Previous: >Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.
>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.
I need to cut 3 cards before adding in a landbase. which three?
Juan Parker
Who is your favorite commander and explain why? Following in the thread theme of BULLSHIT WINS OUT OF NOWHERE, Atarka.
It's just so much fun to one hit a motherfucker. Most of the time I get btfo by removal or bounces or fogs but that one time no one has an answer and I get to blazing shoal exiling insurrection and just annihilate some unlucky sumbitch it's worth it.
The time I managed to kill 3 players in one turn with xenagod and seize the day was also pretty fucking prime
Brandon Cooper
Favorite commander is, and always will be, this homeboy. With enough artifact ramp and some disruption he can be surprisingly powerful, and games with him are quick and memorable. The fact he actively shits on life gain strategies and to a lesser extent pillow-fort and group hug make it even better.
Worst commander deck was newzuri, bought the precon as an afterthought because I thought it might be good. UG is just a cancerous color combo and I don't like how goodstuffy it can be.
Jeremiah Lee
Built him a month ago and piloted him maybe 10 times so far. I love that even the *threat* of playing him/hitting the field takes up so much of my opponent's attention. He paints a big target on my head from the start of every game.
Had some great explosive plays and quick wins, and I haven't even done the damage-doubling combo yet. Straight burn gets the job done.
I've also had a couple explosive "everyone loses" moments too. He doesn't go down without leaving the game in shambles
Kayden Morgan
My current commander is Athreos. Yeah, I know he's a trap commander, but there's something way too satisfying about running a LifeGain Sacc Deck using the Soul Sisters, Blood Traitor, Ayli, Butcher of Malakir, and other cards to cycle cards between my hand, the field, and my Graveyard to pull off some crazy combos.
I think my favorite win was when I had Blood Traitor, FalkenWreath Noble, a couple of zombie tokens, and Both me and my friend had a Butcher of Malakir out.
I basically won by creating a huge chain of Sacc deaths through the butchers that devastated my friend's life points.
Dylan Foster
Well, I just built a Spellslinger that had few extra janky cards mixed in. Namely Neko-Te, Charisma, Student of Elements, Quietus Spike (not exactly janky though), Scythe of the Wretched and though about getting a Sword of Kaldra, but it was too expensive. There's probably few more I missed, but that's the basic gist of it. It's a storm deck, but it's basically a self gimp, since it's a straight up upgrade to ditch all the equips, auras and few janky creatures I have and use Melek or Mizzix. I'm thinking of salvaging all the expensive things for Yidris though.
Brayden Cooper
Joseph Perry
Cards I don't love in your list:
Hanna ships navigator, kinda slow Valorous stance, there seems like better stuff, although I can see you seem to be looking for removal that hits bigger 4 toughness creatures, which is cute Grave upheaval, do you just really like basic land cycling? Coastal breach, no reason to reset your own mana rocks when there are better board wipe options
Cards I hate in your list
Migratory route, what's up with this? Always felt like this was a travesty of an include in the artifact precon, it's even more mind boggling in an actual constructed list, is your mana base just gonna be complete trash so your running all the basic land cycling you can? You would do better with mycosynth wellspring
Andrew Kelly
I want to build a circus-themed T&L deck but I don't know if there are any good on-theme cards, or what the win con would be
Jose Sanchez
Xenagos Beast Tribal Fatty Stompy deck here. What are the best Beast Token Spawners I could have in my deck, besides Garruk? I'm not planning on having a ton of them, but having a few reliable sources to spawn beasts would be nice.
Also, essential 2 CMC or less Beast cards? Ones that have the best effects for the lowest price in this kind of deck.
Is Mon's Goblin Waiters a viable mana source for this kind of deck, or should I be focusing less on having creature tokens in a beast tribal. I was also planning on including Epic Struggle.
Ayden Hill
Hanna should really only be run with Mindslaver.
Primeval Bounty is a pretty easy going spawner.
Cameron Morgan
Joseph Flores
>beast tokens Fresh meat is pretty insane, but more for a sac deck than a Xenagod deck, still good against board wipes though
Honestly don't think tokens are what you want in a Xenagod deck
>essential >2cmc >beast
There aren't really many or any
Garruk's companion? Makindi slide runner?
