Post your RPG Resume

So, user, we are considering hiring you for our Roleplaying Manager positions and we are curious as to your experience and qualifications!

Post your "RPG resume" ITT

> first RPG you ever played
> all the campaigns you can remember
> how long they were
> what genre and what system/rules
> any other RPG related accomplishments or projects of yours

Don't be shy, feel free to brag!

Sure why not.

>First RPG

D&D 3.5 when I was 13-14

>all the campaigns you can remember
I'm going to call a campaign something that lasted more than like 6 sessions.

So, one in highschool that lasted 1.5 years that I played in.

Ran a 3.5 game in College for ~6 months

Then ran a 4e game for ~1 year

Then another 4e game that lasted ~4 months until schedules fell apart.

Then ran another 4e game for about 1 year that actually completed with the players beating the BBEG and epilogue stuff.

Currently running a 5e game that's been going for nearly a year and playing in a 5e game that's been going for 5 months.

With sprinklings of other 2-3 session games here and there in between.


All fantasy, ranging from high to low. Some pirates, some survival, currently running intrigue.

>Any other RPG related accomplishments

My friends will still talk moments/dungeons/NPCs they loved years later and it makes everything worth it.

You asked.

>first RPG
AD&D, first edition. We were wacky preteens doing randumb bullshit and torturing goblins and eating chips and having a blast.
>all the campaigns you can remember, length, genre
1. AD&D wackiness. Lasted a long damn time.
2. Gamma World, a very old edition, more wackiness, lasted about three months.
3. More AD&D, lasted about six months perhaps?
4. A bout with ESR("extremely simple roleplaying"), about a month
5. An odd 3.0-esque "homebrew", about five months
6. D&D 5th edition, Hoard of the Dragon Queen, played at my FLGS, about three months
7. A game of "Fiasco!" set in the Midwest, an afternoon
8. D&D 5th edition, Lost Mines of Phandelver (GMed), about 5 months maybe? Scheduling is hard.
9. Two sessions of "The Warren," (Essentially Bunnies & Burrows with the Apocalypse World system, AFAIK), about a month, on hiatus as far as I can tell
10. D&D 5th edition, Princes of the Apocalypse, currently running, for about 3 months now I'd guess
That's just off the top of my head though. ESR and Gamma World were sci-fi, Fiasco! was realistic almost-freeform, Warren was realistic, the rest were fantasy.
>any other RPG related accomplishments or projects
I'm working on a setting, but it's mostly just an excuse to doodle maps and brainstorm mythical deities/cultures in class. And my players tell me I do a good job.

> first RPG you ever played
I read through the AD&D first ed. books a bunch when I was young, but I could never find a group.
> all the campaigns you can remember
N/A... I honestly have no idea how to act or roleplay. I would like to learn, but I don't want to impede on anyone's fun
> how long they were
> what genre and what system/rules
> any other RPG related accomplishments or projects of yours
Does writing characters I will never have the know-how or opportunity to roleplay count?

> first RPG you ever played
2nd Edition DnD
> all the campaigns you can remember
I have run Dread, Pathfinder, DnD, and In Nomine as well as homebrew systems for one shots
> how long they were
My range goes from One shots to 2 years
> what genre and what system/rules
I prefer non-medieval fantasy, things with typical magic and fantasy rules but with unique settings and fluffs.
> any other RPG related accomplishments or projects of yours
I am working on my own RPG systems and extensive 5e DnD worldbuilding.

Oh, and I wrote a 45 page thesis on the evolutionary/psychological basis of ttrpgs

> First RPG
A homebrew that an older cousin threw together for me and another cousin to while away the hours in a hotel room the night before a family reunion.

> Campaigns I Remember
Not going to list one-shots or campaigns that did not last (lots of Palladium and D&D 3rd/3.5) more than a few weeks.

