What's the best system for this?

What's the best system for this?

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Rogue Trader.

Off hand, Savage Worlds or Strike!, but you'll need something for the ship-to-ship combat.

Uncharted Worlds may work, but it's *W

GURPS. GURPS Spaceships and Ultratech should give you everything that you need.

i'm just going to leave this here, compelled by nostalgia and undeserved pride.

a crosscut shredder

Was Dungeons the dragoning 40k even like a playable thing, or just a huge mess?

iv already shilled is twice but bountyhead bebop can work well for the setting, since it sort of fills the cowboy bebop/ outlaw star niche. I want to run a campaign one of these days that's pretty much a fusion of bebop and outlaw star with some of my own bullshit thrown in.

DM: Alright everybody. Let's review those character sheets. George, let's start with you, all I know is that your character has a mentor figure?

PC1: Yeah, I made a gun-mage.

DM: Phobia: Space travel? You know this is a sci-fi game, right? Also you are still a few points short.

PC1: It'll be fine, it's only a minor phobia, anyway, and I guess I will just drop my mentor character in that case, that should put me on track, right?

DM: But that was the only thing you told me about your character, I already worked Hilda into the first session...

PC1: It'll be fine, just like, kill her off after she does whatever you need her to do or something.

DM: Fine, alright, Jack, you're... A child.

PC2: Got me more points, plus as the tech expert of the team it'll let me get into smaller spaces.

DM: And, uhh... looking here, you have higher mental stats than anyone else.

PC2: He's pretty mature for his age

DM: Okay, so, Alex, you are a... Cat girl?

PC3: Don't call her a Cat Girl she is a proud member of the Ctarl-Ctarl!

DM: Seems just like a Cat-girl me... plus these physical stats are ridiculous.

PC3: It's legal per the alien species building rules,

PC1: Those are so broken.

PC3: Shut up George, besides I have the base template right here so you can use them against us as well, so it is balanced!

DM: I don't know anything about them.

PC3: Oh I have a 69 page document on their biology, society, courtship rituals, Estrous cycle, and mating habits.

Have a pdf to share?


It's playable and really fun. Some choices are a little better than others but not by a huge margin or anything.

DM: Okay, fine, just don't make me read that... Next up is-- Sally, this is just your L5R character.

PC4: So? She still has a plot-line to resolve with Hitoriga, cause SOME PEOPLE decided it would be funny to team up with him.

PC?: He paid way more, plus that spider clan didn't seem all that bad.

DM: Anyway, this character really doesn't work for a sci-fi ga--

PC4: You let Alex play his stupid cat girl

DM: Okay... Gil

PC5: I'm playing the space ship.

DM: You're... what?

PC5: Yeah, it's from the Blue Steel supplement, totally legit.

DM: Okay, I guess, you know that we'll be doing a lot of away missions, right?

PC5: Yeah I am cool with it.

DM: ...Are those arms?

PC5: Yeah I am gonna grapple all the other ships!

DM: O... kay... I also see you forgot a Nav Computer.

PC5: I needed the points for the guns I am gonna shoot with my arms, Mary had extra points and so she got a trait that lets her function as one.

DM: On that note... Mary, you made a non-combat character... again.

PC6: Someone needs to cook for everyone!

DM: While you are being the nav computer?

PC?: Actually that seems legit, she would probably only need to supply the initial vector and then could do other things in transit.

PC6: I also can sing! That should help keep everyone's spirits up!

DM: I... Guess... Are you sure you don't want to put more points into cyber defenses as a robotic character, or buy off the default 'control codes' flaw?

PC6: Uhhh, no I think its fine, she's just a navigation/culinary droid after all.

DM: Ugh, fine, let's just start this thing.

I wish, iv been trying to find it for a bit, I wanted to check it out before I buy the bundle off of drivethru RPG.

Supposable the rules are supposed to be pretty easy to learn using a an inverted d20 system which takes elements from the d20 OGL and morphs them into something quite different. if I had it I would share it, its also got some supplements that focus on cybernetic enhancements, ship customization and its got the sort of magic system that gene and the pirates use built in.

Alright, if I get ahold of it in a reasonable time I'll post it here.

I do, let me try to find it, give me a short bit

it's actually very playable, it's just jam-packed with complicated rules and the vehicle rules need a little polish or so I am told.

Here is the core book

bless you kind anons.

I fully intend to get the thing, if nothing else then for all the supplements and advetures, I tried finding it at my FLGS but they sold the last one 2 years ago, and their no longer printing copies although amazon dos have them used...

thanks again for the PDF pal, I really appricate it.

thanks for the link, was a good read, ill have to use the stuff if I ever get my campaign off the ground

Can any weeb explain to me why anime characters, particularly those from 90s anime, have the sketchy lines across the bridge of their nose and cheeks?

I never quite understood what it was supposed to represent.

My best guess is to pop out the tops of the cheekbones and give them definition, but seems like kind of a messy way to do so, given the attention to detail on form otherwise.

back when animu characters were allowed to have noses

It's just a 90s thing. Probably definition like you said.

I like it more than new anime's flat faces.

I always thought it was to add a sense of "this character, regardless of age, has some experience in the world" like, smile lines, or wrinkles left from so much expression that even a character as young as the blond kid(forgot his name, too drunk to look it up atm) will have smiled or laughed or worried or been plagued with challenges met (and overcome), that they have a face wit the fading and the shading of an older person.

the swordswoman would have them as a visual representation but on the actual character they'd be covered with makup....it's like the little teardrop they use for exasperation, or the little # they use for frustration or anger in other anime...

Everyone has sparse but bristly facial hair.



Nice job

Thanks a ton, have you actually played it at all?