Jaxson Butler
>grave upheaval & migratory route yeah it's mostly there for the land cycling, with other effects >hanna haven't really played with her that much, but yeah i can see her being too slow >valorous stance this card is the greatest surprise card. even when people know you have it in your deck, they never expect it. it's a great surprise card on the level of boros charm >coastal breach what better board wipe can I put in?
Asher Martin
You already have good board wipes, you can run Scourglass and/or cyc rift if you feel you need more, but I don't think you NEED more
And yeah I'm not saying valorous stance is bad I just don't think it's as important to the deck as other cards. It's funny you mention Boros charm because that would save you against bane of progress and fracturing gust unlike valorous stance
Dominic Cox
You're in the best color combo for board wipes ever, what do you mean "what better board wipe can I put in"?
Ethan Diaz
Well, you're on the right track, since they are a joke. All kidding aside, I can't really think of any Circus themed cards other than showstopper and few animals, but they're not really on-colour mostly, like lions.
Dominic Edwards
at 3-4 mana, coastal breach gets rid of a lot of problems. what better wipe is there? i may switch it out for boros charm actually. and cyc rift is already in the list, but scourglass feels a little bad.
i also kind of want to put a ugin in the list, it's a serious threat, good board wipe, and has no colour restrictions
Blake Edwards
Tuning my Doran deck, looking to get better draw engines going.
So far I have Phyrexian Arena and maaaaybe Mentor of the Meek. I've used Deathreap Ritual before to mixed results. I feel I'm going to cut it as my local meta hasn't been going wide with creatures and it isn't reliable enough. I really, really need another Sylvan Library, but am counting it out for now.
How about Necropotence? I've got a spare, but the BBB always makes me nervous in a 3-color deck. Or Underworld Connections?
Jose Bell
3-4 mana if you're fighting that many opponents. That's pretty mana dependent. Either way, depending on what you're scared of, White, Black, and Red all have pretty strong board wipe options. Red's a little worse than W/B normally imo but a lot of them are really powerful.
Blake Peterson
>scourglass feels a little bad
Caleb Cooper
Ugin is definitely better than coastal breach
The problem with coastal breach in my opinion is that you have no way of taking advantage of the wipe, it's sorcery speed, and it bounces all your mana rocks. Everybody is going to recover as fast or faster than you and you're going to have to discard your stuff
You already have rift and austere command and deluge and Nevs disk, I say that's plenty of board wipes, but if you insist on more, coastal breach is def not the answer, you want board wipes in which you can break the symmetry, a simple wrath of God would do you better
Easton Wood
I mean I'm the one who suggested it to him and I agree it's not that good
It's fuckin sick with Kuldotha Forgemaster tho
Evan Nguyen
necropotence is so much power that BBB is a fair restriction. put it in. even if you are only casting it late game, that's fine. It is strong enough to wait, or risk not being able to play it early on. Another triple black spell that is very good for draw is promise of power. if you go wide, shamanic revelation is a great spell. decree of pain is a great draw/wipe spell. Morbid curiosity can be okay, depending on your deck. if you are creature heavy duskwatch recruiter can net you a tonne of cards. erebos sticks around a long time, does a little more than draw, and will sometimes be a big booty attacker.
Oliver Hughes
Not entirely circus-themed, but there are a few cards that look like things you might find AT the circus: Trinket Mage, Spawnbroker, Conjured Currency
Plus fun cards like Polymorphist's Jest and Switcheroo
There'll probably be a flying sub-theme, so I'm considering Skygames, Stratus Dancer, Favorable Winds, Sprite Noble, Archetype of Imagination, and Talrand
Wyatt Johnson
I opened a Rings of Brighthearth invention when do I sell?
Noah Morris
I'm no expert but I think the longer you hold onto it the more it will be worth, because the card isn't ever going to be reprinted in that form
However, demand for the card isn't extremely high so the price could stay about the same, in which case you gain nothing by holding onto it
I'd probably just sell it now and kick yourself in a year when it's worth $10 more
Hunter Ward
Favourite commander is Momir vig. the fucking bullshit you could just pull out of nowhere with that fucker was insane. Kinda got nerfed after the prophet of kruphix ban though, so I switched over to Brago
Ayden Gutierrez
Wait I overestimated how much the card was actually worth
Says it's selling for $42 on tcg player, which means if you sell it, it will only get you like $25 maximum
The normal rings of brighthearth was steadily rising before the invention came or so I think you should hold onto it
Nolan Harris
Sell now, the amount of time youll have to invest for it to rise is just not worth it at all.
