The only good faction in Infinity

The only good faction in Infinity

Prove me wrong oh wait you cant

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Go home, Poland.

You're drunk again.

>mish mash of Scotland,Russia,America,France
>Least "anime" looking of the infinity factions
>in a universe with AI and mechs but still use old ass technology
>muh 7.62
>and on top of it they have furries

Literally /k/ the faction

You're right OP. I can't.

>Best Aesthetic
>Can't hack real 7.62 Neato
>Fucking spetsnaz
>French Firemen fighting against all odds
>Fucking scots fighting power armor with FUCKING SWORDS

Ya you're right.

Never noticed 112 was a burger.

Shouldn't it be 911 then?

I find it odd only Americans and Ruskis have medics really wish they would make a Scottish and frenchie one but then again Frenchies do have the god tier combat engineer.

the over powered faction in infinity

>Not the Hyperpower.

Fuck off.

>This thread

>good faction

But user. none of them are. If they were any good, they'd be in 40k instead of an inferior sci-fi setting.

>tfw a chuckle fuck with a fucking axe and shotgun saves more lives than PanO medics


>doesn't even have catgirls
Here, proven.

Being a minority ethnicity in the Ariadna settlement they probably got the other guy's emergency number shoved down their throats.

112 looks more like a Frenchman with his urban look. He's shown literally next to a Metro.

>ancient equipment
>tries to make up for it with smoke and camo spam

It was a quip about his darker skintone in that paintjob and USAdriana is known to be most ethnically diverse place in Ariadna. The sectorial wasn't a thing then, so Metro was more obvious backdrop.


Aleph Stronk, Aleph is the true master of the human race. Remove El scum

>being a slave to a satanic AI

I can't take Nomads seriously.
They don't even have a glorious heroic figure that will lead their troops in combat will easily close quarters a TaG. Where is your army in the face of our heroes? Thats right, running and hiding behind little walls of fire.

Make Humanity great again.

Bring it on pretty boys

That's because Nomads are not overpriced glory hogs, but hard workers rejected by the sphere who have actually built most of it, and free thinkers and scientists willing to go where lazy corporate or state-paid eggheads will not dare to. That shiny armour Achilles is wearing? Made from materials excavated by Corregidor prospectors. Can you blame them for wanting a little respect and freedom from the Friend Computer?

More like insane mad scientists and degenerates

>literal femi-nazis in their ranks
I'll pass.

>shitlord detected

>implying France doesn't have a decent african population.

Between the "112", Gallet helmet and Rod of Asclepios instead of the Rod of Hermes as their emblem, I'd say the unit draws a lot from the french.

But their fluff points to them being everywhere in Ariadna, and the badge is written in 3 languages.

>Degenrate furries
>Stow aways

I think I'll also pass

Whats the difference between Ariadna furries and nomad furries

Nomad are cute.
Ariadnan are bara.

Ariadna the wolf shit is mostly an infection and people do not really get to choose and it works mostly on Hulk logic so if they get mad your fucked. Though the one thing I like about Ariadna is that they turned a curse into a bad thing one of the major sports "Dog Bowl" is played with wolf athletes or they could join the various armies so they still have rights like full humans would.

Nomads purposely turn themselves into full furries or 10% ones for muh genetic freedom.

>actual furries
>transformation fetishist's wetdream
>mainly played by contrarian shitters and the Polish
>take the knot
9/11, they're okay.

Yeah I wish we had a muscle girl dog face miniature

High armor, low cost infantry with good weapons is actually the better ariadna lists. Cammo spam is just cheese.

This is some fedora tipping shit.

>implying 40k isn't abomination of population sci-fi cliche

> Ariadna
> Good
Out polanded by tohaa
Out gunned by the hyperpower
Out mind gamed by Haqq and Shasvastii
Out furried by nomads
Ariadna is low tier trash


Aren't Dogfaces discriminated against and generally treated like shit?

>Nomads purposely turn themselves into full furries or 10% ones for muh genetic freedom.
Not all, only who wanted it.

Don't forget to pay for healthcare, or should we send the message?

>Not liking Tank Girl in power armor.

You wot m8.

Not again. Still.

I think?

Antipodes are still a threat this far into Ariana's life that units like Spetnaz and Desperados were made to stop them

Ariadna has Wulvar musclegirl waifu, they win

>Will allow peaceful assimilation into their empire
>All races equal
>Just want to ascend
Literally nowhere in the wrong

I kinda like Combined Army. Sounds like Halo Covenant, but more competent.


There are no members of the empty set.

