Warhammer 40,000 general

I miss the previous general, what's new? edition.

>Previous thread
>Freshest Rules:

>Stale PDFs:



>Outdated FAQs and Errata:

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (MAKE SURE TO TIP CLOWNS 10%):



Second for Mechancus!




> Vulkan's powers of endurance and, above all, will are phenomenal, even for a Primarch
> Killed by a fork

>No busty

What is this board coming to?

>proceeds to ignore said fork and goes on a naked stealth murder rampage through a night Lords ship,
>beats a fully armoured curze in his own element before swimming in the warp with no gellar field.
>Possibly the least autistic of all the primarchs in most respects.
>annoyed curze so much with not giving 3 shits about death curze actually gives up at one point

Don't encourage him to post them again. Nothing against him it just causes too much flaming back and forth


Tzaangor's are fucking great? yes or no

They are shitty models

My dick.

When was the last time someone actually got bingo?

Twelfth for mechanicus

Raptors user's models were shitty, the original busty guy seemed decent enough before he just kinda gave up and we never heard from him again.

When the fuck is GW going to sell me more Acolytes?



Run and charge plus fleet is alright, but it comes with 3 unit buy in and an HQ.

>Big juicy BBC to flaunt in front of Leman Russ's Wenches
Although knowing the Vulkans they're probably all a bunch of racists MUH ANVIL MUH TIMES OF TRIAL MUH DEATH WORLD

do mechanicus have fantasy dwarf smiths working for them now? cause thats a dwarf glyph in bottom right if ive ever seen one

Still a more sound nigger than your dumb sweaty ass.

That's dwarf tech friend

Could one of you photoshop dudes zoom into the bottom left and unsharp mask about 500%? Just wanna be sure if it's dwarf or not.

Who has ordered any of the new 1ksons stuff and what did you order?

Another for Ad Mech.

The Dice and nothing else. But I'm very tempted to pickup one of every unit and Magnus.

They are basically daemons when you bless them -- 5++ ward. Durable screen and objective holders.

That looks a little to much like the Eye.

Wouldn't surprise me. When the emps found vulkan he hid him away for several years before announcing him to the universe wouldn't surprise me if his brothers were the same.
Hell the only one who's ever shown vulkan anything more than disdain is the mad necron klepto bastard.

I got you sempai, 500% unsharp mask applied.


Not yet but 99% I will buy Magnus soon-ish. Unlikely I'll field him though.

Literally looks nothing like it. Are you legally blind?

I don't know why I find this pic so funny.

All of it except books. Thousand Sons are my jam.

No that's not right, I wanted to see it less blurry, not all pixilated. Can you try sharpening it again to see if that fixes it?

I'm debating the new releases set myself but it seems like it would be smarter to pick up up whatever I end up needing for the formations here and there off ebay for cheaper.

On the other hand, I'll likely need at least one of everything regardless. But it's a bit expensive to ask for a Christmas gift.

Err...you should check again, I think.

Have to save up my good boy points for december before ordering anything.

The Eye of Walrus.

Can you enhance it a bit after zooming in some more?

Sure, I'll zoom into a single pixel, and apply another 4700% sharpening, and...

Lee Harvey Oswald??!!?

Here's the best the systems can muster cap'n


I agree, I have similar plans. I'm mostly thinking War Cabal + War Coven. Use the one use Sorcerer weapon for dealing with Tanks while my General troops destroy anyone else. Tzaangor Warherd for the really cheap games. With the Lord of the Legion Magnus on the side for larger battles and also I just really want the figure. My kind hearted grandmother has give me at the age of 22 £100 to spend towards plastic figures.

Hang on, I think something's in Oswald's eye...

I'm gonna zoom and enhance again, wish me luck.

Will people get butthurt if I convert a GCult Magus to be a Chaos Cultist Sorcerer?


Damnit man I'm a hobbyist not a scientist, what in god's name is that?

Oh shit

How good do you reckon the EXSorc ability is against tanks? I know you can't rely on it for anti infantry due to small blast and Lance is sexy and too rare to waste.

Lee Harvey Omegon was behind the whole thing?

As a graphic designer, I'm cackling madly.

I think my sides broke the sound barrier leaving orbit

Would have making the necrons free-willed,with personalities or whatever gay shit, C'tan worshippers fix the Newcron faggotry?

It's probably the only think you should use it on bar a 2+ save monster.

I can't say for certain obviously as I've no way to really test it.

However the TSons don't have any really good direct answers to tanks and having this spell given away is rather nice. It feel like maybe that's the general purpose of it? Maybe someone in GW legitimacy thought "Shit we forgot to add something AT in there." Why the Termies can't have some weird magically infused Krak rocket variant.

I mean lance helps with the bigger tanks too right? So it is sort of the all purpose AT weapon they have to use. Possibly why them box them in threes too?

>Codex: Necrons is no longer available for purchase
Literally what did they mean by this?

I keep dumping money into this game and I've never even played a match. I've decided that I'm just gonna buy the entire army instead of getting it piece by piece because I keep changing my mind on stuff. Can anyone tell me what I need to add onto the following in terms of models to buy so that I can literally assemble them, spray and play:


Chaos lord

8x bloodletters
8x bloodletters


5x possessed

soul grinder

charnel cohort


8x bloodletters
8x bloodletters

5x flesh hounds

3x bloodcrushers

2x skull cannon

Not really. Just add a couple canon instances of C'tan (Shards) taking over Dynasties and enthralling them to be their slaves... just like Oldcron fluff

And then boom

Newcron and Oldcron exist side by side.
[Spoiler] and everyone is pissed [/Spoiler]

Magnus finally won the lawsuit against the Silent King for the rights of Space Egypt and sued the Necrons for all they were worth.