> Hero System (5e or 6e)
Champions (2002-2004)
Fantastic Universe (Superheroes; 2004-2009)
Mercs (Military Action; 2005-)
Super You (Play-as-yourself with Superpowers; 2005-2012)
Fantasy Hero (2006)
Sword & Sorcery Hero (2007-2009)
Rifts (2006-2008)
Munchkin (2008-2013)
Dragonball South Galaxy (2008-)
Sons of the Dragon (Pulp Martial Arts Action in the 70s; 2010)
Rifts Silvereno (2010-)
Secondary Society (Think Nasuverse if it had a BPRD; 2011-)
Project M (Superpowered Superspy Anime; Hero 6e 2011-2013)
Fallout (2009)
Rifts Delta Patrol (2013)
Mondaria (High Fantasy; 2013)
Star Wars (2013-)


What the hell.
>First Rpg
Dnd 3.5, when I was about

>All Campaigns/Duration
-Fallout RPG, 3m
-Black Crusade, 3m
-Dnd 3.5, 3m
-Black Crusade(new group), 3m
-Deathwatch, 3m
-Pathfinder, 3m
-Pokemon Tabletop, 3 m
-Deathwatch(different group), 6m
-Persona Campaign(GM), 3m
-Black Crusade (3rd group), 6m
-L5R(ongoing), 2m
-Jojos (ongoing), 2m

>Other accomplishments
3 completed systems, though mostly hacks for specific settings.
17 con-level one shots in 13 systems, from Apocalypse world to Deathwatch. Most were successes.

Turns out I'm good at running one shots, but not full campaigns.

> Non-Hero
Sovereign Stone (D20 Fantasy; 2000-2001)
Robotech (Palladium; 2009)
The Drifter (Doctor Who and Companions are play-as-yourself; Fudge/Fate; 2010-)
Savage Tide (D&D 3.5; 2012-)
Reign of Winter (Pathfinder; 2014-)
House Tempest (A Song of Ice & Fire; 2014-)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Moon God Fountain Part 1 (Fate;2015-2016)
Dresden Files (Fate; 2016)
Exalted (2016)

I'm sure I forgot a few but there we go. As noted there have also been a lot of one-shots and non-starters too.


I wish I was better at one-shots. The way my mind works I start with a basic plot, a hook, and between the player's reactions, my improvisation, and the planning between sessions I only ever seem to gradually craft long arcs as I go along.

I read a dnd book when I was little
neverI have no friends
zero time
if they did happen, they'd have been high fantasy
none that I can think of

>first RPG you ever played
That was Dark Heresy. Not the greatest place to start, especially since I hadn't heard of the setting before that (and that we started, but thankfully didn't end with, like 9 people). Despite the rockiness, I couldn't stop. But I will never think the name Simon Kerman for my Psyker is not funny, even if no one else caught on.

>all the campaigns you can remember
Dark Heresy, D&D cults and things, Awful Shadowrun, D&D Silly campaign, Horrific Pokemon Tabletop Adventures, Pathfinder, Better Shadowrun, and finally "Really Long Magnum Opus Shadowrun" alongside "AdEva, Everything Is Horrible And I Can't Stop Loving It".
There was a smattering of D&D 4e, Pathfinder, and Shadowrun campaigns (and 1 Dark Heresy) inbetween that either didn't pan out or were very short and not worth mentioning.

>how long they were
The majority of my games were 30ish weeks because my college has 3 10-week quarters for a school year, and we met once a week. More or less happened based on holidays. At first, only the Pokemon one lasted over a year, but I have since graduated and have learned being an adult can make really huge delays, so the last two campaigns are just over a year with RLMO Shadowrun being finally over recently. The rest were pretty much over the summer.

>what genre and what system/rules
Me and my playgroup have sort of pushed ourselves away from combat-oriented games of late, such as Pathfinder and D&D and so on because we tend to take a less combat-based approach for most things. Shadowrun is pretty good for that, at least with all the indirectness it tries to offer.
Also, I'm one about two guys to dm, and Ho boy do I love Shadowrun so that's what we play.

>any other RPG related accomplishments or projects of yours
I like to think I've gotten to be Not Shit at dming and writing. And I even have a great idea for my next campaign.
The tagline is: Reality is the finest flesh, oh bearer mine. Shall we not feast?