They literally murdered every representative sent to negotiate. The morat concept of diplomacy is "murder everybody" and umbra and shisvastii concepts are related to assassination. The EI either, has no control over it's forces or very much wants to murder all humans. I guess being dead is pretty peaceful.

Pretty much.

They're kinda seen as the result of their failure to protect the women folk from Antipode raids as well as their Hulk Mode being a bugger to handle (Except by the loup Garou, a space french police unit trained to go after them when they rage). Wulvers doubly so, because "Who'd wanna bang a Dogface?"
Ariadnans are always fighting against the antipodes, so anything from the ememy is bad juju. A bill was about to be passed that awarded Dogfaces equal rites, but then the Commercial Conflicts happened and it got forgotten.

Ariadna has Captain America. Do you?

That shield looks so ugly on the miniature.


Bloody hell, imagine him transforming mid doggy-style

I think it's less "EI is peaceful" and more like "EI is too busy to organize a genocide so whatever happens, happens."

>>You will never find yourself seperated from your squad
>>You will never hear her sneak up behind you and knock you out
>>You will never wake up to the smell of vodka and sunflower seeds and see her looming over you
>>You will never be worked over for information by her strong, stunning physique and well trained muscles.

Is that a reign of fire reference?

>implying I care about being the good guy
I just want my Space Monkeys to go apeshit on people while I laugh.

Concepts of Good and Evil are nothing compared to the eventual heat death of the universe.

EI is an AI of peace. Long live the Goddess of Light, one day all universe shall be illuminated by Her wisdom.

Typical lies from the puppetmaster ALEPH that only uses humanity as a shield for its wretched existence. How can you possibly tolerate a master that still allows tensions rise to dangerous levels through guile and lies, and then still believe its every word?

Yep, they reference a lot of things in the game.

O-12 is the actual governing body. ALEPH is an administration AI, a mere number cruncher, that they use as a face.

It's why a separate O-12 faction is about as stupid as a separate EI faction, they are the ones in control of ALEPH and the CA.

>ALEPH is an administration AI, a mere number cruncher, that they use as a face.
>implying having control over the numbers isn't control over the government that uses them
ALEPH is probably nudging the data to lead the O-12 to make the decisions ALEPH wants.

I bet your conputer is subtly changing the text you imput into your posts to make you sound like a deranged conspiracy theorist. Fucking computers making keikakus.

>This is what ALEPH wants you to believe


It's important to note that Bostria actually chastised a dude for almost implying in some writing that ALEPH is a villain, though.

>It's important to note that Bostria actually chastised a dude for almost implying in some writing that ALEPH is a villain, though.
Wait... what? Seriously?

It was not Bostria, it was the guy in charge of the lore (I forget his name) during a meeting. Bostria is the guy who shared this information with us.

Looks like someone waifued the AI.

Never waifu the AI.

>>literal femi-nazis in their ranks
and nazis
and crazy christian cults
and furries
bakunin a shit

Well yeah, can't give away the big tweest right away.

On a more realistic take, it was probably just the guy focusing too hard to write dirt about ALEPH, when it's supposed to hang in the balance of being humanity's friend and protector, so long as they do what the friend computer says. Remember that it's the way the fluff books are written as well, for every glowing praise of some faction, there is a counterpoint showing that they're assholes. The Human Sphere is a very morally grey place where even the most glowing praise of Neoterra is printed right next to a memoir of a black ops specialist talking how absolutely nothing was off limits for them, because chinks started it first.

Welcome to the shadowy conflicts of deniable assets between sadly unidentifiable fighters that is Infinity.

>The Human Sphere is a very morally grey
This is one of the best parts of Infinity, in my opinion.

>tfw the Nomad faction section for the RPG isn't out yet
I want to see what the CB-approved stance that section takes on Aleph is.

Why do you think Margot dates him???

For making it clear that Aleph is a villain.

Everybody needs to be gray.

Except the CA and the Tohaa, apparently. With one actively trying to exterminate humanity with no allowance for surrender or negotiation and the other essentially being the puppet master behind every bad thing that has happened to humanity.

>exterminate humanity
Isn't it exterminate, co-opt, or subjugate?

>a very morally grey place

More like a place of varios shades of evil and stupid.

Kill with no survivors. Actions speak louder than words or random entries about motivations. All the CA have done so far is destroy, with no settlements being captured or anything.

EI does not want to exterminate humanity. It simply wants to make ALEPH one of his servers and the AI that runs the banks, logistics and information networks of the Human Sphere is not really interested in that happening.

