No One Else Would Make It Edition

No One Else Would Make It Edition

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Why did no one else do this? I am bad at it.

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>Why did no one else do this?
Like real heroes, they wouldn't do anything unless they were paid well and given basically no other choice

See, I even fucked up the thread title thing.

>look forward to weekly D&D session
>some bullshit with one of the players cancels it
it'll be three weeks tomorrow
it's over, isn't it?
we didn't even get to level 6

I ran Curse of Strahd and they couldn't get out of Death House before people started not being able to show.

My friends want to try 5e, which adventure should I run for them?

Lost Mine of Phandelver is a great intro adventure.

Yep, happened to me aswel, 5 or 6 weeks without a session now.

Phandelver is the go to intro adventure

Phandelver to start, then leap into Strahd or SKT.

I've only been playing for about a year and finally got my character killed. I decided to make my new character a Neutral-Good Elf who's quest is to ascend to become an Arch-Lich, but I can't decide which way to do it.

1) Wizard specializing in Necromancy
2) Cleric of Death

Which would you guys recommend for becoming a Lich at level 20.


>Strahd or SKT
poor princes, forgotten already

Wizard. They're the classic liches, a Cleric could only do it through divine blessing.

Thanks, brahs.
Are there any tips for running it?

I haven't had a chance to play through PotA so I have no opinion on it. That said, while the Temple of Elemental Evil is a classic and rad D&D adventure, both SKT and Strahd are very well done and a lot of fun (so far for SKT anyways). SKT has some of the raddest magic items ever.

>wants to become a creature that relies on harvesting souls frequently to extend their own life, despite already living a long time
>neutral rather than chaotic

Fuck elves.

Be aware of how much shit the party is in during the Klarg fight. New players won't like a total party kill.

Be a minmaxing piece of shit

Could one make an Aasimar with a GOO as their celestial heritage? I'm thinking of making an Aasimar warlock and thought it would be interesting if their patron was also potentially their sire. Like a benevolent version of Wilbur Whateley in the Dunwich Horror. Of course they'd probably keep it pretty close to their chest and pretend like it's a regular angel.

That's regular Liches, Arch-Liches don't do that. They essentially give up their afterlife to watch over the world forever.

Don't be too upset if they go off track or get TPK'd on the first instance. Don't expect them to get very far either, just let them have fun and don't freak out about getting every rule perfect for your first try.

Is there even any definition for 'arch-lich' in 5e?

An Aasimar's sire would not be a GOO, though.

Thanks heaps. Good advice, brahs.
Yeah, I've heard that 5e is less of stickler about rigidly following rules and just letting the narrative flow.

Oh, forgot to also say, my friends aren't new to gaming or D&D, just 5e.

For the most part you should still follow the rules as much as in previous editions, it's just that they're more streamlined read: simpler this time around.

>tfw no saturday group
>roll20 wants me to do a skype panel interview, drug test, and psychiatric exam in order to have the honor of playing in their game

I've been thinking about running a roll20 weekend game. Maybe I will exclusively recruit from Veeky Forums

Reddit's lfg can be easier if youre desperate for a game and not autistic about hating reddit, ive had 2 decent experiences out of it.

>drug test and psychiatric exam
I was willing to express incredulity at "drug test," but "psychiatric exam" is too unlikely for me to bother.

>and not autistic about hating reddit,

Where do you think you are?

>exclusively recruit from Veeky Forums
The memes say this is a bad idea, but I've never heard of anyone that actually tried.

This tbqh. It can take a while depending on location/time zone, but it works well.

It's so transparently a bad idea that I'm not surprised no one has made the attempt.
This board is Tha/tg/uy Grand Central Station.

>The memes say this is a bad idea
I've had bad experiences with roll20 randos so it's worth a shot at this point. Worst that can happen is the game ends in 3 weeks like every other game.

Ive heard a few stories, mainly most of the people end up flaking when the day comes.

Of all the boards I've been to, this one is the least autistically anti-Reddit.

I think it's weird to go from user status to meeting someone. Plus, if you play with other fa/tg/uys you can't complain about them on Veeky Forums later.

