Art Thread: Weird Science Edition

This is a thread for posting modern/cyberpunk/sci fi/etc art for characters, equipment, ships, robots, environments, whatever, as well as to discuss SF-y settings, tropes and concepts

Bonus points: Pilots, cyborgs, and folks with melee weapons

Some discussion questions:
How hard do you like your SF? How advanced, i.e. do you like 20 minutes into the future pararealism, billions of years hence transhuman space opera, something in between?

What're some SF/Cyberpunk versions of 'minor magic items', some advanced gadgets that you'd see in whatever the settings equivalent of sharper image or skymall is? Stuff that's not super useful, but is interesting and adds color to the setting

How do you like robots/AIs? Just the same as people, cold but still relatable, completely alien?













It's not really a gadget per-se but in all of my cyberpunk themed games I always include Kaffenuts. Which are basically genetically engineered nuts with caffeine in them. A pack about the size of a thing of m&ms has the same amount as a medium cup of coffee.




I've been wanting to run a science fiction game for a while but really it would end up being a hotmess of stuff from Philip K Dick stories, space station 13, and a bit of Cowboy Bebop because I don't know actual science.

Unless you players like to pick stuff apart or know a lot about the subjects in particular, you usually don't need to know the sciences behind most things. If you can some up with a satisfactory layman answer to things, they'll usually just accept it without much fuss.

In my experience science isn't entierly important to science fiction. Just skim through a few wikipedia articles about advanced concepts and Kojima your way into something neat


Don't worry. Really man, don't fucking worry if your players ain't (that guy's) you should be fine.

I was doing DIAMOND-hard sci-fi camp for ages, build whole fucking world around it to the point of magical realm autism and no, 95% of techy stuff was unnecessary and only contextual and the rest of 5% was needed for a story and i was one explaining.

also what's wrong with

>Philip K Dick stories, space station 13, and a bit of Cowboy Bebop

could be kinda neat.

Care to tell us about your settings?




Care to tell us.

Not really, but i try. Its not exactly complicated or even original it kind of grown on us and me as we played a kind of spin-off of Transhuman Space.

I could best describe it as Cthulu without the weird, but with the existential slash Stalker slash Tom Clancy in muh hard-sci-fi setting.

Its very geo-political and tech oriented, warfare changed where almost all parties are in constant hybrid/cold war and by mistake and a glitch in the system someone created real ai from simulated ai doing mostly agricultural job and the ai is making world its nest so intelligently and gracefully that most nations and humans didn't even noticed that they don't own the planet anymore.

rate me
pls no bully

Sounds bretty neat

thank you

Well other than hanging around /wbg/ to much and thus causing me to overly worry about consistency, I'd say the setting has the aliens be very hard to comprehend, human beings be human, and AI being just as fallable as their creators. Throw in some cyborgs, precogs, future drugs, petty megacorp stiffs, and an incompetent interplanetary United Nations. Pretty much a setting were players can carve their own path if they want and have enough stuff rolling in the background too sweep them along if they aren't feeling sandbox stuff.




I tend to like a mix of hyper-tech that has become obscure/obscene and the bits of mostly humans trying to make a living in what is essentially the post-apocalypse for them. William s. Buroughs, Delany, Le Guin, stuff like that.



































>How hard do you like your SF?
Fairly hard to Diamond hard, though I still like it softer so long as it still tries to adhere to a strong internal logic rather than just being "fantasy but with the trappings of science!"
>How advanced
Usually I prefer close enough to the modern day that it doesn't become indistinguishable from magic, but far future shit can be good too.

>How do you like robots/AIs?
For AIs I like them ayyy lien, like the computing machines in the end of I, robot. Too far beyond the pale for humans to possibly comprehend them after a while.
For regular robots, the semi-human transitional stage is fun too.

STL most of the time, though if the FTL is fairly constrained (only can happen through the use of natural phenomena like collapsars or something of that nature) I can dig it. Personally just don't like when FTL becomes an excuse to ignore every problem that space poses.

I like my sci-fi soft, I enjoy technobabble when it is infact relevent to the story and not just shit used to fill in the gaps between a thing and why it works. You can make up whatever names and concepts or whatever it just has to be consistant and relevent



>How hard do you like your SF?

Slightly hard, but with internal consistency and an interesting setting taking priority.

>How advanced, i.e. do you like 20 minutes into the future pararealism, billions of years hence transhuman space opera, something in between?

Much more inclined toward transhuman space opera. I'm not really a fan of near future SF games, mostly because it always feels like... I dunno, the diet coke of sci fi. Keeping the scientific and technological changes to a minimum seems to make the whole exercise redundant. For what it's worth I have the same hangup with low fantasy.

Does anyone have some middle east type cyberpunk stuff? Jihadists with cyberdecks?


Not personally, no, but check out the Haqqislam faction in Infinity. They're basicaly postcyberpunk arabs

I have some stuff from a couple other factions but all the haqqislam art I've found is just a little bit too clean for me. I'm looking for stuff more like attached. Also if anyone has any request's let me know, I do have a bunch of cyberpunk-y stuff.



Isnt that the battle-egg that Defiance Games fucked over a bunch of rubes with?



Sandrakers get out




Mother fucking Ian Miller.

