Are you a sore loser?

Are you a sore loser?



>Are you a sore loser?
I try not to be, and I'm getting better.

But I do get a bit pissy when I lose epicly. like one time when I still played 40k I went up against Grey knights with my tyranids, I wanna say... 1500 pts (even though I had to dump every upgrade possible to bring MY force to that number) utterly annihilated in 2 turns, he took no casualties whatsoever. I was in a pretty sour mood after that.

To be fair, even if I win monopoly I'm still pissed enough with my family to do that.

Generally no. Unless we're playing "winner tops" variety of the game.

No but I do get salty when someone brings a straight cheese list or a netdeck and believe they made the deck or act like it "business as usual"

Pretty much this, though my bitterness at loss seems to be a toss of the dice in itself. Sometimes, I just laugh it off. Sometimes, I get upset and seethe about it. I don't know what causes one and not the other; it seems random.

I do prefer to "lose well" though; meaning that I'd rather have a close game than a stomp. That goes for winning to, though. I also hate winning when I feel I didn't deserve it.

No, but I get mad at sore winners who show no class when they win or who try to rub it in.

Depends on the way I lost. If it's a long, drawn out battle with both sides going back and forth then no. If I lost from some bullshit method I do get a bit irked.

Sometimes. Mostly in multiplayer games; it's less about losing per se and more I get pissy if I have teammates whom I think (rightly or wrongly) have dragged me down to defeat.

1v1 games that I lose I almost always take well.


>everyone makes little casual decks with random commanders and stuff
>Guy brings a Sharum combo deck and gets mad when everyone targets him right away

Depends on the other players. I had a friend who would pull out ever bullshit rule abuse possible and try his damndest to win even the simplest of board games. Bonus points when he specifically targeted people who didn't fully understand the rules for an advantage.

For me the game is fun and winning is an incidental bonus so when people treat victory as life or death it gets really frustrating.

Worst panel

No. Because I never lose.

Not usually, sept in MTG.

Fuck that game. Especially when you're going up against blue running a fuckton of control.

No. Losing is the best part of playing. If you're just winning, you're not learning anything.

>Not being able to deal with a control deck

Yes but whenever I challenge the system or say that I was unjustly wronged I am always right and completely justified, even if others do not think that way.

You sound like you're a ton of fun to play with...

I know, right?

Whenever I come up against a control deck I just cover the table in gasoline and set everything on fire.

I don't mind losing (I very often played underpowered factions in games purely for fun/character reasons.

That said certainly when I was younger I could rage pretty hard when hit by a string of bad luck.

When you fail your 5th 2+ or 3+ dice roll with a reroll to do something with your underpowered faction that you've managed to maneuver into a position to potentially draw level (never mind winning) for a little bit, that kind of stuff.

I try my damnedest to win, but I do not get salty when I lose. I only really get annoyed when people aren't gracious in victory. People who begin shouting "Haha you suck" to whoever they win again peeve me.

Kinda but I'm good at hiding how I feel

I'm a gracious winner.

I get more sore and mad at having bad luck than at losing itself. Incidentally I also get happier when I'm having a great luck, regardless of winning or losing.

I might be somewhat of a gambling addict.

If I'm outplayed or it's really funny that I lose by chance, I'm not sore.

When someone's being a huge fuck because they won, I will be just as petty.


I'm not a sore loser, but people who gloat are the worst and set me off.

I like fun and thematic forces, and as a vast majority of battlegames out there seem to be built to expressly punish a fun or thematic force, you learn to not be a sore loser pretty quickly.

That's what I like about Malifaux, many Masters need a fluffy crew to function well.

Only when someone is a sore winner. I can be slightly upset when I lose, but I make me losing into a thing of amusement. Like "awww dude that's sucks, you suck, why you have to win?" while laughing and smiling.

Then me and whoever I'm playing against talk about how I lost, how they won, what could've been done earlier on which could've tipped the scales in my favour. Compliments are exchanged and discussion about overpowered, underpowered, or tricky cards/units/stats is had

And as always, I joke that the person is a cheating Hebrew.

Obviously, I don't do the last bit with someone I don't know

But yeah, if I get reamed fair and square, I'll be all like "Dude, I need some ice. That asswrecking has me sore as fuck."

I try to be a fair loser, but if a game is very lopsided I can be chuffed about it, though I try to hide it. If a game is close and I lose, that's understandable, but if the outcome is really obvious by turn two I kind of want to concede and start again so as to not waste both our time. I haven't done this yet, but I was wondering is this bad sportsmanship?

