If I wanted to run these scion guys in an army, who would be the bread to their butter...

If I wanted to run these scion guys in an army, who would be the bread to their butter? Do I use them with the imperial guard? What would supplement them the best?

>What would supplement them the best?
Tau. Just rune them as Human Auxilia.

then you have the inconvenience of them not being Battle Brothers, but if you do care about the fluff you could run them along side an inquisitorial detachment

Imperial Guard armor/armored infantry. Scions are high-powered, low-body-count troops that can deep strike and move quickly, so supplement them with slower but significantly tougher vehicles to draw fire and enable yourself to "herd" the enemy where you want him for the DS attacks.

Inquisitorial acolytes. Give them bolters, best 5pts per model ever.

Are these some newfangled stormtroopers or something?

>dat paint scheme

Play eldar

Yes. They are the tempestus scions. The new kit that replaced the kasrkin and storm troopers. The storm troopers also got their own transport and codex too. They were renamed to Militarum Tempestus, which basically means storm troopers.


>choosing space elf over army of religious robo cops

Mechanicus, since they arent mobile at all. Shock troops would work well with them

Black Templars, because theyre cool as fuck

You would get more responses if you actually posted in the 40k general

Is there any way to run Inquisitorial detachments as a stand-alone army at Ideal suicide melta squad (but only if you include your Inquisitor kek) with 7 melta shots per turn, cheap as hell
>Cheap bolter dudes
>Scions-style units
>Hotshot lasguns and plasma big game hunters
And you can put your shit in Land Raiders or Chimeras or whatever

I'm currently building a GSC to run with my buddy's Scions in doubles matches.

Plenty of deep striking, infiltrating, and never-ending unit spam formations. No idea if it'll actually be effective, though it should be fun.

I've run an 1850 list using a double inquisitorial detachment. That's all inquisition all the time. The huge advantage are the transports. Razorbacks, chimmies, and even land raiders.

Max out on inquisitors, get acolyte squads with bolters, some special weapons, and fill out chimmies and razorbacks, maybe a land raider at higher points.

Chimmies with heavy bolters and psy-ammo is like a chimmy with an ap4 multilaser. It's pretty cool.

Oh and Coteaz, don't forget Coteaz.

Cool, thansk for the advice user. Sounds good. I was also considering starting GK anyway so honestly I might just combine the two. Way back in the day I really wanted a Daemonhunters Inq Storm Troopers + GK army but then they cut Storm Troopers from the list.

Wait for the imperial agents book coming out. Word is it includes grey knights and inquisition, along with assasinorum, sob, custodes, sos, and many more.

Oh shit, I hadn't paid much attention to that until now. Awesome.

Ultramarines. Run them as Ultramar Auxilia. Give them big Roman style helmets with crests and shit. Paint them in Ultra colours with blue armour, gold trim, white cloth. Get some Ultra markings from SM kits and put them on sergeants and such.

They have the same decorations on their armour and vehicles as imperial knights so use them as household troops. Three knights, three scion squads, scion command squad and four tauroxes fits nicely into 2K.

I feel like they could get along with admech my admech. The real question is what bits to use to make them more mechanicus like....


The roman aesthetic is dope, even if the smurfs suck.

Imperial Army can literally just run Scions as Elites. Basically in a standard detachment get two Imperial Guard veteran squads (and you can give them Carapace to make them scions-lite), a cheap HQ like Grand Commissar, fill the rest with Scion platoons. And you get access to IG tanks to help them out as well.

Please elaborate

>le ebbin smurfs r boring may-may