Hey Veeky Forums, I need a fantasy game that isn't d&d. I don't mind crunch tho the harder it is to min/max the better...

Hey Veeky Forums, I need a fantasy game that isn't d&d. I don't mind crunch tho the harder it is to min/max the better. My party lately has been really garbage lately with making characters that one or two shot everything and it's getting annoying trying to balance encounters fairly so things don't go down that fast.

Fantasy Craft. Hands down.

Everything can be abused/minmaxed. If you want something different, something more medieval, I recommend Harnmaster.

He said a fantasy game that's NOT D&D.

It's not DnD. It's OGL and it's kitchensink, but that's where the comparison stops.

I guess I should specify that its harder to min/max to the extent that you can in d&d, or at least a system that's far more punishing, cuz I don't mind glass cannon type characters.

Harnmaster. It's low fantasy though. Or WFRP 1E/2E. If you like narrative, try The One Ring.

just tell your players to stop being game breaking cucks

Beyond the Wall is fun. Character creation is tied to playbooks, so you can't game it.

I do, they stop for about 3 weeks and start up again right after. I've cancelled numerous games because of this. I'd try to find new players but there's no one around here and the nearest lgs is an hour away

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy.

>Hard to break
>user who suggested it is not a nazi

Pick 2

Dungeon worlds



I've only tried Dungeon Worlds at a demo, but it seemed great, without as powerful class progression.

>having a leash on your players is being a Nazi.

Found the pussy who doesn't speak up.

Imagine '''realistic''' ''''sensible'''' dnd, like the arma 3 of pnp games.

ARMA 3 of pnp games would be GURPS Tactical Shooting tbhf

Mythras is the best "high fantasy" game I have played, and it has an AD&D-like setting and ruleset called Classic Fantasy which gives detailed miniature battle rules and how to play the game with classes. I actually like Classic Fantasy a lot, and would like to run a game of it.

If the OP had asked for something breakable, you'd be right.

OP went out of their way to ask for something that's not easily broken.

Therefore, you're a retard.

Samefagging to also mention the nazi comment was meant to be derogatory, not descriptive of the attitude necessary to run GURPS.

I just think you're stupid enough to be a National Socialist, by which I mean you're very stupid, not making any kind of political statement.

You've got a problem that no system is going to solve
let them know that it's crap and you're not going to play with them if they do it (if that's how you feel)
and then actually follow through

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition


These three are basically just D&D anyways.