How I got rid of sore loser syndrome was to go stock car racing..
I had to learn define success like, finish a race. It took 2 races to do that. Next one was pass a car. Took 2 weeks for that. 3rd was finish in top 20. Then finish on lead lap, then top 10. I got to 3rd place in two seasons of racing.
Failure is really failing to define resonable success.

Sometimes. I get really rules lawery if my defeat is horribly one-sided.

depends on how I lose
If I lose it's because they played better, then no.
In fact I like it when we both have an equal chance to win and I just plain get out played.

but if it's just because I can't roll dice or if they've decide to gang up on me. I can get a bit moody.

Yeah I'm pretty bad. I pretty regularly called my girlfriend a cunt and a bitch when she beat me at MTG (which was very rarely). You might get mad but honestly she was into the game before she met me so it's not like I scared a new player off the game. We aren't dating now but that's got nothing to do with what I called her. But yeah, I also did throw my deck box across the room one time and knocked over a picture frame. Cracked the glass too cause it was shitty.

I also pulled a knife on a friend while we were playing Cards Against Humanity drunk but it was a large group and everyone knew it was just a joke so there was no trouble there

I did lose my temper a couple times after losing at MTG or Catan but that's a story for another time.

>pulled a knife on a friend while we were playing Cards Against Humanity
How the fuck do you get pissed off playing cards against humanity?

Absolutely. It's why I don't do player-vs-player games like MTG.

Little bit. I mostly only get salty when I get fucked over by random chance, especially die rolls. That's why I stopped playing Risk, and avoid games that are too reliant on pure luck.

Only when i get completely btfo or if the match is completely one sided

I'm a loser, yes

I don't get pissed at losing because I almost always lose. I tend to not tolerate gloating very well. Dude, you won, what more could you want?

Not at losing, but when something bad happens to me during the game when I should have succeeded, I'm sour for a few minutes.

For example, I was pretty mad in my last 40k game that my opponent's Ghost Ark survived me shooting a heavy venom cannon into it every turn, even though we tied the game and I tarpitted and eventually killed his warlord. Those goddamn warriors in the Ark where a pain though. Brought my Hive Tyrant down to one wound and killed most of my gaunts.

only if they cheat to win

outside of an actual prize, what purpose is there in cheating? you didn't win because you were better than the other player so why would you feel good about it?

or when its a total stomp/I get to watch the other player play the game

that is never fun

but if its a seriously close game or I get outsmarted, that shit is fun as fuck

No, but I am extremely spiteful if I gave it my all and I'm still losing
And when that happens I just put everything into my "I'm gonna drag you down with me" mindset

Only when I play bloodbowl and get nothing but bad dice rolls.

Yes but I dont show it, I also like acting humble (Example: You still have a chance of winning user, good roll you may still win, Oh that was a bad move user but I can still lose) when Im on a winning streak to piss off my friends who are sore losers. And that´s why we dont play board games anymore.

Every single fucking time but I've gotten good at hiding it.

Only when I'm playing with some power gaming fucktard who's acting like spiderman throwing fireballs off the cavern ceiling.

fuck you sam

I had this in the opposite direction. My friend played Imperial Guard and I played Grey Knights. I didn't have any fliers and such, just Land Raiders and Rhinos. He ran tank killers and just popped my tanks turn one and pie plated everyone.

I fucking hate that shit, I know it's balanced but I have to spend hundreds of dollars to fight against some armies, with things I don't like. It's why we don't play anymore, if I make a fun fluffy fight I get tabled unless Tzeentch decides to grace me with a victory.

I just lost horrendously with Orks vs Grey Knights. 1850 points. I did much better against Necrons the week before.

Yes, exactly. If I say I'm going to test a new deck and my opponent brings the cheesiest deck ever or goes all out rules lawyering I'm going to be mighty annoyed.

It works the other way around too. I don't have much fun if I just stomp all over my opponent. I like it best when both sides are equals.

Then, are you a good winner?

No, but I am a sore winner. I gloat like a motherfucker way too much, then suck it up when I lose.


I had the cheesiest yugioh deck in primary school and the only time i was ever defeated I raged and made up some excuse that my cards had been stolen

still feel like a cunt about it, never played cardgames again

I try to keep things light, and if I lose, I try to lose with some dignity.
I'm salty salty sourpuss when i'm losing tho, that needs work.