Kayden Foster
Yeah momir vig was really good with prophet, still awesome though
Julian Garcia
the fact that you can only crack during your upkeep really hurts it. nev disk fills that slot up, but can be cracked at any time after untap, which increases it's viability. hedron network gets in over scourglass because it has an immediate effect, costs one less, and no colours are required. I have a foil one sitting around, but I don't want to use it because it is a little bit too weak.
good advice. I think I might just take out coastal breach. need to remove one more thing, now. probably mirrorworks, but the idea of having token artifact lands arouses me
Jackson Miller
I'd ebay it, probably make 35~.
I think capitalizing on while its hot is a good idea
Andrew Garcia
Favorite general has to be Experiment Kraj, the ability to just "oh, that's it, I win" with 3 players things is great. God forbid someone is playing necrotic ooze.
alright, I've got a list ready, i think. tell me what you all think
Luis Richardson
Thanks, I guess I'll stick the Necropotence in then.
Adrian Richardson
He is pretty hilarious with assault suit.
Christopher Myers
How is Aligned Hedron Network working out for you?
I'd probably drop Voyager Staff, Fortuitous Find, and Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient. Here's my Breya which has been working pretty well, if you're interested.
>Who is your favorite commander and explain why? Kruphix, because sitting back and charging your mana before unleashing a torrent of powerful spells has always felt fun to me.
>Alternatively, what's the worst commander deck you've ever built? Worst in terms of the deck I enjoyed the least was definitely Stasis Derevi. In terms of least powerful, probably Alesha. That deck felt almost impossible to win a 4 man pod with.
Does anyone have feedback for my Oona list? I'm trying to focus it a little, since right now it feels a bit like a jack of all trades.
Robert Lee
You should try popping six Shadowborns into an Overseer of the Damned with a Grave Pact effect active. Feels good man.
Dylan Taylor
>worst commander deck was newzuri
Yeah, I hate drawing half my deck and taking out all my opponents in one turn.
Matthew Gonzalez
Borborygmos Enraged.
At first my group made fun of it because they thought it was just a dumb beaters deck.
I've gotten kills by drawing my deck through snake umbra + knoll spine dragon.
Anthony Stewart
>the card isn't ever going to be reprinted in that form Standard showdown started yesterday. The nonsense packs have 1/33 chance for a masterpiece or something like that. wotcahs is hecking with all the speculators these days.
Grayson Taylor
haven't tried the network yet, i haven't played with the brew yet, only tried her deck without any changes. The list is going to be going up against the other precon commanders . It is anti-atraxa (because atraxa will likely be larger than a 4/4), anti-ydris, and anti-saskia, (as this player is likely going to put in equipments to make saskia larger). fortuitous find can grab a whole combo (displacer, altar) at once, as well as just being generally good value. voyager staff is again, a surprsingly versatile card that works really well with salvaging station. kurkesh is also being tried out. fuller list here: your list is pretty nasty, I would like to try a lot of that out. maybe not spy network, but a lot of it.
Ethan Fisher
>Fave commander Pic related, every junk common or uncommon I cast in this deck elicits a "that's fucking bullshit" from my friends.
Ryder Cooper
> Try out Marionette Master. It can replace Breya in Displacer/Deathmantle combos, get more gas for Breya, or even make Breya's ability burn a player for 11 instead of 3.
Nicholas Fisher
My first, and favorite commander. Nothing fancy, none of this voltron bs. Just a angel tribal deck with ramp, removal, and fatties. It is my Timmy deck.
Camden Martinez
This is my Johnny commander. I have squeezed as many combos as possible into this deck. All of them require three cards to pull off a instant kill. I avoided easy combos like Food Chain to make the deck less spikeish.
Liam Kelly
>tfw comboing myr Battlesphere, Nim death mantle and time sieve
This deck is rad
Nolan Carter
my friend found this guy to be pretty rude in general, let alone with doran
Nicholas Wright
I love how Doran enables white to be fun. 2 drop flier with buttbreathing? Sign me up!