I have this goal of playing 100 roleplaying games. Here's what I've played so far:

Moldvay Basic
AD&D 1st edition
AD&D 2nd edition
D&D 3.5
D&D 4E
D&D 5th edition (playtest)
Call of Cthulhu
Vampire: the Masquerade
Werewolf: the Apocalypse
Hollow Earth Expedition
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd edition
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying
Legend of the Five Rings
Rogue Trader
Dark Heresy
Iron Kingdoms
Dragon Age
Night's Black Agents
Unknown Armies
Apocalypse World
Dungeon World
Burning Wheel
Eclipse Phase
Star Wars d20
Nova Praxis
Shadowrun 4E
Dogs in the Vineyard
Burning Wheel
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness
Happy Birthday Robot

Most of those were one-shots though.

AD&D 1st edition was the first RPG I've ever played.

> first RPG you ever played
Hunter: The Reckoning. But it was short
> all the campaigns you can remember
Hunter, Vampire, Mage (all CWoD), VtM20th, Pathfinder, D&D 5e, my own system.
> how long they were
Non-vampire RPs lasted less than a month for me. Pathfinder is the one exception because we only met twice a month so it was more around 8 sessions. Vampire (all) lasted at least 3 months, with the longest running one being a year with various players changing in and out.
> what genre and what system/rules
Usually horror/gothic/gloom and I guess with Storyteller being the most prominent.
> any other RPG related accomplishments or projects of yours
Most of the RPGs I play these days are my own because I need to work out the kinks. I have a few I can detail here:

>Revenant: Age of Dusk
Gloom-mood with Demon's Souls inspirational setting and its own custom mythology. Features reincarnation, exploring a unique world and fucky landscape (KD:M style) and unique magic system with a strategic combat system. Under construction and huge.

>Martial Artist: Typhoon of Clans
A 24-hr RPG made for Veeky Forums which gets posted from time to time. It's generic but has an eastern martial arts theme with strategic grid-based combat. The dice roll on various tables which the player can customize, instead of having numerical stats. Adding more entries to tables generally makes characters better at one thing but worse at others. Uses d8.

>Pandaemonium the Demon City
A DOOM-inspired demon-killing futuristic game. You hop through hellscape planes much like Mehrunes Dagon's plane of destruction, finding energy weapons/mundane weapons from the mars colonies that were swallowed by rifts. The game has a very Descent-like die system for weapons, also with skill-tables like Martial Artist. The dice are customizable by "buying" faces with experience, which gives DOOM/Descent-like ice face changes for combat. Currently under construction.

>39% of the way there!
If you include editions

>> first RPG you ever played
D&D 2E

>> all the campaigns you can remember

D&D2E as player. Traditional Fantasy.

D&D2E expanding on the world of the last game as a DM and adding in some elements of the old Conan Comics and the like.

D&D2E a new world/campaign as a player, Barbarian/Tribal campaign.

D&D2E DMing a new world/campaign entirely with a new group. Traditional Fantrasy with some quirks.

Mekton Zeta as player in a Mobile Suit Gundam game, we were Zeon grunts.

D&D 5E as a player. Traditional fantasy, with some quirks.

GURPS Campaign as a player. Paranormal Investigation.

Mekton Zeta as a player, same MZ group as before, but a new campaign. We played a very late UC campaign, far later than Victory Gundam, something meant to be Proto Turn-A Gundam through the usage of nanomachines.

Mekton Zeta/Cyberpunk 2020 Fusion as GM. My attempt to GM as if I were Shirow Masamune writing Appleseed and Ghost in the Shell manga in the late 80s/early 90s.

Straight Cyberpunk 2020 as a GM inspired by Blade Runner and Neuromancer + allot of synth wave.

D&D2E as a player in a Roman-esq campaign.

>>how long they were

Anywhere from 3-4 sessions to 8 months of playing once a week.

>any other RPG related accomplishments or projects of yours

I have a few killer new ideas for a Mekton Zeta campaign. When I have more spare time I will probably flesh it out. I successfully learned how to not railroad while still having lots of content to feed my players, and making their choices count and feel like they have weight in the long run.