>living in denial: the post

My buddy is, and his saltiness wrecks tabletop for me and his other opponents. I get it, I win almost all the time, but I dont cheat, and I dont netlist or anything. And he beats the other guys all the time.

He gets like this with everyone, but im his roommate, so we play alot. Its become a joke between me and him, he tries to stay cool, but when things start to go my way he gets much less fun to be around.

I don't think Im a poor winner, but i do point out his salt when it gets on my nerves sometimes, and i shouldnt.

Sometimes I am on purpose for comedy and banter with friends. If I am salty for real, I try to dont show it, so I think Im not a sore loser.

Did lose a game of Do You Catan and lose your girl friend that way?

Rarely. If it felt like it was a fair game, or if it was over so fast it didn't matter, then no. But if it wastes my time with a game that isn't remotely fair I will sometimes get a tad pissy. The opponents attitude matters a lot too.
Case in point: I played a game of magic recently, I was using a standard deck and he was using a modern deck. He got the perfect opening hand and dropped some creature that gets buffed by spells T2 and T3 buffed it to the point of insanity, 1H-KOing me.Thing is though, the game only lasted 2 minutes and the ending was so sudden and OTT we just laughed about it.
Another day, we were running a 40K campaign. I was slated to fight eldar with my orks. I showed up with a fully painted army with everything wisywig, not too powerful either, I was using a deff dredd and no bikes.
The eldar player showed up with a dark angels army and explained that every single dark angels terminator was an eldar artillery piece, dude was running 9 I think, in a 750pts game. He plonked them at the back of the map and bombarded me from out of LOS. Game lasted 2 turns (but took a fucking hour because of all the blasts), got tabled without killing a single model. Needless to say, I've refused to play him since, and I think that's reasonable.

The worst, and so are my friends. Game nights are so much fun.

Depends on how the winner acts. If they're a shitbag about it, I get real bitter real fast.

But if they're gracious, so am I.

I used to be. Now, I try as hard as possible to not be that guy.

Now, when I lose, I laugh it off, shake the dude's hand, and say how good his play was. Then I'll talk to them and try to figure out where I fucked up. Was it moving this unit up in the first turn? Was it casting that particular spell when I should have casted this? Was it laying a certain card down when I should have saved my mana? It doesn't matter the game; I try to turn every single loss into a learning experience.

By that same token, any time I win, I try to explain my thought process on how I won. I don't rub it in, I don't try and preach to them, I just explain to them what they could have done to win so that in the future they can avoid those mistakes or take those winning moves.

Humility goes a long way towards making other people like you. Whether you win or lose, be friendly and personable, and just enjoy the experience you've shared with the other person. If you can't, then maybe try another hobby, because at that point you're just an insufferable cunt and should kill yourself.

Depends on the situation.
I find it frustrating and fruitless to play a long-ish tactical game with someone, if my chances of winning are fucked from early on. It makes the whole process a very long and slow stomping.

My gf loves backgammon, and I hardly ever play her. She is fairly a lot better than me at it, so she pretty much wins every game, and it just isn't much fun. I know I could probably learn the fucking strategy and put up more of a fight, but I'm not that interested, and she seriously has no issue playing 15+ games in a row.

Similarly, one of my friends fucking loves that "Game of Thrones"-board game, and plays it with people every chance he gets. He plays to WIN when he plays, and wants to play whenever you happen to come over. As a result, he pretty much annihilates anyone he plays with. Losing is one thing, but losing with complete assurance over the span of 2-3 hours is just fucking annoying.

I was. But then I got my first gf, years ago. And I changed.
Intimate relationships foster emotional maturity, as long as they're not toxic.

Yes, but it depends on the situation. Like if I get completly steamrolled or get constantly dicked over by chance(or both at once) I get a bit salty. I try my best to not show it, but I admittedly have no idea if they can tell or not.

Games that has on regular basis left me sore is MtG and Warhammer Fantasy.

I tend to let most games not get to me. I own a casual selection of games for the most part, but even my friends games don't bother me win or lose. I can get salty though over Magic the Gathering. I stopped buying cards 4 years ago for this reason. There's just nothing more frustrating than having a deck I put a lot of thought into and then getting just screwed at the draw.

Generally I don't get upset for losing.

