of the Jedi Comics, and by that point, the Sith were already ruled by "dark jedi" (?)

But really, if you haven't read the Tales of the Jedi Comics, do so.

Forget TOR and KotOR even exist, because they're both shit in comparison

I have read them. They're pretty much my favorite comics. For one, being Sith doesn't mean you automatically wield a red lightsaber. And the aesthetics, where everything really feels and reads like space fantasy.

I'm in need of d20 books and the folder from main post has been cleaned. Any PDFs around?

>For one, being Sith doesn't mean you automatically wield a red lightsaber

Pre-Hyperspace War sith didn't even use Lightsabers, which was a nice touch.

I've been working on rules for Sith Alchemy Swords for FFG, and its pretty simple. They work just like any kinda melee weapon, count as having the cortosis quality if you commit a force dice, and as part of a melee combat check, you can roll force dice, spending black pips for additional damage, or additional advantage, or even a vicious rating increase.

Nevermind, I'm retarded.

>Pre-Hyperspace War sith didn't even use Lightsabers, which was a nice touch.

I know, I was just talking about the Exar Kun era of the Tales of the Jedi.

Yuthura Ban from Kotor had a pretty unusual skin color. And as a result, she gained quite a following.

Yeah, purple is really rare.