>First RPG
How 8 players wanted to rescue a girl from a witch(about 5-6 sessions)
Frog,White hair, The horny hobbit, The red haired waifu and the sjw barbarians dont know what the hell is happening and are travelling through time(18 sessions)
A hobbo, An autistic inquisitor, Prince Dragon wizard hobbit and an edge lord rogue, try to earn money helping sick people(7 sessions)
This one is the longes(1 year): The immortals(the players name about 2/3 of the campaign) try to steal the legendary weapons from OP people and end starting a war between elves and humans
There are some others but this ones are the longest, mostly in dnd 3.5 or 5e

All fantasy with the occasional space stuff
5e mostly, but i like 3.5, SW, OSR related, DW, 3:16, Retro Phaze, D6 and lots and lots of systems for one shots
>Rpg accomplishments
I have read 100+ rules of RPGs and started an small community here in my city

The exact details of my TTRPG past are hazy and littered with the remains of one-shots and failures to launch, so I'll try to be concise.

>First RPG
Dungeons and Dragons, 3rd Edition.

Old-ass 3rd/3.5 campaign from my teens (player; lasted ~3 years, went from 1-20)
Highschool club D&D. Still 3.5 (player; lasted ~1 year before switching gears)
Highschool club Shadowrun 3rd (GM; lasted less than a year before another change of direction)
Afternoon D&D, aka "Audion". Still 3.5 (DM; lasted less than a year before switching gears again)
Weekend Shadowrun 3rd (GM; lasted ~1 year and set the weekend template and "rotational" schedule we use to this day)
Monster Campaign, D&D 3.5 (yes, again. Player; lasted about half a year)
"Droog" Campaign (time travel high fantasy). Used a not-Pathfinder called 'Trailblazer' (player; ran about six months)
Shadowrun 3rd again (player; ran on-and-off for around a year)
Final Fantasy d20 (player; ran about three months? Didn't go over well)
AD&D 2e (player; ran well over 2.5 years. Excellent campaign, this. Pic related)
FLGS Shadowrun 3rd (GM; a good time but went sour)
D&D Next (player; brief playtest? Like a month long?)
AD&D 2e Al-Qadim (DM; ~1 year. A fun one)
Dungeon World (player; ~6 months)
D&D 5e, "The Ultimate Weapon" (DM; ongoing for 1.5+ years. Group favorite)
D&D 5e, "The Change" (player; ongoing for 1+ years. Big hit)
D&D 5e, "Ravenloft" (player; two campaigns back-to-back for 3 months)
FATE, "Do You Even Pose?" (player; ~1 month)
D&D 5e, "Daltanious" (player; short runner)
D&D 5e, "The Chosen Few" (player; another stinker)
Shadowrun 5th (player; short)
D&D 5e, "Tear of the Gods" (N/A; ongoing for 6+ months)
D&D 5e, "Frozen Bunghole" (player; ongoing for 3+ months)
D&D 5e, "Storm King's Thunder" (player; ongoing for 1+ months)

Games planned: The Chosen Few's sequel, Do You Even Pose II and a tropical 5e game. My only other feat: introducing a rotational schedule to fit more games onto the calendar.

> first RPG you ever played
A game made by a friend based on the "black dagger brotherhood" serie.

> all the campaigns you can remember
The first, a chicago chronicles of Vampire, two Warhammer scenario about the invasion of the genovorian, a Sabbath and a Dark age scenario of Vampire, an Anima scenario and I am the GM on a "Schoolgirl RPG" scenario and a homemade RPG.

> how long they were
Well 3 aren't finished, but for now the shortest was 11 months.

> what genre and what system/rules
It depends. I do like a lot the Vampire the mascarade system, but the Anima system comes close, there's just way too much things to take care of in Anima.

> any other RPG related accomplishments or projects of yours
Having the players enjoying the RPG I entirely made myself. It's really something I enjoy to hear my players talking about their actions and how they like my universe.

I think it may be a good idea someday to make a dungeon master book about it, and publish it for free online...

Also I made a lot of game around that and one of them (a card game) have a full scenario with RPG elements in it. It's shitty but I'm really proud.

