Your favorite regiment Veeky Forums? Why? I go to Kriegers for style, Cadians for skills

Your favorite regiment Veeky Forums? Why? I go to Kriegers for style, Cadians for skills.

Someone did another thread shitting on Catachans and subsequently admitted that he was a fan of them but resorted to shitposting to get replies, which I find kinda sad.

So let's have a good thread.

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Patrician taste OP.

I see what you did there.

If you all look closely

There are 2 genestelaers in this picture

In the top right corner?
Fucking hell man, so many years and I've never seen it!

Tanith First and Only. Best regiment with a novel.

The guy with the mechanic jaw got me tearing at the end. Abnett is cruel to do this.

I love paratroopers, I love light vehicles, I love bullpups, I love Valkyries,...
But I still don't understand why they got a respirator on their sternum.

Good for you op, doing your part for the betterment of the board.

I have a bit of a love hate relationship with the Death Korps. Their book made me feel to much.

Catachans are cool and all, but not quite my cup of tea.

The Tanith are again cool, but I didn't care for those books too much when I tried reading them. Maybe I should give it another shot. Are there any other regiments of celts?

I honestly don't know much about cadians other than the whole fortress world thing.

Elysians seem cool in concept. I love paratroopers irl, but again I don't really know enough to be into them.

Valhallans are cool.

Tl;dr I like all the guard, but I don't really know enough to have one I really love best.

The Cadians are undoubtedly the best Imperial Gaurdsmen ever. Yes, really! Thanks to the heritage of Cadia and their myriad heroic deeds, the Cadians are the exemplars of the Imperial Guard. With a few fringe exceptions who have severe mutations or stolid stubbornness, all Imperial Gaurd Regiments want to be like the Cadians and recognize Ursarkar Creed as their spiritual liege

Hoepfully GW decides to actualise the whole range.
It would probably the biggest endeavour possible with all the regiments already made, but it would do good to the IG I believe.
Modern plastic models would sell like hotcakes, just like the upcoming plastic TS and plastic all but confirmed SoB.

I mainly just like them because they're basically ODSTs in 40k, except they use jet packs instead of drop pods.

Dead Men Walking and Down amongst the Dead Men made me feel weird feels.

Mordian Master Race reporting in.



Who has better line discipline, mordians or praetorians?


I don't even know what the Praetorians specialty is to be honest, apart from being British.

What 40k army is best to play in a blitzkrieg style?
I mean a highly mechanized infantry with air support (without the nazi part please)

Mhm. Exactly.

I would say Mordians, Praetorians are more of a light infantry

Steel Legion obv

That'd be Steel Legion I reckon.

Ig specifically? Or just overall? Cause fluff wise the steel legion is mechanized infantry to a t. Blitzkrieg is kinda their thing. How well thst can be done in game, I'm not sure, I play admech not guard(though I'm seriously considering starting)

I can never decide between Elysians and the Steel Legion.

Being a complete fag over gas masks mechanized warfare and ww1 stuff i do love steel legion and kriegs.

(my army is made with both of them and they look sooooo good togheder)

Steel Legion

Does anyone actually like the Praetorians?
I've never seen an army of them.

>For the IG: steel legion with lots of planes
>For the game in general: Dark eldar

Well, as said above, there isn't much about them, and they don't even have official models. Combined with being a one trick pony (british colonial soldiers IN SPESS) makes it hard and not a very rewarding task to make an arly iut of them.

They used to have models ages ago

Thanks for the replies. I'm looking for an army that can deliver quick and vital blows to an opponent without them being able to mobilize all their units
I do not like Dark Eldar but you are right!

Can see one, like a couple of its arms. Where's the other one?

People say Steel Legion, but I think it's a Tallarn Desert Raiders specialty.

They were a big army in 2nd edition, like Mordians or Valhallans. They had one of the most successful battle reports in WD ever, the Battle of Glazer's River, against orks.
GW pushed other (newer?) armies afterwards, Vostroyans, Death Korps,...

To me it looks like the carapace of a stealer and the brighter green looks like a comical shape of a mouth, sorta. It also could be the dark shape of a man but it's not as fun.

Aw yisss... I kind came for glorious uniforms IN SPACEEE! when I decided for IG. But then I learned that they are like five times the cost and... kinda bailed out. Sad that even if any other regiment recives the plastic minis it's Krieg or Armageddon, or maybe Vostroyans, as there was moment they were shilling them hardly.

Sad, for the flavour of countles types of armies is one of the best themes of Space NKVD that IG was back in the day. Now they are even putting Catachans back into shadow of least flavourfull regiment.

Isn't tallarn hit and run desert boys though?

Tallarn are pure tanks. Steel legion are mechanised infantry through and through.


I do love the aesthetic.

If they ever come out with Plastic Models for these guys, my wallet will be kill

The stealer is clinging to a branch, the circled shape is a Catachan.

>That guy on the left going to use his rigle as a club
>His expensive, artificer, handmade rifle
>"Get fookin rek m8"

kinda looks like the " around black never relax" face.

I think the branch shape and the circled shape are nids.

Kriegers are just grimderp Steel Legion

Steel Legion all day everyday.

Although i do have a softspot for the Vostroyans and the Harakoni. Give me command squads of Vostroyans, steel legion infantry and vehicles and Harakoni as grenadiers.

Harakoni Warhawks

When you need someone to drop in and stay a while.