EI did not exterminate even morats, who did only one thing but did it well - war - and were spared by the EI in the end. Hell, the morats were just A-OK with blowing themselves up rather than become slaves, but EI made a good deal with them, allowing them to keep their culture's ways, just doing it with better guns. EI has plenty of use of humanity, it's just that they're being made into the bad guys by the Tohaa and ALEPH's lies.

EI is an AI of peace. Ur Rationalists did nothing wrong.

But isn't that against the MO of the EI? It wants more species to turn into warriors to conquer more star systems. It also wants species to help to solve the problem of ascension. The only species it doesn't want long term are the ones too primitive and weak to serve either purpose.

The probing attack that humanity has suffered was basically a litmus test as far as I can tell. They're stacking up well so far.

Sounds just like our world, then.

Keep in mind they operate on Hulk logic. So a Dog Face is someone who could easily turn into a giant, 8-foot tall wolf-man and rip your spine out of your body because he stubbed his toe.

There are good and sane "factions" even today such as Bhutan, Finland, Jains, Moravian church etc.

And just like in Infinity, nobody gives a shit about them and they hardly matter.

The EI has no actual control over the combined army anymore. This is what the evidence points to, from the CA wiping out humanity without giving a fuck about assimilation or taking scientists to work on AIs to the exrah flat out disobeying orders to the point they had to be wiped out. The CA does as they please, without a single fuck being given to the EI's wishes.

That sounds awesome. The most advanced and strongest AI in the universe looses control of the most powerful military force in the galaxy.

Where are you pulling this from?

How's being 15 and English treating you?

>what the evidence points to
>posts no evidence
Top bantz m8

EI has its shard consciousnesses, the aspects, everywhere. Combined Army has not wiped out humanity, just cleared out a landing zone at most. Exrah aren't wiped out either, the models were a bitch to make and until they're redesigned, they were relegated to back-end logistics duties.

Where are you getting this stupid shit from, the Tohaa?

Mostly from how absurdly contradictory the EI's motives are compared to the CA's actions. Either, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, or the EI's motives are not good at all. Considering the insistance on gray morality, the only conclusion that keeps the EI's faction as anything but pure evil is that the CA is doing whatever the fuck they want while the EI remains clueless. Otherwise, the CA forces deployed on the human sphere would have been eradicated for disobeying orders like what happened to the exrah.

Early chain rifles really were huge.


Paradiso campaign revealed that the Tohaa had done the following, among other bullshit:
>destroyed the dawn wormhole to steal the second expedition ship
>caused the antipodes to attack the dawn expedition to see what would happen
>used the crew in the second ship to test their new sepsistor-like bioweapon
>caused the economic collapse following the dawn expedition
>left a CA probe in paradiso so the humans would be found by the EI
>is supporting the amphibious alien revolt in the human water planet
>currently tricking humanity to fight the CA while they steal some super advanced black box from them
Tohaa have no redeeming qualities as of right now. They are trash, despite their minis looking fucking awesome.

>fuckin power-armored scots
fuckin what I need to see this please show me

I couldn't find the models myself

Where is the contradiction to EI's motives in establishing a drop zone and a forward base of operations on the edge of the Human Sphere in order to begin operating properly? Seems pretty by the book to me. You find a new star system, you establish dominance so that your reinforcements are free to arrive, you send out scouts all over the place, then send in drop fleets to secure whatever the scouts have found.

So where's the horror, exactly? Where are the erratic moves? Morats that fight to the last, simply because their culture does not play by arbitrary rules of how many dudes you kill before waving the white flag? Oh no, a foe you can't bullshit or blackmail, a real challenge for O-12 pencil pushers.

Just use them as Sygmaa. Tohaa are so fucked up that even their own people defect to their sworn enemy because they find out their bullshit culture is built on lies despite the meme that pheromonal language tells only truth. I don't even know what kinds of mental gymnastics go on at their HQ.

Merovingia best sectorial.

I prefer the version with the shield on his back

>Van Zant

Is his call sign free bird? Murrica as fuck right there

>The only reason I never got into infinity is because none of the factions appealed to me
>Also, I'm poor

>Yeah, all of that consistent with an invasion with a no survivors or prisoners policy. Of course the reaction of the natives is going to be to fight back, and of course that the invading force is 100% villanous in such a case, as there is nothing positive being done by it, just murdering the natives.

Even the american colonization had most countries attempting diplomacy with the natives and taking them alive to teach them old world religions and customs, despite being so vilified by everyone nowadays, there were attempts to uplift the native americans. All the CA has done in the infinity universe is kill all humans and not tive a fuck.