Is there somewhere I can read that thesis? Sounds interesting.

>> first RPG you ever played
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

>> all the campaigns you can remember
At least 14 different ones, using 10 different rulesets. Of note was the 40k RPGs, Dnd 1st, 2nd and 4th editions, WoD, Pathfinder.

>> how long they were
Anywhere from several sessions to two and a half years. The longest one was while I was in college.

>> what genre and what system/rules
Mix of fantasy and sci fi

>> any other RPG related accomplishments or projects of yours
Ongoing world-building project for nearly a decade has become the blueprint for a custom made RPG system.
My players constantly want me to GM for them, I don't think I'm that great of a GM but they say otherwise. I pretty much just make minor preparations and then improvise for every game.
My college thesis was on the fallacies of dungeons and dragons in the media. I remember one girl in the room looked horrified when I was giving my presentation.

>45 page thesis
A summary would be nice

Pathfinder: underdark adventures, Exploration campaign, a very railroady and heavily houseruled campaign
Dnd 5e: two mostly urban campaigns
Dnd 3.5: One shot that sucked because I only had access to the core book while everyone else had tons of powergaming shit from splatbooks, making me next to useless throughout the whole thing
Shadowrun: Almost happened but the GM dropped out of school right before we could start.
>Other accomplishments
DM'd a long 5e campaign and a one-shot for a bunch of noobs that worked out amazingly

> first RPG you ever played
2e, 3e or 3.5. I have no idea which it was because I was basically handed a character (bard, if I recall) one lunch break in primary school.

> Current campaigns
Kamen Rider game
9 sessions long so far, on hiatus
Using Henshin! Tokusatsu RPG (homebrew) with heavily customised rules

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure game
5 or 6 sessions long so far
Using Bizarre Adventures d10 (homebrew)

> Abandoned
TPK in the First Encounter: The Movie: Attack of the Wolves
1 session

TPK in the First Encounter 2: The Retcon: Return of the Wolves
2 sessions

> Other games
A couple of games of Everyone is John
A bunch of shit I've left out while actually learning the hobby
A handful of sessions I didn't GM

> any other RPG related accomplishments
None really. I've barely ever played and I'm pretty trash as a GM honestly. I'm in that lukewarm hell that doesn't really engage players but they insist they enjoy the sessions. They also take hours to get through and never end at a decent cutoff point.

On the negative end I've got a hell of a lot though. For starters, anything even remotely challenging is cause for the players to bring up the wolf incident.

> projects
Mostly personal modifications of systems and a couple of things I want to keep under wraps because they'll probably never get done.

>First RPG
D&D 3.5, I played a dwarf cleric named Gromgar.

-D&D campaign largely dealing with fighting off an invasion of Drow who were trying to gather fragments of divine power
-Rogue Trader who literally went from rags to riches tries to get even more absurdly rich (GMed)
-Shadowrun where I played an alcoholic medic
>Shadowrun where I played a Russian ex-merc with rocket legs where I shot people with hallucinogen rounds
>Plane-hopping D&D 5e adventure
>5e campaign where we started as slaves, and mostly went around liberating slave encampments. I played a Warforged monk named Clarke. Probably my favorite.
-Rogue Trader where I played a kindly grandpa type priest. A lot of warp-fuckery ensued and our ex-smuggler arch-militant adopted a street kid who turned out to be a stupidly powerful psyker
-JoJo's Bizarre Adventure campaign mostly centered around fighting vampires and their allied stand users (GMed)
-Stars Without Number game where I played an engineer trying to raise enough money to get his family out of their shithole living situation

First RPG I ever played was D&D 4e

There was a D&D 4e campaign I ran for 6 dudes, about 4 sessions. High Fantasy
Another D&D 4e campaign another 4 sessions, here I was a player. High Fantasy
Another D&D 4e campaign 3 sessions, the DM killed everybody by getting multiple wargods involved (we were level 3) Dark Fantasy
Another 3 sessions 4e Campaign DM'd by the same guy who did it last time. Dark Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy

One of my favourite campaigns comes after this, a Riddle of Steel campaign about a group of knights doing knightly shit. I DM'd. 5 sessions. Chivalric Fantasy, very little magic (only a single guy in the whole campaign knew a single spell. He didn't use it though)

A couple of loose Riddle of Steel campaigns with me as a DM 2 sessions A lot more magic was involved

A homebrew sci-fi gunslinger campaign which I made and DM'd 3 sessions or something. Cowboy Bebop esque.

