/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Da Rules Edition

Secret League season 2 playoffs are live, still.

Stunty League season 2 is currently in round 3.

Secret Autism League is almost starting.

Veeky Forums BloodBowl 2 League is the almost live league, sign ups end Tuesday!

Also this weekend is the release of the latest edition of Blood Bowl, complete with errata because GW are lazy.

The latest rules, the CRP (aka LRB6):

Stunty Leeg handbook:

Veeky Forums FUMBBL group:

Veeky Forums Stunty Leeg group:

Veeky Forums Secret League:

Veeky Forums STALL League:

IRC Server: irc.fumbbl.com
Port: 6667
Channel: #tg

Steam Community for Blood Bowl 2:

Cknoor's tutorials:

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



League's going up shortly, please try to get in your games this weekend, if you can't you have until next Friday.

Did Threepac get the right team?

>I couldn't make a team until today because I was busy
Am I still in or sorted out? ~Skud

Really want to buy some of the new miniatures but fuck playing as Orcs, Humans or Skaven.

Also is there any word on if they'll be releasing individual player packs for the teams since the starting boxes give terrible rosters?

>no stall man on banner

>No mention that Veeky Forums main league is opening sign ups soon

Shit fucking OP

I think your team's the last one we're waiting for before we get the brackets.

No exact date? Then it can fuck off

Gonna create it as soon as I'm home.

You don't need exact dates to mention it in the OP.

Oh well, Mauled or Pizza will probably make a big post about it anyways.

>Season VI hasn't even begun and Crab is already fucking with it

You know it goyim

nope, letting it ride.


using it, when I get home, t-thanks senpai

STALL game habbeding
get your daily dose of autism right here

Tilea vs Nautican

I knew that BB2 was missing teams, but why on earth doesn't it have Pro Elves? Can't be that hard to make models for them when you have 3 other elf teams in game.

Best commissioner

Is there a scan of death zone up yet?

any news on when any other the other teams minis are getting released?


found this neat tutorial for my human players, but how should I do the orcs bases? Based on their stadiums, it seems full of wooden shits and bones

Also, anyone has cool ideas for dwarf team bases?

>Playing against a team of snownigger norscans who only make safeplays and injuries as bretonnians
>He makes a score after 7 turns
>on my 7th and 8th and I get extremely close to the goal
>Minimize my dodge rolls and have 2 50% and 67% dodge rolls to go for
>Have a single reroll and two GFI rolls to pass along with picking up the ball
>Bretonnian gets past all of the rolls
>Makes it to the goal
> He forgot to pick up the ball

dwarfs probably around February

man that far away? gonna take forever to get the whole line up out.

well, they have to make new stuffs for AOS, 40k and maybe hobbits too

I guess a new team each 2-3 months wouldn't be surprising (even if I think the 4 elven team will be in store at the same moment)

just a shame, there's two-three teams i want but going to be forever for them to come out, especially lizzies who aren't even in the death zone book.

i know there's old miniatures about, but seems a tad pointless rereleasing blood bowl but only having two teams ready for release.

dwarfs are supposed to be quite soon, they were talking about a gap of weeks between the main release and the dwarfs, not months

Will the other teams also be released at GW or will they be from forge world?

what positionals do people think the dwarf box set will include? pretty hard to fuck over their starting roster like most other teams get

Judging by how the previous teams have been released, it'll be 2 slayers, 2 runners, 2 blitzers, 6 Linemen

You can see it here - it will be 6 linemen, two slayers, two blitzers and two runners. Elf and Nurgle might be plastic too, but we haven't seen anything yet.

figured they'd get the perfect selection

still find it so bothersome how skaven get 2 gr, humans 2 blitzers, orcs 2 black orcs etc

If you could rate teamthemes, what are your personal top 5 of Veeky Forums teams?

>that slayer jumping with his beard

To be fair, you're getting the optimal Dwarf starting lineup with a spare Lineman. The same can;t be said of the other teams, so far.

that's what im saying

they get the perfect selection

To be fair, a Dwarf team only has one lineup and play that works. Other teams are more forgiving when it comes to sub-optimal lineups.


What's up with the mug of Bugman's? Is that actually attached to the player's back, or is it just behind him and they caught it at a bad angle?
Is it one of those tokens like the fists in the game box?

just bothers me that other teams get such poor starting line ups

who wants to play as skaven with 2 grs?

It doesnt look like theres another base, so I'd say its attached.

Its a token - a hand holding a tankard.

>who wants to play as skaven with 2 grs?
Someone who wants to start with a Rat Ogre?

even then you can afford rogre 3 grs 2sv 3rr

I can give you three
>1 MMMaiden
>2 Za Underwarudo
>3 I dairy you to try

Special mention: That tomato team that never ever played

what would be a good starting lineup for the orks?

4 black orcs, 4 blitzers, 1 thrower, 3 linemen

still dropping the goblins and troll, but much better than 2 black orcs, 2 blitzers, 2 throwers and 6 linemen that GW give you

4 Black Orcs, 4 Blitzers, 1 Troll, 2 Throwers

Then laugh as you pound your opponent in to paste.

What do you think the next boxes are going to be?

Like the Nurgle team, Lizardmen or tomb kings

>Details for 7 team types (Skaven, Nurgle, Dwarf, Elven Union, High Elf, Dark Elf and Wood Elf)
be the elves in some form i assume, but could be nurgle based on the deathzone book

With Skaven being agility and Dwarf being bash, I'd wager it'll be an agility team next. Probably Wood Elves.

makes sense, but I think for starters like me, it doesnt matters too much. the people in my local GW are also just starting with Blood Bowl, so I think the games will still be fun.