Jason Walker
Real men use this and Chaotic Strike with a board full of goblins to win out of nowhere with Chance Encounter.
Parker Wright
That's actually a bit slow for my deck. I'm always dropping Doran T3 unless I don't have my colors yet. I have 5 or 6 1 drops (a few "3/3"s w/utility and a few vanilla "4/4"s) a couple two drops like and other buttbreathers, so by T4 I already have 10+ damage in
In a 1v1 my opponent is toast by T4 if pic related sticks
Wyatt Brooks
>Who is your favorite commander and explain why? Pic related. I got the precon a few months after C13 came out (my release day pick was Oloro) and I ended up turning it into a straight up death machine. Nothing beats immediately ending a big game on the spot with a token horde, Druids' Repository, Mirror Entity, and Insurrection. Sword of Kaldra is also a riot on him.
>What's the worst commander deck you've ever built? I got into EDH about when RTR came out and I hadn't been playing for more than a few months then, so some of my early efforts were pretty garbage. Worst thing I ever built with experience playing was probably a Nicol Bolas deck that, long story short, was just an elaborate, poor excuse to buy a FTV Bolas.
Joshua Russell
Tooth and Nail in Xenagod. 'Nuf said.
Ian Jenkins
ooft, that fucker with cathars crusade.
Asher Wright
Favorite Commander? Definitely Xenagos, God of Revels. Beating ass with plus-size beaters is just the best.
Worst Commander? Borborygmos. I built it as a Gruul Theme deck and it was just bad. It eventually became Xenagos.
John Jackson
Is Meren a fun commander? I want a cool BG/Golgari Commander, and I've narrowed it down to: Meren, Mazirek or Skullbriar.
- Mazirek looks degenerate as fuck, since it has a thousand different ways to go infinite, and will probably either get killed on sight or win the game though some combo.
- Skullbriar looks a little dull, and will either force me to focus on some Voltron strategy, which isn't very fun or interesting in a multiplayer environment, or never be cast.
- Meren looks fun, if a little slow, but seems to be very fragile to graveyard hate.
Liam Long
Funny thing is I got nothing on my Showdown pack but a Mana Vault in my regular booster. I'll keep it for EDH, it'll likely hold value should I ever choose to get rid of it.
Henry Flores
meren has the broadest range of what it wants to do. you can take any number of strats with it, where as mazirek lends to combo and skullbriar to coltron like you've said. Nath is a fun bg deck, as is glissa. jarad is stupidly powerful and will ensure games rarely go past t9-t10, even in powerful metas.
Eli Bailey
Do you still use him in your Xenagos deck though? He seems useful.
Grayson Price
Brion. And of course, this guy wins out of nowhere: >Serra Avatar fling-ding when down to 1v1 >Threaten their biggest dude and kill >Mother fucking Sneak Attack.
Had this deck since 2008. By no means competitive, but competent enough to have card advantage most of the time now and never run out of gas thanks to new card draw love for Red.
Nicholas Wilson
I do, actually. Many would probably argue that I could be running better, but he's one of my favorite cards ever for sentimental reasons.
Ethan Allen
Do you have a list of Jarad? I've never really paid much attention to him.
Gavin Rivera
not him but borborygmos doesn't really work well in a xenagos deck
in a typical xenagos game, you'll put xenagos down and hope then a big fatty that immediately does something substantial the turn he comes out, and then most likely that fatty won't survive a single turn. getting counters with borbor will rarely be useful
xenagos doesn't play well with a wide strategy anyway. you usually want to avoid 7 devotion
Jackson Gray
>They have Necrotic Ooze >You are running Triskelion and Phyrexian Devourer
Assimilate and eliminate.
Juan Richardson
What commander screams Princess Mononoke the most?
I was thinking Saskia is pretty good for that.
Lucas Long
i have a list from over 2 years ago that is far too slow and unrefined so i will not show. but you can do a neat zombie deck, or just find cheap fatties to sac to jarad.
Ian Howard
>Sword of Kaldra You do know that Basilisk Collar does a lot more for a lot less mana, right?
Hunter Morales
Tolsimir Wolfblood?
Alexander Green
Pretty sure Marath was just ripped directly off the elder forest spirit from Princess Mononoke.
