/ccg/ Custom Card Thread /cct/

Angels and Demons and Dragons, oh my!

To make cards, download MSE for free from here

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

>Mechanics doc (For the making of color pie appropriate cards)

>Read this before you post your shitty card!

>Design articles by Wizards

>Q: Can there be a sixth color?
A: pastebin.com/kNAgwj7i

>Q: What's the difference between multicolor and hybrid?
A: pastebin.com/yBnGki1C

>Q: What is precedence?
A: pastebin.com/pGxMLwc7

>Art sources.

>Stitch cards together with

>/ccg/ sets (completed and in development)


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>Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Ma'rit'lage te'risia're wgah'nagl fhtagn

This seems super weak. I want more out of WWUBRG than a 5/5 flier with a fairly weak ability. You could jack up the p/t to something like 3/3 and it would be a much more interesting card.

Really cool drawback. Hyperefficient blocker that can swing for six as a finisher? Lifelink makes this absurd; gaining six on every block is insane. Ditch it and you still have a decently strong card.

Pale Moon reference, right? I like that it shuts down countermagic, but what else does it really prevent?

The only thing I've made recently that fits the thread theme.

On the high end, this is terribly inefficient, but on the low end, it's a deeper Impulse (albeit more expensive). Sorcery speed keeps it honest, and seeing the extra cards doesn't matter much when they get randomized afterwards. Not sure how I feel about it overall, but I do wish it didn't become inefficient so quickly when more is spent on it.
>Nobody gets to do anything: The card
Not a huge fan, mainly of the second ability. Blazing Archon says the first ability is fine (I do think 'Planeswalker' needs to be plural), and I like the overall themeing. I'd rework it so that it doesn't allow its controller to literally shut down the game, or turn it into a draw-go nightmare.

True-Name Dragon, good looking edition

The defensive nature of the effect doesn't feel particularly red, but it also isn't out of color or anything, so that's more of a personal note. Other than that, it's a dragon, doing dragon things.

I like this.

I want to see the rest of these.

The rest of the commons for my set? I'll post what I have so far. This is the second set in the block. The first set is in the pastebin if you want to look through that; it has the same themes and setting. It's Athnahr.

Do you want to make that "Whenever one or more creatures..."? As is if you have 3 creatures from that opponent attack you, you get 3 separate untap triggers, which can lead to fun times.

>Talir Marauder
Could be a 2/1? Then again, that's a powerful set of abilities.

>Kethiri-Clan Scorchwind
I made some new Evoke reminder text that matches the Awaken reminder text (pic related) and uses less space. It is, however, slightly less informative. As for the card, why "leaves the battlefield" instead of "dies"?

>Skypiercer Agents
A defensive red card? This could fit just as well in green.

>Efreeti of Shifting Flame
I love the combination of flavor and mechanics.

>Righteous Charger
This feels like an uncommon, even if you aren't doing NWO. Are enemy colors a theme in this set?

>Jungle Runners
That's a common, alright. There's something wrong with the flavor text.

>Ahralian Sellswords
I don't like this at common.


Neat off color evoke, but vigilance is probably too much.

>Stampede Captain
Trigger on ETB as well? kind of underwhelming as is.

>Ferocious Stand
Angels in egypt? Or are they Ba?

>War Acquisition
Bad name. Wartime Acquisition? Something Plunder? I think this kind of theft works really well in red.

>Dance of the Efreet
Cool to see Ambush on noncreature spells. This wants to be uncommon.

"rebel leader" instead of "rebellion leader"?

>Lightning Lance
I'm in love with this design. It's genius. I would, however, consider bumping up the evoke cost to [3R].

>Fiery Response
Perhaps it could give +1/+0 on any spell, and +4/+0 on a big spell? That would make it less binary.

But can you untap an untapped permanent ?

"As ~ enters ..." and "Whenever a creature ..." should be separate abilities.

6/6 flying trample for 5R with upside is also too cheap.

Multiple copies of the triggered ability gets put on the stack, and you tap it between resolutions. But no, you cannot untap an untapped permanent.

So who is Osari? What's the story there?

The tapping and untapping rules are weird.
You can definitely tap a tapped permanent, because of the wording they use for stuff like Rally.
Because the untap symbol exists, I don't think you can untap an untapped permanent.
I would check the Rules but that takes effort

You can't tap a tapped permanent or untap an untapped permanent.

IIRC Osari is a giant Beholder god.

Without any obvious synergies, it should at least give you a minor benefit for discarding it, like Faerie Macabre.