Yeah, if you're just starting then play some exhibitions to get the feel for the players and how they work. But I'd say any team needs to max out Blitzers.

If you're all new then I guess it doesn't matter, I'm just bitching because it's going to be a real pain in the arse to field an optimal line up of the new miniatures because GW are such huge jews.

1. MMM
2. Snorkland
3. Dem Dorfs

>Dem Dorfs
Just why?

Shit taste

I like dwarf fortress

thanks man

shit taste on #3

It's not attached you can see it behind him. It's just a very bad angle for it.

>play bloodbowl 2
>Playing orcs against nurgle in skittles league
>Get nothing but bad dice rolls

Fuck me, fuck this game for today.

>Want to get Lizards to a point where they can reliably block
>Don't want to get so high they get clawed to pieces

being a lizard is suffering

Then find a league that isn't full of assholes that just want clawpomb chaos teams...

Stop getting touchdowns on skinks. Fire skinks if they get normal skillups.

thanks for this brand new information

>play blood bowl 2
>get my ass kicked the whole first half cause I suck
>retard badly hurts his wolf by taking a both down vs my mummy
>end up tying 1-1 because I kill 2 of his players, Injure 2 more, and KO another 4

For once, something interesting happened in a stunty game.

Tooby vs LogicsFate in the STALL

as a bb2 babby ill never understand how people play on fumbbl, it just looks so utterly shit

It is hard as fuck playing BB2 after you play fumbbl because the screen is the wrong way

Because not everyone is a graphics whore and the sprites are pretty well done.

Eh, the gif you replied to is the exact reason people play fumbbl.
Well, that and also better handling of some special cases with skills, and proper handling of passing, and there are also cards, and custom pitch logos and portraits, and an actually decent matchmaking system.

Here's some educational reading.

but that was a few thready ago, or do I have to repost? better this time?

Tooby wins, we'll see if Logics even bothers with round 2.


People STILL don't know where to make their teams

Half Human vs Batty Batty Batty


Half Human vs Batty Batty Batty

ends 2-1 in favor of the Half-Elfs

anyone got a bb2016 rules scan?

yeah but you can go rogre, 2x storm vermin, 2x gr, 1x thrower, 5 linerats, 3 rr

just add a rogre and the skaven box is good

Looks like the yogscast made tabletop/bloodbowl channel


Oh fuck here we go.

Actually doesn't look so bad. Hopefully when they play games they don't bring in the manchildren and keep it between the semi decent members.

>decent members

You only get to pick one

I don't think this is a "yogscast" channel. So much as one of their employees who does more behind the camera things made his own channel

Any ETA on stunty team rules? Got the old minis but would be nice to have gobbos as official again.

There was a .pdf posted in the last thread, basically was just a GW sanctioned copy + paste of CRP rosters that weren't revisited in the main book or Death Zones.

Complete with NuFantasy naming schemes, like Blitz-ras and Thro-ras being renamed "Anointed Blitzers/Thrower".

Newb here to BB2, Any tips on bretonnian starting teams.

I'm also needing some help on starting the game with a good defensive and offensive lining because I'm bad at positioning my players.

Start with all your knights for sure, but there's some debate on starting with all 4 Yeomen and forgoing an Apothecary for a game, or leaving one out to start with the Apo.

reminder to join the BB2 Veeky Forums league

Best advice is that now that brets get A on knights is to get all 4 at the start.
Things to consider:
getting leader with the first level up knight is great because the team RR are expensive compared to a 20k TV increase.

Blockers are better guard spam then killers, but getting 1-2 with MB is nice

Knights should be a mix of runners+blitzers with some specialist skills for certain rolls

Peasants are cheap and do great on the LoS and they should only have 1-2 skills before firing for a fresh one and any injuries are easy to overlook when you can have the money for one in one game

Line setup roughly follows a standard 3 linos on the LoS with your blockers taking the foward postion and knights in the rear with however your formation is, pic related is sample Delf defense for stopping 2TTD just swap the postions so that it goes Linos>Blockers>Knights from LoS to back.

As far as starting setups, each team has setups that play to their specific strengths, but some good general tips are:

- Keep players who are fragile in positions where they aren't exposed to a blitz.
- Keep players who need to be able to relocate in response to the immediate flow of movement (for offense that's where you want or need to go based on where the ball landed, for defense, that's where the offense is centering their drive) in positions where they cannot easily be marked or tied up.

Specifically for offense:

- Take advantage of going second for setup, try and stack the line so your blocks get 2 dice with the minimum amount of players needed.
- Assume you are not going to pick up the ball. Leave some players in positions that will prevent the defense from rushing after the ball before you can pick it up again.

Specifically for defense:

- If you have the advantage of strength, use it thoroughly on the scrimmage line so deny them as many safe first turn blocks as possible.
- Determine if the team has the speed to threaten a sideline run or not, if they are an average or slow team, centralizing your defense rather than heavily spreading into the wide zones may be wiser.

STALL surprise match, Forest Goblins vs. Pirates:


match theme


King_Mad moves on with a 3 - 0 win.

Newfag here, I wanna start playing BB. Is everything in the handbook the same as whats in the deathzone supplement? I wanna play undead, but I'm trying to figure out how to get their rules.

why the fuck would you want to drop a gutter runner for a thrower? i don't mind big guys not being in the box sets because they're going to be those expensive one offs, but the butchered way positionals are in there is ridiculous.