I'm on session 21 of my Lankhmar campaign, all 4 players will do just about anything to attend.
One of them didn't cancel the same day has having teeth pulled. We reschedule within the week if we absolutely can't get together for the regular night.
Helps that our schedules are nicely compatible, of course.


Not so much simplified, but definitely streamlined.

>the most reddit-hating board on Veeky Forums, /pol/, acts exactly like reddit now, and unironically hangs out there
feels bad man

Oh man, wish we could have more content for 5e. More adventures.
More class options, archetypes for one.
Actual campaign setting sourcebooks; Cloak and Dagger style, Faiths and Avatars style, Lands of Intrigue style.

Oh man, wish we could have more content for 5e.
More adventures.
More class options, archetypes for one.
Actual campaign setting sourcebooks; Cloak and Dagger style, Faiths and Avatars style, Lands of Intrigue style.

We all do friendo

Even adventures in places other than FR would be nice. Little sandbox adventures like Strahd would be great.

>Why did no one else do this?
I wasn't here when we reached page 10, also I wouldn't do it even then because I'm afraid someone else would beat me to it and make it irrelevant.

>What do I add to attack rolls?
>Ability, sometimes proficiency
>What do I add to saving throws?
>Ability, sometimes proficiency
>What do I add to ability checks?
>Ability, sometimes proficiency
It's simpler. And that's not a bad thing. "Simple" doesn't mean "simplistic" or "insufficient."

I really don't see the need in having all these campaign setting books, I own old edition Lankhmar stuff but it's more or less junk;
You don't have to have every single corner of the world laid out in "rich" detail.
>More class options, archetypes for one.
The game has enough, and UA is doubling that number. Pls no Pathfinder.

I'm certain that 3rd party peoples will get around to cranking out enough splat to make the 3.5 expatriates comfy. I'll gladly ignore it.

they're releasing them at a steady rate. if you're so starved for content, you can always just start creating your own

What are good picks for cantrip for an evocation wizard ?

Mage hand and Light, but I don't know whether to pick Fire bolt or Acid splash, because of portent cantrip.

Agreed. The min-maxers still have 3.whatever to stack their countless modifiers in.
5e makes for smooth and intuitive combat, and really fightan is the 3rd most appealing thing about D&D in the first place.

I pity the poor creatures who make "combat fidelity" their #1 priority, and then play D&D.

Fire bolt.

I always wonder how many of these "starved" guys are full-time theory crafters.
A lot of them, I'd bet.

If there is it's not in the MM or Volo's.


or just get a fucking torch

Are you referring to Demi-Liches?

why don't people just buy fucking hooded / target lanterns

I've been playing with the same group since Feb last year. We play weekly, with the odd bonus session mid-week if we can all make it.

We've lost I think 3 long-term players since then, and went through 2 or 3 to replace them, but the current group has been solid for months.
It's the most I've enjoyed a campaign, and we regularly just chat on skype, both about the game and general bullshit, all week.

I'm probably the most likely to skip a session, as I need the money if I'm offered an extra shift at work.


Or just play demi-humans if visibility is such a game-breaker.

Nah, I work the factory floor with half my players, we BS about the game and D&D in general all the time.
Shame about your lost players.

All I can think of is maybe the extra cost?

I've got a lamp, but just realised how shitty it is compared to a lantern. It's 15' bright and 30' dim, compared to 30' & 30' for the hooded and 60' and 60' for the bullseye, and the oil lasts for the same length of time regardless.

Only downside is we play with encumberance and as a caster that extra lb is getting close to what I can handle.

DMs I've played with ALWAYS forget about lighting.

As a DM its mainly because almost every race fucking has dark vision and loses a bit of the spook factor when the one human player is the only one effected.

this, makes variant human even stronger desu

>wanting more content equals starved of content
>these starved guys are always full-time theory-crafters
That's some decent hyperbole you have there.
But then again, you neckbeard thrice-chins with no friends have to try to have some semblance of social interaction.

I played in an almost all-human party so it mattered a lot in that campaign (Strahd). I think the only races without darkvision are humans, dragonborn, and Tritons (bizarrely).


Let your players be creative. Don't fully limit them by RAW. You need to find a balance between challenging enough to be enjoyable, but without limiting your players to the point that its no longer fun. Don't let any players outshine others, probably most important rule.