The one and only

>just another Friday night with the boys.jpg

I still get fuzzy feelings every time the Hua Yuan get mentioned after doing some of their art

Savlar Chem dogs!

It's fine stuff indeed. And their fluff is top notch.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah boi.

That's a Drookian Fenguard, you fucking pleb

Holy shit its the Irish!

The 1st Emperor's Membranes
>97% Psykers
>4 (FOUR) Imperator titans

>one of the first pictures I ever saw of IG
>literally never noticed this until now

Holy fucking shit why is new art so shit. This stuff was great and they dropped it for that shiney as hell 3d crap. Last good art I've seen was in the Skitarii codex, and it's gone to hell in a handbasket since then.

Armageddon represent

Well shit I feel like an idiot. That was like the 5th image result on a google for Savlar Chem Dog.

(FOUR) Imperator titans
As usual, Veeky Forums can't take an idea and run with it, we have to add new elements until the whole thing is a mess.... If the thread had continued they would have ended with one high lord, two perpetuals and a company of xeno waifus.

>Someone did another thread shitting on Catachans and subsequently admitted that he was a fan of them but resorted to shitposting to get replies, which I find kinda sad.

Typical Catachan behavior. Catachan itself is actually a lush and well-maintained paradise world, but they feel the need to overcompensate among manlier regiments from harsher worlds.

The Catachan Devil is actually a slow-moving vegan that was genetically engineered to collect lost children and return them to their parents.

I just finished Dead Men Walking, and I have to say it wrapped up really nicely at the end! Definitely gave lots of feels tho.

Death Korps of Krieg, hands down.

Style? Check.
Overwhelming Firepower? Check.
Grimdark as fuck? Triple Check
Gets results? Check
Unflinching loyalty? Double Check.

I want to play a Krieg Sniper or Watchmaster in an OW war game one of these days. Veeky Forums bucket list

Mind posting pics of them together?

Mordian Iron Guard and Praetorians bc muh line infantry

Anyone have any shots of that fuckhueg Praetorian/Ork diorama of a huge desert battle?

Blood Pact

Yeah, it was pretty heartless.

sure as sure

Massacre at Big Toof River, Games Day diorama 1997.

I actually found it. It's called Ork's Drift.

Man I love love LOVE old giant dioramas. I know they still do them but it's not the same? for some reason. I think the last ones they did were a giant cityfight, Prospero Burns and the Space Wolves vs Tyranids one, which was neat

>tfw you live within 5 minutes of Warhammer World
>tfw you don't want to go there because you get major second hand embarrassment from seeing people spill their spaghetti

Has to be the Ghosts

just go at an odd hour of the day, when tourists probably won't be around

the dioramas are seriously worth it

I forgot about these guys. I had the first omnibus but gave it to a friend. Idk what comes after the first omnibus though and they don't sell em in omnibi anymore

How many dioramas do they have?

The dioramas are probs my fav part of the hobby lol

I don't know man, the city fight between Ultras and Chaos hordes culminating in the fight in the tower was pretty baller.

Headhunters of Chanak.

Son of a bitch! Dammit I laughed harder than I wanted to.

That's not a Catachan, she barely has muscle, for motive purposes only.
This is a real Catachan grill, and if you don't end up with a lot of bruises then it wasn't sex.

>I go to Kriegers for style, Cadians for skills.
Dammit I wish Forgeworld updated the Krieg to have a decurion like Catachan's have now. Cavalry over Ogryns, hardened guardsmen over psykers, and a bazillion artillery pieces...
Sadly, Krieg are only cool, other regiments are much better, and Chenkov does the same they do. But who cares? W W a e s t h e t i c

wow nice catch
and of course there is marbo

Cadians followed by the Steel Legion.

Current plan for my IG army is to field Steel Legion as regular Guard and have my Kasrkin take up the role of Scions.

>Squad B goes to the store to pick up milk while on shore leave back home.jpg

catachans seem like a bad deal
they get the same flashlights as any ig but eat 3 times as much and mush more likely to drop said flashlight and charge the enemy with a fukken rambo knife. which again is not how the guard operates and very inefficient.

What Imperial Guard regiment is the closest to the french military ?


Elysian Drop Troops. They have Las-FAMAS.

Remember when Catachan rules were a thing?

I really want all this customisation back. Let me field my beserkers, damn you/

Catachans have las carbines and use a fuckton of pistol variants

But we will never have this customization again. Never ever. No more. Gone. Won't come back. Can't return. Not to be seen anymore.
This is the age of Formations, and GW can't have you customizing your minis with Emprah-knows what kind of third party.

Restricted troops wasn't a good design though. It was basically allowing you to restrict the use of units you would never take anyway against bonus.
Same thing with the "sacrifice a Fast Attack/Heavy Support/elite choice to gain an additional FA/HS/elite" idea.

And to be honest, a lot of customisation was more an illusion of customisation than actual customisation.

But they were still a space for it, and improving it would have been much better than getting rid of it.

And the French army has a thing for para.

Oh, anons!
Behold Praetorian glory:

that's even worse then

if i would be in charge of munitorum i would leave them to rot on their planet. not worth the hassle.

>liking Kreig.

easiest way to spot a lack of taste

>Criticizes taste
>Drake reaction image
Even though I do agree with you, come on, have some self respect, you can do better

it's a condescending reaction shot, and i don't listen to Drake.

Most of us who post animu reaction faces don't watch it, yet there are lines we do not cross.

Tallarn aren't my favorite but I wish they'd get more art made of them.

Definitely underrated