That's a really cool idea.

> As for the card, why "leaves the battlefield" instead of "dies"?
That's the template that other evoke cards used, so I followed suit.
>A defensive red card?
In the style of Weaver of Lightning, yes.
>Are enemy colors a theme in this set?
Yep, the whole block is enemy-colored.
>I don't like this at common.
Jackal Familiar and Ember Beast set the modern precedent. Why don't you like it at common?
>Grove Gallant
Your reminder text is wonderfully shorter, but I agree that it's less informative, especially to newer players. I love the card itself, although I might cost it at 4GG as an uncommon.
Repeatable recursion like that feels more at home at rare, in my opinion.

I don't get the flavor, but I love the mirrored mechanics.


>kind of underwhelming as is.
It has a decent body at common, I'd say. I'll consider adding an ETB clause.
>Angels in egypt? Or are they Ba?
Bau replace angles in this setting pretty much one-for-one, except I can put them in any color, which has been fun.
>Bad name. Wartime Acquisition?
I like it. Will update.
>Cool to see Ambush on noncreature spells.
>I would, however, consider bumping up the evoke cost to [3R].
Not a problem. I can adjust it.
>Perhaps it could give +1/+0 on any spell, and +4/+0 on a big spell? That would make it less binary.
I think I'd have to nix the draw at that point, to keep it simple enough at common, but I like the suggestion. I'll make the adjustments.
>Fetid Shambler
I absolutely love this design. 10/10.
Osari is an ancient Beholder-like monster worshiped by one of the factions as a god.
Reposting Roxolan cards? If memory of that symbol serves. It's been a long time since I've seen that.
This is a cool design for a dual land.
Even with the heavy cost, I'm not sure repeatable scry on a land should be below uncommon.

>reposting Roxolan cards?
I found his custom cube in one of my backup drives. Too good not to share.

>the other evoke cards used
Remember that Lorwyn was before "dies" was a thing. They would have had to use "is put into a graveyard from the battlefield". "dies" also prevents bullshit with flicker effects,

Osari's Favour would be really cool with "when you cast" because you could enchant the token in a pinch

I'm in love with Forbidden Knowledge


>Osari's Favour would be really cool with "when you cast" because you could enchant the token in a pinch
Afraid the timing doesn't work out on that.

>I found his custom cube in one of my backup drives. Too good not to share.
I was around for the making of his custom cube, but I wasn't super involved. I had a few good one-offs back then, but not a strong enough catalog. Man, that was a long time ago.
Sweet, I'll update my wording.
Thanks, user! Always nice to hear people enjoying my stuff.
Solid design, but also something I don't think quite fits at common.

>Altan Street Magician
That's one of the finest depictions of flavor through mechanics I've ever seen. A damn-near perfect card.

>not Barbearian

Thanks, man. It's one of the first "good" cards I ever made, so I have a soft spot for it.
I suggest changing the name to Grizzled Bearserker immediately, and changing the subtype to match.

3 mana for 4/4 flying is a bit much, even if delayed.

You can tap or untap a creature whenever, but never tap a tapped creature as a cost and vice versa.

Not true, if you try to tap a tapped permanent, or untap an untapped permanent nothing happens.

You can tap/untap them, it just does nothing since it's already tapped/untapped. It's an important distinction.

That's what I said.

Why not just make the flip side a sorcery?

>enters the battlefield transformed

Migratory Route has the effect at 5cmc and uncommon. I think a bump in rarity and a turn waiting are worth two mana.
Apart from what said, what fun would that be?

Chronological Malstability
When ~ is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, take an extra turn after this one.
At the beginning of each upkeep, if it's not an extra turn, a player chosen at random takes an extra turn after this one.
"And here, you'll see the fruits of my research: A stopped clock that is right thrice per day. "

A little too over the top?

Inspiration drawn from Urza's block, but toned down.

>Migratory Route has the effect at 5cmc and uncommon
5 mana in 2 colors vs 3 mana in 1 color. Migratory Route was also released in a commander product where a) rarity means jack and b) cards can be much more pushed than as if it was released in a standard set.

Murder Knight also has a whole other mode that is also really pushed.



Another way to phrase it:

At the beginning of your upkeep, exile a card from your graveyard. If you can't, draw a card.

I like this a lot better, as there's no concern over an intervening-if.

>not Bearserker



You want the exile clause on the token gen on flummoxing mist itself not the token.

Not really sure I understand the flavor.