What happens if you have a weapon that is Armourbane + Ordnance AND Tank Hunters?

Do you roll 2d6 AP twice and then can reroll those 2 pairs if they somehow fail?

They forgot to print itand it goes out of stock.
This wersion is also good.

If Newcrons wouldn't be discount Tomb Kings in SPACE, preserving them would be a good thing

Lord of War must be at maximum 25% of army cost, or it's only in HH?

Only in HH. It's a good rule of thumb however.

Oldcrons were Tyranid Tier of lack of characterization.

HH only, unfortunately.

you roll (2d6, pick the highest) + (2d6, pick the highest) and then you're allowed to do it again if you don't manage to pen them.

Could be. I don't know how many I'll field but I'm hoping for 3 minimum. the expensive disc and spell familiar combo though.. 205 for a single Sorc. That's fucking nuts. Will need some serious playtesting.

Still nice to be able to carpetbomb the field with them on Turn 1 to soften the opposition. At worst (AV12+) it's still 50% chance to penetrate , 66%~ to take 1 hull point.

Do people have problems with Imperial Knights at 1850? I'm looking at a 470 point Crusader.

I can see how,this is why i suggested that work-around.IMO current Newcrons are the shittiest and most boring variant that could come out of a revamp

No, not "Out of Stock". No Longer Available.

I'd like a warning before the game, but I'd be fine with it.

Paper version, digital is still fine and you can buy it.

>tfw finally broke and started stripping the paint off my old childhood models
>splurged out on a vallejo paint set and brushes to start again with
a-am I doing the right thing?

They're pretty much a normal part of the game these days, it's fine.

All versions available on US site, sounds like someone just fucked up putting it on the out of stock status.

So while i was fiddling around last night I realized my Archons head and arms could be easily pulled off. So I did that and replaced them. Painted a solid 4 hours working on this beauty What do you guys think? I still need to properly base later and fix some of the highlights.

Is the current codex hardcover? They could be switching to soft cover. If it's already soft cover, then fuck if I know what they're doing.

That's what I did with my Orks, boy they'vetheir rules have changed alot!

ITT: thousand sons still suck ass

what the fuck were they thinking?

Have any of you considered that Squats might be coming back?

No, because despite frequenting Veeky Forums they aren't entirely retarded.


your photo is rather meh, too much flash...
but despite the highlights beeing a bit messy, it looks like decent tt-standard. choice of head is excellent! ;-)

Just finished the Salamander novel

I find it interesting how it gives insight to both the rituals of the Salamanders AND The Marines Malevolent yet most people and wikis have almost no information about it.

are they poorly received novels or what?
I liked it

If I had the patience to strip my old metal models from my childhood I would, I had a bunch of metal sisters and grey knights, lots of metal eldar a friend gave me, and a lictor death leaper (I gave a friend my Nids).

Instead I bought a vallejo paint set, some brushes, and a SC! Skitarii box and am rather thinking of trying to sell the old metal models when I go back home for the holidays.

But if you like the models you had from back then, and you don't mind metal, then go for it. It's your hobby, do it how you want.

Most TS players are happy as fuck, me included. We just wanted to play the Legion. I doubt anyone truly expected to be able to curbstomp top-tier armies.

But now we got snazzy new models, sorcs out of the asshole, our big bad dad back, artefacts and shenanigans aplenty. We're pretty solidly fluffy now, with a powerlevel around decent-mid with the potential to go Full Retard with daemons and make everyone in the game store eat their own shit.

Think 2 trukks could get turned into 3 buggies?

Personally I'm just miffed about the Rubrics.

Honestly considering the shit my first model had when i posted it on here, this is a huge compliment.

Hell yeah. Getting fucking anything is better than nothing. Power-hungry faggots on Veeky Forums are never happy unless it's Eldar tier

I don't even play TS, but i'll be glad to see them return to the field .

You can also take the Heretec discipline, too.

Can't comment on the list, but I am the same way. I've only ever played in the past with friends, but I never worked up the courage to go to the store. Now I have all my friends old armies and my old armies and I'm just gonna say fuck it and build and paint it all and just dive right in. No agonizing over army lists and changing it constantly, no worrying about the paint so much. I'm just gonna do it all, even if it's shit.

Really? what about the terminator fluff that shits on the rubric entirely?

Did you feel the same sadness as ba'ken for the loss of his weapon?

Heavy Flamer did nothing wrong
and was a bro until the end.

Me too, man. Didn't have to change much, just make the damn AspSorc able to take a spell familiar. I'm in favour of the Scarab Occult personally but with a niggling annoyance that they turned them into larger Rubrics with the exact same issues. I mean don't get me wrong, they're better than my old termies with MoT who never made their points back ever and couldn't kill anything worth shit and now I got a Sorc... but again, spell familiar missing? And he can take a fucking extra power sword? What the hell is going on?

I'm holding out till we get Traitor Legions leaks. There may be more formations/goodies for TS in there and the lack of such things in WoM may be a design choice (to perhaps give you a reason to buy both)