Art Thread: Weird Science Edition
It's not really a gadget per-se but in all of my cyberpunk themed games I always include Kaffenuts. Which are basically genetically engineered nuts with caffeine in them. A pack about the size of a thing of m&ms has the same amount as a medium cup of coffee.
I've been wanting to run a science fiction game for a while but really it would end up being a hotmess of stuff from Philip K Dick stories, space station 13, and a bit of Cowboy Bebop because I don't know actual science.
Unless you players like to pick stuff apart or know a lot about the subjects in particular, you usually don't need to know the sciences behind most things. If you can some up with a satisfactory layman answer to things, they'll usually just accept it without much fuss.
In my experience science isn't entierly important to science fiction. Just skim through a few wikipedia articles about advanced concepts and Kojima your way into something neat