AD&D 2e with the father of a friend as a DM, this was a great classical campaign, I loved it. Five sessions. Classic high fantasy, crawling dungeons and getting loot.

A 3 year gap.

Currently I am DM'ing a Runequest 3 campaign set in Glorantha with two players from the previous group and some new ones. It's a blast, they like it and I am having loads of fun. we are now at 9 sessions. Classic High Fantasy. The players want loot and experience while doing fun things and exploring Glorantha.

Pretty fucking hyped about finally being able to get a campaign going past the two-month mark.

>first RPG

D&D 4th back in high school

>campaigns, how long, and genre

the first D&D 4th game my friend ran - 1 year

D&D 5th game I ran, first time GMing and it was awful - 1 year off and on

Shadowrun 5th - maybe 3-4 sessions

Fantasy Flight Star Wars - 6 months

Another D&D 5th game another friend ran where we all played dragonborn - 4 months

And I'm currently running Storm King's Thunder which has been going on for 3 months

along with a JoJo game using Veeky Forums's Bizarre Adventures d10 rules ~ month and a half

> first RPG you ever played
I think it was Palladium's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for an evening. After that, the first one I majorly got into was D&D, the Red Box edition.

> all the campaigns you can remember
> how long they were
> what genre and what system/rules
For Campaigns I've GM'd for:
AD&D 2nd Edition campaign in HS that lasted for about 5 years.
GURPS Black Ops Campaign for about 2 years.
GURPS Sci-fi for about 6 months.
In Nomine game for about a month.
Vampire: the Masquerade in College for 5-6 months.
GURPS Sci-fi in college for about 3 months.
Honestly, I've done so many 1-2 month or longer campaigns that I can't think of them all off the top of my head. Mainly GURPS and AD&D 2nd Edition. Have a current campaign in D&D 5th, ran in Deadlands, Chosen, Ironclaw, Fate, Katanas & Trenchcoats, In Nomine, a number of freeform RPs, and a homebrew to tabletop Brutal Legend.

> any other RPG related accomplishments or projects of yours

My biggest accomplishment, I feel, is getting a big majority of my friends into tabletopping.
Livestreaming a 6 hour D&D session completely off the top of my head that actually worked well was also pretty sweet.

First RPG was NWN2 if that counts. Otherwise, 3.5
A decade of experience in 3.5. Played a lot of PF, CoC, CthulhuLite, DFRPG and FATE in general, bunch of d20 homebrews...
I made a complete overhaul of FATAL to make it playable. Doing a bit of tweaking right now to make it publishable.

> first RPG you ever played
Shitty homebrew I made up when I was 12, because D&D was "satanic". I forced my little brothers to play with me. Good times.
> all the campaigns you can remember
Generic fantasy game. I was 14, brother was 9, other brother was 7. No real plot.
16, switched over to GURPS. Homebrewed a setting where dinosaurs still roamed the Earth and shit and people dug magic rocks out of the ground to get superpowers
After that a 5e campaign with our neighbors. Had my first TPK.
Now I'm in a new 5e campaign, same players. We've been going for about two years now.

>45 page thesis on the evolutionary/psychological basis of ttrpgs
Sounds fucking awesome. You best be posting this son

What's your general opinion on them? Care to rank them? Just tiers would be cool

Oh boy this might take a while.

First game:

DnD 3.0 transitioning to 3.5 part way through, lasted about 9 months, finished, party destroyed the afterlife and died in the process.

Played in:
DnD 3.5, run time 6 months, never finished, party last seen being eaten by gnolls (then WOW came out and the group went to shit)

DnD 3.5, run time 6 months, never finished, party last seen running errands for dragons (cancelled due to GM needing to finish their thesis)

Monsters and Other Childish things, run time 3 months, finished, party successfully prevented a great old one from being summoned by kicking the evil science teacher in the nuts.