Ayden Evans
Huh. I don't think I had ever payed any attention Jarad. Could be a fun Commander: gets bigger as the game goes by, even if you don't focus on it, and can blow the game wide open if people forget about his activated ability.
Adrian Kelly
Iname as One directly reflects the death-life theme to the Forest Spirit but there aren't really any accurate analogies to San, Ashitaka, Eboshi, etc.
Angel Barnes
What's some spicy tech for a Sakashima clone/copy deck? Stuff like Willbreaker/any clone creature/clone spell. I want some spicy, spicy tech.
Luke Long
puca's mischief. Put the ability on the stack, take a thing, get sakashima back at EOT
Logan Rogers
>tfw won every game last time my group got together It wasn't even fun at some point.
Matthew Reyes
I had deadeye navigator + mystic snake out at one point. Everyone just sighed
Justin Watson
you're doing this to yourself
Landon Cooper
it was Momir vig, also had teferi + knowledge pool in it
Samuel Moore
Worst != Bad
Noah Powell
I have a $400 budget for a new deck. I don't have a requirements, aside from it being very fun and hopefully somewhat unique, and not super casual or durdley.
Gabriel Price
well, what do you already have?
Noah Martinez
how the fuck do i build nu-grenzo
is this list good? i'd test it out on xmage but the conspiracy 2 cards never got added to xmage for some reason so i can't.
obviously i don't expect it to be any better than a typical mono-red deck but can anyone with experience with the commander tell me i'm making a mistake?
Luis Nguyen
This seems neat, but how does it work exactly? Is it >Upkeep, choose Sakashima and something I want of an opponents. >While it's on the stack, bounce Sakashima to my hand and just get what they had Or am I missing something?
Nolan Myers
nothing beyond typical staple mana rocks and some lands. my collection is small. mostly looking for suggestions on commanders/archetypes. I cant find modify it to suit my budget on my own.
Joshua Martin
I meant more in terms of dekcs you already have
To avoid repeats
Ethan Diaz
ah, makes sense. my mistake. Flip lily discard, crosis control/discard, talrand, newzuri, surrak RUG goodstuff, shu yun one punch, and New Sigarda tokens.
I've heard Arjun can be fun.
Bentley Peterson
lily list pls, i was toying with one but it looked bad, how well do you feel yours runs?
Charles Wood
>Who is your favorite commander and explain why?
Right now I have four decks. Niv-Mizzet, The Firemind. Molimo, Maro Sorceror. Zada, Hedron Grinder. Sliver Overlord. I'm working on a "tax" deck with Kambal, Consul of Allocation.
Out of all my decks, Niv-Mizzet has to be my favorite Commander. I don't use the instant-win Curiosity combo, so it's always a matter of maximizing the damage from my draws, instead. It's been a lot of fun. I do have the Peregrine Drake, Deadeye Navigator for infinite mana combo, but I've never gotten it off. My dream win is to get that combo, then kill the whole table at once with a copied Blue Sun's Zenith.
Jaxon Edwards
No idea about Commander, but you NEED this guy in the 99.
Liam Garcia
>tfw bought a mana crypt today
Holy shit guys. It's beautiful.
Ethan Cook
Mine wins in my meta quite consistently, but I'm still convinced it's a bad deck. Seems like consistent discard is enough of a tempo hit to help even messy decks win. Here it is anyway.
Daniel Howard
You bastard
Samuel Davis
Camden Ross
Why am I a bastard? My meta is super competitive and I love to make my own decks even more powerful. Grim Monolith and FoW are next
kira pls
Charles Hughes
>work a bunch of OT and have some money to blow >buy a EMA Mana Crypt from tcgplayer >$63ish (I think it's a bit cheaper now though) >they send me a foil Absolute based
Jayden Cox
>tutor on your commander real fun and creative dood
Samuel Peterson
dismiss into dream
Bentley Mitchell
steal everything, vampires, B goodstuff
Henry Cruz
>Best Commander The Gitrog Monster. I started out playing Golgari with pre-built Meren and have just loved the color combo ever since. Gitrog is just great card draw and ramp into powerful creatures or combo wins. I've won as fast as turn 3 with the deck I have rn.
>Worst Commander Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper. I tried building him earlier this year. It's nice if you have all the mana rocks ever printed but other than that it's kind of a boring and slow commander.