There are exceptions that make me incredibly salty though.
For example I lose due to poor threat assessment by other players, or just straight up bad plays. Like someone killing me in a multiplayer EDH game when I'm the only one stopping another player from comboing out and winning, then he proceeds to do exactly that once I'm out and the player who killed me loses as a result.

Another is when a player is out to get me. Ignores others and just focuses on killing me at the cost of his own game. Doing that on purpose really makes me pissed off.

Basically, I just get really upset when people aren't playing to maximize their probability to win, but do "whacky lulsorandom" shit just to ruin for people, ignoring the primary objective of the game.

Very rarely, when I get supremely luckfucked. I can take losing a good, fair game, I can take being beaten by someone better than me, but when I'm just having shit rolls or draws I get pissed.

No, because I lose all the time.

It still hurts though.

Not particularly. But I do turn into the Hulk when accused of cheating, like seriously accused of it, which doesn't really fare well for my case.


But I'm also not a sperg, and so will not chimp out about it.

the primary objective of a game is to have fun.

only in love.

No, you don't win the game for having the most fun. The objective of the game itself is (usually) to win.

The REASON people play the game is to have fun. Usually, ignoring the objective of the game diminishes that.

In RPGs I GM pretty much exclusively, so I don't win or lose.

In board games I'm pretty detached. My bad habit is more to analyze other peoples' decisions out loud during play. I try to be aware and rein it in, but don't always manage.

In CCGs there are types of losses that feel fun and types of losses that feel shit. Namely being worn down, constantly denied, or some combos. In other games it's not fun to win or lose if there's a clear winner from like turn two through the end of a half hour game.

Depends highly on the other player. Also I think it's better sportsmanship for the losing player to concede than for the winning player to call for concession.

It depends, if I lose terribly because of really bad luck or because the other player is significantly better than me it's frustrating and not any fun.
Losing because the other player played better or had better luck isn't a problem if the game is at least close, it keeps it fun because it could go either way

>Unless we're playing "winner tops" variety of the game.


I think it's a gay thing where the winner gets to fuck the looser in the faeces hole.

With others, no.

With myself, very much so.

Yeah, especially when I was younger. I used to call people cheaters without any supporting evidence when I was losing. Nowadays if I notice I'm starting to get angry I just stop playing to win and that usually calms me down.

>Another is when a player is out to get me. Ignores others and just focuses on killing me at the cost of his own game. Doing that on purpose really makes me pissed off

Goddamn Kyles. Assholes every one

I only get salty when I'm playing something like EDH, or other multiplayer games, since my friends always gang up on me in them. Card games are my main hobby, so I always have better decks than them.

>Since my friends always gang up on me in them
>I always have better decks than them

You're so close to enlightenment friend. You can do it, I believe in you! Why would everyone gang up on someone not playing at the powerlevel of the rest of the group?

Extremely. Because it is always a good thing whenI win, and I always win.

Because they're fags who don't want to improve themselves and would rather drag better players down.


I have multiple decks at their powerlevel, but it doesn't help at all. They still think those decks are too good.

Only when it's a result of politics and king making.

If feels a bit annoying to have successfully played a better game, but you're outnumbered so you lose anyways.

If you want to play the most tuned efficient decks possible go play with other people who want to play that way, and leave the people who like their shitty tribal/theme decks alone. This is why tryhards have a bad name. If your friends don't want to play hyper competitive games, don't bring those decks when you play with them. This will eventually destroy your group. Trust me

Start playing goblin tribal.
It's the only way back in.

I play werewolf tribal.

I usually get mad when I lose, but only if I felt I could have won.

Which is why I play to lose.

I always thought it was reasonable - if the outcome of the game has already been decided, there's not much point in going through the motions. But a lot of people get very upset by that. They want to win, not just get a forfeit. So unless the other player's OK with forfeits, just go through the motions.

This. I'm fine if I lose and it feels like a fair loss - they made better choices, they outsmarted me, they tricked me, or so on. But I get really sore losery when I lose because I got a bunch of shitty draws in a row, or can't roll anything I need, or some similar thing happens where it's clear I'm just fate's bitch today.

I'm sore towards board games sometimes. I'm normally only in it for fun and socializing, but if I start realizing that I can actually win, it can get over my head

And then when my Master Plan failed because I was one round too late I die inside

I actually like losing sometimes, gives me a chance to be all gracious and cool and look like This Guy

>We aren't dating now but that's got nothing to do with what I called her.
Are you sure that your awful temper and abuse had nothing to do with it?

Cringing to the point of anger at the edginess?