DnD 3.5, run time 6 months, finished via TPK, GM could not balance an encounter to save his life, entire party killed outside the dungeon by a scorpion that no one in the party could scratch the DR on even with a crit.

DnD 3.5 Gestalt with all characters having bard as one of their classes, run time 3 crazy nights, finished with party inheriting the castle built on the moors of Rockenrol, fucking succubi and accidentally inventing cylons while trying to fix the toaster.

BESM, run time 5 years, intended run time 6 months,finished, characters destroyed the world and then re built it by punching god's corpse full of ideology after quint murdering their dad.

Scion, run time two years, finished, re-started and then promptly died after the re start, party managed to stop the fey or the combat wombat's psycho sister/nemisis from destroying the world due to the serial killer nobly sacrificing himself to destroy the doomsday artifact.

L5R in Space; run time 9 months, finished, party last seen emerging from the third day of thunder having managed to Pacific Rim 4 giga oni and save one member of the imperial line to serve as a figurehead for the new Iron Shogunate.

DnD 4th ed 6 months, finished, party last seen kicking Tiamat's teeth in because IDK whatever.


DnD 3.OhGodWhatHaveYouDonePleaseStopAddingHouserulesItsAlreadyBloatedAndUnweildyEnough, run time intermittent over the past 4 years while the GM fine tunes his system, never to be finished, doomed to forever be stopped and restarted and stopped again, party last seen in multiple times and places because the GM has tried to run this 6 different times now.

Call of Cthulhu, run time numerous one shots, none finished because GM was flaky as a fucking croissant.

Pokemon RPG; run time 8 months, finished, party last seen restoring water to the ruined post apokelyptic wastes.

BESM, run time 6 months; finished until GM can find a better system to run in, party last seen having a big party after saving their wizard guild from a bunch of jerks and managing to not get arrested.

Rogue Trader, run time 4 months, ongoing, party last seen gating away from an illegal xeno tech auction just as the inquisition black ship started bombing it.

Games Run:

Paranoia, run time 3 months, finished, party last seen wreaking time and space.

Trails of Cthulhu; run time 6 months; finished, world saved, one PC survivor.

Trails of Cthulhu; fun time 6 months; finished; party mostly escaped island without being turned into vampires or werewolves.

Scion; run time 3 years, one soft reboot after half the party moved to different cities, on going, party last seen stopping a doomsday device from starting fimblewinter.

BESM; run time 9 months, unfinished, party last seen half way through the tournament story arch.

nWOD halloween game, one shot every year for the past 5 years, 70% party mortallity rate, may have finally milked the slasher they've been fighting for the past 5 years to extinction now.


FATE, run time 6 months, finished, party last seen teleporting through a black hole after having awoken the long dormant race of telekinetic dinosaurs with laser beams strapped to their heads.

Savage Worlds, run time 3 months, unfinished, died due to a sudden influx of 6 new players who were all really keen but had completely incompatible schedules.

FATE aspects only; run time 14 months, finished, party last seen embarking on the shores of death and peacefully passing on to their rest after completing an overly complex set of soul border crossing puzzles required to stop giant eagles going to war with humanity over a dick ass lich.

Firefly; run time 2 months, unfinished, party last seen hunting a bear on an ice moon.

Victoriana; run time 6 months; unfinished, party last seen on route to final boss, game died due to uni exams.

Qin, run time 6 months, ongoing, party last seen on route to demon king's island.

5th ed, run time 4 months, unfinished, party last seen cursing their nemesis "Unnamed Level 2 goblin"

Truth and Justice; run time 12 months, unfinished, party last seen admitting to being outclassed by big back and going back to just fighting their true arch rivals "super mook 1" and "super mook 2".

If you're wanting me to go through and list every system I've ever run a one shot in as well that's going to take about another 2 posts.

Oh almost forgot.

Other gaming related accomplishments:
Helping to keep a gaming society running for two years despite the CCG, boardgames and tabletop committee reps being in open warfare with each other and me being an alcoholic at the time.