Would it make sense for an Ogre to be adopted by a human...

Would it make sense for an Ogre to be adopted by a human? I want a brute with human foster parents Hellboy style but I'm not sure if an Orc wouldn't be a better option since Ogres are large and wouldn't fit most homes. On the other hand Orcs just aren't as cool to me.

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You can justify anything mate. Just think of what the problems are and then come up with solutions

>ogres too damn big

well then he got adopted by a rich guy with a big house.

Or the Ogre helps his foster parents build a bigger house. That big and he would be able to lift logs like nothing.

Not likely.
Taken in as a future servant?
Much more reasonable.

The ogre is runt, that's why it was abandoned by it's parents and eventually taken in by humans. Though by human standards he's quite large compared to other ogres he's an ogerlet.

i can see this as something plausible, although your Ogre would take it as an insult when he's told he's small, like a certain blonde alchemist from that anime

If they take in an infant ogre they could have enough room for it. And then by he time it's too big, they're already attached to it and just find a way to make do. Building a barn for it or whatever

So basically the Premise of "Elf" minus the Christmas part. Size difference and clumsiness included.

Sure, why not. A childless farmer couple finds an abandoned ogre kid in the woods or something. They're kind but also a thick, so they keep the little monster.

think about how ridiculous of a premise hellboy is, and then re ask yourself this question
of course it can make sense
you can literally write whatever you want. maybe the adopted dad and ogre pops are best friends, maybe they're old war buddies, maybe the ogre pops killed the humans son and then got killed, but they took in his kid.

No it's not much more reasonable at all.

>Ctrl+f depends on the setting
Depends on the setting.

They name him Clark.
Little does the rest of the adventuring party know that their mild mannered barbarian is secretly an ogre.

This is the second ogre thread I've seen.

Have ogres finally become cool Veeky Forums? Like, can Ogres be as popular as Kobolds and Gnolls for PC?

What the fuck are gnolls and kobolds lmao

Ogres are cool since the first fairy tales involving them.

Ogres are clearly superior, and anyone who disagrees has shit tastes.

Ogres are like orcs but even more buff. They are great low level bosses. They're cool already.

Ogres only eat people because they aren't smart enough to cultivate large enough livestock in a sustainable way.

It makes a ton of sense for a family of farmers to adopt an Ogre infant. Just imagine how much hard farm labour a determined Ogre could do in only one day.

Source: your ass.

Cow trapped in the river? Fuck ropes and horses, get Son Ogre to lift it.
Building a barn? Fuck the entire village lifting one of the walls into place like an Amish, get Son Ogre.
Brigands stealing your livestock? Son Ogre.

They're basically the perfect grunt laborers, they can do the work of 20 men in half the time, and only eat as much as 10 men. Ogres would be the perfect slave race for an evil empire, now that I think of it.

>Village all are afraid of child ogre
>Make fun of him and hate him when he's young because they think he'll grow up and rampage through the town
>Reaches teenager levels and is suddenly huge
>People don't really make fun of him but still avoid him
>Suddenly one really harsh winter where everyone is behind
>Son ogre is there to help and they can't really refuse
>Entire town amazed when he can carry half a forest worth of trees in one trip
>Doesnt even need horses to plow the fields, just does it himself
>They're all pleased and reward him with meat pies
>They all put their differences aside and he gets to carve the roast beast during the harvest festival

I like it

Isn't this just the plot of Shrek?

I know of one story but its 40k though if you guys count Ogryns as Orges its quite a nice story.

Or a respected laborer.

Feed them and pay them reasonably, and it would still be cheaper than hiring the human numerical equivalents.

>too big
Barn. Done.

Nah Shrek is about an Ogre taking class levels and then beating the entire campaign his DM planned out by just running away from the dragon.

Wouldn't an Ogre who's grown up while being too big to fit in take being called small as a compliment?
I mean if he's been too big all his life then being called small must feel like a dream come true.

Is it Nork Dedogg and Colonel Gresis?

It's surprising they are always portrayed as barbarians and never builders.

Not smart or motivated enough in the wild, that's why they always end up as henchmen for BBEG's, since they won't leverage their strength usefully without someone telling them what to do, but humans are too scared to do so. An ogre raised from birth in a human village would basically be Hodor but slightly less retarded.

This is brilliant I'm putting freelance Ogre laborers in my campaign setting now. Trolls will fill the niche they usually do.

There is a really good InuYasha episode like this, the old lady has this 10 foot demon she adopted (maybe it is her real son, I don't remember) but it's pretty near.

Best source EU, user.

I've decided that my orcs are evil elves and Ogres fill the spot of bara noble savages, an inbetween of warcraft orcs and dnd goliath.

More systems need ogres as playable races.

Like all children?

this is basically my characters backstory


I'm surprised nobody's posted any Shrek memes yet.

In the Witcher, trolls are basically alcoholic day laborers

Then I guess you'd better Shrek yo'self, fo you wreck yo'self

Normally, I'm not one for old memes, but something about Shrek is Love Shrek is Life is just timeless.

>Taken in as a future servant?
>Much more reasonable.
"I shall name him Thrall"

I think he means Gav and Bob

Warcraft portrayed ogres as once having an empire equal to that of humanity at their peak, which they lost in their hubris much like Rome. That modern ogres are so stupid and brutish is from a literal lack of education because the orcs burned down their schools and drafted them into fighting.

>WoD ogres

Even worse retcon than BC Draenei at the time. I will never accept ogres as anything else than animals that got uplifted through warlock shenanigans during the second war.

because shrek jokes were created by a genius

It was only the 2-headed ogres that were created by Gul'dan. Even in Warcraft 1, they were dim but useful enforcers for the Horde.
Even having 2 heads wasn't much of an upgrade, lorewise, since the heads tended to bicker and argue with eachother.

Ogre is best buff race

Agreed, Orcs are no stronger than anorexic senior citizens in comparision.

Aren't two-headed Ogres called Ettins?

Yes, but the term also applies to two-headed giants.

> Would it make sense?


> Would someone still fucking do this?


See pic related.

Not in Warcraft. The Ettins are two-headed giants descended from the Titan-forged Giants of Azeroth. The Ogres are specifically from Draenor.

Hmm, good to know.