Plus for martials let them do silly shit with strength or dexterity checks. Casters get spells, so give your martials a chance to break physics too, except with their fists, not their heads, although they could use their heads (literally not figuratively), but that might hurt a lot.

Anyone ever played with one that allows for light and Fog of War / distance seen properly?

Entering a dimly lit tomb and only getting half a passage drawn with two doors leading to the unknown to pick between.. Could be better than the usual "that's the dungeon blueprints"

wouldn't the undying light be better for an aasimar

How long until this link actually leads to a pdf?

Jesus Christ
Not everything is about variant humans

Showing the entire dungeon ahead of time without good reason takes 80% of the exploration out of the game.
The other 20% is the players trying to figure out if this circle is a pond or a rock.

They'll probably upload it sometime on Monday. The bard one being uploaded early was a fluke.

Should be fairly easy to write a program that constantly pings the URL and gives a notification when the return code changes.
I, however, am lazy.

it is when your dm doesn't give a flying fuck

>want to play sorcerer
>just looking at the class, it feels bare bones as all fuck

am i the only one in thinking there isn't much at all to the class?

no need to be upset user, all i suggested to him was to create content of his own, as is the norm for d&d if he finds there isn't enough available.

They're the only ones with metamagic now, aren't they? That's pretty neat.

Please let it be the Mystic take 3 this Monday

They have less spells but they have more ways of manipulating them. I mean when was the last time you saw anyone cast Magic Circle compared to Fireball? Plus you can cast them in different ways, make hypnotic pattern only affect enemies or cast a concentration spell like Haste on 2 targets or have an uncounterable counterspell with the various metamagics.

It's alphabetical order user, it'll be some dank druid classes which I'm looking forward to. Maybe some Circle of Bog or something that'll have major debuffs and swamp themed stuff for the lizard folk who make decent druids.

My DM uses the dynamic lighting on roll20, but doesn't really tailor it much, and if there's a big room with a decent fight there will always happen to be a light source whether the enemies need one or not.

Truth be told, this is probably what we're getting more environments for Land Druids, some sort of gish, and a blaster.

I think some sort of weapon based Gish focused on using Scimitars or Shillelagh is likely. Maybe pinching a few Ranger spells for it.

The other one I would expect would be a Circle of the Sun for a sort of light domain type blaster.

A bug based druid would be amazing.

and Halflings.

Stop being so autistic.


Well, I just got knocked to -7 HP by a manticore and left for dead by my party, at which point I failed my death saving throws.

Thank god it was only a one-shot.

Can anyone post a mega link for the 'Blood Magic' DM's Guild pdf?

>negative HP
leave, 3eaboo

He's right you know.


Speaking of UA, what does /5eg/ want from the next several Unearthed Arcana?

Something with Plants
New Gish


Drunken Master

No idea

No idea

Fiend Bloodline

Dragon Patron
Divine Patron
Patron-restricted Invocations

No idea

People seemed "starved" of content, see

I want a druid that can be a bit fighty without wildshape.
You know what, give me a druid that gives up wildshape for something else entirely. It just doesn't work for a "default nature spell power" for me when I'm not playing moon, especially when you can't be a fish until 4 or bird until 8.

When do high ac fighting classes stop dominating combat? I rolled wizard because I wanted to make major contributions but monsters beat my spell DC pretty easy while the fighter and the paladin just waltz through combat. Sometimes they don't get hit even once and they get the most kills.


dm's guild mega in op, under the "packs" folder

sorcerer just needs more, cause holy shit storm archetype is just god awful

If they know what they're doing? Probably around level 15 or so once the really high level spells start coming online.

You're not going to just be able to dominate combat with a single spell. Consider instead making other contributions, like casting Haste on the frontliners so they're even more effective.

Remember, it's a cooperative game, and Fighters and Paladins are very good damage dealers. Don't worry about who's getting the most 'kills'. As a Wizard, you're better off with AoE in that department to help wear monsters down, or to try and inflict conditions.

healer/utility druid
viable unarmed options for every martial class
warlock cantrip options that can rival eldritch blast
another take at spirit animal ranger