Thread starter question: How would you use real-world cultures to inspire specific corners of the planes? There could be Ainu- or Mongol-like nomadic guardinals, virtuous samurai archons, a Wild West gate-town in the Outlands, or a Tenochtitlan-like Arcadian city.
Discuss Planescape and the Great Wheel here, whether the original AD&D 2e version, the 3.X version, the 4e version (traces of the Great Wheel exist in 4e, down to the baernaloths, the yugoloths, the Heart of Darkness, Maeldur et Kavurik, Tenebrous, Pelion, and the Last Word all being canon as of Dragon #417), the 5e version, or your own original blend.
I am exceedingly well-lanned on planar canon under a holistic blend of 2e, 3.X, and sporadically even 4e lore. If you have any questions at all about the setting's lore, feel free to ask, and I will give you direct quotes and citations from as many primary sources as I can, unlike afroakuma. I will note when something is open to GM interpretation, and explicitly note whenever I give merely my own personal interpretation.
If you would like to ask anything under the context of a single edition and nothing more, please mention such.
>Basic setting summary:
>Comprehensive Planescape reference index:
> planar encyclopedia:
> planar encyclopedia:
> planar encyclopedia (contains unmarked fanon, so beware):
>List of all the multiverse's gods (contains all gods mentioned in D&D products, but also has plenty of speculation and fanon for mythological deities and for powers with few details on them):
Old threads with previous questions and comprehensive answers: